At the CEO's Pleasure

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At the CEO's Pleasure Page 10

by Yahrah St. John

  “Ayden...” she moaned.

  His sizzling eyes sought hers and held. Then he began thrusting upward to meet her hip rolls. A fierce longing gripped Maya’s insides. She knew she should slow things down, think about her actions, but she was powerless to fight the carnal desire he incited in her. She wanted to remove every stitch of her clothing and let Ayden make love to her, but she knew it would mean more to her than him. For him, it would just be a release and he’d treat her the same as before.

  He sought her face with his hands and brought her closer, diving in to kissing her more thoroughly. Maya could feel herself losing control especially when he pushed his hips forward and ground his erection against her. And when she felt his hands at the zipper of her slim jeans, she didn’t stop him. One of his hands snaked lower inside and she laced her fingers with his to guide him to her nub. When he dipped inside her and began stroking her inner walls, Maya was lost as pure pleasure raced through her.

  Soon she was gasping and trembling and her muscles clutched his fingers as her climax rolled over her in waves.

  “Did that feel good?” Ayden whispered as his lips left her mouth to nuzzle at her neck.

  His words woke her up from the haze of desire she’d been under. Embarrassment flushed over her at how wantonly she’d behaved with him. She sat upright, pulling on her sweater as she went.


  “Please don’t!” she exclaimed, scooting off the bed. “This...this should never have gotten this far. I told you it was a mistake for me to come here.” She ran for the safety and cover of her bedroom. With a sprained ankle, Ayden wouldn’t be chasing after her. She had to get some distance and figure out how she’d let the situation get so out of control.


  Frustrated, Ayden sat upright, staring at the door Maya had just run through. Jesus! He rubbed his head. He’d really done it this time. The kiss in his office had been one thing, but tonight they’d had such a wonderful evening together talking, watching television and playing board games that it made Ayden realize just how much he wanted Maya. The heat between them was off the charts, so much so neither of them could deny the sparks when they were in such close quarters.

  So he’d kissed her, not thinking about the complications of his actions. The sight of her half-naked body had jolted him. She was so beautiful, from her soft brown skin to her small breasts. She was exquisite and all he wanted to do was slake his thirst for her. Taste her very essence. He wanted to take those dark nipples into his mouth, to sink into her slick heat and let the passion between them explode. But he hadn’t gotten the chance because Maya had run away from him again.

  He wanted to go after her and bring her back to his bed, but he couldn’t. Maya was skittish and he didn’t blame her. He’d messed up last time when he’d appeared unaffected by their night together even though he’d been far from it. In fact, the desire he’d felt had scared him and he’d tried to marginalize it, brushing it off as good sex and nothing more.

  It was certainly the best he’d ever had. And he wanted more. More of Maya. But how did he convince her to explore this side of their relationship when he’d hurt her before? Add the fact that he wasn’t keeping the promise he’d made to her to keep their relationship professional and no wonder she was upset. Usually Ayden was a man of his word. He prided himself on it. But when it came to Maya, he didn’t think with a level head. He’d been so convinced that night five years ago had been a fluke that he’d simply imagined how intense the attraction between them had been, but he was wrong. Years ago, he’d deceived himself, refusing to admit how much she meant to him, and now look at where they were.

  Ayden glanced at the clock. It was after midnight and he was in no mood to sleep. His mind was racing, as he kept reliving the moment she’d come and the sounds she’d made when his fingers had been buried inside her. Jesus! Didn’t she understand that she couldn’t fight this attraction any more than he could? Because as sure as the sun rose in the morning, it was inevitable that they would fall into bed again. The chemistry between them would no longer be denied. It had probably always been there. Five years ago, they’d opened that door and there was no going back. Ayden had found the one and only woman who made him want to go back on his word.

  * * *

  Maya awoke the next morning knowing what she had to do. She had to leave Ayden, the job, Austin, all of it. Money be damned. She’d figure out a way to help pay her mother’s cancer treatment bills. She was bright, and qualified assistants were always in high demand. She would find a job.

  Throwing the covers off, Maya went to the bathroom. After brushing her teeth, showering and dressing, she packed up her minimal toiletries. Heading back to the bedroom, she pulled the suitcase out of the closet. She hadn’t had time to unpack because she’d been so focused on caring for Ayden yesterday. Maya placed the luggage by the door and paused because she wanted to smell the flowers outside her balcony one last time before she left. When Ayden had said she could make herself comfortable, she’d chosen the room above the gardens. Opening the door, she walked to the railing and looked out over the colorful plants in full bloom, taking in the fragrance wafting in the air around her.

  Her arrangement with Ayden was untenable. She couldn’t continue doing the same thing and expecting a different result. Ayden was her Achilles’ heel and she had to face it that being his nursemaid would undoubtedly have her winding up in his bed. Maya accepted that she had no willpower when it came to resisting him. Callie was right. She was in over her head.

  She heard a creak behind her and turned to find Ayden on crutches behind her. Maya didn’t speak and turned back around to stare at the garden.

