The Case for Miracles

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The Case for Miracles Page 28

by Lee Strobel

  God Is Not Great (Hitchens), 175

  “God things,” 232–33

  “Goldilocks Zone,” 179


  according to Keener, 83–84

  according to Shermer, 57–59, 83

  as biographies, 84, 199

  dating, 197

  discrepancies in, 198–200

  eyewitness, 195–98

  forensic statement analysis of, 190, 193

  and Jesus’ resurrection, 205–6, 207–8

  of John, 57, 158–59, 196, 199, 203

  of Luke, 84, 85, 86, 196, 197, 199, 200–201

  of Mark, 85, 196, 197, 199

  of Matthew, 85, 86, 196, 199, 200, 201, 258

  and miracles, 85, 116

  mysteries solved, 200–202

  purpose of, 58–59

  and supernatural events, 264–65

  Gould, Stephen Jay, 37, 122–23

  grace, God’s, 157, 195, 209, 210, 265

  gravity, 171, 176, 178

  Greenleaf, Simon, 198

  grief, 252

  Groesbeck, Jennifer, 20–21

  Groothuis, Douglas R., 235–53

  Groothuis, Rebecca, 236–37, 241–53

  Guthrie, Nancy, 259

  Habermas, Gary, 204

  Hall, Harriet, 31, 260–61, 263–64

  hallucinations, 207–8

  Hamas, 148, 149

  hands-on prayer. See proximal intercessory prayer

  Harris, William S., 127–28, 129

  Harrison, Edward R., 179

  Hating God (Schweizer), 246

  Hauerwas, Stanley, 217–18

  Hawking, Stephen, 169, 178, 183

  healing, medical, 97, 111–13, 253

  anecdotes about, 51

  blindness, 110, 114, 134–37

  and church growth, 115–16

  deafness, 99–101, 134–37

  and evangelical Christians, 229–30

  heart problems, 107–8, 108–10, 121–22

  and intercessory prayer (See intercessory prayer)

  miracles, 25–26, 50–51, 89

  multiple sclerosis, 101–5

  and prayer (See prayer)

  and science, 122

  Thérese Magnouha, 98–99

  in Third World countries, 132

  heart problems, 107–8, 108–10, 121–22

  heaven, 64–65

  hepatitis B, 112–13

  hermeneutic of suspicion, 96–98

  heterophoria, 112

  Historical Jesus of the Gospels, The (Keener), 83

  history, 35, 58–59

  Hitchens, Christopher, 29, 65, 175

  Holloway, Adrian, 255–58

  Holy Spirit, 78, 218, 230

  hope, 239, 240, 248, 251, 252–53, 260

  Horgan, John, 183

  hot water bottle miracle, 16–17

  Hoyle, Fred, 169

  Hubble, Edwin, 170

  humanity, fall of, 248

  Hume, David, 27, 52–54, 73, 83, 239–40, 261

  case against miracles, 87–92

  and circular reasoning, 88–90

  definition of miracle, 88

  Hume’s Abject Failure (Earman), 91–92

  Huxley, Thomas Henry, 47

  Hybels, Bill, 230–31

  hydrogen, 170, 178, 180

  hypnosis, 137

  illiteracy, 134, 152

  immortality, 63–66

  Impossible Love (Keener), 76

  In Defense of Natural Theology (Groothius), 239–40

  India, 115

  infinity, 65

  inflation, cosmic, 176–77

  intelligence, 181

  intercessory prayer, 123–33, 258, 262

  intuition, 48

  irregular galaxy, 179


  53:5, 26

  55, 188

  Islam. See Muslims

  Israel, 148

  James 5:14, 25

  Jansenism, 89

  Jenkins, Jerry, 144


  archaeological evidence of death, 205

  compared with Buddha, 247

  credibility of actual death, 202–6

  as healer and exorcist, 85–87

  and the marginalized, 151

  and miracles, 57, 74, 85–87, 132

  as moral teacher, 60–61

  resurrection of (See resurrection, Jesus’)

