The Ocoda Chronicles Book 2 Lost Heroes

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The Ocoda Chronicles Book 2 Lost Heroes Page 1

by Daniel OConnell



  Copyright © 2011 Daniel O'Connell

  All rights reserved

  ISBN-10: 1466389974

  ISBN-13: 978-1466389977


  To my Asawa Yovemyl



  The year is 2085, two years after Paladins victorious return to Earth.

  "General Jackson!” The officer on deck yells out, "The T-Challa fleet is closing in on Paladin as predicted; our fighters are reporting all wings at the ready, and awaiting your orders, General."

  Jackson sits in his command seat onboard the newest Super Carrier, the U.S.S Yorktown. The ship is currently cloaked with five other Super Carriers, forty-eight Paladin class Battleships, twenty-seven Cruiser class ships, one hundred forty nine Destroyer class ships. In addition, over a thousand support fighters, representing every nation on Earth. All stand at the ready to launch at a moment’s notice. This armada represents the bulk of the Earth’s defense forces, as it prepares to send a deliberate message to the T-Challa Empire. The message is that the Earth is a force to be feared.

  The Super Carrier class ships are massive, almost three times the size of a standard Paladin class Battleship. Its top deck is completely covered, from one end to the other with multiple turrets, both Heavy and Medium class. While its port and starboard sides are intertwined with multiple torpedo bays and Light cannons. Just under the main weapons deck are two additional decks for launching and recovering multiple support fighters, while its engines and power core are on a level that rival Paladin itself. However, the mighty ship albeit extremely fast, lacks the maneuverability of the Paladin Battleship class ships.

  The new Cruiser class ships are similar in design of the standard class Battleships, which is slightly smaller than its Battleship counter part by twenty-eight meters and lacking some armaments. It is however, more maneuverable and very agile.

  Finally, the Destroyer class, this vessel was built for scouting and support ship duty. It is also able to go toe to toe with a T-Challa Heavy Class ship. These Destroyer class ships are quick and simple to build, and are fast becoming the mainstay of the Earth defense force. The Earth defense force can create five of these ships each week. With the Earth faced with its own destruction, its populace has pulled together to build this fleet under two years, as the entire world has rallied to banner of hope brought by Paladin.

  Jackson jovially calls out over the holocom to Paladin, "Hey Cale, tell me how’s life is as the worm on the hook."

  A moment later Caleb responds, "Tell me again Jacks did I actually agree to this, or am I just being stupid."

  Jackson laughs, replying, "I’m still waiting for you to do something smart alien man."

  Caleb laughs aloud, replying, "All right Jacks, I’ll give you that one."

  Paladin responds, "We currently have four hundred eighty-nine Heavy Cruisers, four Super Dreadnoughts, and seventy-four Dreadnoughts approaching us at flank speed. It appears that in the two years that have passed, the T-Challa have also maximized their shipbuilding production. This is a sizable armada, and at their current speed, they will be on us in twenty-eight minutes and forty-three seconds. Please make time for your attack in forty seven minutes forty seven seconds."

  Jackson annoyed replies, "Paladin, I have a watch, I know when to attack."

  Paladin jokingly asks, "You did remember to whined it today?"

  Jackson smiles replying, "Ok Paladin, you pick on me for lame jokes that one was really weak, can we get back on the subject at hand."

  Caleb says, "Ok Jackson, as soon as they pass by, and are out of their optimum weapons range. Then, and only then, do I want you to switch to shields, just before you launch your fighters, and Jacks, not a moment before."

  Jackson confused asks, "Why not just launch first before we uncloak, and we'll activate the shields?"

  Paladin responds, "That many ships launching at one time will give off a large energy signature General. The T-Challa sensors may not be as good as our own, but they will have a hard time not detecting that much energy."

  Caleb adds, "Besides Jacks, when they see the fleet behind them, it should throw them into a panic and chaotic state, and that should give us even more of an advantage."

  Jackson frustrated replies, "You know Cale you do this all the time. We had a plan remember, we all agreed on it…. Ah hell Cale, you really should tell us about this stuff before we agree on a plan of attack."