  “Maya, I recognize that last night the situation got out of control.”

  “You mean that boundary we crossed, that you said wouldn’t happen again?”

  She heard his sharp intake of breath. It wasn’t fair to blame him entirely for what had happened. She’d played an active role. She whirled around. “I’m sorry. That was unfair.”

  He shook his head. “No, you’re right. I promised to keep my hands to myself, but failed miserably. And if we’re being honest, I can’t promise that I’m not going to touch you, not kiss you, and not make love to you.”

  All of Maya’s tingly parts came alive at his bold declaration. “So then you’re in agreement that we can’t work together and it’s best we terminate this agreement.”

  “Far from it.”

  “Pardon?” She didn’t understand. He’d just said that he wasn’t going to keep his promise for their relationship to remain professional.

  “I think we need to acknowledge there is something between us and act on it. Stop denying it exists and just see where it goes.”

  “Straight to your bed,” she countered. “Because we both know where it will lead.”

  “And is it so wrong that we enjoy each other?” Ayden asked, hopping toward her until they were a few feet apart. “Don’t you think it’s high time we started acting like adults and admit we’re attracted to each other?”


  “You want me. Don’t you?”

  Maya lowered her gaze. She couldn’t believe they were having this conversation. Right now. He was putting everything out in the open and pulling no punches. When she didn’t answer, she felt him throw the crutches to the ground and move over to the railing until he was inches from her face.

  “I dare you to say you don’t.”

  Maya rolled her eyes upward. “Yes, I want you. There. Are you happy? I admit it.”

  “No, not really because you’re too far away from me to kiss you properly.”

  Maya leaned over and Ayden rewarded her with a hot, deep kiss. She moaned softly, opened her mouth, allowed his tongue to dip inside and mate with hers. What was she doing? Maya wrenched herself away and when he leaned in again, she put her hand against his hard chest. “Are y
ou sure about this?”

  “Yes. Don’t deny us this pleasure when we both want this.”

  She did want him more than she had any other man, and he was offering her the opportunity to have unfettered access to him. But what did it all mean? What happened once he tired of her?

  “Stop thinking, Maya. For once, just feel, allow yourself to let go and be mine.”

  His words startled her. Be his. They’d only been together once and it had been the most amazing sexual experience of her life. If she allowed herself to go there again, Maya was afraid she’d never be the same again. The first time she’d been completely devastated and had had to move away because she couldn’t stand to be near him. What would happen this time?

  “Come away with me.”

  She frowned in consternation. “Where?”

  “To Jamaica. You were right. I never take a vacation and now, with this bum ankle, it’s a prime opportunity to take some time off and explore us.” He wound his hands around her neck and pulled her closer, bringing her into his air space. He leaned his forehead against hers. “Come away with me.”

  “I don’t know, Ayden.” She pulled away. “You’re moving too fast. You want me to fly to Jamaica at a moment’s notice? I have responsibilities now. You know I want to be here for my mother’s next treatment.”

  “Of course, I understand that. It would be a short getaway. Plenty of time for you to get back, but enough time for us to discover our feelings in paradise without any outside influences.”

  Maya was torn. She did want to go with Ayden, but she was also afraid to jump into the deep end of the ocean without a life vest. Even though he’d admitted his desire for her, Ayden had the power to hurt her because she still had unresolved feelings for him. Feelings that went deeper than lust. Yet, if she didn’t take this opportunity she would always wonder what could have been.

  “All right, I’ll go with you.”

  * * *

  Maya couldn’t believe she was on a recliner in a living room–style cabin of a private plane on her way to Montego Bay with Ayden. Once she’d agreed, Ayden had contacted his pilot to file a flight plan. In her wildest dreams, she would never have imagined that he would want to spend time alone with her or that she’d readily agree. But one devilish yet sinfully sexy look from him had her abandoning her principles and packing a suitcase for Jamaica. And she knew full well what was in store during their stay—mind-blowing, toe-curling sex the likes of which she’d never experienced except with him.

  Maya was both excited and terrified. She was by no means a virgin, but she’d only been with a handful of men. And none of them had ever made her feel the way Ayden did. One look, one touch from him set her on fire. She didn’t want to disappoint him.

  A lump formed in her throat. She regarded him from across the aisle where he lay sprawled out on the couch with his ankle up, playing with his tablet. He seemed perfectly content, as if he didn’t have a care in the world. Was he used to whisking women away on getaways to paradise so he could wine and dine them and take them to bed? Or maybe there would be no wining and dining, just sex. Full stop.

  She hazarded a glance at him and found his eyes on her. “What are you worrying about, Maya? I hope you’re not regretting your decision to come with me.”

  She shook her head. “I’m just wondering what you have in store for me.”

  He chuckled, showing off his winsome smile and perfect white teeth. “If you’re asking if I intend to let you come up for air after I’ve had my wicked way with you, the answer is yes. We’re going to Jamaica on vacation. I may not be able to do everything like climbing Dunn’s River Falls, but we can certainly take in the sights and enjoy the culture.”

