The Ocoda Chronicles Book 2 Lost Heroes

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The Ocoda Chronicles Book 2 Lost Heroes Page 10

by Daniel OConnell

  Jackson takes a breath and says, "According to Tess, an extremist sect inside Paladonian group of the Tof's have them, but I don't know why or for what motivation they have for keeping them."

  Qui Shi sits up and says, "Andrew, you need to get them. You need to make them release them to us at once."

  Jackson lowers his head and replies, "Qui Shi, it’s not that easy. I'm not Caleb. I can’t make the governments jump to my whims."

  Qui Shi angry yells, "Andrew Jefferson Jackson! You have to try! I know you have everyone in the galaxy looking up to you. You have that influence Andrew. Caleb made you this all-important person to everyone. Use what Caleb made you out to be, and make them free Emily and Domingo, now!"

  Jackson smiles and asks, "You really believe that much in me Qui Shi?" She thinks so much of me. I wish I could see what she sees. If I had Caleb's ability, I might feel like I could do what everyone is hoping from me, but I'm just a regular guy. I wish I had Caleb's confidence.

  Qui Shi, energetically answers, "I and everyone on our world believe in you Andrew. Caleb believed in you so much he created this entire civilization, just to watch out for you."

  Jackson throws his pillow at Qui Shi laughing, "Fine you can be my main groupie." Yeah, I have to be the hero for everyone, save Caleb's wife and son, destroy the T-Challa’s base, and find these two gateways, before they destroy the Earth, yeah no problem.

  Jackson collapses on the bed with a big sigh. Qui Shi smiling lies on his chest and says, "Look mister high and mighty. If you're looking for a cheerleader forget about it. You already have two civilizations for that, but if you want my advice. All you have to do is ask for it."

  Jackson asks, "Well, I want to be on the mission to destroy that base, not just sitting here playing hide and seek with the T-Challa."

  Qui Shi replies, "Well, you know you can’t Andrew. You have to accept the cards dealt to you, and besides Mohammed, Val, and the Paladonian's can handle it. You need to be the leader, not the hero. I believe that was Caleb's message from Tess, was it not?"

  Jackson smiles and says, "You know I hate it when you do that."

  Qui Shi innocently replies, "Do what?"

  Jackson replies, "Repeat the facts to me, and use that against me. You know you use to do it to Cale all the time and I thought it was funny as hell, especially as he would stumble all over himself trying to justify himself. But when you do it to me, Hell Qui Shi, I can’t even attempt to disagree with you."

  Qui Shi smiles and says, "Well, just imagine trying to disagree with your son, now that we know he has all that X'ena knowledge downloaded into his developing mind."

  Jackson sighs, and replies, "Are you trying to be helpful, because it's not working."

  A sudden knock on the door interrupts the couples chat just a moment later. Jackson jumps from the bed and throws on his bathrobe. He opens his door to see Captain Mulvey, with Raphael in shackles.

  Jackson shakes his head and sighs, asking, "Ok, let me guess he was found in the engine room?"

  Mulvey confused replies, "Ahhh yes sir? How did you know that?"

  Jackson sighs again, "Ralphy my boy, we made an agreement that I would allow the plans for the new dual core Paladin power plant to be shared, after my government's approval. Until then, you and your sister agreed to wait. Was I not clear on this?"

  Raphael answers, "I was not doing anything but looking at it General Jackson, I have no engineering background, nor was I recording any images."

  Jackson shakes his head and says, "Captain, escort him to his ship, and unshackle him there. I'll inform his sister, and we’ll let her deal with him." This is going to be an issue. We can’t get along with people on the same planet. Now we have more humans on different worlds, and we all have to get along. Yeah, I’m not seeing that happening anytime soon. What the hell was Caleb thinking?”

  Two hours later, Jackson sits in his ready room with Captain Mulvey, Tess White, Gaul, Qui Shi, Val, and Mohammed.

  Jackson starts the meeting, "Good morning everyone, let’s start things off simple shall we. Mohammed, you are in charge of the mission, Tess, you have command of your ship of course, but as soon as Mohammed and his team touchdown, it's his ball game understood."

