Mulvey concerned says, "Sir, we're barely able to make the jump to hyperspace ourselves. Let alone pull the Si, and sir, this type of maneuver has never been tested, especially during a combat jump."
Jackson just stares at Mulvey, who then raises his hands in the air, saying, "Ok, what am I thinking. I’m talking to the man that just pulled off the craziest stunt in all of military history."
Jackson smiles and says, "You’re catching on son. You’re catching on."
The Yorktown launches its boarding cables. Pulling the Si alongside, as the Yorktown prepares to jump.
Kitanna alarmed yells, "General! We have multiple T-Challa ships exiting from behind us sir."
Jackson orders, "All ships prepare for the jump to hyperspace now."
The Earth fleet jumps out, as the Yorktown is pushed beyond its limits yet again, pulling the Super Carrier Si through hyperspace.
Mulvey alerts Jackson, "Sir, we have multiple fractures in our superstructure, and we have lost three of the twenty-nine cables. We will not be able to maintain this for very long."
Jackson exhales as he asks, "Is the Si cloaking field operational?"
Mulvey reports, "Sir, they don't have enough power to maintain it, but it appears that yes, it’s mostly operational."
Jackson says, "Mulvey, as soon as we drop from hyperspace, link our power core to theirs, and engage their cloak. Have the rest of the fleet remain uncloaked, and continue on to its rendezvous with our support fleet."
The com officer says, "Sir, I have Gaul on the com."
Jackson shakes his head to the com officer allowing the com to open. Gaul appears, stating, "Jacks, you have to be the craziest man in the galaxy. Does reason and common sense even exist in your mind?"
Jackson impatient asks, "Gaul, do you have a reason for calling me."
Gaul smiles and says, "We had multiple boarders from T-Challa ships, but we have the situation well under control. I'm thinking we should scan your ship as well. My men saw several Light Cruisers ram your ship before we evacted out."
Jackson sighs heavily as he replies, "We're dropping from hyperspace in just a minute, the moment we do, shift over with your men, and begin the sweep, coordinate it with my men."
The two Carriers drop from hyperspace, as both crews race to attach the power conduits allowing for the power transfer, as they immediately power up both cloaking fields."
Mulvey reports, "General, we have been able to link up in less than forty two seconds, cloaking field is being engaged."
Kitanna reports, "General, sir, we have no movement from the T-Challa fleet. It appears that they are waiting for something."
Jackson smiles and, asking, "Kitanna, you ready to activate that trap?"
Kitanna completely focused on her sensors replies, "My hand is on the switch sir."
The entire crew waits as the seconds pass by. Finally, Kitanna yells, "I have the gateway powering up sir!"
Jackson stands up smiling, and yells, "Hit it!"
Kitanna activates Val's device, and the signal is sent to the T-Challa gateway.
Kitanna quickly goes over her scans and reports, "Sir, it worked. The gateway has opened to the black hole again. The entire T-Challa fleet is being pulled in."
Jackson excited realizes something and asks, "How do we destroy this gateway now?"
Kitanna says, "The gateway will destroy itself after a few hours sir, just as it did the last time. The stress from the black holes gravitational field will cause it to self-collapse."
Jackson sits back in his chair relieved, until he gets an abrupt call, "Jackson! This is Gaul! We have big trouble, and its name is Toth."
The sound of multiple plasma blasts are heard in the background.
Jackson yells out, "All hands prepare to repel boarders!" He thinks to himself. This thing just won’t die. What the hell do I have to do to kill it?
Gaul calls back out on the com, "Jacks, that Toth guy and its creepy crawly friends are heading for med bay. He's got some damn personal force field."
Jackson enraged yells, "Gaul, Come here and get me! Bring me to med bay now!"
Gaul immediately shifts onto the bridge, saying, "Let’s move it Jacks, that big ugly thing is plowing through our men like my ancestor's through a thirty pack."
Jackson quickly grabs one of the marine’s plasma rifles, and puts his arm around Gaul, saying, "Ok Gaul, let’s do this."
Gaul says, "Hold your breath Jacks, and try not to pass out this time."
