A Taste Of Sin

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A Taste Of Sin Page 6

by Jami Alden

  Her belly tensed as his mouth nuzzled into her mound, his tongue rimming her soft inner lips. Oral sex was always tricky for her. While she enjoyed it, she always had niggling doubts in the back of her mind. Was he enjoying it? Was she taking too long to come?

  As though reading her thoughts, Nick stroked her with a long, slow lick of his tongue. "You taste so good," he murmured.

  She let out a low moan as his tongue swirled around her clit, flicking against the firm flesh in a rhythm that had her writhing against the sheets.

  "So sweet, juicy." His tongue slid down, slipping in and out in a delicious tongue fuck.

  Oh God, that is it, she thought as his lips fastened on her clit again. She could feel her orgasm building as her hands moved up to pinch and rub her nipples, every sinew tightening as she pressed herself into his mouth.

  "Oh, just like that," she moaned, "don't stop." Oh thank God, this wasn't going to take long at all. She shouldn't have worried. She was already going to come, just one more lick of her clit, that's all she needed...

  And then he stopped.

  She nearly howled in frustration as he slid his mouth down to the flesh of her inner thighs. One big hand moved up to cover her own where it rested on her ultra-sensitive breast.

  "What are you doing?" Kelly couldn't help the sharpness of her tone. "I was close, really fucking close!"

  Nick chuckled, which only made her angrier.

  "Why are you stopping?" she practically shrieked.

  "I'm not stopping," he said, his tongue sliding against her slit. "I'm just slowing you down a little bit."

  She let out a frustrated whimper as he slid one long, thick finger inside her. Her muscles clamped down around him as she tried to force him to finish what he started. But he withdrew, executing a swirl at the end that had her arching off the bed.

  "You know what your problem is?"

  Another slow lick.

  "No, but I'm sure you'll tell me." She felt his hands on her ankles, drawing her calves up over his shoulders. She was spread out before him like a feast.

  He made a low sound of appreciation as he bent his head to her.

  "Your problem""he tasted her clit""is that you're too goal oriented." One finger slid inside her as his tongue continued to tease.

  She struggled to breathe. "Is that so?"

  "It's like you're afraid if you lose focus, you're not going to get there," he continued. "But you have to trust me to get you there."

  How could he sound so calm and matter-of-fact while he was slowly turning her into one giant, exposed nerve ending?

  A second finger joined the first as his lips sucked at her. She gave a hoarse cry.

  "I could do this all night and never get tired," he murmured. "Would you like that? Imagine me, licking and sucking you for hours."

  Mimicking his words, he licked and sucked, fingers slowly sliding and thrusting. "I'm getting so turned on," he rumbled, and Kelly could feel the vibration throughout her body. "It's all I can do not to come against the sheets."

  He groaned and buried his face against her. She imagined how she felt to him, wet and slick and pulsing against his fingers, the throbbing bud of her clit against his stroking tongue and suckling lips. Her orgasm hit her almost without warning, sending her arching off the bed with a wild cry that sounded foreign to her ears.

  He stayed with her all the way through it, his tongue circling her until finally her tremors stopped. He gave her one last, loving lick and withdrew his fingers.

  He retrieved a condom from the bedside table and sheathed himself.

  Before she even had a chance to recover he was over her, gripping her hips in his hands as he slid inside her still-trembling sheath. He held himself still for several moments, buried deep inside. His hands cupped her face as he leaned down to kiss her. His kiss was both tender and carnal, the slow strokes of his tongue matching the thrust of him inside her.

  Kelly moaned into his mouth, twining her arms and legs around him as though, if she held him tight enough, she could keep him inside her this way forever. Her hands slid down to the hard muscles of his ass, loving the way they flexed and rippled with each pumping stroke.

  She loved the helpless groans that tore from his chest as he drove inside her, reveled in the power of her own body to give him pleasure.

