Beyond Betrayal: A Diana Scott Novel

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Beyond Betrayal: A Diana Scott Novel Page 4

by Carol Massey

  “You have to be kidding,” blurted Kim.

  “No, Eric is planning a sex party for me in two weeks. Get this, I no longer work as a paralegal or fuck my boss in his office. Now, my boss comes to my house and fucks me three times a week for the same $80,000.”

  “Aren’t you afraid they you will become emotionally attached to him?”

  “No, Eric and I love each other very much. Our sex is the best it has ever been. He understands that I can’t live without strange cock. He calls me his little whore. Now I live a whore’s life, so I dress the part. I love men lusting at me.”

  “Wow!” said Kim. “I don’t know if I would have the nerve for revenge sex.”

  “It’s great. I came more that night than I had my whole life. Eric knows I can have sex whenever I want with whomever I want.”

  “How has it affected him?”

  “He appreciates the fact that our relationship is based on our love and friendship. For a while, I thought all of this might be too much for him, but he adjusted and started being my alpha male once again. I will help you set it up Kim if you want the help. I have the guys and the electronics.”

  “Let me think about it.”

  The women finished their lunch with small talk and parted ways. That evening Eric took Diana back to their favorite bar for drinks. Diana mentioned that Kim and Ryan separated because he was having an affair with his secretary.

  “That’s too bad,” said Eric choosing his words carefully not wanting Diana to bring up his one night fling.

  “I told her how my revenge sex worked to save our marriage and how it might save theirs, but she wasn’t sure.”

  “Don’t you think you should just stay out of it?"

  “I care deeply about her. She’s my sorority sister whom I have known for ten years. She scheduled lunch to confide in me.”

  “I hope you know what you’re doing Diana and it all works out.”

  “Changing the subject, sixty-two men responded to the ad wanting to party with you.”

  “Wow! We need no more applicants. Would you print me copies of their emails along with their photos tonight? I’ll call Kim and invite her over in the morning. I want her to help me narrow the list to thirty.”

  “Alright I’ll do it."

  After they finished their drinks, they danced to a couple of slow songs with Diana hugging him around his neck well aware that her dress would rise and reveal the bottom of her ass.

  Chapter 7

  Kim arrived at Diana’s at 11:30 AM.

  “Sorry I’m late.”

  “That’s alright; lunch will be ready in a few minutes.”

  Kim set the table as Diana finished cooking. As they started eating, Diana asked her how she was doing.

  “I’m doing better today. I think our lunch yesterday helped a lot just being able to share my pain with a friend who just went through the same thing. Last night I kept thinking about revenge sex, but I’m not sure. Ryan is the only man I’ve been with since my senior year in college.”

  “Hey, I have an idea Kim. Tomorrow night is ladies’ night at the bar. Why don’t we treat ourselves to a girl’s night out?”

  “What about Eric?”

  “He will be at his monthly poker night.”

  “Okay, then, it will do me good to get my mind off my problems.”

  “Don’t forget to dress sexy like you did in college.”

  “I will,” she answered.

  After they cleared the table, Diana brought out her stack of emails with photos of the candidates.

  “Kim, I want you to help me go through these emails. I have sixty-two men who want to party with me. I need to select thirty to interview.”

  “I’ll be glad to help, but tell me. How does it feel having sixty-two men wanting to fuck you?”

  “All I can say is life is very good.”

  The women took about forty-five minutes to choose the top thirty.

  “Tonight Eric will email them and make appointments for Friday and Saturday night.”

  “Well how many men are going to get to party with you?”


  “Is that enough?” asked Kim sarcastically.

  “I’m about to find out,” Diana answered with a big smile on her face.

  Kim got quite for a few minutes. “If I were to have revenge sex, would the men wear condoms?”

  “That’s up to you, but I will add that if you really want Ryan back you will skip the condoms. Nothing will get his attention like seeing you swallow one man’s sperm as another one’s sperm oozes from your pussy. If you use the condom, they are just fucking you. If you go wet, they are marking his woman.”

