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The Ocoda Chronicles Book 2 Lost Heroes

Page 18

by Daniel OConnell

  Val confused, looks around, and asks, "Brother where is Paladin?"

  Caleb smiles and says, "He is in me, and in everything around us. Paladin merged with the stone when I did and the two shared everything, just as me and Paladin do."

  Paladin adds, "Cale, I believe he wants to know where my body the ship is."

  Val quietly answers, "Well yes, I have never heard you speak unless on the ship. So it’s a little disconcerting to not see you."

  Paladin replies, "The ship was just an extension of me Val. I share my body with Caleb, and now the Flower Stone is part of that extension while I’m in this form."

  Val confused asks, "So the ship is lost?"

  Caleb replies, "No Val, my original form and the ship as well as everyone here, continued on with life. We are just a piece of them, which remained here to possibly help others that may follow."

  Val very confused says, "This is a lot to understand brother."

  Caleb smiles and says, "I can simply download it all into your head brother if you want."

  Val's eyes go wide, and he says, "No brother, I think I've had enough downloads for now, and perhaps for the rest of my life, I hope."

  Caleb smiles, says, "Val, when you leave you’re going to meet a few err... Well, let’s just say, you may see a few things, which will surprise you. Please try to be calm, and understand, that everything you have learned about us will be forgotten by the time you leave this moon. All you will remember is that the Flower Stone healed you."

  Val, very overwhelmed asks, "Why?"

  Caleb replies, "There is a creature called the Meli. It is very dangerous my brother. I will let the others outside explain it to you, but if this Meli should ever learn, of what’s on this moon. It would do everything in its power to destroy it."

  Val concerned asks, "Are you aware of everything that is happening out in the real world?"

  Caleb replies, "Every person that enters here becomes part of the Flower Stone their entire life becomes known to us. So all the history they have learned all the recent events in their lives becomes part of us once your duplication is completed."

  Val asks, "I’m sorry to ask this again, but you have said I will have a very long life, why is that brother? Why will I live so long?"

  Caleb takes a deep breath and replies, "Yes brother, I know we have said so much to you and I’m sure it’s very overwhelming to understand. The long life is a side effect of entering the Flower Stone. The Flower Stone is part of a different dimension, where time does not exist, so when we interact with it one of the side effect is the extended life span."

  Val saddened asks, "So I will outlive all my family?"

  Paladin says, "No Val, they will all be allowed to enter the Flower Stone as you have. All of your decedents will be allowed to do so, If they so choose."

  Val still saddened says, "I'm not sure we we're meant to live so long brother."

  Caleb answers, "Life is what we make of it brother. I'm sorry that the extension of your life troubles you so, and if I could remove it I would, but unfortunately I can’t."

  Val sullen says, "We all have our crosses to carry brother, but I don't think I look forward to letting my children have such a long life."

  Caleb answers, "You make the decision that is best for you brother, and whatever that is I will understand and accept it."

  Val sees a light in the distance and hears Paladin say, "Val, it is time for you to go. We will miss you, and you will be a part of us always."

  Val walks to the light and is immediately transported out of the stone, where he sees Tess standing in front of him. He smiles and says, "You really haven't aged that much."

  Then Val sees the all T-Challa, and all the other aliens all around them, and he is instantly petrified to see the T-Challa Queen. His mouth drops, as Tess says, "It's Ok Val, there’s a lot to explain, and we have a lot of time. So sit down and I'll explain everything."

  Val stunned says, "Caleb told me that I would be surprised with what I would see, but never would I ever expect to see this."

  The Queen says, "Val, the T-Challa are not evil. We will not hurt you, but all you are about to learn will all be forgotten, as soon as you leave the mist, even the fact that you will now live some hundreds of additional years, that too will be lost to you as well."

  Tess says, "Val, the mist causes us to forget everything we did, once we come into contact with it."

  The Queen says, "All you will remember is that the Flower Stone healed you."

  Val still staring at the Queen says, "I think it would be best that I just forget."

  Tess smiles, "Val you are amazing."



