A Taste of Summer

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A Taste of Summer Page 16

by Beverly Preston

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Understanding sank in. “Have you lost your mind? I thought you might want to tie it around your eyes, not your wrists. Christ, Carrie Ann, the last thing I’d ever want to do is restrain you. You’re far too passionate and…” his voice trailed off. “I can’t talk about this anymore. My poor dick’s going to go into cardiac arrest at any moment.”


  “Like hell you are.”

  Delight seemed to be flowing from some unknown well of happiness because she couldn’t conceal the smile covering her face. She gripped the tail end of the belt, following him into the living room and remained glued to his side as he built a fire. Aspen sat on top of her feet, gnawing on a piece of bark.

  “Where would you like to sit? You wanna lay down…put your head in my lap?” Humor colored his tone, nodding around the room. She shook her head. “Do you want to snuggle in the chair?”

  Considering that she might possibly jump into his arms and cling to him like a koala bear during the next crack of thunder, she conceded. “Yeah, that’d be great, but I feel bad about the cardiac arrest you’ve got going on down there.”

  “It’s alright. He’s been in solitary confinement for quite some time now.” A quiet laugh escaped him. “But, I’ll manage.”

  The oversized chair was a perfect fit for two. He pulled her into his lap, her bum shifted to one side sinking into the empty void between his thigh and the cushiony armrest. Before she even had to ask, he lifted Aspen into her lap.

  Summer began to drag his fingers through her hair, rubbing and squeezing the tense muscles at her nape. His hands moved in continuous comfort. “If I didn’t know how terrified they make you, I might’ve prayed for thunder and lightning a few days ago.”

  He was only trying to make her smile. It worked. Her lips quivered lifting at the corners. “You’re p…probably thinking I should be over this by now?”

  Her head listed forward, giving his roaming hands access to her upper back. His gifted fingers worked like magic, applying exquisite pressure to sore, stiff shoulder blades.

  “Nah, I don’t think that at all. Sometimes we never get over the things that hurt the most. We just learn to exist with the scars.”

  His newly acquired profoundness lost to the wonderment of his massage. Nature’s fury continued to rain down outside the cabin. Each strike tearing away her defenses, leaving her more and more vulnerable. Her need to escape, stifled by the longing building inside her.

  Another bolt of light exploded outside the window. Her arms flew forward in a start. Summer made another sympathetic groan, rising to his feet with her in his arms.

  “I promise I’ll behave,” he said, lowering her to the couch. Summer looped the soft belt between in his fingers. “You want to try this? It might block out the flashes.”

  It took her minute to answer. Silently weighing reluctance with desperation, her face screwed into a tight scowl, but she nodded. The dark grey sash hung from the tip of his finger. She reached out, timidly taking hold of the center and pressed it to her closed eyes. He wrapped it around her head twice, she assumed for good measure, gently tying it at her nape.

  In a soft melting voice, Summer assured, “If it doesn’t help then we’ll take it off. Just try to relax and take a couple deep breaths.”

  The leather cushion compressed when he sat beside her. His arm came around her, coasting up and down her arm a few times before settling on the tender dip above her hip. He eased both of them back, stretching out long on the sofa. Stuffing a throw pillow under his head, he cuddled her into the crook of his arm. She laid on her side, hitching a leg over his. Her bum tucked into the crease of the couch, her front molded to the hard planes of his body.

  Unsure of where to place her hand, she fidgeted moving it from her hip to her waist. Summer captured her fingers and laid them on his bare chest.

  Her breathing fell into sync with the rhythm of his heart thumping beneath her fingertips. Tension began to slip from her limbs. Each tiny movement felt like a new expedition, of old familiar territories. Her body shaping to the dips and curves of her past.

  Carrie Ann opened her mouth to speak, but her voice hitched on the inhale catching the scent of him on her tongue. The erotic sensation heightened by missing years and the loss of sight. She cleared her throat and tried again. “What’s with you and all the…Zen language?

  Summer closed his hand over hers, trapping it in the heat of his body. “I practice yoga.”