  Maya smiled brightly. “All right, that sounds good.”

  “You’re too far away over there. Why don’t you come over here.” He gave her a wink and patted the empty seat beside him.

  “Ayden Stewart, I have no intention of becoming a member of the mile-high club. Plus, the crew is just in the other room.” She inclined her head toward the front of the cabin where the pilots and flight attendant were assembled.

  “I promise to be good.”

  “I highly doubt that.”

  “Come here,” he commanded. The tone of his voice had Maya rising from her seat and moving to him, but she stopped a few inches away from him. It forced Ayden to sit upright, grasp her arm and haul her forward. “This is much better,” he said when she was in his lap. “And this will be even better.” He lowered his head and brushed his lips across hers. She was fast becoming addicted to his kisses. He used everything in his arsenal to make her his willing captive.

  When he finally lifted his head, he smiled as he looked at her. “You look thoroughly kissed. Every man will know that you’re with me.”

  He sat her upright and for the rest of the flight wouldn’t let her leave his side. Maya supposed she should be flattered by all this attention, but what happened at the end of their vacation? Where did they go from there? She shook her head. She wouldn’t think of the future, only the here and now with Ayden for the scant time she had with him.

  They arrived in Jamaica later that afternoon and were met on the tarmac by a limousine. A driver took care of their luggage and his crutches while Ayden leaned on Maya for support to help him to the limo. Soon they were leaving Montego Bay and heading through the countryside. Maya peered out the window taking in the sights of the island country.

  “You look like a kid in a candy store,” Ayden said.

  Maya turned away from the window. “I’m sorry, am I being too gauche? I’ve only been out of the country once during spring break when I let Callie talk me into going to Cancun.”

  “And how did that go?”

  “Terrible. Callie was wasted half the time and when she wasn’t, she was curled up next to several guys. I spent much of the time reading on the beach. The best part of that vacation was the fact that I was of legal drinking age and could partake in the cocktails.”

  Ayden stared at her for several long moments. “Have you ever done anything out of your comfort zone?”

  “This,” she responded. “I’m running off to an island to have an affair with my boss.”

  “Is that all I am to you—your boss?” Ayden asked.

  His question startled her. She hadn’t meant to offend him. If she had, it was a bad start to their journey. “No, of course not.” She moved away from the window. “I’m sorry, you’re more than just my boss.” She took a deep breath and said what she truly felt. “You’re about to become my lover.”

  He grinned and the light returned to his eyes. “That’s right. And I intend to ensure I satisfy your every need.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  They arrived at a beautiful villa built on the side of the mountain. It was the epitome of romance. The home was surrounded by long clinging vines, bougainvillea, fragrant flowers and dense green trees. There wasn’t another house for miles. They would be secluded in this love nest. Tucked away from the world. Just the two of them.

  Once their bags were taken inside, Ayden grabbed the crutches and showed Maya the grounds. “You’ve stayed here before?” she asked.

  He nodded. “I come here sometimes when I need to be alone.”

  Maya wondered if he’d ever made peace with what happened, but chose not to ask. She just followed behind him. The inside of the home was white and clean with modern furnishings. The large kitchen and living area were open to the great outdoors which overlooked a terrace that had a luxurious infinity pool for their use. “I can’t wait to slip into my bathing suit and get in.”

  “Who says you need a bikini?” Ayden replied, “We’re the only ones here, Maya. You can feel comfortable in your birthday suit.”

  She turned away and began walking down the corridor to see the rest of the home. He wanted her to walk out in the open completely nude? She
could never do that. She’d feel too self-conscious. Raven had always had the rocking body with curves for days that men liked, while Maya had always had a slightly boyish figure. Thank God, she’d finally gotten boobs.

  Ayden caught up with her at the master suite, which housed a raised platform bed with a silky duvet in deep red and loads of cream pillows strewn over it. Swaths of fabric hung from the ceiling, draping the bed. They were gauzy and sexy. It clearly wasn’t a bed made for sleeping.



  “Sit.” He motioned to the bed and Maya took a seat so they could be eye to eye. “You have nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about. You have a beautiful body.”

  “You don’t have to say that, Ayden. I know that I’m not like the curvaceous women you usually date.”

  He cupped her chin, tilting her head so he could peer into her eyes. “Maya, I love your body.”

  “You do?”

  “Yes, and I can’t wait to show you just how much.”

  “When?” she asked expectantly, eagerly.

  He gave her a wolfish grin. “Later, after dinner.”


  “Oh, it’s a promise I intend to keep all night long.”


  Ayden ignored the jolt of arousal that had been surging through him from the moment they’d arrived. He wanted to give Maya the romantic evening she deserved rather than immediately throwing her down on the bed and thrusting inside her wet heat until she called out his name. It was crazy to think that for years he’d been blind to her beauty until that night five years ago opened his eyes. Ayden always had boundaries and each person had their proper place, but he’d been unable to put Maya back into the box he’d had her in. Instead, all their time together was marked by sexual tension and awareness.


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