Napoleon's Gift

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Napoleon's Gift Page 9

by Alie Infante

  His uttered words sounded so familiar. No one but my grandmother, and one other person had ever said that to me like that.

  “I need ye.” He moaned, and I nodded, once again forgetting that I was not supposed to understand him. He quickly removed his clothes, then lifted me and held me against the wall, his lips going straight for the skin in the curve of my neck; and I moaned my head tilting back.

  “Ye have me completely eppy.” He whispered, and I moaned as he slid me down just a bit, then pushed his hips up.

  “Mon Dieu.” My God, I whispered, and he grinned.

  “Ye make me this way. Never has another woman evoked these feelings from me, except one, however, she hates me.” He said softly, then took my lips with his.

  He moved us to the bed, and I sighed.

  He made love to me then, but it was not like before. He whispered he needed me, and gently took my lips with his as his hips pushed forward. His rhythm was slow and deliberate, and as he moved so that only the tip of him was touching me, my nails racked down his back.

  He was driving me mad!

  He suddenly drove his hips forward, and I cried out, but from pleasure. He pulled me to a sitting position, and sat me in his lap. He looked into my eyes as he lowered me onto his lap, and I moaned my pleasure as he completely filled me.

  “I am quite taken with ye. From the moment I kissed ye.” He whispered, and I looked down at him smiling, then kissed him deeply.

  He laid me back and traveled the length of my body, kissing every part of it. He paused at the apex of my legs, and as his head dipped, the breath expelled from my chest.

  It seemed as if my entire being, centered on the tip of his tongue.

  As I opened my mouth to say something, his tongue caressed me, and what came out was a scream. He was suddenly above me, his lips covering mine catching the scream as he drove forward and rode my body.

  I could feel myself floating higher and higher, and the tightness in my body began to build until I felt it settle in the tips of my toes, only to spread throughout my entire body, and the scream left me of its own accord.

  He sat me in his lap again.

  He pulled me towards him, rocked my hips forward again, and another deep moaned escaped my lips as his rhythm sped up. He moved faster and harder, but that was not what he wanted, because I was suddenly under him again, and he brought my legs up so he could slam into my body, and I felt it begin to rise throughout my entire body again.

  I gasped looking up, caressed his face, and he smiled kissing me again.

  With each stroke, each thrust, my screams continued to rise.

  It hit me full force and a scream left my throat, as I felt the orgasm spread through me again. He echoed me, then collapsed on top of me.

  “My God, I swear I already love ye. It’s as if, I have known ye for nearly a life time, even if we just met.” He said as he smoothed the hair from my face, and I looked up at him stunned. He kissed my forehead, then moved to my side pulling me into him. “I daresay we have a bit of a situation here.” He sighed, and it hit me that I should say something.

  “Je ne comprends pas.” I do not understand, I replied, and he sighed.

  “It is just as well. I would not have ye scurry off with my emotional state this day. I am sure ye too would not fathom how I could be in love with ye in a matter of two days.” He sighed, and my entire body stiffened with disbelief.

  Did he just say that he was in love with me?

  “Je suis désolé, mais je ne comprends pas?” I am sorry, but I do not understand, I repeated, and he sighed again.

  “Ce n'était rien, juste moi penser à haute voix.” It was nothing; just me thinking aloud, he said smiling as he kissed my forehead.

  “Je pense que vous êtes plutôt mélancolique ce soir?” I think you are quite melancholy tonight, I said, and he sighed again.

  “J'oserais dire que vous avez raison. However pay no attention to me; I have had quite the day.” I would say yer right, he said, then pulled me closer to him.

  “Qu’est-ce qui vous a trouble?” What has you troubled? I asked, and he sighed.

  “Il n’y a rien à craindre. Dînons, et d’être heureux.” Nothing to worry over, let us dine and be happy. He said frowning, then opened his mouth to speak again, sighed, contemplated his words, then rushed out with it.

