Something Amazing

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Something Amazing Page 23

by M. Clarke

Jace looked proud, raising his chin up in the air. “I helped my daddy.”

  “I know. You did a fantastic job.”

  Jace wrinkled his nose and squinted his eyes when Hendrix ruffed his hair.

  “I did take that offer,” Jax finally said, taking a sip of his wine.

  “What offer?” Being that we’d just gotten back together, I didn’t know if I had the right to ask. I was still being careful with what I said.

  “Matthew offered Jax a great contract. He wants Jax to model for his clothing line, him and Max are starting,” Stacey informed me, spooning for a bite of her baked potato.

  “And how do you know all of this before me?” I let out a short laugh.

  “Hendrix tells me everything,” she answered.

  “I hope not everything.” Jax went to the kitchen to answer the phone and came back. “That was Mom. She told me Chloe took the offer. I knew she would.”

  “What offer?” I felt like I was in the dark. Shrugging down to my seat, I hoped I hadn’t overstepped my boundary.

  “Hold on.” Jax excused himself and came back with an iPad. “Want to watch your favorite movie while you eat dinner?” he asked Jace.

  “I can? But you said no movie while eating.”

  “Just this once.” Jax placed ear buds on Jace and sat down and continued. “Mom and Dad thought it would be good for Jace if we didn’t have so much back and forth,” Jax started to explain. “Not only is it unstable for him, but, not to put Chloe down, she’s really not mother material. She loves our son, but being that her career is blooming, she’s not as attentive. My parents brought this idea up when we were in the hospital. I’ll basically have full custody of him, and Chloe is allowed to see him every other weekend.”

  “Don’t give Chloe any credit,” Hendrix barked. “I feel bad for Jace. He’s such a great kid. He doesn’t deserve a mother like her.”

  Remembering what Jax’s father said to Jax at the hospital, everything now made sense. “What did Chloe say? I’m surprised that she gave in.”

  “My parents’ lawyer drafted an agreement, and I paid her off. I know it sounds bad, but I did it for Jace. I was a shitty father before, but I’m going to make up for it.” Jax reached for his son and kissed him on his cheek.

  “You weren’t a shitty father,” Hendrix declared. “Frankly, you were too young to be a father. Your career was taking off. You did the best you could. I’m older than you, and I’m still not ready to be a dad. It’s a lot of responsibility.”

  “I know, but still—”

  “And you shouldn’t have to pay her off to sign the divorce document.”

  “Whatever works. I just want that divorce so I can move on with my life.” Jax looked at me, as if he wanted to make sure I was listening.

  “You still want to be one in the future, right?” Stacey forked a piece of steak and opened her mouth.

  “Be what?” Hendrix looked at her in confusion.

  “A father.”

  “Of course, babe. Maybe in a couple of years. I need to settle all of the restaurants. We need to find a steady place to live.”

  Stacey leaned back into her chair and let out a small sigh of relief. “That sounds like a plan. I would like to live close to Rachel.” Stacey looked at me with a knowing smile, reminding me of a conversation we had before.

  Stacey and I talked about how great it would be for us to live closer together while raising our family, but that was our wishful thinking. Perhaps there was a possibility that we could make our wishes come true some day.

  “We can make that happen.” Hendrix placed his hand on her shoulder. He was such a sweet man, just like Jax.

  Jax reached over and started to cut the steak into bit sizes for Jace. I loved watching Jax fuss over his son; there was so much love and care in his actions. Though Jax had said he was a shitty father, I didn’t believe it for one second since we were our own worst critic. Time and time again, Jax’s actions showed me that he was the best father he could be. Like Becky had said, no one was perfect, we just do our best. And I knew without a doubt that Jax was the best father for Jace.

  “Did you know Matthew and Becky are planning to adopt a boy from China?” Stacey asked me.

  “I see Becky at least every other weekend. Becky talked about it. And how do you know?”

  “We had dinner with Matthew and your sister the other night.”

  “Oh. They’ve already got the paperwork completed. They’re just waiting.”