  Earth fleet is currently in search of the last gateway. Jackson and the command crew have assembled in his ready room. In attendance are Mulvey, Klaus, Kitanna, Gaul, Captain Liu, and Kalen.

  Jackson starts the briefing, "Hello everyone let’s start this off simple shall we. Currently, we have enough ships ready to track down this last gateway. Kitanna what is the status of the detections system?"

  Kitanna looks over her data responds, "Since the installation of the upgraded sensor program." Kitanna pauses, as she looks over her notes, she looks up, stating, "Taking into consideration the T-Challa current level of technology and factoring into the data that they have remained cloak. We only have at best four more days to locate the gateway, or they may be able to surpass our ability to detect them."

  Mulvey says, "We have also discerned that the T-Challa used up all their older ships that were not equipped with cloaking technology at the beginning of this campaign. This was done for two possible reasons, one, to throw us off guard at their increase technology jump, and second, to set up for this run at Earth."

  Jackson is about to speak when he is suddenly pulled into the psychic plane with Carla, she says, "Papa Jacks! Mama Qui Shi is leaving, it is getting harder and harder to hear her, and I'm scared looking for her, because I can still hear Toth. He is trying to hide from us. He is heading to some place not too far away from us."

  Jackson stunned, by Carla pulling him into the psychic plane says, "Carla, don't worry about Toth, Papa Jacks will find him. You need to do whatever you can to keep Mama Qui Shi here Ok."

  Carla, very innocently replies, "Ok, Papa Jacks, I'll try."

  Jackson mind is instantly placed back in his body, as only a mere moment has passed. A little disoriented he sits back and says, "Sorry, I had a brief meeting of my own with Carla just then."

  Jackson sits up and says, "We may have a way of finding the last gateway. Carla detected that Toth is still alive, which means he would be trying to rendezvous with the other fleet. Kitanna, is there any way we can track him? He has to be on one of the escaping Light Cruisers?"

  Gaul interrupts, saying, "We have centuries of advanced training on tracking cloaked ships Jacks. We can coordinate a search plan to find his ship, but it would be a lot easier if we just use Carla to locate him."

  Jackson thinks for a moment. Carla needs to focus on Qui Shi. If I distract her I may end up losing her, but if I don't we may lose our best opportunity to find this last gateway. Jackson says, "No, it’s too much for her. Especially with what happened with the Queen."

  Kalen finally speaks, "We can locate Toth, without the help of the demon child."

  Jackson bothered by Kalen says, "Kalen, I will ask you once to refrain from calling her that. As you are our guest, I also expect you to respect the chain of command."

  Kalen callously replies, "Jackson, the only reason you have my support is because we have no alternative but to help you. Neverthless, know that I don't care what the repercussions may be, I am holding you personally responsible should anything befall my sister."

  Captain Liu speaks up, saying, "Considering the way you addressed your sister onboard my ship, I find it confusing that you have any concern for her well-being at all."

  Kalen grumbles as Gaul sits back in his chair arms raised behind his head, as he g
lares at Kalen, saying, "My brother cares only for himself Captain Liu, always has, always will."

  Kalen stares at Gaul as he activates his phase shifter, and leaves the room.

  Jackson, who has been sitting back taking this all in thinks, Kalen is going to be an issue, I can see that now, just how far can I trust him, I have no idea. Gaul seems content on aiding me, but I find it hard to trust him, as he was all but ready to betray us earlier. If not for Caleb expecting dissension, they may have succeeded in taking many of our ships.

  Klaus asks, "Gaul, if you can send me the data on your search procedures I'll coordinate with the other ships, and begin setting out our search parameters."

  Gaul smiles as he replies, "You'll have them at once, young Commander."

  Jackson finally speaks, "Let’s get moving."

  The room clears as Gaul remains sitting down. Jackson stops Mulvey and says, "Take a seat Captain."

  Mulvey a little surprised sits back down, as Gaul puts his feet up on the table leaning back.

  Jackson sighs and says, "Ok Gaul, you have something else to say?"

  Gaul smiles and says, "We'll I got info that Val made it to the moon of the First Ones, although he almost killed a few thousand Valen’s in the process."

