The Ocoda Chronicles Book 2 Lost Heroes

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The Ocoda Chronicles Book 2 Lost Heroes Page 12

by Daniel OConnell

  Tess surprised and annoyed at so much information being said, replies, "Do you have my bra size in there too?"

  Mohammed turns to Tess and says, "Tess, some form of respect is entitled to this man. Besides, I'm sure you have just as much information on all of us, and probably from the time we were born."

  Tess smiles and says to Mohammed, "Yes Mohammed, I was actually there when you were born, as well as when Caleb was born."

  Mohammed smiles in disbelief, saying, "Sure you were Tess, you are what, twenty-four years old?"

  Tess smiles back replying, "Mohammed, you are so sweet and diplomatic, but a lady never reveals her age."

  Raphael unconcerned announces, "She's one hundred and sixteen years old as of last month."

  Tess turns angrily and smacks Raphael on the back of his head and storms off into Cavalier.

  Mohammed confused asks, "She was telling the truth, she was there when I was born?"

  Raphael stumbles as he replies, " Uhmm well, we ahhh… have had great strides in medical research. Almost tripling the human lifespan….Anyways that’s not important, we’ve been to many great events, such as your birth, and many other important figures were watched by the leaders of the Paladonian moons. Most of your lives have been watched and studied, so we can learn all there is of our forefathers."

  Mohammed still in shock at Raphael’s earlier revelation, replies, "She is one hundred and sixteen years old?"

  Captain Sum, who is equally impressed asks, "How old are you son?"

  Raphael replies, "Thirty-nine years sir."

  Sum is interrupted again, reaching to his earpiece he listens for a moment, and says to Mohammed, "Val is in my forward sensor array room and now several small floating devices have just appeared around him. They are interfering with the sensor array equipment.” Sum pauses then continues, “We have just lost all sensor readings of the T-Challa base."

  Mohammed sighs replying, "Captain, knowing Val, and his current condition he is probably upgrading the system."

  Tess rushes out the back of Cavalier, saying, "Val just tapped into Cavaliers sensor grid. He has it scanning the T-Challa base."

  Mohammed smiles and says, "It appears that Val has already considered the downtime, and prepared for it Captain Sum."

  Sum annoyed replies, "I will need to put my men on your ship at once. We must maintain constant surveillance of T-Challa base."

  Tess replies, "No need Captain, I can simply integrate with your ships systems from here."

  Cavalier speaks, "All systems are locked in, and synchronized."

  Captain Sum dismayed replies, "I would prefer that you would ask my permission, before doing such things."

  Tess carelessly replies, "Afraid we will find out secrets about you Captain?"

  Sum grunts, and walks away.

  Tess smiles and says, "Man has no sense of humor at all."

  Mohammed slightly concerned says, "Tess, you seem to be very carefree in your attitude in dealing with us."

  Tess replies, "Mohammed, as you just found out, I'm three times your age. I have seen a lot in my life time, and patience is not one of my better virtues."

  Mohammed smiles and replies, "It wasn't with your descendants either."

  An hour later, Val arrives on the bridge from the main sensor array, along with eleven repair bots hovering all around him. On the bridge are Raphael, Mohammed, Captain Sum, and the Bridge crew.

  Val doesn't even acknowledge anyone. He just moves his way through the bridge consoles and into the equipment, making adjustments and upgrading systems. Captain Sum turns to Mohammed and asks, "How do you know he is not risking my crew by what he is doing?"

  Mohammed confidently replies, "No matter what has occurred to Val he is still a good man Captain Sum. He would never intentionally hurt anyone."

  For over an hour, Val and his repair bots tear into the Bridge consoles as the crew of the Yinglong just sits and watch. Finally, Val gets up from under one of the consoles. He looks up at the crew, who are just standing around him staring. He then grabs his remote console hits a few buttons and the Yinglong sensors come back online.

  The first office studies the data and is surprised as he speaks up, "Captain! We have increased sensor efficiency by seventy-three percent, while masking our signal strength by an additional fifty-eight percent. He has also added some form of generator into the sensor array. I don't know what it is?"

