Forever Breathing (Just Breathe #3)

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Forever Breathing (Just Breathe #3) Page 13

by Heather Allen

  He smiles an evil looking grimace and reaches his arms out to embrace me.

  I back up and shake my head, “No Roman, I’m not playing games anymore.”

  He looks thoughtful and rubs his bare chin as if thinking about my words.

  “I was wondering how long you would keep up this charade. Alex is promised, and not to you.”

  My heart wavers at his words. I knew he would be intimidating like this but it is still daunting.

  “My Celia, she could never keep something like that from me. She is anything but deceptive. And Alex, I will say, it doesn’t necessarily please me that he is the one. But we can always sway him.”

  I just want to punch him for talking about Alex in this way but I reel my emotions in and clench my fists at my sides.

  “You, on the other hand, Ever, you were a loose cannon. I really didn’t know which way you would go. I was relieved when I heard you chose the Lior and then you changed your mind. Such a shame; we could have used someone like you around here.”

  My heart speeds up at the realization that I probably won’t be leaving this place anytime soon.

  I ask the only thing that really matters to me, “What about Jack, what was he in all of this?”

  He laughs, “Of course that would be your concern. Jack was inconsequential in all of this. A pawn if you will. He happened to be the guardian assigned to Sara. I couldn’t have planned it better though.”

  I frown not understanding what he is talking about.

  “You weren’t my concern, believe it or not. I was more concerned with Jaspen. Seamus knew the Erebus were getting stronger but he refused our help. Now if we would have just stepped in, we wouldn’t be where we are now.”

  “The only way to get Sara into your Erebus caves was to put her back on land. She played the human so well and was shunned to the Erebus just as I planned. What I didn’t plan on was the feelings she would develop for Jack. The fact that he was kicked out of the city and went to the Erebus didn’t help either.”

  My beating heart slows down. Jack’s story was true. He just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  He continues, “When he found you and your brother, and you came to the sea, that was an added bonus. Not only could we end Jaspen but all of his offspring as well.”

  “But why would you want to hurt your own brother?”

  He laughs, “Jaspen was at my feet our whole lives. When our father died, I took his place as the next in line. Jaspen thought it would be him. I can’t understand why he thought that but he left, finally gone from my shadow.”

  “Then I found out what he did. He developed a rebellion. And at that, a rebellion outside the city that was one of the most powerful. He never could take orders.”

  I ask, “You mean this is more about Jaspen not getting the throne here than fighting for the rights of every mer-person?”

  He looks annoyed and stares intently at me, “You have no rights here.”

  I am taken aback. Jaspen never scared me as much as his brother does.

  He turns to the door and opens it. He halts in the water and calls over his shoulder, “It was nice to meet you Ever, it’s a shame it all has to end the way it does.”

  He leaves and two mermen swim in each grabbing one of my arms, before I realize what is happening. They lead me down hallway after hallway until the bottom of the hall turns to sand and the walls are rock reminding me of the caves I’ve been in so many times before. We stop before a room barely lit in the dark of the sea and cave. I can only see the shadows of things. They swim in through a barred door, dragging me behind them. It reminds me of a jail or dungeon in those fairy tale stories. Each of them locks a cuff around my arms attached to a chain and as I look closer, the wall. I wonder what in the world I just got myself into.

  Before leaving and locking the door, one of the Lior guards tells me, “Don’t worry. It’ll be quick, it always is.” With that he turns and the bars slam closed, echoing through the water. I already know but I try anyway. I close my eyes and focus on Alex’s dwelling. Nothing happens. Somehow I am unable to ‘travel’. Great. Alex probably thx probabinks I went back home. Not one soul knows I’m here. Now is the time to panic. Curiously, I am calm. Maybe this is it for me.

  Chapter 32


  All through the next day the air in the caves is thick as they say. You can just feel the energy and apprehension. Everyone is doing their jobs, gathering supplies and weapons. But I can tell no one knows what to expect. And with their most recent encounter with Roman, who could blame them?