  Jackson confused, asks, "What happened?"

  Gaul replies, "He taped into their ship computer systems, and locked out control of their power systems and life support, and I guess the Valens had some T-Challa weaponry. Well, it looks like they may have been planning on trying to disable his ship, and take him to their moon to work for them."

  Mulvey asks, "Do all your ships have T-Challa and X'ena technology?"

  Gaul nonchalantly grabs a piece of jerky from his pocket, takes a bite off of it and smiles saying nothing more, as he contently stares at Mulvey.

  Jackson more focused on Val asks, "Was anyone hurt?"

  Gaul reluctantly replies, "Well, just a lot of pride Jacks, but that’s not what I wanted to tell you." Gaul looks up at Mulvey and takes a breath.

  Jackson sighs again, saying, "Gaul, Captain Mulvey is my second in command, and I have trust in him. He’s proven himself to me finally, so feel free to speak your mind."

  Gaul looks to Jackson and reluctantly says, "We have an unwritten history Jacks, which we don't record. Well other than by memory, ya see Jacks the First Ones are not the xenophobic people we portray them to be, they’re actually the guardians of the Flower Stone, and I have been there, although I have very little memory of it."

  Jackson curious asks, "I’m guessing there’s more to this story?"

  Gaul sighs and says, "The Flower Stone was responsible for extending my life. I myself am over hundred forty-one years old. It also has the ability to heal just as Caleb could. I'm obviously aware of your wife’s condition and if you can get her to the moon of the First Ones. Well Jacks, I know they could heal her."

  Jackson confused asks, "Your, how old?" If this Flower stone can heal Qui Shi, I can’t show how important it is to me.

  Gaul, taking in a deep breath says, "Paladonian’s that descended from the original crew of the Paladin were allowed the right to visit the Flower Stone. It wasn’t for some years later, that most of us discovered that our life spans had almost tripled. I’m expected to live almost another two hundred years."

  Mulvey curious asks, "What do you remember about this Flower Stone?"

  Gaul replies, "Well poindexter, all I remember was a domed room and these two men in white hooded cloaks taking me into a massive room. The room was filled with some kind of mist, and the next thing I remember I was back in the domed room, some two hours later, with no memory of what happened."

  Jackson curios asks, "Did Tess go through the same ceremony as you?"

  Gaul replies, "Yes, and so did Kalen, and none of us remember any more than what I just told you, and Jack’s, it’s been that way since the beginning of my people’s history."

  Jackson now very confused asks, "Is there anything else, rumors or beliefs, which may shed some idea what else could’ve happened?"

  Gaul sighs once again, saying, "Caleb didn’t just save humans Jacks, he also saved many alien races. It’s believed that the First Ones are mostly aliens, which Caleb saved and hid on the moon of the First Ones."

  Jackson sits down and says, "Thank you Gaul. If you and Mulvey would please leave me, I need to make contact with the Earth."

  Gaul stands up and says, "Jacks, what I told you is one of our people’s greatest secrets."

  Jackson replies, "Don’t worry Gaul, I will not betray your trust. I hope you can say the same someday."

  Gaul smirks and says, "I guess I’ll have to prove that to you, won’t I."

  Both men leave as Jackson opens up the com line to Earth. The holocom shows the image of several diplomats including Chan, Baker, and General Haggier.

  Jackson reports, "Good day everyone, we have established a possible way to track down the last gateway, and have started to implement it now."

  Baker speaks, "General, I want to congratulate you on such a great job. You have surpassed everyone’s expectations, but we have decided that the fleet is needed back home to ensure there are no more gateways heading to Earth."

  Jackson grumbles as he replies, "We have gone through all the Yinglong’s sensor scans of the T-Challa base, from its creations. We have concluded that there are no other gateways. We have thoroughly confirmed this completely. Moreover, Madam President, if there were any others, we would have been detected it. We know without any doubt that when a gateway passes through another gateway, it creates a unique energy signature. So by pulling us out now, all we will be doing is allowing them to be able to rebuild, and come at us even faster."