The two enter the null space field as Gaul immediately reappears just outside med bay. A hundred men stand ready, both Paladonian's and soldiers from Earth, standing side by side, as they prepare for the swarm of T-Challa, which are fast approaching.
Jackson, temporarily disoriented begins to steady himself, as he slowly starts to walk around the men. He inspects the perimeter, evaluating the situation.
Jackson asks, "Gaul, how many T-Challa do we have, coming with him? And how many men do we have pursuing them?"
Gaul replies, "We have at least fifty uglies left charging down here, and we have a minimum of eleven units in pursuit, but there's not much in-between them and us at this point, apart from bulkheads and walls and Toth doesn't use doors. He’s likes blasting holes in your pretty ship, and charges right on through."
Jackson looks into med bay seeing Carla fast asleep. She is right next to the stasis chamber, which is keeping Qui Shi alive. He looks over the Doctor, asking, "Can we move them out of here yet?"
The Doctor replies, "No General. We have been on emergency power since the battle begun. There just isn't enough time, or power to attempt to move her to a portable unit."
Gaul confidently says, "Don't worry Jacks. That big ugly thing ain't gonna get past me and my men."
Jackson picks up Carla, and says, "Gaul, you have a more important mission. You need to take Carla and get her out of here now."
Gaul hesitant to even touch Carla, saying, "Jacks, our sole purpose for living is to ensure you survive to protect Carla. Not die the next week."
Jackson angrily says, "I'm not leaving my wife Gaul, and Carla is too important to risk. You need to get her out of here."
Gaul puts his hand on Jacks shoulder, and says, "Then we stand here together, like Marines."
The two ready themselves in position, as they wait for the T-Challa to approach. The noise of multiple plasma blasts are heard along with the roar of the T-Challa.
Gaul receives a com message and reports, "We've downed at least a dozen more of those T-Challas, but there just plowing through us. We've got massive casualties."
Jackson realizing that there may only be one chance looks over to the Doctor and asks, "Can you wake her up?"
The Doctor replies, "Yes I can, but it will take a few minutes for it to take effect."
Jackson frustrated says, "Do it."
The Doctor gets a hypo gun, injecting Carla. Just then, the forward guards open fire, as multiple blasts erupt from just down the corridor. A huge blast suddenly rips through the barricade, as men and debris are flown through the air. Toth roars, charging down into sight of Jackson and Gaul.
Bodies are strewn about the place, as Gaul focuses on Toth, who in turn points its oversized plasma cannon at both him and Jackson.
Toth roars, "We will destroy your pathetic hybrid, and your planet!"
Gaul reacts like a warrior of untold skill. He instantly grabs Jackson, and shifts behind Toth, easily avoiding the blast, which then rips into the corridor just behind where they stood only mere moments before. Jackson disoriented stumbles to the ground trying quickly to regain his footing. Gaul, ever the hardened trained warrior, takes action. He throws four high output thermite grenades, at the T-Challa directly behind Toth. The resulting explosion separates Toth from the bulk of his assault team, as the corridor collapses isolating Toth and them.
Toth’s head spins quickly, seeing both men behind him. He roars in rage, as he tur
ns to fire his weapons at both.
Gaul alarmed yells out, as he grabs a much-disoriented Jackson, "Oops, time to go!" They both shift back to their original position where they stood just a moment before. Unfortunately, as they reappear from null space, Jackson is now unconscious as he is unable to take the strain of so many shifts.
Gaul himself is now feeling fatigued by the multiple short shifts, but neverthess shrugs off the effect as he fires his weapon at Toth in a massive barrage. Gaul makes his last stand in defense of Jackson and Carla. He reacts as a warrior born to his trade, while still firing his plasma cannon, he lowers himself down on one knee, grabbing Jackson’s weapon. He fires both as he prepares to shield himself and Jackson with his PCD shield. It is set to full power. Toth growls, as he sees the multiple dead T-Challa behind him from Gaul's surprise assault. Toth so enraged by Gaul's earlier attack ignores Gaul's constant barrage for a moment. Then Toth's shield alarm goes off signaling the lack of power, as Gaul’s continued plasma strikes finally drain the shield. Toth now enraged angrily turns pointing his massive plasma cannon directly at Gaul. He takes careful aim at him, as Toth's shield relents. Gaul takes full advantage, knowing he is the last hope, the last chance, to keep Caleb's prime law from failing. His people had one purpose, and he is now the only man that stands between that succeeding and failing. Gaul fires relentlessly at Toth, as he prepares for Toth's attack.