  Alody has been through the caves at least five times checking on people and making sure they have everything they need. I have been taking inventory of the amount and kind of weapons they have. It’s the bare minimum which scares me. I was told there is a room in the outer caves full of weapons but I’m not holding out hope. Most likely Roman’s fighters took them. Either way though, I’ve planned to go and check.

  I pass by an open door and stop dead in my tracks at my glance. A woman is lying on the dirt floor clutching a baby. Alody is kneeling down in front of them whispering words of encouragement. She is definitely a born leader. I just watch and my heart soars full of pride knowing that I get to be with her forever. I only hope I can live up to her expectations. She turns toward me feeling my presence and a smile touches those beautiful pink lips, I can’t get enough of. I glance over at the woman who seems calmer and she nods at me. Yes, this is most definitely where I belong.


  Late in the day I have gathered a group of five men led by Blake, kind of Derek’s second in command. He will lead us into the outer caves for the weapons. I’m fitting the silver armor given to me in a side room when Alody walks in.

  “There you are, I was looking for you.”

  I smirk, “Is that so. And why were you looking for me?”

  She shifts her body and moves closer finally placing her hands on the front of the armor, “I wanted to give you this.”

  She leans up and lightly kisses me. I wrap my arms around her back bringing her closer and deepening our kiss.

  When we break apart I tell her, “I’m glad I didn’t leave without that.”

  She frowns and looks upset suddenly, “James, I’m not so sure about this. I think we have enough weapons to take with us.”

  I shake my head, “Alody, we have to go and see if there are any left. Remember Jaspen’s city just went through a battle. They are limited too. If we can take anything extra, it will help.”

  She looks away and backs up, “I know, I just feel like we are pushing our luck.”

  Her eyes meet mine, “I just found you. I don’t want to lose you.”

  I gather her in my arms again and devour those pouty lips again. Hopefully this will convince her that I’m not going anywhere. Not without a fight anyway.


  The six of us make our way out of the caves and into the water. It still gets me every time going from air to water. I’m much more comfortable transforming from fin to legs. Legs to fin is still a bit uncomfortable, but I manage. We swim out to the outer rooms all covered in wood. It’s eerily quiet to me. I admit, under the sea, everything is quieter than on land, but this is creepy quiet. Yes, I have definitely watched too many horror flicks.

  As we round the corner following Blake, he falls back into me with a Yelp. I glance down and see an arrow sticking out of his chest. Crap!

  I yell to the others, “Get back, take cover!”

  The rest of us disperse into corners and rooms. I manage to pull Blake back into the closest room. I pull the arrow out with a swift movement and jab my hand with it. I squeeze my blood into the wound the best I can. I now understand why this works better in air. I place him against the wall and tell him, “Hey, I’ll be right back.”

  He grabs my arm before I’m out of reach and says, “Go give them hell James.”

  I nod and head out the door. That is exactly what I intend on doing. This is an unfair
fight. Alody’s people have been through enough.

  I swim out into the hall and meet the gaze of two of the others. I jerk my head in the direction of the outer room letting them know my intentions. They both reach for arrows and ready their bows to cover me. I swim out with my spear in hand. Yeah, we all know how I suck at that. It’s a weapon, nonetheless. As I round the corner, one Lior is aiming an arrow straight at me but before he can release, an arrow sails straight through his chest. Another one flies through the water from behind me meeting the arm of another Lior. I look around to see what we’re up against. All together I count five more coming at us. I raise my spear and release it, trying to ‘will’ it into the closest Lior. It meets its mark just as a fist delves into my back. I wince and turn at the pain. He’s already about to throw another punch but I block it and connect my fist with his face. He seems disoriented but comes back at me. I raise my arms to block his punches and follow with my own. Both of us are taking a beating. Finally, I connect with his side and a crack rend a craverberates through the water. He falls to the floor grasping his side. I punch him once more knocking him out.