  “Well what about safe sex?”

  “The pounding you are taking along with the risk is what makes it so provocative and taboo. I can’t say for sure that he’ll apologize to you and want to get back together, but it’s bound to be more effective than separation.”

  “Well, at least I can’t get knocked up. I started back on the pill since the separation three weeks ago.”

  “Why don’t you call the doctor to make an appointment to find out for sure how long it takes to be effective? While you are at it Kim, make an appointment for me too.

  “I want him to order tests every two weeks to make sure I’m still sexually healthy. Just don’t make the appointments on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday afternoons because Wayne comes over then. Oh my, the time, Wayne will be here in thirty minutes. I’ve got to get ready.”

  “You get ready. I’ll clean the kitchen.”

  “Thanks Kim,” said Diana as she rushed to her bedroom to get dressed.

  The doorbell rang. It was only 1:45. Wayne was fifteen minutes early.

  “Kim, will you answer the door? I’m not ready.”

  Kim opened the door and stood in awe of the sexy man standing outside.

  “Hi, I’m Wayne. Is Diana here?”

  “Hi, I’m Kim. She’s getting ready.”

  Diana walked into the living room wearing her bun hugging miniskirt along with her now standard black thigh high stockings and five-inch stilettos and a white sheer low cut blouse. Her black shelf bra gave her a nice lift while still exposing most of her breasts including her hard nipples. She walked up to Wayne and gave him a tight hug and a wet tongue-tickling kiss.

  “Wayne, meet my sorority sister Kim Sanders.”

  “We’ve met.”

  “I had better be going,” said Kim turning around at the door and giving Diana a few raised eyebrows of approval. She smiled to acknowledge her approval. Kim waved goodbye and left.

  “Don’t worry about her Wayne. She won’t mention to anyone that you were over here with me. She is a close friend who was my sorority sister. She wouldn’t mess up our fun.”

  “My wife would have a fit if she knew I was here. I’m here because she will not give me what I want. She won’t even give me a blowjob. To make matters worse she dresses like she is always on her way to Sunday school.”

  “Poor baby, now tell me what kind of sex you want today. I have to be back at the office at 4 pm, so I don’t have much time. I just want a plain fuck.”

  “Okay, but I still want to lick you clean,” said Diana wantonly.

  “Of course you can. I can’t go back to the office dirty, can I?”

  Diana gave him just what he wanted and licked him clean. Afterwards, she told him that next week he needed to come over on Friday morning, because she had to attend one of Eric’s work related parties that night.

  After Eric went to his poker game the next evening, Diana met Kim at the bar around 8:30 pm. Diana hoped she would dress sexy. She wanted her to attract some men to dance. It was important that Kim remember she is a hot sexy woman who has options besides her husband. Kim did not disappoint her. She walked into the bar wearing a short little low cut red dress along with red high heels and black thigh high stocking with the seam in the back.

  “Damn Kim, you look hot.”

  “I’m glad you like it. I de
cided to treat myself and went shopping this afternoon. Diana, I don’t know about being here. I started getting nervous about it on the way over. I’m still married.”

  “Relax. We’re here to do some drinking and dancing. We aren’t here to get laid.”

  “What would you pretty ladies like to drink?” the waiter asked.

  “I want a shot of whiskey.”

  “Me too,” said Kim.

  After the waiter left, she told Diana that she hoped the whiskey would calm her nerves. The waiter brought the drinks and said there was no charge. The drinks are compliments of the two men from that table over there. Kim glanced that way.

  “They are pretty sexy.”

  Diana glanced at them. “They sure are.” She picked up her glass for a toast. “To a good time”.

  “To a good time,” answered Kim.

  Diana turned toward the men at the other table, raised her glass as if she were offering them a toast, and downed her drink in one swallow. After hesitating for a moment, Kim toasted them downing hers in one swallow too.

  “That’s strong stuff.”