Toth enraged fires, hitting Gaul dead on, blasting him back through the damaged corridor, and into the bulkhead. His PCD absorbs the brunt of the blast, but he is in critical condition as he is catapulted through the heavily reinforced steel wall. If not for Gaul’s PCD shield, he would have been vaporized
Toth, finally unobstructed slowly approaches Jackson's unconscious body, pulling him up by his arm. He dangles Jackson unconscious body out before him, as he stares deeply into Jackson’s face. Jackson begins to groan, as he starts regaining consciousness. Toth menacingly laughs, saying, "I'm going to enjoy killing you, and that hybrid."
Toth hastily pulls back his bladed arm as he holds Jackson helpless body outward. Toth prepares to slice Jackson in two, but to Toth’s surprise, he is unable to move his bladed arm. Toth confused tries again, but is once again he’s unable to move his arm and then he notices Carla. She is standing at the doorway of med bay, as her eyes glow brilliant blue. She hovers just inches above the ground. Toth roars, as he is unable to move his body, shouting out, "You cannot hold me child. I will kill you, and everything you love."
Carla simply says, "No you won’t." She closes her eyes, and focuses all her power on Toth. Toth begins to strain and drops Jackson to the ground. Toth then screams out in utter agony, as Carla focuses all her rage, and all her pain directly into Toth. His head virtually explodes, covering everyone and everything with his blood. His lifeless body then collapses to the deck.
Carla stays motionless, as Jackson climbs back onto his feet. Stumbling, he walks over to her and squats down next to Carla, saying, "Little Flower, you do know it's Papa Jack’s job to protect you. Not yours to protect me, but thank you very much. You’re a very brave little girl."
Carla opens her eyes in tears as they revert back and says, "Papa Jacks, you and Mama Qui Shi, are all that I have left. Everyone else is gone."
Jackson lifts her up in his arms and says, "No one is gone Little Flower. They’re just lost. Lost Heroes, just like you."
Carla grabs Jackson, and holds him so tightly, causing Jackson, who is exceptionally sore to say, "Ouch! Careful Carla, Papa Jacks isn't that tough."
The Doctor and emergency crews rush out to attend to the wounded. Jackson looks for Gaul while carrying Carla. The two quickly find him unconscious. Jackson instantly checks Gaul's vitals thinking. Damn, he's as tough as Benton ever was, and just as brave.
Gaul groans and asks, "Did we kill that big ugly bastard?"
Jackson smiles, and says, "Yeah, Carla took care of him."
Gaul laughs and coughs up some blood, saying, "Good, I hope he comes back as a midget."
The Doctors quickly arrive, as they immediately begin to work on Gaul. Carla says, "He won’t come back."
Jackson confused asks, "Carla, what do you mean? They always come back. The Queen recovers their psychic crap, and just recreates them. Your Papa said so?"
Carla very attentive says, "I destroyed his mind, there is nothing left for the Queen to save."
Jackson now very concerned asks, "Carla, are you ok."
Carla still crying slightly says, "Yes Papa Jacks, I'll be ok."
Six days later, repairs continue as the damage is calculated, and cost realized. Jackson sits in his ready room with his command staff, as he waits for the com to open up. After several minutes pass the com finally opens, and several dignitaries show up, along with many high-ranking military officials. President Baker speaks, "General Jackson, congratulations is in order. You have successfully defeated the T-Challa, and forced them back into their own territory. You have also given us a great new ally in the Paladonian's, and we are all extremely grateful."
Jackson looks over the political officials and asks, "Where is the man that allowed me to succeed in my mission. The man whose support, had it not been given, we would’ve all been destroyed? Where is Secretary-General Wu Lei Chan?"
The room goes quiet, as Jackson waits for a reply.
Finally the new Chinese diplomat speaks, "General, he has been replaced by me."
Jackson smiles and says, "I'd suggest you contact your government and fix that now. Tell them that it’s a request from me personally."