  When I turn around, the others are standing there watching. I look around and notice all the Lior are out cold. One of the others speaks up and asks, “Blake?”

  I shrug my shoulders, “Not sure. We need to get him back as soon as possible though.”

  We split up. Two go back to the small room and get Blake to take him back and I take two with me to check out the weapons.

  As we enter, it’s not as bad as I feared but not as good as I hoped. Half the spears are torn off the walls and broken. The bows are in better shape. We start to gather as much as we can carry. I must shoulder eight bow sets. I just hope no other Lior come looking for their friends.


  The minute the water drains from the outer room, Alody is marching in furious. I know why and I’m willing to take anything she has to dish out. A small smile plays on my lips at the memory of this same Alody the first time we met, not so many days ago. She smacks me in the arm and starts her rant, “I told you not to go. I told you it was dangerous. And now look at Blake. Why didn’t you listen to me?”

  Her voice starts to waver. I drop the spears and release the bow sets holding my arms out for her. She slams into me burying her face in my chest. I rub her back soothingly while she tries to stop her tears. She pulls back once more and smacks me again, “I thought I lost you when they brought him back.”

  I lift her chin up so she looks me in the eyes, “You will never lose me. Do you understand that? I am yours forever.”

  She loses it again and sinks into my chest. I smile at the irony of it all. My sweet, strong, Alody.

  Chapter 33


  I fall asleep when I realize the excitement is over. And my dream comes back…

  “Ever, I can’t find you, where are you?” I answer, my voice full of panic, “I’m so sorry Jack. I messed up big this time.” “Where are you?” I look around and realize I’m in a room full of rock walls and sandy bottom. In front of me is a door with bars across it. I answer him apprehensively, “I’m not sure. I don’t know where I am.” As I look down, I notice my fin is locked between rocks and blood is seeping into the water turning it pink. I announce, “Jack, I’m scared…”

  I wake disoriented and realize I’m still in this damn room locked up like a common criminal. It’s more like a jail cell. I focus on my dream and think about what was different this time. Each and every time Alex or Jack was looking for me. At first I thought it was mirroring the past when I left Alex during the battle but later it was Jack looking and not Alex. Maybe these dreams are supposed to tell me something. UGH! I’m just tired of thinking.

  I look around the room and realize in this dream I was in this room. My fin was stuck and bleeding. Oh great, probably something to look forward to.

  The lighting is really poor. It’s so dim, I can really only make out shapes. I move my arms and turn my body, testing the restraints. There is no way those chains are budging. I close my eyes deciding to try ‘traveling’ again, maybe a different place this time. I focus on my Gam-aw’s bathtub. That’s a funny thought. The water doesn’t move and I’m not suddenly in air. I already know before opening my eyes, I’m still stuck here.

  At least I know Jack is safe. Even if I don’t come out of this, he will be alright. I have to keep telling myself this. And James… I wonder where he is. I hope he went back to land and is getting ready to finish up his last year of high school. He deserves it and so much more after what I did to him with this whole sea thing. I pray he doesn’t go after Sara again. Sara, as I picture her, I feel pure hate. Not only did she try to kill me but she tried to steal my promised and broke my brother’s heart. This infuriates me. There is no way I can let this be the end. Not as long as that girl is still breathing air on land or in the water. I have to find a way out if for nothing else but to warn everyone I love.

  I squint into the water trying to see if there are any large rocks. Something is jutting out of the sand across from me. I focus on it trying to ‘will’ it up. After a long bit of wiggling, it breaks free. I glance over to the rock wall near the chain above my right arm, snaking from the wall. I pull forward straining the chains and ‘will’ the rock across the room to hit the wall behind me as fast as I can make it go. It breaks pieces of rock off of the wall above the chain. I pull it back again and hammer it forward. After three more tries, the rock is in pieces and one arm is free with the chain flowing in the water.