  “It won’t be too long,” Hendrix added. “They’ve got money and connections.”

  “Anyway, I think that’s wonderful,” Stacey said. “To be able to love a child that’s not your own…now that’s real love. And I bow down to your sister and Matthew.”

  “Me too,” I agreed, thinking about how much I cared for Jace, too.

  After dinner, we sat around the family room and talked into the long hours of the night. Feeling comfortable, I sat next to Jax, who had his arms around me the whole time. It felt good to be embraced by familiar arms, the only arms I cared to be held by.

  When Jace got tired of playing with his toys, he squeezed between Jax and me with the stuffed turtle I had bought for him. He rested his head on Jax and fell asleep. Watching him sleep, I thought about what it would be like to have the three of us living together, and what it would be like if Jax and I got married. No matter which way I thought about it, I loved that feeling way too much.

  When Hendrix and Stacey left, we tucked Jace into bed. I loved Jace’s room. With baby blue walls, the mural was painted with palm trees, the ocean, and turtles. It gave me such a serene feeling that I didn’t want to leave his room. It reminded me of Kauai. Off to the corner was his collection of stuffed turtles of various sizes. After I said goodnight to Jace, I went downstairs to make sure all of the mess was cleaned up. Then I grabbed my purse and stood by the door, ready to leave.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Jax asked, appearing at the bottom of the stairs.

  My eyes were hooked, watching him glide across the dark wooden floor to me. He drove me crazy when he looked at me with those marble dark eyes that were full of danger and fun.

  “Home,” I murmured.

  “I have a spare room downstairs and an extra room upstairs. You can pick.”

  “You have a nice home, Jax. I’m impressed with your elegant choice of furniture.” Compared with his bedroom furniture in Kauai, his home in Beverly Hills was decorated with style.

  “Thank you. I’ve had this house for a year. I wanted a nice home with a big back yard for Jace.” Jax took my purse out of my hand. “It’s late, and I can’t let you drive home this late.”

  “I’ll be fine,” I assured. “It’s not a far drive.”

  “I know, but I like to protect what’s mine.” His eyes were greedy and luring. “I would drive you home, but then I would have to wake up Jace. You don’t want me to do that, do you?” Jax’s arms extended up against the wall, flexing his muscles, caging me inside.

  “No. But—”

  “No buts. I won’t take no as an answer.” Jax’s lips came closer to mine, causing a flush of heat to ignite through me. My heart had no control as it pounded against my chest. “We never got to finish our kiss. We never got the chance to make up. I think they call it make up sex.”

  “We didn’t?” I whimpered. I had no idea what I was saying. All I could think of was how Jax was making me feel…dizzy. I was floating, under his spell from his proximity.

  “I think you should spend the night.” Jax’s lips brushed against the side of my neck. My knees started to buckle from his tiny wet kisses, as his hand ran down my arms, slowly and sensually.

  I let out a sharp gasp when his body pressed against mine and he took my mouth into his. Feeling like he swallowed me up, and feeling a throbbing ache between my legs, I let myself go. When I rubbed his erection with my hand, Jax growled and kissed me harder and deeper, as if he couldn’t get enough.

  “Is this a yes? Does this mean
you’ll stay?” he said between kissing me, pulling up my sweater.

  “Do I have a choice?” I helped him ease the rest of my clothes off me.

  “Nope.” Jax cradled me into his arms and headed upstairs.

  Three months later


  Jace ran to me with open arms from across the room. Seeing him dash like that made me worried he might trip on the way. Kneeling down to his level, I embraced him tightly and kissed his cheek.

  “Is it Daddy’s day?” he asked.

  “Yes, it is.”

  “Yeah!” He jumped with excitement.

  “Daddy was supposed to be here, but he had a change of plan. It’s going to be just me today. We’re meeting him at your favorite restaurant.”

  Jace licked his lips and rubbed his stomach, looking too adorable. “Yum. Are we going to see Connor and Addison, too?”

  “No, not today. We will see them this weekend.”