  Paladin sarcastically responds, "Where is the fun in that."

  Jackson slaps his hands on his face and says, "Paladin, I know you and Caleb are connected permanently, but do you have to be as big of an ass as him."

  Caleb sarcastically responds, "Hey be nice to Paladin, he’s got a much bigger ass than me."

  Jackson annoyed replies, "Why do I even bother. Ok, we will switch to shields the moment they have passed beyond their weapons range, and then we'll launch the fighters. Any other surprises you arrogant asses want to change?"

  Caleb smirking replies, "I’ll let you know a minute or two before I think you need to know."

  Jackson, irritated says, "Cale, we are friends you know, you could try and treat me just a little better than you do the diplomats back home."

  Caleb pauses replies, "Sorry Jacks your right, force of habit with me I guess."

  Minutes feel like hours as the massive T-Challa armada exits hyperspace, and passes by Earth’s hidden fleet. The immense T-Challa fleet moves out at flank speed, as they attempt to destroy Caleb and Paladin. On board the Yorktown an officer announces, "Sir, I’m picking up something behind the T-Challa fleet."

  Captain Mulvey snaps back, "What is 'something' crewman?"

  The crewmember replies, "Unknown sir, it’s just a bunch of small blips of energy."

  Captain Mulvey replies sharply, "Well figure it out sailor; I’m not going to go to the General with a something. I want to know absolutely what this something is."

  The crewmember replies, "Yes sir."

  Jackson overhearing asks, "Captain Mulvey, anything to report?"

  Captain Mulvey replies, "Nothing yet sir, just some odd energy blips on the scanner. We are working on it sir."

  Jackson annoyed says, "Well, figure it out quickly Captain. We uncloak in thirty seconds.” Mulvey was handpicked by Caleb to be my second, but the man is too much by the book for my liking.

  Mulvey hastily answers, "Aye, aye General, working on it now sir."

  Jackson yells out, "All ships! Prepare to switch to shields. All fighters prepare to launch on my order!"

  The clock counts down to zero, as finally the Earth’s massive fleet uncloaks. The armada appears from out of the darkness of space with all systems ready to attack.

  The T-Challa fleet is taken completely by surprise. However, it react quickly, they immediately turn around to face the colossal Earth fleet, which is directly behind them.

  Just then, the crewmember at the sensor station yells out, "Sir! I have a huge power source directly ahead of us, just on the edge of our firing solution. Whatever it is it’s cloaked, but my sensors are telling me that it’s definitely gateway energy!"

  Jackson very surprised yells out, "What, a cloaked gateway?" He pauses as he thinks to himself. Damn it all, we just trapped ourselves.

  Jackson quickly barks out orders, "Move us into firing range, and prepare to launch fighters!"

  Paladin hastily breaks in over the holocom, "General, I am picking up massive gravitational fields and extreme time fluxes from that gateway. Do not launch your fighters. I repeat, don’t launch your fighters. Exit the area at onc
e. Jacks, get your asses out of there now."

  Jackson yells out, "Hold our fighters, and prepare to escape into hyperspace."

  Just then, the gateway finally uncloaks. It sits just on the edge of the Earth fleets effective weapons range.

  The T-Challa gateway is open to its maximum settings, as two Light T-Challa Cruisers also uncloak on either side of the gateway, and are immediately pulled through the gateway. The Earth fleet is now caught in the massive gravitational field, and is being pulled in the direction of the gateway.

  Mulvey, disturbed yells out, "Sir! We’re being dragged into the gateway. Our engines are at their maximum output, but we’re still being dragged toward the gateway."

  The sensor crewmember yells out, "Sir! We have the T-Challa fleet closing toward us. They will be in firing range in just a few minutes."

  Jackson focused, asks, "Can you get Paladin on the com?"

  The com officer replies, "Sorry sir, the gateway is distorting all holofrequency, I can’t get anything."