  Raphael quickly looks at the power readings and says, "It’s a phase shift generator, but its power distribution is far from anything we have. This one looks like we can jump from the Yinglong right to the T-Challa base." Raphael pauses, as he looks up stunned, finishing his statement, "From here."

  Mohammed walks over to Val and asks, "Val my friend, are you alright?"

  Val no longer speaks. He makes eye contact and walks off the bridge with the repair bots following closely behind.

  Raphael very concerned says, "Mohammed, he has barely said one word since we saw that recording from Caleb."

  Mohammed equally concerned asks, "This Flower Stone, what else do you know about it?"

  Raphael reluctantly replies, "Not much, it only interacts with certain people, and I don't really know exactly what happens to the people it does works on."

  Mohammed realizing that Raphael is still not telling the whole truth stares at him for a moment. He then travels down to Val's quarters. After a few minutes, he makes his way to Val’s door, and knocks on it.

  The door opens up, to see Val working on a holoscreen.

  Mohammed enters, and being concerned asks, "Val my friend, I have asked you if you are alright and yet you walked away without answering. For as long as I have known you, you have never been rude to me. What is wrong with you my friend?"

  Val looks up, and hits a button on his computer screen, and an image appears of Caleb. The image speaks. "Val, this image is pre-programmed to activate if something has gone wrong with the events I have put into motion. From the calculations of time since I left, and when you activated the message hidden within Cavaliers database. It has been determined that not enough time has passed for the blending of the X’ena knowledge to take place within your fragile human mind. This program has several million subroutines for different possibilities, and although the image you see here is of Caleb, this is actually a Paladin interactive program."

  The program pauses, as it cycles through the program and continues. "Val, this is the fourth time you have run this program, which means you are probably showing this to another person at this time. For anyone listening, Val is dying. The information was not properly absorbed into his mind, and he has less than a month before he will die. The Flower Stone will save him, but you will have to bring him to it at once."

  The program ends, as Val finally speaks, "We have a mission to complete first Mohammed. My life is meaningless, compared to the millions that will be saved once we destroy that base."

  Mohammed stunned says, "Val, you are much too valuable to everyone. I will need to contact General Jackson."

  Val unconcerned, looks back down at his computer, and continues with what he is doing.

  Mohammed races back to the bridge, where he sees Captain Sum. He rushes up to him, saying, "Captain, I will need to contact General Jackson."

  Sum turns to his communication officer, nodding his head to the officer whom immediately opens a holochannel to the Yorktown. After a brief few minutes, Jackson finally appears, and Mohammed speaks, "General Jackson, we have discovered a hidden message in the Paladonian ships data system. This message was left behind by Paladin." Mohammed pauses, as he declares his next sentence, "General, Val will be dead in less than a month unless we can get him to this Flower Stone, which Caleb left behind. It is Val’s only hope."

  Jackson eyes go wide after he hears what Mohammed has just said. He asks, "How long till you and your men are ready to infiltrate the T-Challa base?"

  Mohammed replies, "We are almost ready to go now General, Val has installed a phase shift
generator on the Yinglong, along with several other enhancements, so General, we no longer need Tess and Raphael. They can take Val to this Flower Stone now."

  Jackson sits for a minute, contemplating the situation and says, "Negative Commander, Val will stay until the mission is completed. Tess can take Val to this Flower Stone with you as an escort, is that understood."

  Mohammed concerned replies, "Sir! We’re talking about Val here."

  Jackson somberly replies, "I know Mohammed, I know."

  The transmission ends, as Mohammed angrily request of Captain Sum, "Captain, my men will be ready to go in one hour. Please prepare all the scans that you can for us."

  Captain Sum replies, "Commander, if I may suggest. We have a fighter with a boarding pod with the shield modulator ready to go."

  Tess enters the room hearing Captain Sum’s last statement she replies, "They have a near impenetrable sensor net, all around that base Captain. That boarding pod would be destroyed before it ever came within range of the T-Challa shield."