  “Okay. Let’s go.” Jace couldn’t contain his excitement. He was rushing out the door before I could sign him out from the daycare.

  On the way to the restaurant, Jace was quiet in the car as he stared out the window. He was usually a chatty child. I wondered if he’d had an off day today.

  “Did you take a good nap, Jace?” I took a quick peek in the rearview mirror. Strapped up in his car seat, he seemed nonchalant. I wondered what was going through his mind.

  “Yup.” He paused. “I don’t like naps.”

  “I know. Maybe next year you won’t have to take one.”

  “Okay. I can’t wait for next year.”

  Jace’s sentences were expanding. I could already see growth in his speech and cognitive development. The only time he substituted the “W” sound with “R” was when he called my name. I think he was used to calling me that way; habits were hard to break. Sometimes he would catch himself, but I didn’t care what he called me. Sometimes he would call me Mom, and that was okay with me.

  “Did you play with your friends?”

  “Joey wasn’t there today. I think he got sick.”

  Maybe that was the reason why he looked a little sad. I had no idea.

  “There’s Cheesecake Factory,” he said with elation, pointing. “Can I have ice cream, too?”

  “I don’t see why not. You did take a nap, after all.”

  Jace radiated a satisfying smile without a word.

  After I valet parked, we entered the restaurant hand-in-hand.

  “Daddy!” Jace jumped on Jax.

  “My favorite two people in the world.” Jax kissed Jace, then he squeezed me in between them. “I have a table.”

  Jax held my hand while he carried Jace on the side of his hip.

  “Here we are,” Jax said, placing Jace down next to him. “How was everyone’s day?”

  “Good.” Jace looked at the menu. “This is letter M. A. C. A. R. O. N. I. I want macaroni.”

  “That’s great, Jace. You know all of those letters now.”

  Jace showed me all his teeth. That’s how proud he was. Feeling a little kick under the table, I glanced at Jax. His eyes were loving and flirty, the way they always were when he looked at me.

  “Do you know what you want to order?” Jax asked.

  “Yes. Look at your text.”

  Jax took his phone out of his back pocket.

  I want to eat you.

  With a huge smile, he texted me back.

  Only for dessert, after we get home.


  Chloe wants to take Jace next weekend. I have plans for us.

  I can’t wait.

  Thanks for being so understanding.

  That’s because you’re amazing.

  I know. Right?


  Haha. You like me that way.

  Yes, I do.

  Thanks for loving Jace.

  It’s easy. I do it for us.

  I love you!

  I love you more!

  “What are you doing?” Jace asked, pulling his dad’s phone away from him. “Are you talking to Wachel? I mean Rachel? You’re both funny.” Jace cracked a laugh, making us laugh, too.


  “The end,” I said, then closed the book. Hearing no applause or asking me to read again, I looked down at Jace on our bed, lying between Rachel and me, asleep. Glancing over to Rachel, I knew she was close to sleeping when I saw her eyes flutter, unable to keep them open. A sudden movement caught my eyes that made me smile; Jace snuggled up to Rachel.

  Rachel had become the mother I knew she could be. Though I didn’t fall in love with her to be Jace’s mother, she took on the role on her own. I’d hoped that she would care for Jace almost as much as I did, but I never expected it to reach beyond my expectation. It made me happy that we could be a family, the family I’d always wanted to give to Jace.

  Not wanting to disturb them, I carefully got out of bed. Sliding my arms under Jace, I was just about to pick him up.

  “Where are you taking him?” Rachel mumbled with her eyes closed.

  “To his bed.”

  “No, Jax. Let him sleep here tonight…please.” Her voice came out in a whisper.

  Jace wrapped his arms around Rachel’s neck. “I…love….” There was a pause. “Wa…chel.” His eyes were closed so I didn’t know if he was half asleep or if he said it in his dream; regardless, it made Rachel and me smile.

  Rachel kissed him on his forehead. “I love you, too.”

