The Ocoda Chronicles Book 2 Lost Heroes

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The Ocoda Chronicles Book 2 Lost Heroes Page 4

by Daniel OConnell

  Jackson smiles and replies, "Yeah, I know, we have every television network, every head of state, and every other famous person on this planet to see this wedding."

  Caleb smiles, saying, "Well, you are the face of the crew that saved the planet."

  Jackson replies, "Well, that’s cause you won’t talk to them."

  Caleb just smiles, saying, "Yeah, me talking Jacks, we both know how well I do with talking to people."

  The following morning the crowd of spectators, dignitaries, diplomats, and celebrities from all over the world, arrive for the wedding of Colonel Andrew Jackson and Qui Shi Chan. The news reporters are everywhere. The event is being billed as a space love story, and a possible movie is being proposed. However, to Jackson and Qui Shi, all they just want is for the day to be over.

  Qui Shi is in her room with her older sister Em, as her maid of honor, and her other bridesmaids, Kitanna Cohen, Rachel Cooley and for her flower girl, Carla.

  Qui Shi frustrated pouts, "This wedding is a mess. We have Paladin hovering above the event. More press and paparazzi then you have at the largest Hollywood event, and every celebrity from across the globe, and what’s worse. I don’t know who any of these people are."

  Cooley happily says, "You’re famous Doc, you’re marrying the hero of the planet. The face of our crew is your future husband."

  Qui Shi agitated replies, "Well, that’s because Caleb has made himself so unimaginably difficult to deal with. That man aggravates me so much."

  Carla laughs says, "You like my Papa too, Mama Qui Shi."

  Qui Shi embarrassed scolds, "Carla! That’s not nice. It’s bad to look into people’s heads without their permission."

  Kitanna laughs, saying, "Well, I thought he’s cute too, but he is so lost to his wife. He lives with her in every thought, and breath."

  Cooley smiles, asking, "And how did you find that out?"

  Carla laughs, saying, "She asked Paladin all about my Papa too."

  Kitanna innocently laughs, saying, "Well, I am a girl. I was just curious?"

  Qui Shi smiles, saying, "Well, Andrew is so much sweeter and approachable. Besides, I can make him do whatever I want."

  Cooley jokingly says, "Well Little Flower, your Papa does nothing for me, he’s way too cold and distant for me."

  Carla innocently says, "Well, that’s cause you love Uncle Reggie, but I don’t understand why you keep thinking you’re late, even when you’re with him."

  All the women stop, and look at Rachel as her eyes go wide. The room burst out laughing. Rachel grabs Carla and yells, "Little Flower! You need to stop saying what people are thinking, it’s not funny anymore."

  Carla confused asks, "Well, you think it’s funny, but you say it’s not? Why is being late funny?"

  The women all laugh, as Qui Shi says, "Carla, yes it’s cute, but you need to stop doing this. What’s in people’s heads are private matters. Now don’t make me give you a shot to stop you from doing that."

  Carla’s eyes go wide and says, "No Mama Qui Shi, I’ll stop. Please no more needles, please."

  Cooley, realizing what Carla can do asks, "Wait, do you know what your uncle Reggie thinks of your auntie Rachel?"

  Qui Shi shocked says, "Whoa, now stop that. Let’s not start this up again."

  A moment passes when Carla starts crying, "Papa is mad at me for using my gift, and he’s going to punish me after Mama Qui Shi's wedding."

  Kitanna confused asks, "How does he know that you were showing off like that Carla?"

  Carla upset says, "He can hear my thoughts, especially when I’m scared, and I’m very afraid of needles."

  Qui Shi smirks, saying, "Carla, don’t worry about your Papa, he won’t be punishing you for this. This is just us girls having fun. Do you hear that Mr. Nosey body?"

  Elsewhere, in Jackson ready room, the men of Paladin’s command crew are preparing for the wedding.

  "Arggghhh!” Caleb grumbles complaining, "Jacks that future wife of yours lives to aggravate the hell out of me."

  Jackson smiles, asking, "Really what she do now?" Cause I love to watch you stress out, instead of me.

  Caleb shakes his head and smiles sarcastically back answering, "Nothing really, but she undermines me with Carla all the time, and I have no choice but to accept it. She has become like her second mother."