  I glance across the room again to find another large rock. An even larger one juts up out in the middle of the room. How I didn’t notice this before, who knows. I use my ‘will’ agawillin and wiggle it back and forth. It nearly drains me as it comes out so slowly. It must take me two hours to get that rock out but it finally breaks free. As before, I look above my left arm this time finding the spot I want to hit.

  I raise the rock across the room and ‘will’ it across the room as fast as it will go. The wall on this side must have been weaker because as soon as that rock hits it, the wall comes off in a huge slab taking me with it. As I’m pulled forward still attached to the wall, I feel something slam into my fin. And then I remember my dream and curse myself, knowing exactly what this means.

  Chapter 34


  As soon as Alody was done being emotional and got herself together we walked in to see Blake. It isn’t as bad as I thought it was. I do think getting my blood in there right away, helped.

  I slice my palm open, which is becoming a regular thing lately, and squeeze it into his wound for the second time. I can tell already, he’s going to be fine. As I’m wiping the blood from my hand, he wakes up and asks, “How’d it go? Did you get them all?”

  I nod, “Yes, we did, I’m afraid now they might send reinforcements.”

  I glance back to Alody and speak to her but for Blake to hear, “I think we need to leave sooner than we planned.”

  I turn back to Blake, “And I think you should stay here.”

  He nods, “I’ll stay. We need someone here to defend the caves if they do come.”

  I’m glad he understood what I wanted without having to spell it out. I look back to Alody waiting. She looks at me thoughtful and smirks, “I think you might be right James. What if they do come? If we take all of our fighters…”

  I shake my head, “They won’t bother trying to find them. These caves are pretty hidden back here. But we’ll leave some just in case.”

  She grabs my hand and leads me out of the room calling behind her, “We’ll talk before we go Blake.”

  Then she turns to me and states, “We need to tell the others and make sure everyone is ready.”

  I follow her down the hall. When we get to the meeting room we find the majority of the people making last minute preparations and securing our new collection of weapons.

  She announces, “In light of the recent attack in the front caves, James thinks it’s a good
idea that we leave earlier. Meet in the outer room in one hour.”

  I look at her with my mouth hanging open as she turns around.

  “What was that? James thinks? So if this thing goes south, it’s my fault.”

  She throws her head back laughing, “They have to see you as someone who makes decisions too. You are my promised and that means being with the leader of this outfit. In case you didn’t know.”

  I squeeze her checks and peck those perky lips. She is so adorable.


  The hour passed too quickly for my liking. We went back and met with Blake to plan for any attacks on the caves. We are leaving six men to help Blake. That makes a total of about one hundred and twenty men and women traveling with us. I fear that Roman may see us leave but there’s nothing to be done about that. We have to leave and there’s only one way out. We head down the halls loaded with gear and suited in Erebus armor. I glance back behind to gauge the mood of everyone. They look hopeful but also afraid. I’m afraid as well. If we are greeted with Lior on our way out, my fear is that we won’t make it across the ocean unscathed.

  Alody and I exit first before anyone else. We make it out of the transition cave and into water. She follows me out into the outer caves. Making my way around each corner, I look for anything out of place. It’s still eerily quiet but nothing seems different from the last time I was out here. When we enter the front cave two things happen.

  First I see movement across the room, up in a corner rafter, with a bow aimed right for my chest. I pull Alody up close behind me and whisper, “Hold on to me.”

  She grasps my hips and I close my eyes focusing on the rafter behind the Lior. The water shifts and we appear behind him as an arrow hits the wall where we were once standing. I feel Alody’s hands drop from my sides and I plant my fist in the center of his back. He didn’t even get a chance to react.

  The second thing that happens takes me off guard. I hear a gasp and look back to Alody. She is glaring at me. I turn and ask concerned, “Are you okay?” I look her over checking for injuries.


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