  “I would fathom, that I am in love with two women. Nevertheless, they are so akin to each other that I daresay ye are the same woman, had I not known better. She was the love of my life; in spite of this, I have not seen her in many years. She on the other hand, has no love for me.” He sighed in English, then smiled at my confusion.

  He rang the small bell, and Anjule came into the room with several trays on a cart.

  We dined on the most scrumptious of affairs, made love twice more, and I fell asleep in his arms.

  As the sun rose, I stretched, then realized he was gone. As strange as it seemed, a deep sadness settled in my chest to find he had already gone.

  What was happening to me?

  It was very peculiar, but I felt as he did, as if we had known each other all our lives, even if we had just met.

  What was I to do?

  As I came downstairs, Madame smiled, then nodded to the window.

  Harvey was instantly there to carriage me home.

  When I reached Granny’s Isaiah smiled, yawned, then went out the door.

  “Granny, you have to wake.” I sighed, caressed her face, then started as she whispered my name.

  I kissed her forehead, then embraced her tightly.

  She just had to wake!

  I thought as I laid her back on the bed, then sighed for what seemed like the 100th time.

  What would I do if she did not?

  Surly God would not allow my fate to be in the hands of Mr. Charles would he?

  I walked to my bedchamber, disrobed, then climbed between the sheets.

  I just needed sleep.

  I told myself as I drifted off.

  Lundi (Monday)…

  As he walked into the red room, the wolfish grin he gave me caused my body to tingle in response to it, and I barely had time to greet him, before he hastily took hold of me, and we crashed into the wall, knocking the things from the corner bar. He grasped me, gave me a blistering kiss, then traveled the length of my throat, and a deep moan left me as I looked up at him. He reached for me again, and I leapt into his arms as he lifted me, his lips never leaving mine as we bumped furniture here and there.

  I ripped open his shirtfront, and he laughed. He threw me on the bed, helped me out of my garish get up, me laughing as he struggled with ties, lace fittings and buttons. He finally pulled the garment over my head, and I seized his belt to un-buckled it. When we were both naked, he grinned as he pulled me to him, slammed his hips forward, and I screamed!

  My god!

  He was quite larger than I had recalled!

  He pulled me to the edge of the bed, moved his hips forward again, his thickness filling me completely.

  “Mon Dieu!”

  “Oui!” He grinned, moved away from me, then kissed his way down my body.

  He pulled me to the edge of the bed as he kneeled in front of me, and when his mouth closed over me, the breath trapped inside my body expelled as he did. With each swirl and flick of his tongue, I could feel it building. When the orgasm hit me, I was blinded by the complete bliss of it!

  He was above me again, then buried himself even deeper, and I screamed.


  I heard him laugh, he suddenly turned me, moved his hips forward from behind, as he reached around and rolled his fingers. He brought his other hand to my hips and forced me backwards, as his other hand traveled up my back, and paused at the nape of my neck. He then he ran his fingers through my hair, holding me in place, as he continued to move his hips forward.

  I screamed again, his rhythm speed up, until I thought I would have the vapors!

  “Mon Seigneur!” My Lord! I scream
ed, and he laughed.

  “Yes my love, what?” He whispered as he was suddenly above me, had one of my legs in each of his hands, then bent forward to draw the skin in the curve of my neck into his mouth.

  I felt the tremble go up my spine as he moved his hips forward again, completely filling me. I moved my hips to push him even further up, and he moaned. He pulled me back to the edge of the bed, drove his hips forward, as his head bent and he took my nipple into his mouth. He moved his hands under my hips, and brought them up to meet each thrust, I could feel it building, and I screamed again.

  I could not take much more!

  There was a sudden knock on the door, and he looked up frowning.

  “What is it?” He yelled, and I heard a muffled voice.

  “Madame has offered your lordship the evening meal. Do you have need of it?” Harvey called, and he frowned.

  “No!” He shouted, there was a muffled response, and he grinned down on me.

  “Now, where were we my love?” He grinned even wider wiggling his brows, and I giggled as he bit my neck.