  “You study yoga?” Bemusement riddled her voice. The thunder rumbling in the distance was lost to the feel of his abdomen tightening beneath her palm as laughter escaped him.

  “I do a lot of things that might surprise you.”

  His thigh moved beneath her leg. She was certain his foot wagged back and forth. She also knew he’d have a huge grin plastered to his face. He always did.

  She smiled at the recollection. Carrie Ann resolved to the snuggling. The tips of her fingers played lazily along his ribs. The temptation to touch him was excruciating. She knew what waited beneath the confines of his jeans. Heaven. She wondered how long he’d been in solitary confinement. Secretly, she’d somewhat kept up on his dating habits. It was hard not to, considering his gorgeous mug fronted so many magazines lining the grocery store checkouts.

  Hard running emotions moved through him in small tremors. Her mind began to drift in the darkness, somewhere deep inside she wanted him to make a move. She wanted him to bury his hands in her hair and kiss her like there was no tomorrow.

  Tomorrow was promised to no one.

  She needed to come clean and she knew it.

  Carrie Ann tried to tell him. Lying there in the dark, she opened her mouth half a dozen times, but the words would not come. The wind howled through the trees, mimicking the sound of crying. It sparked memories of the sound of her sobs the night they broke up. She couldn’t help but wonder what would’ve happened if she’d let him hold her that night. If she’d let him ease her pain. If she would’ve let him in.

  Exhaustion took hold of the blackness, slowly releasing the tension from her body. She opened her mouth to try again, but all that came out was a soft sleepy murmur, “The wind is so strong. I can’t believe all the trees haven’t fallen over yet.”

  “The strong storms that roll through this region make the trees take deeper roots,” Summer said deftly. “Kind of like you and me.”

  “Umm.” She remained motionless, drifting off to sleep in the blissful comfort of his arms.

  Pressing his lips against the top of her head, Summer whispered in a miserable voice, “Don’t let me go, Red.”

  Chapter Ten


  She woke to Aspen tugging on her foot. Carrie Ann’s lashes fought against the cashmere covering her eyes.

  “Aspen, no-no,” she groaned, untying the sash draped loosely around her neck.

  Bright sunshine streamed through the fogged windows. Her eyes squinted, straining to focus. She raised her hand to block the sunlight from her eyes.

  “It’s me, Carrie Ann.” Summer jiggled her toes again. “There’s a break in the weather. We have a short window of time before the next storm moves through. We should be able to make it out of here if we leave in less than an hour.”

  She scrubbed the sleep from her eyes. He stood at the end of the couch dressed in jeans and a rock t-shirt, boots on and sunglasses perched on top of his head. Dark smudges of fatigue lay beneath his eyes.

  “We’re leaving?”

  “I think its best. I can’t take much more of this.” Forcing a small smile, he coasted his thumb over her toenails. “I was hoping we’d get to these.”

  Hurt and longing muddied his eyes and voice.

  She didn’t like it.

  A cold ache spread goosebumps down her exposed leg. “Summer…”

  “It’s okay, Red. You don’t have to say anything. I know you came willingly, but it’s clear you don’t want to be here. I feel horrible about last night.�
� He gave the arch of her foot a quick double squeeze before letting go. “I’m ready, so if you’ll throw your things together, we’ll take off.”

  He didn’t bother waiting around for her response. Carrie Ann propped up on her elbows. Fine speckles of dust glimmered in the rays of light casting over the couch she lay on. Her gaze slid down her barely-there tank top and boy-short panties. A twinge of guilt tickled her gut, feeling contrite for his penis.

  A hard frown soured her face, as she rose to her feet. The heaviness of years of long nights hung from her slouched shoulders, as she slogged to her room to pack.

  It should’ve taken her thirty minutes to get ready to leave, but an hour and fifteen minutes had passed by the time she stepped out the front door. Her flowy white blouse tucked behind the buckle of her brown belt and frayed cut-off shorts.

  For the first time since she’d arrived the majestic snow-capped mountains were on full display, rising above the fertile valley. The fresh scents of pine and rainy earth clung to the damp air.

  Summer and Aspen played football in the meadow. The tall grass bright in contrast to the dark saturated ground. The sounds of birds and other small animals hard at work filled the stillness.