  Tess replies, "Sure thing Jacks, but I'm not going to risk my life foolishly, if I say we pull out than we pull out."

  Mohammed replies, "Tess, I will not expect you to endanger your life, and your ship. If you are in danger, pull us out or leave us there."

  Tess responds, "Just like the legends always said about you Mohammed, selfless to a fault. We need to begin your training at once these phase shifter have almost a million kilometer range easily allowing you and your men access to the T-Challa base, but not if I, or the T-Challa have shields up, plus we may need several days to teach you how to deal with the effects of phase shifting. It can take some people months to adapt to the training. Null space is a very hard place to adapt to."

  Val says, "I have redesigned the PCD's to also act with a limited shielding device, should you need it. However, it will only work for as long as your power supply last and you will only have limited oxygen supply within the shield, basically as much as the shield has around it."

  Mohammed asks, "Will I still be cloaked?"

  Val coldly answers, "Just like our ships can’t run both, then neither can PCD’s. You will however, be able to switch back and forth. The adjustment takes just a few seconds."

  Gaul curious asks, "What of the new scanner system you were working on Val, when will it be completed?"

  Jackson interrupts answering, "The mechanics are ready Gaul, but I've told him to wait on downloading this technology until we have a few things ironed out."

  Gaul aggravated asks, "We are risking our ships, and our people for you and you want to negotiate?"

  Jackson laughs, saying, "No my loud friend, I want to explain something to you before they are installed."

  Gaul annoyed asks, "Explain what?"

  Jackson replies, "The program upgrade will allow you to see the T-Challa’s energy trail, and it will zero in on any gateway activity, but it will also link your ships computers, and ours all together. So, all your information will be accessible to us, as ours will be to you, including the Paladin double core engine design."

  Gaul laughs and says, "You think I'm a fool Jacks? You hold this carrot out for us knowing how much I want it, but you want everything from us for it. That is too much to expect from your allies, especially, when they come to your aid."

  Jackson smiles and replies, "That's the deal my friend, take it or leave it. We go in as one hundred percent allies, or it’s a waste of time. Besides, in order for the program to work, it has to link all the computers together to allow us a proper grid search, and as such, it opens us all up to all our secrets. So, it’s your choice to trust us or not."

  Tess curious speaks up and asks, "Jacks, you could have installed this, and not told us about this couldn't have you?"

  Jackson looks over to Val who answers, "Not only did he not have to tell you. We could've taken control of all your ships if we so wanted, but General Jackson refused to betray your trust. I could've also made the shared information restricted, but once again, General Jackson would not allow this. He made the hard choices to maintain this alliance at all costs."

  Gaul smiles and says, "Fine then. We will allow this. We could use the information to build a few of these Super Carriers."

  Tess stares over at Gaul, who looks down realizing just how honorable Jackson is.

  Mulvey confused asks, "General, did you get permission from Earth command to allow this?"

  Jackson smiles and says, "I was told to locate these ships at all costs Captain. This is just part of the cost, so yes Captain, indirectly I have permission."

  Mulvey frowns and says, "That's a very grey area you’re traveling in sir."

  Tess says, "My people's ships will be here in four days, additionally the Uari and the Valens have agreed to contribute one hundred ships t
o help hunt down these T-Challa gateways. However, the First Ones, the Tofs, and the Rooke’s have refused to offer any help."

  Gaul laughs, saying, "Tess, did you think anything else of them." Gaul asks, "When will we have full access to the gateway jammer?"

  Jackson looks over to Val, who replies, "I will have the plans available for you within the hour."

  Jackson stands and says, "Ok, the longer we talk, the more of an area we will have to search, so we will start in one hour. We will upload the program right after the meeting and we should take our positions accordingly. Tess will launch and head to the Yinglong. Once you’re set there, it’s on to the T-Challa’s base. It should take only one day till they are in range of the base."

  The meeting adjourns, as Jackson and Qui Shi remain with Val who says, "I'm bringing a dozen repair bots with me, I have a few ideas how I could use them, while we are there."