  Their bodies slid against each other, skin slick with the mixture of sweat and oil. The rasp of his chest hair against her nipples, the unbearably erotic sound of flesh meeting flesh, the salty sweet taste of Nick's skin all combined to drive Kelly to yet another peak. She arched up, grinding against him as he pounded inside her. She milked him hard as she came, biting down on his shoulder to muffle her cries.

  Nick watched Kelly come back to reality as he held himself still hard and throbbing inside of her. His shoulder stung where her sharp little teeth had marked him. He wanted to come, felt his climax building in the base of his spine. But his urge for release warred with his desire to get her off again. Watching Kelly come was the sexiest thing he'd ever seen. It was like she was launched into another world when she came, and he wanted to send her there again and again.

  "I want to feel you come, Nick," she whispered.

  He nearly lost control at that, but managed to hold back. “Not yet. I want to watch you get off again." He punctuated this by withdrawing almost completely, then working himself back in, millimeter by millimeter, until he wasn't sure which one of them he was tormenting.

  Kelly gazed up at him through heavy-lidded eyes, her body going unnaturally still. Placing her hands around his hips, she blew out all of her breath. Then suddenly her lower abs started moving—undulating, really—in a slow, steady rhythm. His eyes involuntarily closed at the sensation. It was like nothing he'd ever felt before, like a firm, slick fist was kneading him from inside her body. Her hand came down to cup his testicles, cradling them gently in her fingers.

  In seconds he was coming, his body jerking helplessly against her. He was wrung out, sucked dry as he collapsed on the mattress beside her.

  "What the hell was that?" he gasped when he could finally breathe again. He forced his eyes open through sheer willpower.

  Her full lips formed a sly cat-that-ate-the-cream smile. “Yoga," she said matter-of-factly. "I always wondered if that would work."

  "Work? It almost fucking killed me."

  She tucked her hands behind her head in exaggerated triumph. Her smile was an adorable combination of shyness and smug satisfaction. He rolled over on his back and pulled her against him, tucking her head snugly under his chin.

  "Feel better now?" he murmured, dropping a kiss to the top of her head.

  "I feel like a million bucks," she sighed. "From now on I know exactly who to come to when I'm in a bad mood."

  "At your service." His fingers toyed with her hair, combing through the thick strands. The fresh smell of her shampoo teased his nose, and he buried his nose and inhaled deeply.

  "I probably smell like French fries," she laughed.

  "You smell great," he insisted. "All fresh and girly."

  "Somehow I doubt it. That was the one thing I always hated about working at the pub." Her fingers idly played in his chest hair as she spoke. "At the end of my shift I could never seem to get the grease smell off my skin and hair, no matter how hard I scrubbed." She pulled a hank of hair to her nose. "Some things never change."

  They were silent a few minutes. He should leave. But it felt so great just to hold her in the near darkness, their hands idly exploring naked skin, that he couldn't remember why it was so imperative to go home. "It must be pretty boring being back here, after living in a big city for so long."

  "You'd think," she said, propping herself up on his chest so she could see his face. "It's strange. When I graduated from high school, I couldn't wait to go to college somewhere where I wasn't such a freak."

  Her brows drew together in a frown that Nick couldn't resist tracing with a finger. "But then I got to Yale, and I was still the freak. Except now I
was a freak in a dirty, ugly city where I didn't know anyone. I actually missed this place."

  "Do you still miss it?"

  "Sometimes. But in a big city, even if I strike people as unusual, I'm not as conspicuous as I was here."

  "So people still treat you like you're different?"

  "Occasionally. Sometimes patients are surprised when they realize I'm the attending when I barely look old enough to have graduated." One side of her mouth curled in a rueful smile. "But since it's the ER and they're usually freaking out about something else, they tend to overlook my age."

  "It must have been hard, being on your own so young." Had she really only been fifteen when she left? Even as he'd always been conscious of how much younger she'd been, in some ways she'd also seemed mature beyond her years. But still, it was difficult to imagine any fifteen-year-old being able to handle moving across the country to live on her own.

  "I was used to being alone by then. It's not like I had hordes of friends. But I missed my dad a lot."

