Eternal Bond (Edanholme Book 2)

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Eternal Bond (Edanholme Book 2) Page 3

by Catherine Fitzpatrick

  of friendship at present. He entertained vaguely unsettling hopes, that one day the human

  may look upon him with eyes that suggested more than mere tolerance of a damaged male.

  Closing the laptop Alex propped her bag on one shoulder passing the TV remote to Teague.

  “I’m going to see Cat, show her the Yurts. You can stay here and be entertained for an hour…”

  Sidling towards the door she smiled, a sweet lift of pink tinted lips that plainly said you’re not

  welcome to come with me.

  The Bard promptly stood up, striding around the sofa to tower over the smaller female figure.

  “Where you go, I go… The Queen commands it to be so.” A stiff little bow acknowledged an

  ill-disguised ploy to dispense with his presence. Arms locked once more across his chest in

  stubborn denial informed the female he was no fool to be trifled with.

  Frowning at his determination to shadow every move she made, Alex shrugged. In a huff she

  wrenched open the outer door. “This has got to stop… I feel like a prisoner under guard.”

  She was tempted to have a tantrum on the doorstep, a real girly strop. Sanity prevailed, he

  would probably tuck her under one arm and high tail it back to the residence in a blink.

  Solemn faced the Bard followed in her wake, once more in disguise. Aingeal felt annoyance

  at his presence. Teague found he cared not… Iscatya had taken his oath to protect the

  person of her sister. He would do so until commanded otherwise.

  Alex strode out, weaving through shoppers in the vain hope an unwary straggler would be

  distracted long enough for her to lose him. Not a chance. He was glued to her like sticky

  weed to a gardening glove. Not that she did much gardening living in a penthouse flat, but

  she loved to watch idiots struggle to subdue a wilderness. So maybe she had a streak of

  sadist in her soul, who didn’t?

  The practice door was propped wide open in invitation for the populace to come in and browse.

  Alex raced up the stairs to Cat’s waiting area. The locum optometrists used the downstairs

  rooms, to accommodate the physically challenged. She and Cat got to deal with the mentally

  challenged, in the form of besotted men eager for a date with a magically attractive optometrist.

  They’d get a shock now that Cat was pregnant.

  Luckily the waiting room was free of patients. The Queen was busy on her computer, catching

  up with health checks on the system that had been delayed due to an extended leave of absence.

  “Hey boss, I want to run an idea past you, before I sully your ears with unladylike expletives

  concerning a unilateral decision to grace me with a body guard…”

  Teague hovered at Alex’s shoulder, his expression dead-pan as he offered Cat a graceful bow.

  “It’s a two headed coin angel. Teague learns more of the human realm, while he keeps an eye

  open for trouble.” Inspecting a website showcasing life under canvas Cat whistled, ignoring the

  snort of disapproval that left the pursed lips of her best friend.

  “This is a great idea. I bet you want one too?” Alex nodded, chuckling huskily.

  “I’m going to site it on the shores of the lake you found. I may be assigned to running the

  show in payment for my wicked ways, but I’m not going to rough it in the middle of a Fae

  encampment.” Glancing at the Sidhe male in human shape, she caught a slight shift in his

  features, a tiny movement of ash blonde eyebrows lowering in the hint of a frown.

  “Hand over the credit card, the one with unlimited expenditure, and the keys to your beamer.

  If I have to keep Mister Frosty, I need a bigger car. He’s taken a decided dislike to Marigold.”

  Alex made her demands with a pout of annoyance that she was saddled with a male who

  appeared far too proud to embrace her world. Except for the music, Alex doubted he could

  be coaxed or coerced to interact with a lesser race of beings for love nor money.

  “You drive a hard bargain angel, I love that car. It’s worth it though, to see you in action.”

  The keys and credit card were tossed in the direction of a fiendishly grinning female.

  Dipping in a sarcastic curtsey, Alex caught them both with a deft flick of her wrist.