  Jackson asks, "Val these little bots are amazing. They do the work of a hundred men, but are they safe?"

  Val uncaring replies, "Safety is irrelevant at this time General. They do their job, and that is all you need to worry about."

  Qui Shi stunned at Val’s lack of concern asks, "Val, we have known you for years, and we're very concerned with what is happening with you. I understand what Caleb did to you, and I can even understand why, but don't you have any feelings about how you are acting?"

  Val looks blankly and says, "I know I'm different now, I know I'm colder and very emotionless as of late. In addition, yes, I am concerned in how my family will see me, and how I will feel, if I can even feel anything at all, especially being around them."

  Jackson lowers his head and asks, "Val, not meaning to insult you, or belittle your situation, but Caleb did this to our son can you really be sure that he will not end up like you?"

  Val emotionless replies, "No, he will grow with the knowledge. Therefore, his emotional state will remain intact. Caleb had no choice, but to force all this knowledge into me in one giant download. Regrettably, before my mind could properly absorb it. You had Carla wake me, but please don't worry yourself about my condition. The end result may have been the same. I understand it had to be done."

  Qui Shi and Jackson look at each other, and Qui Shi with tears says, "Val, I know if I have the time, I can fix this. Believe me, I'll find a way to make this right."

  Val blankly replies, "If you must that's fine, but I feel I should get started on the mission at hand now."

  Val exits the room leaving Qui Shi and Jackson alone. Jackson asks, "Qui Shi is there anything you can do?"

  Qui Shi emotionally upset replies, "I don't know Andrew. I don't know, but I have to try something to give him back some sort of human emotion. I owe it to him and his family."

  Jackson sits down thinking. Caleb trusted me to make everything right, to make all the right choices, and with my first choice… I may have lobotomized his best friend, and one of the nicest men I ever knew. Damn, so many choices I have to make. How many people will pay for mistakes I make? I hate all these choices.

  Down on the hangar deck, Gaul walks over to Tess and Raphael, saying, "Tess, I hope you are right about Caleb’s prime law protocol still working, because I’m really finding it difficult to betray this man."

  Raphael says, "Honor is a trait not often found in men, but when it is, it can change everything."

  Tess confused asks, "I’ve heard that before, but I can’t remember from who or where?"

  Raphael disheartened replies, "It was what Caleb said at our great grandfather’s funeral thousands of years ago."

  Raphael turns away from the two. He walks on the ship, as Tess looks over to Gaul who says, "Tess, do what you have to, but hold off on the plan until we have no other options."



  The fleet heads off in search of the two T-Challa gateways, while Tess takes off in her specialized support fighter along with her brother Raphael, Val, Mohammed, and ten of Mohammed’s very best Special Forces. They are traveling to the Yinglong, a Paladin class Battleship, which has been cloaked and hidden, just a few hours away from the T-Challa’s base, and has been so for the past few years. The T-Challa base is located in the exact same location where Caleb had destroyed hundreds of T-Challa warships just two years before. The base is in orbit around the planet and asteroid field that Caleb had successfully used against them.

  The base is massive, approximately the size of four Super Dreadnoughts and is protected by a thousand ships. It was built with the most sophisticated T-Challa scanner nets ever constructed. It covers over a hundred thousand kilometers, in all directions. Patrols of fifty Light Cruisers, constantly do detail scans of the entire solar system. Finally, hundreds of cloaked minefields are placed throughout the system.

  Tess activates hyperdrive, and puts the ship on autopilot. The vessel responds, "Cavalier systems are online, estimated time of arrival to Yinglong, twenty-two hours fourteen minutes, and thirty-five seconds."

  Mohammed curious at hearing that voice asks, "Tess, is this the same Cavalier that Commander White piloted?"

  Tess happily replies, "Yes, Caleb left this behind before he disappeared. It has been a family honor to pilot this ship. Even though our people have hundreds of support ships with in our fleet, this one is the most prized amongst all the moons of Paladonia."