  Nick felt a funny little catch in his heart as he remembered Kelly in high school. Looking back, he couldn't remember one time when he’d seen Kelly hanging out with friends. He and his brothers had been protective of her, to be sure, and he'd enjoyed her wry sense of humor when she'd tutored him. But he'd never counted her among his friends. And neither, it appeared, had anyone else.

  He pulled her close, residual guilt and an urge to comfort forming a strange lump in his throat. What was it about Kelly that made him want to take care of her, even when it was more than obvious that she could take care of herself?

  Kelly snuggled her face into Nick's chest, breathing in the warm, musky scent of his skin. His hands stroking her back and the slow, steady beat of his heart lulled her into a peaceful half sleep.

  She turned her head slightly to kiss the smooth skin of his shoulder. Such beautiful, strong shoulders. Shoulders that could help a girl carry her burdens. She tried to remember the last time someone had taken care of her and tried to make her feel better when she got stressed.

  Mentally she snorted. How about never. Since she mostly dated other doctors, any complaint became an invitation to play "my day was so much worse than yours and here's why." No sympathy was extended, just a verbal kick in the ass and silent command to stop whining.

  Not Nick. No, sweet, gorgeous Nick had soothed her, pampered her, and made love to her until her bad mood was forgotten. She sighed. What would it be like to come home every night to Nick and his big, dependable shoulders? To know that if she had a hard day he would be waiting there with his big smile and warm amber eyes?

  What would those eyes look like if they were filled with love for her, full of determination to care for her and make her happy?

  She could really fall in love with a guy like him if she weren’t careful.

  Her arms tightened around him even as she scolded herself to stop thinking along those lines. She was not going to fall in love with Nick, and that was that.

  And more to the point, Nick was not going to fall in love with her.

  With that firmly in mind, she slid her hand down his belly. She traced her fingers up the length of his penis, which was making a valiant effort to rally for another round.

  "I'm still a little cranky," she whispered, and smiled as Nick tucked her underneath him and proceeded to lift her spirits.

  An hour later, Kelly felt Nick inch his way out of the bed. She wished she could call him back under the covers, wished she could fall asleep in his arms and feel him snuggled up against her while she slept.

  But it was obvious he was uncomfortable with spending the night, and she didn't want to make an issue of it. She kept her breathing slow and even so he wouldn't know she was still awake as he paused by the side of the bed, but she couldn't suppress a sigh as his fingers tangled gently in her hair. His hot breath smoothed over her cheek as he bent to kiss her softly one last time.

  For all that this was a casual fling, it was the thought of that last sweet kiss, and not the memory of Nick's sexual prowess, that kept Kelly awake for a long, long time.

  Chapter Five

  “Nick! Yo, Nicky!"

  Nick jerked his head up and realized he'd been staring at his sandwich for a full minute without taking a bite.

  "What, Tony? You don't have to yell," he grouched.

  "I've been trying to get your attention for an hour," Tony said. "I asked if we're on for Sully's tonight."

  "Yeah, of course we're on." Nick blinked, yawned, took a bite of his sandwich. Yawned again around the bite.

  Jesus, he was tired. The past two and a half weeks were catching up with him with a vengeance. He'd been over to Kelly's every night except one, last Saturday. Mike and Tony had roped him into a night in Truckee. They'd been appalled when Nick hadn't partaken of the local fare. "Just not my type," Nick had asserted. Luckily they'd taken separate cars so Nick was able to make it home that night. And as much as he'd wanted to go over to Kelly's it didn't seem right to wake her up at three a.m.

  But he had wanted to. Even now, after showing up at her house night after night, he resented the one he'd missed. It scared him a little to think of how much he craved her. Not just in bed, but her company too.

  Kelly only had to hint at a problem in her ramshackle little rental and Nick showed up, toolbox in hand, to fix it. Somehow they managed to resist making love during the day or Nick doubted he would ever get any work done. But the admiring glint in her eyes and the way she said, "You're amazing. You can fix anything," after he repaired her dishwasher or changed a fuse made him feel about ten feet tall. Each time he'd had to force himself to leave, consoling himself with the knowledge that he'd see her later that night.