  Jackson says, "She is really taken with Carla. You know Cale; she loves her very much."

  Caleb smiles and says, "Yeah I know Jacks. I can still hear Carla’s thoughts, most of the time anyways."

  Anders impatiently says, "Can we get on with this. I have a date in an hour with your future sister-in-law."

  Caleb shakes his head and says, "Scott, don’t you ever just stop. Hell man, if you’re not in the ship blasting the T-Challa into itty bits of pieces. You’re driving through women like disposable Dixie cups."

  Ander’s laughs, saying, "I’m not seeing a problem with this."

  Caleb shakes his head, thinking to himself. Damn Scott, I know losing your family messed you up, but come on.

  Jackson concerned asks, "Scott, are you at least going to the reception?"

  Anders laughs, saying, "Yeah, she says we have to go, but we can leave right after the toast."

  Benton, laughing says, "Anders, you’re in a league all of your own."

  Then there is a loud knock on the door, as it opens immediately after. In enters Wu lei Chan, very tense, saying, "We are just waiting for Cal…" He pauses, as his eyes focus on Caleb and asks, "Caleb, when did you arrive? My men have been waiting for you back at Paladin?"

  Caleb smiles, saying, "Well, I’m actually not really here mister Secretary.” The image of Caleb walks through Mohammed and says, "I only have about forty eight minutes left off the ship after last night’s celebration so. . ." The image of Caleb smiles as his hands go up innocently.

  Chan eyes light up very surprised and says, "My goodness it looks like you’re really here, very impressive holotechnology."

  Caleb says, "Well, when the wedding gets into the final half hour I’ll slip into position using a PCD, and fulfill my obligation properly and in person."

  Klaus curious asks, "Admiral, sir, what about the toast?"

  "Well.” Caleb pauses continuing, "I’ll do that as soon as I can, then I‘ll make a mad dash back to the ship."

  Chan says, "Well, let’s get going, half the planet is watching this event."

  Jackson goes pale and asks, "Half the planet?"

  Benton gets up behind Jackson shoving him through the door. "Come on fearless leader. Lead us."



  Present time, Jackson has collapsed in grief on board his ship the Super Carrier Yorktown. He is inside the lift heading to the bridge. He believes he is by himself alone as it goes up. He is about to discover that is far from the truth.

  "Well Jacks, you don’t have that fearless hero image I would have expected to see.” An unseen female voice says from inside the sealed lift.

  Jackson shocked, jumps back up and against the corner of the lift, he looks around and says, "Who is in here?" He reaches his hand out trying to find someone.

  Then suddenly leaning beside him is a dark skinned woman with long hair wearing a very long hooded cloak. She appears calm, saying, "Well Jacks, I really expected much more from you, considering all the legendary stories we’ve been told about you."

  Jackson stands back in a defensive pose and says, "Ok lady, I suggest you explain yourself very quickly."

  She replies sharply, "Well, my name is Tess, and I’m here to help you, so shut up, and listen. In about one hour, you’re going to receive a notice that there is a huge T-Challa armada of about nine hundred ships will be exiting the T-Challa gateway. You will receive orders to intercept it and engage it. Now listen closely. Don’t play the hero, and I’m going to say this again very slowly. Do not play the hero Jacks. Be the leader. You have a mission of the utmost importance that you must complete."

; Jackson confused asks, "A mission, hero? What the hell are you talking about, who the hell are you? And how the hell did you get on my ship?"

  Tess annoyed answers, "Jacks please stop asking so many questions. I’m afraid that we are very limited in what we can do, or say at this point."

  Jackson confused says, "Ok, stop. What or who are you? Start talking to me now!"

  Tess agitated answers, "Jacks, I’m sorry, but we have rules. I’ll be in touch, just don’t do anything stupid like getting yourself killed. You need to protect Carla, and make sure she doesn’t ever face the T-Challa Queen, ever!"

  With that, Tess vanishes from the lift, just as the doors open to the bridge. Jackson swings his hands around where Tess once stood trying to find her.

  Captain Mulvey who is standing at the entrance of the lift watches Jackson swing his arms in the air and asks, "General Jackson, are you Ok?"