  Val looks over the ship, noticing all the Paladonian advances and says, "You have modified the shields, and hyper drive, you have also changed the original power distribution node along with the overall interior design. It appears you have expanded the transport pod into a traveling executive command station, which has a direct link into the cockpit. It also appears you have many other upgrades, like this phase shift generator, and several other systems appear to have been augmented.” Val begins going through the ship computer systems at almost superhuman speed.

  Tess reluctantly replies, "Val, I'm very sorry about the condition you are in, I don't believe Caleb knew this was going too happened to you. In the original timeline, we never knew what happened to you. All records of you were lost or destroyed, but I know Caleb would never have turned you into such a person, not without some way of turning you back."

  Val blankly replies, after looking through several files on Cavalier, "From what I have recently learned, I believe he did so, with what you would have called, the Flower Stone. Within it, there should be a way that will remove all this knowledge from my mind, but I'm not sure if it should be done. At least not until the current situation with the T-Challa is resolved."

  Mohammed, concerned for his friend Val, focuses his attention on him, asking, "Val, do you not feel anything at all? For as long as I have known you, you have been a very spiritual and devoted father. Does it not feel empty now?"

  Val coldly replies, "I really don't know Mohammed. I know I'm different, but I really can’t answer that question. I know everyone is looking at me differently, and I should be concerned, but I don't have any feelings one way, or the other."

  Raphael, attempting to change subject asks, "Mohammed, are you familiar with how to use the phase shift device?"

  Mohammed turns annoyed at Val’s condition, replies, "I have some basic knowledge on its systems, but I have obviously never used it before."

  Tess interrupts, replying, "We’ll it’s a pretty basic system, we lock in coordinates into this computer, it ties into the phase shift cloak. It will open a small dimensional door, which allows you to appear at those coordinates. It will also allow you to move around in an area, such as line of sight for combat issues. Unfortunately, it will not work through shields, or a scattering field. It also has an emergency recall feature. This feature will automatically bring you back here, and most important Mohammed for you is the overall effect it will have on you and your men and how taxing it is to you."

  Mohammed, unconcerned at Tess’s statement returns his attention back to Val, asking, "Val my friend, how are we to use this new updated PCD's?"

  Val still f
ocused on Cavaliers computer systems barely reacts to Mohammed question as he replies, "I have increased the power supply to last twice as long, so each cell will last six hours. In addition, I have also created a fast switch, which will change over to shields in just a few seconds from the moment you activate it.” Val then turns to Raphael and Tess, stating, “I’ve been reviewing your technology on shifting, and I understand the range is based on how much power is used. I feel I can increase that range exponentially, and perhaps be able to strengthen the shift allowing it to possibly pass through a scattering field, but not a shield."

  Mohammed continuing his focus on Val asks, "Val, I see you brought some of those repair bots you created. What exactly, are you planning on doing with them?"

  Val answers while still focusing on Cavalier’s computer, "I've installed PCD devices into them, as well as a small shield modulation device. This technology is very similar to what the boarding pods have, and so long as I have three of them operational, I should be able to create a window through the T-Challa shields allowing the phase shifting device a possible access point."

  Raphael curious asks, "Won’t they detect the opening in their shields?"

  Tess, realizing the opportunities Val’s recent gifts could provide interrupts, asking, "Val, can you increase the power of this ship as well?"

  Val still focused on the ships database answers, "Yes, of course I should be able to increase the speed by forty six percent, and shave off eight hours off our journey."

  Tess smiles ravenously, as she sees a vast amount of information becoming available to her and asks, "Any chance you can look at a few other systems on our ship?"

  Val replies coldly, "Of course I can, but before you start to feel like you’re getting an upper hand on everyone, none of these upgrades will work for more than a few days. I have also deactivated all the ships recording systems making my work untraceable."

  Tess embarrassed says, "Well, that's not very healthy for our continued alliance."

  Mohammed laughs aloud, saying, "Tess, you may think Val's current state may make him an easy target to advance your own technology. Nevertheless, Val would never knowingly betray Caleb's wishes to prevent us from hurting each other."


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