  what Qur’an says about, 150

  Jesus dreams, 145–48, 149, 150–52, 155–56, 158–60, 262

  Jews, 60, 86, 148, 208–10

  Job, 251–52


  3:16, 39

  gospel of, 57, 158–59, 196, 199, 203

  Johnson, David, 92

  Josephus, Titus Flavius, 59, 86

  Kaaba, 149

  kalam argument, 172, 185

  Kapic, Kelly M., 238

  Keener, Craig S., 71–117, 199, 262

  case studies of miracles, 95–117

  faith journey, 77–82

  how people should view claims of miracles, 92–93

  reports of blindness cures, 110

  supernatural events, 78–79, 81

  view of gospels, 83–84

  Keller, Timothy, 24

  Kierkegaard, Søren, 238

  kingdom of God, 60

  Kingdom Triangle (Moreland), 115

  Krauss, Lawrence, 171

  lament, 246, 252

  Lapides, Louis, 209–10

  Larmer, Robert, 112–13

  laws of nature. See natural law

  Lazarus, 247–48

  Lemaître, George, 169

  Leslie, John, 184

  Lewis, C. S., 44, 191

  Lewis, Geraint, 163

  liberalism, modern theological, 221, 223

  Licona, Michael R., 198–200, 204

  life forms, carbon-based, 180

  light, speed of, 170–71

  limb regrowth, 51, 113–14, 263

  literary spotlighting, 199


  4:40, 132

  13, 140–41

  gospel of, 84, 85, 86, 196, 197, 199, 200–201

  Ma, Julia, 115

  “magical thinking,” 232

  Magness, Jodi, 205

  magnetic fields, 180

  Magnouha, Thérese, 98–99

  Mark, gospel of, 85, 196, 197, 199

  Markin, Jeff, 108–10

  Marshall, Catherine, 250–51

  Marshall, I. Howard, 75

  Marshall, Thomas, 101–5

  Mary Magdalene, 199

  Matthew, gospel of, 85, 86, 196, 199, 200, 201, 258

  Matthews, Dale, 132–33

  Maudlin, Tim, 182–83

  McGrew, Timothy, 29

  Mecca, 149

  medical healings. See healing, medical

  medical technology, 114–15

  medicine, 134, 227. See also healing, medical

  Megashift (Rutz), 116

  meningitis, 111

  mentalist, 22–23

  Merz, Annette, 87

  messiah myth, 61

  Metaphysics within Physics, The (Maudlin), 182–83

  microwave radiation, background, 170

  Middle East, 143–44, 154–55

  migraines, 112

  Miller, Duane, 18–19, 26

  Miracle Myth, The (Shapiro), 87


  Americans’ views of, 29–31

  vs. anomalies, 49–52

  and atheism, 29

  blindness cured, 110, 134–37

  broken ankle, 106

  case against, 33–69, 260–62

  case for, 71–117

  characteristics of geographical

  locations for, 134

  chemistry exam, 15–16

  vs. coincidences, 26–29

  confidence in, 93

  creation of the universe (See creation miracle)

  and credible evidence, 93

  deafness cured, 99–101, 134–37

  defined, 27–28, 49

  difficulties with, 211–53

  and education level, 30, 222–23

  and ethnicity, 30

  and evangelical Christians, 219–21

  and evidence of God, 168

  fake, 22–23

  as gentle whispers of God, 230–33

  in gospels, 116–17, 264–65

  healing, 25–26, 50–52, 89, 97, 98–99, 107–8, 108–10, 111–13

  historical evidence for, 240

  hot water bottle, 16–17

  and Hume (See Hume, David)

  icy water rescue, 20–21

  and income level, 30, 222–23

  investigating, 15–32

  and Jesus, 57, 74, 85–87, 132

  and Keener, 92–93, 95–117

  “knockdown argument” against, 47–55, 261

  limb regrowth as proof of, 51, 113–14, 263

  most spectacular, 161–210

  in Mozambique, 133–36

  multiple sclerosis healing, 101–5

  and myths, 57–69

  in New Testament, 57–58, 73

  in non-Christian sources, 86

  performed by Jesus, 132

  and physicians, 31

  and prayer, 97, 103–5, 111–13

  recorded in Bible, 57

  resurrection of Jesus (See resurrection, Jesus’)