  Closing her eyes, Carrie Ann tried to ignore the dull painful ache settling in behind her heart. Drawing in a big breath of air, she stepped off the porch and waved to Summer. He gave a final toss of the ball, jogging toward the cabin. Aspen followed on his heels. Her lanky legs stumbling as she ran.

  “I can’t believe how big she’s gotten in just a few days,” she murmured. It seemed as if the pup had doubled in size.

  Pulling keys from his pocket, he locked the door and started for the plane. Threatening clouds hovered in clusters high overhead, darkening the skies. Carrie Ann trailed behind them, struggling to keep her suitcase upright.

  A ray of sunshine, clear and straight, pushed through the clouds, carving a distinct shadow on the ground directly in front of her feet. Carrie Ann stopped abruptly. Her sandals skid on the pavement of the landing strip nearly knocking her on her ass. Her heart pounded. A rush of sentiments sparked fire to every nerve ending she possessed. The bag slung over her shoulder dropped to the ground.

  The clatter drew his attention. Summer turned back. The sound of gravel crunching beneath each footstep. “Sorry, do you need some help with these?” he asked apologetically, taking hold of her bags.

  She couldn’t answer. She couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t move. Her knees locked tight, refusing to carry her any further.

  Summer walked toward the plane.

  He walked out of her reach.

  He was walking right out of her life.

  Carrie Ann staggered half a step backward putting some much needed distance between her and the definitive line drawn on the ground in front of her feet. If she crossed that line, if she stepped foot on that plane, it was over. Summer would forever be part of her past. There would be no shot at a future with him.

  Sucking in a big breath of air, she filled her lungs before blurting loudly, “I’ve seen all of your movies.”

  Carrie Ann had no idea why those were the words she chose to shout, but a stream of tears broke free, spilling down her cheeks. She suspected it was because she wanted him to know how proud she was of him.

  “I know. You already confessed how much you loved my movies.”

  “I didn’t really care for the last one. I mean…I liked the movie, but I didn’t like it when you kissed her. I really hated the fact that she was topless.” One shoulder lifted and her chin jutted out boldly, bracing for her own admission. “I won’t be very good about things like that.”

  Summer stopped. The hard edge of the outline of his shoulders softened.

  “Was that so hard to admit?”


  “I was thinking of you…wishing she was you the entire time.” Turning around, he started toward her. “Oh, Christ, Red, don’t cry. You’re killing me. You’ve cried more in the last few days than you did in the two years we dated.”

  Summer stopped in front of her, hands hung stiffly at his sides, not knowing what to do. Carrie Ann recognized that rigid stance of self-preservation. She’d worn it well for years. He’d already given her every chance to say yes to him and she’d shut him out. Now he was doing the same.

  Swiping the wetness from her chin with the back of her hand, she motioned toward the plane. “I don’t really want to go.”

  He glared at her behind his aviator sunglasses. “Don’t stand there and insult me Carrie Ann. I’m a damn good pilot.”

  “I’m not afraid to fly. You owe me a date.” She wanted to go to him, but her feet dug in refusing to budge beyond the line drawn on the ground.

  “You’ve had days…”

  “Can you please come over here so I can talk to you?” she asked, waving at the pavement like an idiot.

  “What’s the problem?”

  “I can’t step over that line. Will you please just come over here?”

  Summer’s nose wrinkled in bewilderment. Stepping over the streak of darkness, he asked, “The shadow?”

  Nodding hotly, her body pitched forward, leaving only inches between them. She tangled her fingers into the sides of his t-shirt. Summer remained sullen making it perfectly clear he’d been tortured enough. His patience had been pushed to the brink.

  If there was a move to be made…it was going to have to come from her.

  Carrie Ann raised her chin and released an excruciatingly long breath. Gripping tightly to the cotton hem, she tugged, crushing him against the length of her body. Her heart began a steady stampede, picking up pace, charging through her veins. The hard terrain of his frame was a perfect match for her curves.

  A small flicker of hope and happiness brushed his lips.