  “Thanks your Majesticness. I’m going to enjoy spending a fortune, especially when I get first

  pick of the goodies.” With a fruity laugh Alex swung her hips, as she sauntered from the

  consulting room, treasures in hand. If Mr Frosty intended to stay with her, he would have to

  keep up.

  Ensconced in front of the TV, long limbs hanging over the arm of a plush charcoal grey sofa,

  Teague soaked up the sights and sounds of Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.

  Alex was free to order all the equipment she had sourced, in an effort to bring the basic

  requirements of modern comfort to Edanholme. Sanitation was high on the list.

  A spade just didn’t do it for her.

  A light bulb flickered to life in her brain. Inspiration flew in on the wings of ‘I’m a lonesome

  polecat.’ She loved the film, but right now Alex wanted to strangle the useless men who

  postured in the snow, gripping at axes and saws as they sang out their loss. Texting Cat with

  rapid taps on the screen of her I-phone, ideas crowded her head, queuing up to be fulfilled.

  Can I use your barn for a technology centre? An industrial laundry facility wouldn’t go amiss

  either. Edanholme might support solar energy enough to light the cabins, but the estate holds

  the key to further education and communication skills…

  Clicking her finger nails on the counter top, Alex waited eagerly for a reply.

  Do whatever you feel is necessary. The funds are available, as you well know…

  Alex did a victory dance on the chair, feet swinging from side to side. Thanks chuck…

  She had the power to mould Edanholme to her dictates, Cat had effectively abdicated

  all responsibility for the housing of the refugees.

  “Lord Teague….” Alex coaxed life from the immutable male.

  “Aye Aingeal…?” The murmur was low and husky, eyes fixed on the colourful TV screen.

  “We’re going out to dinner. Don’t worry I’ll make sure it’s finger food with musical

  accompaniment.” She was going to make him sorry for insisting on shadowing her every

  move. Violet eyes swung round to meet her face.

  “Real music, not this boxed version…?” He waved a languid hand towards the wall.

  “I don’t know if you would call it ‘real’ music, but it is live and as real as it gets. Are you up

  for it?” Logging off, Alex slipped the credit card into her purse.

  The warriors were going to be very busy learning how to construct their own homes. Time

  to have some fun, before the real work began…

  “What is the meaning of ‘up for it.’?” Easing to his feet the light of wariness dimmed

  canted eyes to deeper shades of violet.

  “It means, would you like to travel in Cat’s car, to a place where we will be fed and people

  sing for our entertainment.” A wicked smile curved her lips at the indecision on his face.

  At least she had broken through the mask of indifference.

  “Or you can Poof back to Edanholme…” Alex snapped her fingers under his nose.

  It was becoming tiresome, trying to coax a response from a being who retreated behind a

  shell of ice cold non-committal when issued with an open invitation.

  “To be honest Lord Teague I’m past caring. Stay or go means sod all to me. I’d be as happy to

  munch on a sandwich and watch a movie at home.” Hands on hips Alex raised an eyebrow in


  Teague had seen a similar expression on the face of his previous mistress, one which usually

  preceded pain for the poor fool who had not amused her. It was ingrained in his psyche to

  submit to a dominant female, at this moment the Lady Alex held dominion over his life.

  He could not decline the invitation to partake of food with the bonded sister of his Queen

  without causing offence. The mere thought of being surrounded by humans made his teeth

  ache and his heart quail. None of his brothers with the exception of Drusal had ventured

  beyond the borders of the old realm. To be entertained in Aingeal’s domicile was agreeable,

  to hunt and roast meat over an open fire natural. To be expected to eat under the watchful

  eyes of a human horde, terrifying.

  To know more of this angel in human skin he would have to venture into a world of alien

  creatures with a semblance of control. Bowing low to an imperious figure, he deemed

  held his life into her hands, Teague made a fateful decision to be bold, to take a step into

  the unknown in advance of his fellow warriors.

  “If it pleases thee, I am a willing companion in the forage for food.”

  Alex laughed a low husky chuckle, seething tension dispersed to genuine amusement.