  At least every other night on his way home he'd found himself at Sully's. He came under the premise of playing a quick card game with Ryan Sullivan. But really he just wanted to watch her, talk with her over the bar about his day and hers.

  Ryan had started working a little bit during the early evenings, and Kelly had used the extra time to take a couple of shifts at the hospital. She never failed to amuse him with stories about her patients.

  So far she'd seen a clueless hiker who didn't realize she couldn’t complete a twelve-mile hike with only a Coke for hydration and a four-year-old who'd tried to break the world record for number of crayons shoved up his nose.

  "At least," she'd laughed as she told him the story, "it's not like Boston where worse things are shoved up other holes."

  Nick had leered at her and asked her if that had given her any ideas she'd like to share.

  But no matter how much he enjoyed her company, he always forced himself to leave after one drink so that no one would get the wrong idea about them. Or the right idea, as it were.

  He polished off his sandwich and washed it down with the remains of his soda.

  Tony was staring at him, hard. They were working on a deck expansion on a vacation home in nearby Lakeview Estates while Mike was back at the office putting together bids on major remodels for two homes in the area.

  "You look terrible, man," Tony said.

  "I'm fine, just a little tired."

  "Yeah, well you better suck it up, because if we don't get this deck done by tomorrow, Mike's gonna kick our asses." Tony paused to take a last, huge bite of his sandwich. "And then we have to start prepping for the tile work at that huge place out on Viewpoint."

  Nick didn't respond. They had more work than they could handle, and all he wanted to do was crawl into bed with Kelly and fuck them both senseless, followed by a long nap.

  But he couldn't tell Tony any of this. What could he say? That he was exhausted from staying up into the wee hours making love to Kelly Sullivan until they were both too tired to move? Even after she'd given him a key so that he could get into her house and take a nap before she got home, he was still only averaging four hours of sleep a night.

  He sighed and pulled his gloves back on. Tony was right. He needed to get his act together and stop scre
wing around. He and his brothers had worked their asses off to expand their dad's business after they took over, and no way was his sex life going to interfere in his success. This thing with Kelly was all fun, but he couldn't allow it to interfere with his real life.

  But he mused how the hell could he possibly stop seeing her, or even cut back? He'd never been addicted to anything, but this must be how it felt. Like when he drove by Sully's telling himself he was going home, it was like his truck had a mind of its own. And every day, like today, he told himself firmly that tonight was the night he was going to get some sleep, goddammit.

  But like an alcoholic who can't resist just one more drink, he knew that if he showed up at Sully's tonight and saw Kelly, there was no way in hell he could resist her.

  And he had to go tonight. Who was he to disappoint his brothers?

  Kelly set a platter of fish and chips down in front of Molly Baxter and her husband, Craig, both of whom she remembered from high school. Both were surprisingly friendly, considering in high school they'd never given her the time of day.

  Suddenly the hairs on the nape of her neck stood up and her gaze was drawn to the front door.

  The Donovans were here. Nick glanced over, quickly enough so that no one caught him looking but long enough that she read the heat in his gaze.

  Her pulse pounded in her head, in rhythm with the sudden beat between her legs. Molly had to ask four times before Kelly heard her request for a refill on her water.

  Kelly smoothed her hands down the front of her denim skirt and made her way as calmly as possible to the table where Nick, Mike, and Tony sat, long legs and broad shoulders practically spilling out of their chairs.

  All three turned to smile up at her, and Kelly felt her insides melt at Nick's knowing look. So far no one seemed to know about their affair. It had actually been kind of fun, the past two and a half weeks. Sneaking around, pretending there wasn't anything between them while sharing their own illicit secret.

  She forced herself to greet Nick with the casual friendliness they always used in public. As she watched, Nick reached into his water glass and fished out an ice cube. He ran it suggestively around his lips, drew it into his mouth, released it. Just like last night, when he'd taken a cherry Popsicle and teased it around her nipples, chasing drops of juice with his tongue...


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