  Mulvey looks up at the main viewer, panicked he yells, "We have incoming missiles, torpedoes and plasma charges, thousands of them!"

  Jackson, confused asks, “I thought you said it would take minutes? Not moments?"

  The crewmember apologetic replies, "Sorry sir, the time delay is throwing off all my readings."

  However, as the helpless Earth fleet watches the incredible barrage of weapons fast approaching they are all shocked to see it dragged away and into the gateway.

  Jackson happily surprised asks, "Let’s get into hyperspace. We need to get the hell out of here?”

  Another bridge officer reports, "Sorry sir, we can’t get the hyper drive online, it appears the gravitational pull from the gateway is creating an issue with the hyper drive."

  Mulvey concerned says, "We are getting closer to that gateway. I estimate we have less than five minutes till we get pulled into it."

  Jackson sits in his seat thinking to himself. Damn it Cale, where the hell are you, we are about to lose the entire Earth fleet. You have to be aware of this. What the hell are you doing?

  Mulvey apprehensive asks, "General, sir, what are your orders?"

  Just then, the sensor crewmember yells, "Sir! We have detected multiple nuclear blasts, just outside the gravitational field, and all within the T-Challa fleet. I’m estimating that they have taken extreme damage to right flank of their fleet, and we should be able to escape through there, but only if we can activate hyper drive."

  Jackson relieved thinks to himself. About time you did something Cale. Jackson yells, "Get all our ships ready to hit hyper drive! Our ride out of here just arrived."

  Then a crewmember excited yells out, "Sir, its Paladin! It just plowed through the T-Challa fleet, and is heading to the gateway at top speed."

  Just then, Caleb comes over the holocom, saying, "Jacks, I’m sending the coordinates of where my crew is. You need to get them as soon as you break out. I’ll block the gateway for as long as I can, but the second I do, you will need to hit hyperspace and exit through the opening I created. You will only have a few seconds."

  Jackson confused, asks, "Your crew? What the hell are you talking about Cale? How the hell can you unload seventeen hundred people so fast? It’s only been a few minutes?"

  Caleb replies, "I only have one hundred people left on board. You are in the gravitational field of a black hole, and its distorting time my friend. It has been over an hour, and we are running out of time fast. The T-Challa will regroup in just a few moments."

  Jackson realizes why Caleb must have evacuated his ship asks, "Cale, what the hell are you going to do?"

  Caleb answers, "As soon as I get to the gateway, I’m going to use my superior shield system to temporarily block the gateway. It will only work at best for a brief few moments, but it should be long enough for you to get the fleet out of here."

  Jackson realizing the situation asks, "Caleb, how are you going to get away?" Damn you Cale.

  Caleb smiles, and says humbly, "Jacks protect my daughter.” Goodbye my friend.

  The holocom transmission is cut. Paladin quickly arrives at the gateway, and immediately blocks the opening of the portal. The moment he does the gravitational fields diminish for just a moment, and in that moment, it allows the Earth fleet the time it needs to escape into hyperspace.

  The navigation officer yells out, "Hyperdrive established. The entire fleet has green lights for hyperdrive. We have a course plotted!"

  Jackson frowns, saying, "Get us out of here, best speed."

  The Earth fleet slips through the opening Paladin created, and within seconds, are far away from the T-Challa trap.

  The sensor crewmember reports, "The entire T-Challa’s armada is closing in on Paladin sir. I’m registering several detonations on Paladin sir."

  Jackson angry screams, "Damn him! Why does he have to do this crap all the time?"

  Then the crewmember surprised yells, "Sir! I’m picking up a nuclear launch, from Paladin!"

  Suddenly there is a blinding light as the Earth’s fleet is shaken even well within hyperspace by the overwhelming blast.

  Mulvey shocked asks, "What just happened?"

  Jackson stone-faced sitting down says, "Take us to get the crew of Paladin, and then set course for home Captain."

  Mulvey confused asks again, "But sir, we don’t know what happened, he could have survived?"

  Jackson stands up from his command chair and leaves the Bridge. He ascends to his quarters above the bridge ignoring Captain Mulvey’s question.