  and science, 48–49, 121–38

  scientific survey on, 30–31

  that don’t happen, 44–46, 235–53, 259

  in Third World countries, 114–16, 132, 228–29

  transistor radio, 66–69

  voice restoration, 18–19, 26

  Miracles (Keener), 73–74, 76

  misotheism, 246

  misperceptions, 54

  moral code, 193, 195

  Moreland, J. P., 115, 132, 238–39

  mortality, 63–66

  Moses, 60

  Mozambique, 133–36

  M-theory, 183

  Muhammad, 60–61, 151

  multiple sclerosis, 101–5

  multiverse, 63, 181–84

  Muslims, 144–45, 247

  access to Christianity beliefs, 152–54

  beliefs about Jesus’ death, 204

  conversion to Christianity, 141–43, 145, 154–56

  dreams and visions, 141–43, 145–48, 159, 262

  God reaching out to, 155

  and Jesus’ resurrection, 60

  objections to Christianity, 150–52

  supernatural beliefs, 60–61

  myths, 57–69, 84

  natural law, 53–54, 63, 88, 164, 167

  “natural man,” 195

  naturalism, 218, 223

  Nature of Space and Time, The (Hawking), 178

  neutrons, 178

  New Testament, 57–58, 73, 116

  Nigeria, 228

  9/11, 145

  Norwood, Douglas, 114

  nuclear force, 177–78

  Occam’s razor, 186

  Olson, Roger E., 213–33

  physical healing in his life, 225–27

  pain, 44

  Palestine, 148, 149

  pantheism, 187, 247

  Papias, 196

  paralysis, 111

  Pascal, Blaise, 89

  Paul (apostle), 59, 86, 197, 207, 208, 229, 252, 258, 264

  Penrose, Roger, 178

  Pentecostals, 132, 137

  Penzias, Arno, 170

  perfection, 265

  periodic table of elements, 177, 185

  Peter (disciple), 196, 201, 207, 249

  petitionary prayers, 130, 221

  Philippians 4:13, 107

  Philippines, 115

  physics, 163, 166

  placebo effect, 50, 54, 105, 125

  Planck satellite, 171

  planet, miraculous, 175–88

  plate tectonics, 180

  Plato, 77

  Plutarch, 199

  Polkinghorne, John, 111, 183–84

  Polycarp, 205


  affirmative, 130–31

  conflicted feelings about, 25–26

  direct-contact, 133

  distant intercessory, 132

  and evangelicals, 220–21

  intercessory (See intercessory prayer)