  If it was possible, my heart just melted into a puddle. To see them affectionate and saying those words that carried so much depth and meaning meant the world to me. Slipping my hands away from Jace’s body, l lay back down, covered us with the blanket, and wrapped my arms around the both of them. For some time, I stared at both of my loves—thankful that Jace was given a second chance, once again, and thankful that Rachel and I had found a way to work out our relationship—until I fell asleep.


  Six months later


  The sky was streaked with pink and purple, as if a painter had brushed across the canvas with one long stroke. I could see the sun fading, but it was still bright as day. That was the way it was in Kauai. It was the same year round. Everything was beautiful…everything was breathtaking…and everything was slow paced.

  “Why am I blindfolded?” I asked.

  Tucked in Jax’s embrace, he led me down the steps. I knew he was taking me back to our little hide out in the cave. I only agreed as long as we wouldn’t swim deep like the last time. When I dipped a little into something soft, it started to get difficult to walk on the sand, especially when I couldn’t see.

  “Just a few more steps.”

  “It better be something good,” I joked.

  “You can be the judge of that.”

  “Did you bring your male model friends? Are they waiting for me topless?” I giggled.

  “You wish. The only model you’re taking pictures of topless is me.”

  “So bossy.”

  “Okay. I’m going to let go. Ready?”

  A rush of excitement ignited in me. I had no idea what Jax was up to, but whatever it was, I knew I would love it. Blinking my eyes to adjust to the light, I lay my eyes on Jax. With those dimples flashing and his glowing eyes, I could tell he was excited, too, but he wasn’t looking back at me. His eyes were set beyond me.

  “Turn around, Rachel.”

  It was one of the most surreal moments. I felt like I was one with Mother Nature. My heart skipped a beat as I took in this scene, a picture perfect moment. Countless numbers of turtles bathed across the sand. As I stood still, feeling the weight of Jax’s stare on me, I couldn’t look away, afraid that if I even blinked, they would be gone.

  “Jax,” I whispered, and I had no idea why I did. It wasn’t as if they would scurry away if my voice had been any louder. “They’re beautiful. I didn’t bring my camera.” Feeling like I’d lost this opportunity, I was utterly disappointed until Jax placed it in f
ront of me. He had left me alone for a minute and came back.

  “I packed it last night for you. That’s not the only thing I packed.” His brows twitched flirtatiously.

  “I love how you think, Jax.”

  Jax placed his arms around me from behind as I clicked away. “I know you do.”


  He was nibbling my neck while I was trying to take pictures. My laughter got louder when he started to tickle me. I took off running, feeling the soft, warm breeze and feeling grateful for what my life was like today. We both froze when we realized we were at the center of this numerous turtle family.

  Jax and I looked at each other in amazement…then into each other’s eyes with respect, love, and understanding. This was what love was about. I could see it in his eyes. I could feel it in his touch. And most of all, I felt it in my heart with every fiber of my being. It was the greatest feeling.

  Jax kissed me softly. “I have something to show you.”

  “More turtles?” I wrinkled my nose against his.

  Jax chuckled a small breath against my ear. “Something better.” Holding my hand, Jax led me to our special hideout place and handed me an envelope. Looking around, I saw he had an extra-large sleeping bag, an ice chest, and duffle bags.

  “How did these get here?” I asked, feeling surprised.

  “Early this morning, before you woke up. Open the envelope.” Jax placed his hands inside his pockets and leaned to the side. Biting his bottom lip, he seemed anxious.

  Opening the large envelope, I pulled out a document. It was official…Jax and Chloe were finally divorced. I didn’t know how many times I read it, but I couldn’t stop staring at it. I’d waited for this moment for so long, even though I knew it would take six months. I was no longer the other woman.

  “Jax,” I mumbled, as the paper lightly shook under my hold. Happy tears were getting in the way and the words were lacking.

  “I have to show you something else.”

  “Okay,” I said, but kept my eyes glued on the paper. Actually, I had no idea what he’d said.

  “Rachel.” Jax took the paper away from me and replaced it with a turtle made out of wood.


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