  Jackson confused says, "Yeah, I’m fine Captain, have the command crew of the Paladin report to my ready room now, and then order the fleet to set course to the T-Challa base."

  Mulvey concerned replies, "Sir, we have orders to return to Earth, immediately."

  Jackson frustrated looks sternly at Captain Mulvey and replies, "You have my orders Captain get them done or find me someone that can."

  After several minutes, the command crew of Paladin enters Jackson’s ready room. Qui Shi, Mohammed, Anders, Cohen, Klaus, as well as Carla, all enter the room. Mulvey follows behind when Jackson says, "That will be all Captain. I will call you if I need you."

  Mulvey surprised answers, "Yes sir."

  The door closes as Jackson asks, "Tell me what the hell happened? I need to know exactly what happened on Paladin."

  Qui Shi confused says, "Andrew, Caleb ordered all hands to abandon ship as soon he saw what was happening to the fleet. We all immediately crowded into the transport pods and boarding pods. Reggie, Cooley, Onatof and Benton, stayed behind with a small group of other volunteers. Val was refusing to leave, so Cale did something to him. I think he downloaded so much information into his head, it put him into a coma."

  Jackson curious asks, "Did it seem like Caleb knew what was going to happen, before it happened?"

  Anders arrogantly says, "Not that I could tell sir. He was like he always is, cold and impersonal."

  Jackson bends down on one knee, and politely asks, "Carla, could you tell me what your Papa was thinking before he had everyone abandon the ship?"

  Carla still crying says, "No Papa Jacks. I don’t know what he was thinking he was blocking me just before we left Paladin."

  Jackson pauses, as he looks over the crew of the Paladin. After a moment, he takes in a breath as he says, "Well, I was just visited by a woman. She said her name was Tess, and she claimed to have knowledge of a future event."

  Mohammed surprised asks, "Where is this woman? I will find out what she knows."

  Jackson unbelievably replies, "She vanished while we were in a sealed lift."

  Kitanna confused asks, "How did she get away?"

  Jackson shrugs his shoulders, saying, "I was hoping to figure that out with everyone here."

  Klaus asks, "What intel did she give you?"

  Jackson replies, "In less than an hour, we’re about to have nine hundred T-Challa ships come charging through that gateway of theirs."

  Anders excited says, "You are heading there I hope?"

  Jackson answers, "Yes Scott, I am."

  Anders anxious asks, "Well, you going to let me handle the weapons on this flying brick?"

  Jackson remaining focused states, "No Scott, I’m placing you in charge of the entire Battleship fleet."

  Anders smiles and says, "Now that’s a command decision."

  Jackson looks to his wife and says, "Qui Shi, do what you have to, but get Val up. I need whatever Caleb put in his head, and I need him to get this ship at full power."

  Qui Shi reluctantly says, "I’m afraid I may need Carla to do that."

  Jackson turns to Mohammed and states, "Mohammed, you have new standing orders. I don’t want you to leave Carla’s side, unless she is with me, or Qui Shi, and even then, you are not to go far. She is the most important thing in this fleet right now."

  Kitanna asks, "General what about..."

  She is cut off, as Jackson interrupts, "Sorry Kitanna to cut you off, but I know what you’re going to ask. I want you at my sensors station. Klaus, you’re taking the helm of the Yorktown."

  Jackson thinks to himself. She says I need to be a leader, and not a hero. I really hate this cryptic crap.

  Mohammed says, "General, I will be placing my men around you in case she returns. We will capture her."

  Jackson replies, "No Mohammed, I want your men to fill in with my men to assist you in guarding our Little Flower and Val. I can deal with our mysterious women visitor."

  Anders asks, "Anything I should know about regarding the Battleship fleet?"

  Jackson replies, "No Scott, just make sure you keep everyone in line. You know my command system so I expect you to make sure they follow my orders just as you did on the Paladin."

  Anders replies, "Got ya General, I’ll keep them in line."

  Jackson turns to everyone and says, "Ok everyone, thank you, you're dismissed."

  The room clears, as Qui Shi waits, until the doors close and says, "Andrew, I know he was your friend, we all loved him, but don’t take this burden alone."