  “Summer, I’ve missed you more than words can ever explain. I’m sorry I’ve been such a pain in the ass the last few days. I was scared. I was being stubborn and shitty.” She managed a breath between rambles. Her chin trembled, wetness leaked from her eyes into her hairline. Letting go of his shirt, she slipped her hands over his wide shoulders. “I don’t want to leave. I don’t want to go home. I want to try again.”

  A brief pause. “Feel better getting that off your chest?” She began nodding before he’d finished the sentence. “Thank, God.”

  Finally, she felt the relief of his arms circle around her hips, gripping and coasting, showering her with passionate touches. Carrie Ann frantically pulled him to her mouth, but he held back. Summer wasn’t breathing well. Tremors roped through his muscles. He rested his chin atop her head.

  “Carrie Ann, before this goes any further. I need to know…” He held her outward. The seriousness in his tone startled her, awakening an internal panic button. “…that you believe me about that morning. The woman in my room. I’ve never lied to you. If you can’t trust me after all this time then there’s no reason to even try, Red. We need to be honest with each other. We’ll never make it with lies between us.”

  At that precise moment, she realized he was opening a door for her. Summer knew she’d been hiding something from him. Carrie Ann needed to disclose the truth, but she just wasn’t ready. She’d craved this for so long, his kiss, his touch, his comfort and friendship, she refused to give up the moment. One door at a time.

  “I believe you.”

  “I mean it, Red.” His lips moved in a whisper along the side of her face to the edge of her mouth. She gasped at the scruff of his beard tickling all the way to her toes. “Not another word about it.”

  “Not another word. I promise.”

  On her declaration of assurance, Summer pushed his fingers into her hair. As his mouth descended over hers, contemplations of her admission faded to the back burner and delight burst to the forefront.

  Every ounce of his being took control, kissing her with infinite finesse. Subtle searching slowly building into a long-awaited, vigorous grappling of hands, mouth, body and soul. Her pulse skyrocketed. Needing more,
she explored roughly with her tongue, digging her nails into the flesh at the back of his arms.

  “Miss me?” he murmured between their open mouths.

  “Yes,” she whimpered.

  Summer’s control began to slip. He crushed his mouth to hers, greedily licking into her mouth. One arm came around the small of her back, forcing an upward arch. His other hand brushed teasingly along the tender dip of her hip. The tips of his fingers stole beneath the waistband of her shorts, closing over the fullness of her bottom and grasping firmly.

  The severity of time lost became all too clear and feelings of loss bowled through her. Sobs quaked inside her chest. Carrie Ann lifted to her toes. It wasn’t enough. Her leg hitched around his hip, grinding desperately against the hard pressure of his erection. The slippery friction of their kiss, rhythmic and ravenous, guiding her in one direction.

  Looping a finger through her belt loop, Summer hoisted her around his waist. She marveled at his strength, sweeping her hand over his biceps. Carrie Ann hooked her arms and legs around him, snuggling her nose to the slope between his neck and shoulder. She clung to him, breathing in the sunny scent, needing more, holding tighter as if her life depended on him.

  Suitcase in tow, he started for the cabin. Aspen whined, trotting along beside them.

  “It’s okay, girl.” The reassurance was meant for the pup, but it calmed her soul.

  “She loves you…you know.”

  Carrie Ann nodded, removing his sunglasses and hooking them on the front of her blouse. Lust coated his eyes, feasting on the deep valley between her breasts. Holding the bar of his forearm beneath her bum, he lifted her higher, nibbling and kissing her voluptuous cleavage.

  The sun shined down on the intimate act. Her lips parted, panting, watching as he grabbed the edge of her white bra between his teeth. Navigating the lace downward, Summer circled his tongue over the tight pink bud. The scorching heat of his mouth, licking and sucking, drew a low pleasure cry from her throat.

  Desire saturated their mingled breath. Carrie Ann slipped her fingers inside her bra, freeing her other breast. Discarding the luggage, he gently pinched the damp nipple, rolling it between his fingers, as his mouth made haste with the other. It was stunningly erotic, being outside in the middle of nowhere. Not a soul in sight. Completely uninhibited, all modesty cast aside.


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