  Mohammed impatiently asks, "Can we get through the shield with these phase shifting cloaks?"

  Tess replies, "First off, I’ve already told you that phase shifting is very disorienting Mohammed. We need to teach you and your men how to use the device. Then we can figure out how to get through the shield."

  Mohammed sternly replies, "Time is being wasted. My men are ready to start learning how to use these phase shifters now."

  Val and Raphael appear on the bridge at the same time. Raphael says, "Sister, Val just launched five of his drones from the airlock. They're headed off in the direction of the T-Challa base."

  Sum confused states, "Even if they could attain sub light speed, it will take them a year to get there."

  Val finally speaks, "They will be there in two hours fourteen minutes and eleven seconds."

  Raphael surprised asks, "How could they move that fast, they're much too small to have hyper drive?"

  Val methodically replies, "I have installed phase shift jump drives on them. They will jump just outside of their scanner field, then they will use their small size to approach the base undetected. Once there they will open a window in the shield allowing for Mohammed and his strike team to enter the base, and plant the nuclear device."

  Mohammed says, "Tess, you have two hours to teach me and my men how to use the device."

  Raphael sadly answers, "I will show you Commander, but it took most of us years to get used to the disorientation that shifting causes."

  More than two hours pass by, as Mohammed and his men continually try and adapt to the phase shifter. The trials are not going well.

  Tess sighs and says, "I will have to try and lead them through null space myself, the distance will be too much for them."

  Raphael says, "No sister, I will take them through. You will be needed to get Val to the First One's, you are the only one that stands any chance of getting them to allow you access to the Flower Stone."

  Tess angrily replies, "Are you trying to be like your older brother, telling me what to do now."

  Raphael calmly responds, "No sister, but you know I'm right. It must be me that leads them."

  Mohammed gets up, saying, "I can make the distance. I will take the bomb alone, and I will place it in the base."

  Mohammed stumbles down to one knee, as he is still disoriented from the effects of phase shifting."

  Tess looks at her brother, and lowers her head, "Ok little brother, I'll agree to let you help them travel the distance, but you are to return the moment they are able to move."

  Raphael replies, "Yes sister."

  Mohammed speaks, "We should leave at once. I’ll be ready to go as soon as I can get my gear." Mohammed still too wobbly to stand once again fumbles to his knees.

  Tess shakes her head, saying, "Commander, no one will ever question your heart, but you need to rest for a few hours. Once you finally shift there, you may need just as long, if not longer to recover.” Tess looks over the unconscious strike team, saying, “Commander, of all your men, you are the only one, which can at least attempt to stand, the rest are still lying unconscious."

  Mohammed focuses his eyes on Tess, and stands. He steadies himself, saying, "We leave in one hour Tess."

  Mohammed stands straight and walks out of the hangar bay heading to the weapons locker room to get the specialized nuclear bomb, and the rest of his gear.

  Raphael looks at his sister, "He is just as they always said he was, isn’t he?"

  Tess replies, "No one lives up to legends told of them little brother, but he definitely is living up to his."

  Raphael upset asks, "Sister, why must we do this, why lie to them about the Flower Stone? Why do we have to follow the plan of the council?"

  Tess sighs and says, "Several times you have almost let slip the truth little brother. I may agree with you, but my vote was nullified."

  Raphael annoyed says, "The Council is wrong. We should be helping the Earthers, not plotting against them."

  Tess looks to her brother and says, "Someday little brother, you will have the role as leader of our people. I hope you are a better leader then me."

  Forty-five minutes later, Mohammed is returning with an anti-gravity sled, carrying a nuclear bomb when he comes across Val. Mohammed, seeing him asks, "Val my friend, what are you doing here?"

  Val coldly replies, "The distance you are going to travel will be very great. You are very inexperienced in the use of phase technology, and of all your men, you are the only one that has been able to remain conscious. I have reviewed your progress, and so far, all the trials you have completed have been only short jumps. This jump is extreme, even for a Paladonian with experience it will be very difficult. Why are you pushing yourself so hard?"