  The Russian diplomat speaks, "We have lost many good people aboard the Saint Petersburg, as well as many others. We need to regroup, and set up a perimeter protecting the Earth."

  Jackson annoyed replies, "I understand your request, and will consider your suggestion."

  Haggier stands up, and says, "Jackson, this is not a recommendation. You will return the fleet at once to Earth."

  Jackson smiles and says, "I understand, and regretfully must decline to follow your orders."

  Chan finally speaks, "Son, you will be stripped of your command."

  Jackson grins and says, "I’m not Caleb, I can’t make you listen to me, but I am the leader of this armada and I will complete my mission, I will destroy that last gateway. Then, and only then, will I return the fleet home. When that is done, I will face whatever punishment you deem fit, Jackson out."

  Jackson shuts down the conference and sits back in his seat thinking. What the hell am I thinking; wow, I’ve finally done it. I’ve become Caleb, geezus I miss you Cale. Well, let’s go talk to the fleet. Let’s see what they want to do.

  Jackson leaves his ready room, seeing Mulvey with security teams around him and an open com line to Earth command. General Haggier is there and says, "Sorry Jackson, I’ve given orders to place you under arrest, and turned the fleet over to Captain Mulvey."

  Mulvey turns to General Haggier and says, "I’m sorry General, but I will not obey that order. Nor will any crewmember on any ship in this fleet. Please inform the assembly we are General Jackson’s crew and we follow his orders."

  Gaul sits in shock after hearing what Mulvey has just said, and says, "Son, let’s go have a drink. You just showed me you’re the man."

  Jackson smiles, as Gaul grabs Mulvey and walks him off the bridge. Jackson looks at Haggier’s holoimage and says, "Haggier, feel free to contact the rest of the fleet. You might find one or two people that may follow your orders."

  Haggier angrily closes the com. Jackson looks out over the bridge and says, "Thank you."

  Klaus and Kitanna both stand up. They look to each other as Kitanna speaks, "General, I think I can speak for the crew and the rest of the fleet when I say. You have lead us in every engagement against the T-Challa, and we have never lost, why would we question you now?"

smiles, saying, "I did have help, but thank you, and I promise that until we return back to Earth and I’m arrested, I’ll do my best to make you proud." Most of the crew laugh, as they return to their stations.

  Two additional days pass, as Qui Shi’s condition deteriorates to the point where she has to be placed in suspended animation. Currently, Earth can only maintain a human in suspended animation for a few months. Some of the Earth’s ship Captains have minor concern about Jackson’s stand against the direct orders from Earth, but none of those Captains chooses to follow the orders from Earth, to return home. The Paladonian search method is quickly enacted, and the fleet proceeds without any incident for the two-day period.

  While on the second day in the recreation room, Gaul sits with Mulvey yet again, as the two have been becoming close friends.

  Gaul asks, "Mulvey, I gotta ask, when did you grow a pair? I mean really. When I first met you, you were a putz, and all of a sudden, you stand up and show me you’re the man."

  Mulvey, uncomfortable replies, "Doesn’t take long being around these men and women to learn just what it takes to survive out here."

  A crewmember brings over a bottle of scotch and two glasses, to the men.

  Gaul smiles and says, "Thank you son."

  Mulvey shakes his head, saying, "Sorry Gaul, I don’t drink."

  Gaul smiles, saying, "In my world son, refusing to drink with me is considered an act of war. Do you want to be responsible for an all-out war with the Bentonians?"

  Mulvey annoyed replies, "Gaul, I know what you’re trying to do, and it’s not going to work."

  Gaul laughs, saying, "Really? We’ll see about that."

  Four hours later, Mulvey and Gaul are surrounded by a large group as the two drunken men are singing so loudly and very off key and with any song, they can think of.

  Klaus enters with Kitanna, and immediately gets everyone’s attention yelling, "What the hell is going on here!"

  Mulvey laughs and says, "Hey Klaus, come here and have a swill. We’re conducting diplomatic relations."

  Klaus rolls his eyes as he approaches the two drunken men. The crowd quickly disperses. Klaus clearly annoyed says, "Captain, you're drunk, you need to go to your quarters at once."


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