  She looked up and the men were already at their table.

  “May we join you?” one asked.

  “Sure,” said Diana.

  She had already decided that they were perfect a match to show Kim a good time. The one who sat next to Kim was tall with blonde hair and blue eyes. His name was Gary. The other one was not as tall but had a physique that suggested he worked out. He had black hair and goatee along with brown eyes. His name was Adam.

  After a few minutes of small talk, Adam who had noticed their wedding rings asked, “Are you ladies married?”

  “Yes, we are,” answered Diana. “Don’t let it bother you. We’re here to have a good time as she placed her hand on his leg.”

  “Diana would you like to dance?”

  “I’d love to,” she said as she grabbed his hand.

  They headed to the dance floor. Gary asked Kim to dance, and they headed to dance floor, too. A fast song played. Diana danced very suggestively. Kim danced though more conservatively than Diana was. Next a slow song played. Gary slid his hands down to Kim’s ass. Reflexively, Kim placed hers on his biceps. About half way through the song Kim laid her head on his shoulder. The scent of Gary’s cologne smelled so sexy her thong grew moist as she tingled to his touch.

  When the song was over, Diana and Adam did not stop. She had her arms around Adam’s neck and his were on her ass. Before they broke their embrace, Adam gave Diana a kiss to which she was most receptive. A fast song started up, she teased him rubbing her ass on his cock. Kim enjoyed herself as well though not dancing quite as provocatively. After the song, the couples returned to their table.

  “I need another drink,” said Diana. “What about you Kim?”

  “Yes another whiskey please.”

  Gary ordered four whiskeys.

  “Make mine and Kim’s doubles,” said Diana knowing whiskey made Kim as horny as hell.

  When the drinks arrived, Gary looked at Adam.

  “I bet Kim can down two shots faster than Diana.”

  “Twenty bucks says she can’t.”

  “Diana holds her liquor well, but tonight I bet I can beat her Gary,” said Kim.

  “Adam, I’ll bet you forty bucks Kim can down them faster.”

  “I’ll take your bet Gary if the ladies are willing.”

  “Come on Kim. You can out drink her,” pleaded Gary.

  She reach for a glass and then so did Diana.

  “Go,” said Adam.

  Kim won as Diana threw the race.

  “Damn,” said Adam as he placed his hand on Diana’s leg. The two shots hit Kim hard. She no longer had a care in the world.

  “Let’s dance Gary,” said Kim leading him to the dance floor. The two let loose on the dance floor. Kim, having lost her inhibition, placed her ass at Adam’s cock, bent over slightly, rubbing herself all over him.

  “Kim seems to be having a good time,” said Adam as he slid his hand from the top of Diana’s leg down to her inner thigh.

  “She sure is,” answered Diana reaching her hand over and rubbing his cock. Adam kissed her. They grew very heated.

  “Adam, we’d better dance, or I may let you fuck me right here on the table.”

  “Alright,” he answered as he started to get up.

  “Wait a minute.”

  He sat back down.

  “Kim is planning a night of revenge sex on her husband. She caught him fucking his secretary. She’s thinking about partying with two men. She’s never fucked two at one time, so she’s not quite sure.” After we have danced for a while, I am going to the restroom.” While I’m gone, dance with Kim and Gary. Make sure she stays between you, and make certain there is plenty of contact with her. If they play a slow song, sandwich her. Keep right up next to her ass and breasts to arouse her.”

  “I don’t know how Gary will act.”

  “Pleasssse, you two are players. My husband whores me out. I know players when I see them. He’ll figure it out. I’ll come to the dance floor about fifteen minutes later and suggest we head out to a car. After we’ve made out for just a bit, suggest we get a hotel room. If she is ready for both of you, give it to her good. If she just wants Gary, then you can fuck me. Hell, even if you do fuck her, I’ll still want some cock, so you may get to fuck both of us.”

  “Sounds like fun,” said Adam as they got up headed toward the dance floor.