  Mulvey confused looks to the sensor crewmember asking. "What happened?"

  The crewmember replies, "It appears that Paladin blew up the gateway with the entire T-Challa fleet bearing down on him. I’m sorry sir, but nothing could have survived that level of devastation sir. The energy output of that gateway was off our scale."

  Mulvey confused asks, "Are you saying Paladin is gone?"

  The crewmember somberly replies, "Absolutely nothing could have escaped that blast field sir."

  In Jackson’s quarters, atop the bridge, Jackson sits down in his ready room. He pours himself a drink, and collapses into his chair. He sits there looking out into the stars from his observation dome above his quarters, thinking to himself, Damn you Cale, why do you have to be the hero every time. Can’t you just once let someone else be the hero? God damn you Cale. We need you. . . I need you. . . What do I tell your daughter?

  The holocom opens in Jackson’s ready room, "General Jackson?" Mulvey cautiously says, "I have Earth command on the com, they want to talk with you directly."

  Jackson sighs, replying, "Put it through Captain."

  General Haggier appears, asking, "Jackson, what the hell happened?"

  Jackson takes a swig of his whiskey, leans forward, and says, "We lost Caleb and Paladin. The T-Challa had their own trap planned as well. We succeeded in destroying their fleet, but at a price."

  Haggier sits down and somberly says, "Losing Paladin is a devastating blow. I will inform the world leaders. I want you to hold your position and wait for orders."

  Jackson replies, "We’re picking up Paladins crew first. Afterwards, we’ll stop and wait for orders."

  Haggier warily asks, "I know he was your friend Jackson, are you capable of handling your command?"

  Jackson glares at Haggier answering, "I can do my job just fine Haggier." Jackson shuts off the com

  Ten minutes later, the Earth fleet arrives at the coordinates given by Caleb. Once there they pick up six support fighters, carrying eight transport pods loaded to capacity, and eight free-floating boarding pods also loaded to capacity.

  They quickly recover all the pods and ships, bringing them all on board the Yorktown’s flight deck. After a few minutes, Jackson’s wife Qui Shi exits with Valentine Arao, who is unconscious and on an anti-grav stretcher with Commander Mohammed Shi Reis, carrying Carla Ocoda, who is in tears.

  Jackson is standing on the deck watching, as his wife who runs up
to him crying hysterically.

  Jackson remains frozen emotionless as his wife cries on his chest. Damn you Cale.

  Finally, Jackson speaks, asking, "Qui Shi, what happened?"

  Qui Shi very emotionally drained rattles off, "Caleb did the only thing he could think of. It was all so fast Andrew. . . . He did something to Val. He’s in some form of a coma. . . I think he downloaded too much information into his mind."

  She turns and looks over at Val, turning back she continues, "Benton, White, Cooley, and Onatof stayed with him as well as a few other volunteers. They all knew it was going to be a one way mission."

  Jackson finally succumbs to his grief as his knees buckle slightly as he begins to show some emotion. It should have been me. We need you Cale. What the hell am I supposed to do now?

  The entire deck of people begins to follow his example as crewmember’s grief stricken act out. Qui Shi helps her husband steady himself. She says to him softly, "Andrew, you are the one everyone needs now. You have to be the strong one, and you have to pull us back together please."


  Jackson looks to his wife and says, "Find out what he did to Val, and do whatever you can, but get him up fast. I need him.” Ok Jacks, it's your ballgame, you wanted the ball, and now you have it. Everyone needs me and I can’t let them down.

  Mohammed approaches with Carla, saying, "Our Little Flower wants to talk to you General."

  Jackson reaches out, and takes Carla up in his arms. Looking at her he asks, "Yes Little Flower, what can your Papa Jacks do for you?"

  Carla sobbing says to Jackson, "I can’t hear my Papa anymore Papa Jacks, can you please find him. Please?"

  Jackson lowers his head thinking. His last words to me was to watch after her, no matter what I do I will protect her as if she was my own.


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