  and medical healing, 51–52, 103–5, 111–13, 114, 121–22, 132, 229–30, 255–58

  and medicine, 227

  and miracles, 97, 135

  petitionary, 130, 221

  power of, 222

  proximal intercessory prayer, 132, 137, 262

  public, 255–56

  of relinquishment, 249–52

  and science, 125

  unanswered, 229, 235–53

  Unity’s attitude toward, 130–31

  presuppositions, 193–95

  Probe, 130

  prosperity, power of, 222

  Protestants, 129–31

  protons, 178

  Proverbs, book of, 266

  proximal intercessory prayer, 132, 137, 262


  19:1, 167–68

  103, 19

  purpose, 46, 79

  Purtill, Richard L., 27–28, 49

  Q material, 85–86

  quantum mechanics, 188

  quantum theory, 171

  quarks, 178

  Qur’an, 149, 150, 204

  Qureshi, Nabeel, 139–41

  radiation, 170, 171, 179

  randomness, 182

  rationalism, 218

  reason, 35

  reasoning, circular, 88–90

  “red shift,” 170


  Eastern, 187

  organized, 91

  relinquishment, prayer of, 249–52

  remissions, spontaneous, 28–29, 97, 105, 125, 260

  repentance, 265

  resignation, 250–51

  respectability, 221–23

  resurrection, Jesus’, 23, 59–60, 86, 189–210, 240, 263, 265

  vision theory of, 207–8

  why Jews don’t accept, 208–10

  rheumatoid arthritis, 132–33

  Rhodes, Ron, 130


  1:20, 167

  8:28, 252

  Roseveare, Helen, 16–17

  Ross, Hugh, 178, 181, 187

  Russell, Bertrand, 65–66

  Rutz, Jim, 115–16

  Sagan, Carl, 172

  salvation, 134

  Schleiermacher, Friedrich, 221, 223–24

  Schopenhauer, Arthur, 22

  Schweizer, Bernard, 246

  science, 23, 29, 30, 35, 43, 64, 119–60, 223, 224, 263

  and the big bang, 62

  and faith, 122–23

  and God, 186–88

  history of, 48–49

  of miracles, 121–38

  and prayer, 125

  scientism, 122

  Shapiro, Larry, 87

  Shermer, Michael, 32, 33–69, 83, 258, 260

  and afterlife, 63–65

  belief in who Jesus was, 60–61

  black holes, 182

  challenges to skepticism, 66–69

  definition of faith, 54–55

  and Hume, 53–54, 87–90

  and Jesus’ resurrection, 209

  “knockdown argument” against miracles, 47–55

  and limb regrowth, 51, 113–14, 263

  loss of faith, 44–46

  and New Testament miracles, 57–58

  origin of the universe, 164–65, 173

  path toward skepticism, 42–43

  spiritual journey, 39–42

  and supernatural events, 74

  unanswered prayer, 236

  Sickness unto Death, The (Kierkegaard), 238

  Silent Unity School, 129–31

  sin, 134, 195

  Singh, Jarnail, 111

  Singh, Kuldeep, 111

  Skeptic magazine, 32, 35, 36

  skepticism, 23, 29, 190

  defined, 48

  Shermer’s, 42–43, 66–69

  solar system, 185
  sorcery, 86

  Southern Medical Journal, 126–27, 133, 136

  speed of light, 170–71

  Spinoza, Baruch, 37, 223

  spiral galaxy, 179

  spirit world, 134

  spirituality, 63–66, 224

  spontaneous remissions, 28–29, 97, 125, 260

  Stafford, Tim, 134

  stars, 179–80, 185

  “startling deeds,” 86

  steady state theory, 169

  STEP (Study of the Therapeutic Effects of Intercessory Prayer), 51–52, 121–22, 123, 126–32

  Sterling, Gregory E., 75

  Strauss, Michael G., 163–74, 175–88, 194, 263

  string theory, 183

  stroke, 113

  submission, 251, 259

  suffering, 236, 239, 240, 246, 247, 248, 260

  suggestion, power of, 137

  sun, 179–80, 185

  supernatural events, 30, 49, 134. See also miracles

  embarrassment by, 213–33

  Keener’s, 78–79, 81

  and Shermer, 74

  suspicion, hermeneutic of, 96–98

  Swinburne, Richard, 27, 184

  Tang, Edmond, 115

  technology, 114–15

  tectonic activity, 180

  Telchin, Stan, 210

  Templeton Foundation, 52

  Theissen, Gerd, 87


  of healing prayer, 133

  liberal, 223

  trickle-down, 223–25

  Third World countries, 114–15, 132, 227–29

  Tipler, Frank, 181–82

  tombs, 204–6

  Tournier, Paul, 249

  tragedy, 44

  transistor radio, 66–69

  Treatise of Human Nature, A (Hume), 52

  tribulation, 252

  trickle-down theology, 223–25

  trust, 251

  tuberculosis, 111–12

  Tucker, Ruth, 130

  Twelftree, Graham H., 53, 57

  ulcers, 112

  underdeveloped countries, 114–16

  undesigned coincidences, 200–202

  Unity School, 129–31


  beginning of, 169, 171–74

  creation of (See creation miracle)

  as evidence of existence of

  miracles, 175–88

  expanding, 168–69, 185

  fine-tuning of, 63, 164, 176, 179, 182–84, 184–86, 240, 263

  oscillating, 172–73

  Universes (Leslie), 184

  Vermes, Geza, 86

  Vilenkin, Alexander, 174

  virgin birth, 164

  visions. See dreams

  voice restoration miracle, 18–19, 26

  Wahnefried, Joy, 112

  Walking through Twilight (Groothius), 238–39

  Wallace, J. Warner, 189–210, 263

  Ward, Keith, 92

  Warfield, Benjamin, 228–29

  Webster, Greg, 144

  White, John, 111–12

  Wilkinson, Ed, 107–8

  Williford, Tricia Lott, 259–60

  Willimon, William H., 217–18

  Wilson, Robert, 170

  Witherington, Ben III, 73

  Word of God, 153

  Zacharias, Ravi, 141–42




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