  "Qui Shi.” Jackson sighs, and reluctantly says, "She told me I have to stop being the hero, and be the leader. That I have to live to protect Carla, and at all cost, and I must prevent her from ever fighting the Queen."

  Qui Shi shocked repeats Jackson’s statement, "Have to live? Oh my god, Andrew, please be careful, I can’t imagine life without you. If there is any chance this woman knows something about our future, we need to listen to her."

  Jackson smiles and says, "Well, we do have a son to raise at home, and I plan on being there for him and my beautiful wife."

  The two embrace for a moment. Then Qui Shi leaves, heading to the Yorktown’s med bay to help Val.

  An hour later, on the bridge of the Yorktown, Mulvey reports, "General, we have a report from the Yinglong, it reads as follows. The T-Challa have opened their gateway for an extended period of time, currently over four hundred ships have passed through at this time, and they’re still many more coming through."

  Jackson says, "Tell them there will be over nine hundred ships."

  Mulvey confused asks, "Sir?"

  Jackson annoyed asks, "Don’t worry about it Captain. Just tell me how long till we are in combat range?"

  Mulvey looks to Cohen who says, "At present speed, and remaining cloaked we should be there within one day."

  Jackson yells out orders, "Get me Anders on the holocom!"

  A brief minute goes by as Anders appears answering, "Yes General Jackson, this is Anders reporting. I’ve placed my flag on the HMS Hood, what are your orders?"

  Jackson quickly says, "I want to prevent a repeat of what they did to us before, so I need you to come in from behind their assault force. I will take the Super Carriers, Destroyers, and the Cruisers and go head long into them."

  Anders looks over a report for a minute. He looks up and says, "Jacks, to do that is going to take us some time. You’re going to be without Battleship support for at least eleven minutes as we circle around their fleet. That’s if we remained cloaked, but if we go uncloaked, I can cut that down to four minutes."

  Jackson says, "I understand Scott, just do the best you can, and Scott, spread your Battleships out. Just in case, they have another gateway trap out there, and one last thing Scott. Do whatever you can to close that distance in under eleven minutes, but do it without giving up the element of surprise."

  Anders smiles, replying, "Ok General, I know the drill, I’ll do what I can to push us there faster, Anders out."

  Jackson says, "Mulvey, you have the bridge. Inform Earth defense force of the incoming fleet, and our intent to stop t

  Mulvey confused asks, "Sir, and should they countermand your orders sir?"

  Jackson, bothered says, "Tell them our intent Captain that is all."

  Jackson returns to his ready room. Tired and frustrated he sits in his room with the lights off, waiting. An hour passes, when finally he asks, "Tess, you going to talk to me, or just sit in my room staring at me for another ten minutes?"

  "Well Jacks, you are a patient one. How did you know I was here?” Tess very surprised asks, as she uncloaks.

  Jackson smiling, replies, "Answer for answer Tess?"

  Tess laughs and says, "Fine, for now, but I have rules too."

  Jackson calmly says, "I knew you were going to watch me, so I placed a weight sensor on the floor so I would know when you stepped on the deck plating in my room. I was however; expecting you to talk, instead of just staring at me."

  Tess laughs, "I bet they’d be surprised to know you’re a lot smarter than we guessed you would be."

  Jackson asks, "My turn, you look human, so I’m going to assume you are a human, and I figure you’re from the future?"

  Tess laughingly replies, "Well, I’m human yes, but we call our people Paladonian’s, and that’s two questions Jacks."

  Jackson angrily stands up and yells, "Who the hell do you think you are! You pop in here out of nowhere, and have the audacity to laugh! To you this must be all amusing, but to us this is serious. This is our lives Tess, and I’m going to have to insist that you stay and explain yourself."

  Tess arrogantly answers, "I’m sorry Jacks, but we have rules. My people couldn’t make contact till after Caleb did what he did, or we could have caused our own destruction."

  Jackson frustrated says, "Ok, I hate all this secret squirrel stuff Tess. So I thought you should know, I planned on asking you nicely first, but I can see you have your own agenda in all this. So now I’m going to have to insist."

  Tess starts to become dizzy as she starts to lose conciseness she says, "What did you do, what’s…." Tess passes out falling to the deck.


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