  They started dirty dancing with her kneeling so low and close her mouth was merely inches from his cock. Kim and Gary danced nasty too. By the third song, Kim danced even nastier than Diana did if possible. Next was a slow dance. Totally wasted Kim held her arms around Gary’s neck kissing him passionately as he encouraged her by rubbing her ass.

  “It’s time for Kim to find out how she likes two men’s company,” said Diana as she excused herself to the restroom.

  Adam stood behind Kim and motioned to his friend. He pointed one hand at himself and the other at Gary. Then he pointed both hands at Kim back and forth in a stroking motion. The next song was a fast dance song. Adam danced his way closer to Kim. She noticed him and dirty danced with him as he moved in closer. Kim danced continuously touching and rubbing on them.

  From a distance, Diana saw that Gary and Adam had Kim extremely aroused. Kim’s dress rose up exposing some ass cheek, and she either didn’t notice or care. During the next slow dance, Kim had her arms around Adam’ neck and was continuously kissing him while Gary danced snug behind her with his hands on her waist grinding his cock on her ass.

  A third of the way through the song, the men turned her around. Kim kissed Gary right away as she clung with her arms around his neck as Adam rubbed his dick on her partially exposed ass. Before the song ended, the men turned her back around. Plastered, she kissed Adam as she stuck her ass out for Gary to rub with his cock.

  “Let’s find a hotel to finish this party,” suggested Diana after she returned to the dance floor.

  Gary and Adam both had an arm around Kim as they headed for the door. They made it to Diana’s car. She got in the front. Adam and Gary got it back with Kim. They kissed her as they rubbed her breasts. Kim lost control of her body. It reacted to their every touch. Gary slid his hand down to her inner thigh messaging it as he worked his way closer and closer to her prize. The closer he got the harder Kim breathed until his hand was firmly on her pussy. Kim nearly lost her breathe. Involuntarily, Kim rocked her vagina. She moaned in delight sliding her dress up.

  Diana’s phone rang. “Hello.” It was Eric.

  “Diana, my car broke down. I need you to pick me up.”

  “Okay, I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

  “Guys, the party is over. My husband’s car broke down. He’s stranded.”

  “That’s alright. We’ll party without you. Kim wants both of us,” suggested Adam.

  “No, I won’t leave her with two men that we just met.”

  Coming to her sense
s a bit, Kim said. “I want to go with Diana.”

  “Come on baby,” pleaded Gary.

  “Guys, get out of the car, or I’ll turn on the car alarm and scream rape,” threatened Diana.

  Gary and Adam got out.

  “Bitches,” they said before they closed the doors.

  Diana pulled onto the street with Kim still riding in the back.

  “Where did Eric break down?” slurred Kim in a drunken voice.

  “He is at home. When I went to the restroom, I asked him to call me with this rouse in fifteen minutes. Those guys weren’t going to take no for an answer, so we needed an excuse to leave.”

  “I’m too drunk to drive home.”

  “I know. We’ll be at my house in three minutes. You can sleep there tonight.”

  Chapter 8

  The next morning Diana noticed Kim obliviously in a bad mood.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  “Ryan called this morning. He’s angry because I didn’t answer the phone last night. Can you believe he had the nerve drive by our condo? He flipped out when I wasn’t home after midnight. I told him I spent the night with you, but the jerk didn’t believe me.”

  “What a hypocrite,” added Diana.

  The son of a bitch asked, “Are you sure you weren’t with some guy? The bastard questions my fidelity after he screwed his secretary.”

  “Incredible,” commented Diana.

  “I can’t trust him. He sure doesn’t trust me. What can I do Diana?”

  “You’ve got to decide for yourself. Your decision will affect the rest of your life.”

  “I know one thing. He’s not going to dictate how I live my life. Diana, I want you to drive me to get my car. I need time by myself to figure things out.”


  “Oh, and one other thing, would it be alright for me to tag along with you and Eric tonight? I know you’ll be busy screening your party guests. I thought I could help.”


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