  Mardi (Tuesday)…

  I looked at myself in the glass, sighed, then frowned at the black kohl Monique decided that I needed this night. I felt as if I were one of the women from the tales of the Middle East Granny used to impart to me before bedtime, because I appeared to look as I had imagined Scheherazade from Arabian Nights, 1001 Nights might have appeared.

  I sighed again, then grinned as I left Monique to go to the Yellow room. The flowing lace, left very little to the imagination, and I was truly giddy at the reaction I knew I would acquire from him.

  As I sat down on the bed, the door opened, and he gave me a sinister grin as he saw the sultry look on my face.

  He sat down next to me, then pulled me into his lap. His hand went to the back of my neck, and brought my lips down to his. I reeled in the feel of his soft lips.

  I was drawn to him, and I had come to hunger after, yearn for, and fixate, in this need for him. He slid the dressing gown from my shoulders, then moaned as he saw that I was already naked. I pushed the shirt from his shoulders, my lips went to his chest, and he sighed.

  I drew back to look at him then.

  He gave me the most alluring look I had ever seen from a man, and I doubted if he even knew it.

  I kissed him then.

  He looked up at me, and before I knew it, he had me in his arms. He laid me on bed, and we both sank into it.

  He drew away from me to step out of his trousers, and as his skin touched mine, I gasped at the heat I felt.

  I sighed deep in my throat.

  He smiled, as he removed the stockings.

  He ran his hands up my thighs, then pulled me closer into him. He looked at my face then, and traced my lips with his finger, then drew his tongue across my lips, in the same manner as his finger.

  He kissed me deeply, and I was in heaven.

  I felt his movement, just before he drove forward, and my back arched.

  Mon Dieu!

  He felt glorious.

  The thickness of him filled me, and as he moved his hips slightly forward, a deep moan left my throat. He brought my legs up further, drove forward again, and a deep guttural moan left his throat.

  “Ye feel exactly as my mind conjured this afternoon. I was quite distracted with thoughts of ye nearly all day.” He whispered, as his head dipped to my breast, he took my nipple into his mouth, then raised his head.

  “Regardez-moi.” Look at me, he whispered, and I looked up to see his eyes had darkened. “Tis exactly as it should be.”He said softly, and I was surprised at the force in his words. I did not answer, for I was to feign my lack of English, even still.

  He suddenly rolled, so that now I was on top.

  “Monter moi.” Ride me.” He said, and I smiled.

  I placed my hands on his chest, then moved my hips into him. He closed his eyes, as his hands went to my hips, guiding my movements. I bent over him, kissed him, and he jerked my hips forward, causing him to fill me even more.

  He sat up, his hands going to my hips again, pulling me forward.

  “Oh…mon…dieu.” Oh…my…god. I whispered, and he grinned.

  Each time he pulled me forward, moved my hips, I could feel him hit something deep inside of me, and it would build. He pushed my upper body backwards, as he thrust up through my body, and a scream left my throat, as he pulled me forward, causing him to sink even deeper, filling every inch of me.

  He sped up his rhythm, and another scream left my throat. He brought his lips back to mine, swallowing the scream, as I continued to ride him.

  “Mon seigneur!” My lord. I screamed as I felt myself spiraling into the orgasm, his lips left mine, as he sucked the skin in the hollow of my neck into his mouth.

  “Pas encore.” No yet.

  He said, and I could only shake my head.

  He turned again, behind me. As he pushed his hips forward, I cried out.

  I did not think I could contain myself any longer.

  He was slaying me!

  Nevertheless, in a delightful fashion!

  His hand went to my hips again, and he guided me toward him. His other hand came around me, and he touched me as he drove his hips forward, finding his rhythm.

  I screamed oui, repeatedly, until I felt it wash over my entire body, all the way to the tips of my toes.

  He ran his fingers through my hair, then brought my mouth back to his. He put my legs over his shoulders, then bent forward, careful not to put his entire weight on me.

  When he touched me a deep moan left my throat, as he moved his hips forward repeatedly, thrusting through my body.