  Mohammed looks at Val replies, "You are my friend Val. A brother to me, and I know you would do the same for me."

  Val breathes in deep and replies, "I know what you are, saying, and I understand it, but I can’t feel it anymore. I can’t feel the sacrifice you are undertaking, but you should know that the damage is already done. My mind will never be the same. Caleb’s power is the only force that could heal me. This Flower Stone, should the First Ones allow us access to it, is only supposed to be able to remove the knowledge from me, and keep me alive. I will still be an emotionless person."

  Mohammed asks, "How do you know this stone will not be able to heal you?"

  Val pauses then answers, "I don’t, but it would make no sense that a device such as this would have the powers of Caleb."

  Mohammed smiles, and says, "Your brother is a man that prepares for all possibilities. You may be surprised."

  Twenty minutes later on the hangar deck, Captain Sum, Raphael, Tess, Val, and Mohammed gather near Cavalier.

  Val who is staring down at his holopad says, "My bots have successfully navigated through the T-Challa sensor grid, and are ready to disrupt the shield. Be aware this may be a one-way trip. Should they detect the disruption in the shields, I may not be able to reopen the shield."

  Tess concerned looks to her brother and asks, "Brother, are you sure you want to do this?"

  Raphael confidently replies, "We are the only two that have any chance of handling this kind of jump sister, and you are much too valuable."

  Sum says, "If necessary, I can have fighters close by."

  Tess alarmed says, "Best not to have anything near that base Captain. Should that gateway be active when the bomb goes off?” Tess pauses, “It could take out half the solar system."

  Mohammed asks, "Raphael, when we travel through the null space field, I may become disoriented, and I am a large man, can you hold me up?"

  Raphael smiling pulls out a small device and points it at Mohammed, causing him to float upward. He responds, "No problem Commander. I borrowed this from Val’s work shop."

  Mohammed uncomfortable says, "Raphael, please put me down."

  The two men prepare to use the enhanced phase shifter as Val counts down. "Shield modulation is
at eighty-eight percent, the field will be accessible in fourteen seconds."

  Mohammed grabs the anti-grav sled and activates the cloaking field for himself and the bomb. Raphael follows him.

  Val says, "We have penetration of the shield. Shift now."

  The two men activate their phase shift devices, and vanish from sight

  Captain Sum asks, "Did they make the shift?"

  Tess somberly replies, "Let’s hope so Captain, because if they didn’t, we may never get another chance like this again."



  "Mohammed.” Raphael whispers, as he looks around.

  They have reached the T-Challa base, but Mohammed is presently unconscious from the strain of the immense shift, through null space.

  Raphael, also slightly disoriented secures the cloaked anti-grav sled and nuke. He uses the gravity device to lift Mohammed up, and keep him elevated, as he keeps them out of the main traffic area.

  After a period of at least five very long minutes, Mohammed finally starts to stir. Raphael shakes Mohammed slightly, lowering him to the ground as he deactivates Val's anti-grav device. Whispering he says, "Commander, please be quiet, whisper only."

  Mohammed quickly realizes his location tries to gain his faculties about himself. He whispers back, "I'm Ok Raphael, quickly now, you should return to the ship."

  Raphael sadly replies, "Can't Commander. The window will only open when we send a signal to Val, and should I send it now, the T-Challa may detect it. So we will both have to wait, at least until the bomb is set and counting down."

  Mohammed concerned asks, "Did you know that when you agreed to help me?"

  Raphael replies, "Yes Commander, I knew." Pausing for a moment as he looks around, he continues, "Commander, are you ready to move yet? We should try and move this bomb to a location deep within the base, and as soon as possible."

  Mohammed checks his space suit and replies, "Yes, I'm fine my friend. Quickly now, let’s move out now."

  Raphael smiles and says, "Ok Commander, if you don’t mind me, saying, but it’s an honor and a privilege to work with you."


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