The Chinese diplomat lowers his head, and says, "I will relay your request immediately."
Baker smiling asks, "General, how long till you and the fleet can return to Earth?'
Jackson replies, "We suffered substantial damage. We're looking at a minimum of at least two weeks of repairs."
Haggier annoyed asks, "Jackson, did you really ram your ship into two of their ships?"
Mulvey interrupts and says, "Sir, it was one of the most brilliant maneuvers I’ve ever seen, and yes we may have taken serious damage, but in one maneuver he crippled two of their best ships, while saving the entire crew of SI."
Haggier extremely annoyed replies, "Very risky and extremely damaging maneuver, one I hope won’t be repeated."
Baker says, "General Jackson, we will expect your return in a few months."
Jackson says, "Sorry Madam President, but I will not be returning with my fleet. I have personal business to take care of on one of the moons of Paladonia."
Baker now concerned asks, "General, I think its best you wait till after we establish proper diplomatic relations with these people before you go there."
Jackson says, "I understand Madam President, but the life of my wife is at risk, and they may have a device that can save her. To delay any further may endanger her life."
Haggier sarcastically asks, "What assurances of your safety do we have, should you go there?"
Gaul mockingly replies, "He will be on board my ship, and completely safe under my flag, that good enough for you."
Baker sighs and says, "General, I will not order you to return, because I know you won’t follow them, but please be careful. We have lost so many heroes, and we need our heroes, especially in times like these."
Jackson smiles and says, "Thank you Madam President."
The meeting adjourns, as the command staff leaves, Jackson stares down at Kalen. Who sits back down and waits for everyone to leave.
Kalen innocently smiles, asking, "You have something to say to me?"
Jackson smiles back and says, "I know it was you that put that T-Challa tracking device on my ship Kalen."
Kalen smiles, saying, "You don’t have any proof General, otherwise you’d have placed me under arrest."
Jackson gets up from his chair, walking over to Kalen who stands up, as Jackson asks, "What is your problem with me Kalen?"
Kalen brings his face right up to Jackson, saying, "You’re too powerful. C
aleb gave you the ability to shutdown all the X’ena technology on our worlds. You’re a threat to my world's existence."
Jackson, annoyed, asks, "So you want me dead so badly that you were willing to risk the mission and everyone on my ship just to kill me?"
Kalen smiles, as he turns away, and heads to the door, saying, "You have no proof Jackson, but if I had done it. I wouldn’t be sorry about it."
Jackson quickly jumps forward, grabbing Kalen, tossing him back against the wall. Kalen angered charges back, spearing Jackson onto the floor. Jackson immediately pulls Kalen up, and strikes him square across the jaw, then pushes him off him.
The ruckus gets the attention of everyone on the bridge, including the command staff, which had just left.
They hurriedly turn around and try to enter the room, but the door is locked.
Gaul tries to push it in yelling, "Damn it, that’s a blast proof door. I need my shifter."
Tess says, "Val, you can override the lock."
Val immediately goes and starts to work on the lock, as the group hears one loud crash after another, as the two men inside continue to pummeling each other.
After several minutes, Val says, "Got it."
The door opens up, as Kalen is lying on the ground, and Jackson is sitting in a chair. Both are bloody, and beaten.
Jackson, seeing everyone race in asks, "Did you forget something?"
Kalen starts to get to his feet, saying, "You want to continue this later General."
Jackson smiles, saying, "I’m free right now Kalen."
Jackson gets up, and puts his hand out to help Kalen back to his feet.
Kalen grabs his hand. Jackson starts to pull him up, but just before he gets to his feet, Jackson once again strikes Kalen across the jaw, knocking him unconscious."
Tess, shocked, yells, "What the hell did you do that for."
Jackson smiles, and says, "Just having a friendly conversation about diplomacy Tess."
Tess looks at her unconscious brother and says, "Jacks, I think we will have a lot of things to discuss later."
Jackson smiles, saying, "We’ll see Tess, but that's only if your big brother isn't too busy for me." Jackson smiles again, and turns to Gaul, saying, "Gaul, I will be moving Qui Shi and myself to your ship at once."
The Ocoda Chronicles Book 2 Lost Heroes Page 23