  It was a long drawn out scream, as the orgasm hit me. I looked up to see him stiffen, a deep moan leaving his throat, as he collapsed on top of me. I smoothed the wet hair from his face, trying to catch my breath, and he caught my hand, brought it to his lips, then kissed it.

  He grinned as he kissed me fully on the lips, then moved to the side taking me with him.

  “Ye, shall be the death of me woman.” He sighed, then pulled me into the curve of his arm.

  I smiled, as I felt sleep’s pull.

  Mercredi (Wednesday)

  I frowned as I looked at the bathtub Harvey and two men had placed in the room moments ago. I frowned again, as I looked at myself in the glass this time, because the copper colored irises on my neither regions and breast, seem just so comical to me.

  As he entered the room, my suspicions were correct, because he threw his head back and laughed, pulled me to him giving me a deep kiss, then moved back to shed his clothing.

  That was my last lucid thought, because he pulled me even closer to him, picked me up, then entered the tub, with me on his lap. He kissed my throat, and I sighed. For some peculiar reason, I had missed him terribly this day, no matter that I had just been with him the day before.

  He brought my lips back to his, my thoughts ceasing. I wrapped my legs around his waist, he lifted me by the hips, and a deep sigh left my lips then. He rocked me forward, and everything that I might have asked him about his day left me, and I centered on the feel of him.

  Jeudi (Thursday)

  This time I groaned as I looked into the looking glass. I was dressed as a Domestique Française, French maid, however Madame had chosen to shorten the length of the piece of clothing, then denied me under-garments. The lacy stockings, and the rouge on my cheeks, caused me to think that he might perceive me as what I was pretending to be in this get-up.

  He smiled as he came through the door of the red room, drink in hand, then walked to the desk in the corner. He placed the bottle, and the glass on the desk, then tested his weight on it, with a wolfish grin.

  “Shall we?” He questioned, brow lifted, crooked grin, and I could not help but laugh. I walked to him; he lifted me, then placed me on the desk.

  As His hands went to my thighs, he gasped, then looked down on me grinning.

  “Pourquoi avez-vous mauvaise fille, celle-ci ex
ige une fessée.”

  Why ye naughty minx, this shall require a cuff. He grinned, turned me, placed me on my knees on the desk, then struck my bottom. I gasped as it stung. He did it again in the same spot, I gasped again, but as he ran his hand over the same spot, the tingling sensation and the sting caused my neither regions to tighten in response to his hand.

  Benjamin smiled, because his handprint was visible on her caramel skin, a profound crimson color, which made him want to see her bottom redden even more. When he curved his hand over the small ridge, her spine concaved, raising her bottom in the air, an enticement he could not forbear. He first struck her with light taps, but he yearned for more of her rasping cries.

  “Yer bottom my love, is perfection.” He said in English, and I nodded, forgetting my ruse.

  Benjamin kissed her neck, stepped away from her, then struck her upturned bottom again, and watched as the deep blush rose, the color almost appearing to dance across her beautiful skin.

  Her deep cries seemed to resonate through his body, and he felt himself stiffen in response to them. He had never felt this solid in his life, and he ached to be inside of her. He stroked her inflamed skin, and she moaned as he lightly caressed her with his other hand.

  She was willing.

  He thought grinning wider now.

  “Ye belong to me.” He whispered in my ear, I nodded, as his hand moved, and his fingers continued to caress me. My head went back of its own accord. He slipped his fingers further inside, and I moaned.

  “And ye like that?” He whispered as his other hand rested on my back, and I nodded moaning, he struck me again, and I screamed.

  “Non. S’il vous plaît mon seigneur.” No. Please, my lord. I moaned and he grinned.

  “S’il vous plaît ce?” Please what? He questioned, and I shook my head.

  “Emmène-moi.” Take me, I moaned, and he chuckled.

  “Pas encore.” Not yet, he grinned.

  I could not breathe, because my heart was pulsating so rapidly in my breast, yet I cried out when his hand came down and struck me on the bottom again. The strikes were calculated and weighty, I cried out again, whimpering at the sting of them.


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