  “No foraging today, we will be served with food with no expenditure of effort, except for

  paying the bill.”

  Alex drove the BMW saloon expertly, a sublimely easy task after wrestling with Marigold.

  Pulling into the car park of a pub that held weekly folk sessions, she turned off the engine

  to face the Bard. “Are you ok…?” The hour long trip to Hebden Bridge had been silent.

  “Aye Aingeal, I am but a little anxious.” Glamour enfolded him in a less cute human guise.

  Violet eyes appeared wide and a little panicky, like a startled deer caught in headlights.

  “Maybe this isn’t such a good idea…” Pressing the start button the engine purred to life.

  “No… I wish to do this. To meet with the Queen’s expectations to embrace a different

  culture has to be faced whatever doubts I have.” He had assumed human shape but Sidhe

  shone through in hypnotic violet eyes and a physique that made Alex feel pathetically

  inadequate to partner a mouth-watering male into a bar where he would be on full display.

  “Relax Teague… Pretend this is no more than the pictures on my TV screen. I will do all the

  talking just take my lead.”

  Gripping his hand Alex forged ahead, taking a seat at an empty table she smiled sweetly at

  his obvious hesitation to join her.

  “Sit opposite me, look at me. Ignore the surroundings.” The demand in her voice only

  served to increased his stress levels.

  A waitress arrowed in on their table in a heartbeat, gaze fixed on Teague as she handed the

  menu cards over to him. Alex’s lips twitched at a blatant display of lust. Ignoring the menus,

  she pushed them back at the patiently waiting girl, ordering from memory.

  It was a simple short list of dishes, the usual pub grub. Her selection was a total junk fest,

  with double portions for the Bard, his appetite more than matched hers.

  Drinks arrived first, a micro-brew for Teague, orange juice for the designated driver.

  Placing a napkin directly in front of a man who obviously deserved a less aggressive girlfriend,

  the waitress flashed a smile offering her name, mobile phone number scrawled on the napkin

  she tucked it beneath his glass.

  Brows raised in surprised enquiry Teague glanced at Aingeal for some help in dealing with

  an unknown female. “Thank you…” Alex gurgled sarcastically, a stifled laugh of disgust at

  brazen lust. “We’ll shout if we need you.”

  Picking up the paper napkin, the Bard ran a fingertip over the scribbled row of numbers.

  “What is this script? I recognise the numerals…” Smoothing out the paper flat he placed the

  glass of beer directly over the number. Shoulders shaking with suppressed giggles, Alex took

  a sip of her juice.

  “She’s given you her phone number in case you’re interested….” Biting at her lip, she held

  back another laugh bubbling in her throat.

  “Interested in what…?” Surprise turned to a frown that dragged his eyebrows into a V above

  a perfectly straight nose, he was hoarse with anxiety.

  “In her…” Alex chirped wickedly, enjoying the Bard’s uneasiness. Violet eyes wide in a cloak

  of coarsely handsome face, he blanched, skin tone becoming close to a translucent blue.

  “I think not…” A small shiver of distaste rippled across broad shoulders, clearly visible

  beneath a tight fitting t-shirt.

  Alex sobered instantly. Well that puts me in my place she thought angrily, even though she

  knew from the moment she first witnessed the beauty and grace of a supreme example of

  Sidhe breeding, he would be less than happy to get up close and personal with a human.

  Whatever her sister in spirit had deigned to arrange…

  “Ignore it Teague, the food’s here.” In record time too, she added silently, helping the over

  bold waitress to distribute the plates.

  Inspecting unfamiliar fodder, he lifted deeply suspicious eyes to Aingeal’s face. She was busy

  sinking her teeth into a double cheeseburger with bacon and ubiquitous salad leaves dressed

  in mayo. Imitating the hungry female, Teague wrapped long fingers round the burger,

  attempting to put a name to the savoury aroma of charcoaled meat.

  “Take a bite for goodness sake…” Impatient with ridiculous dithering, Alex snapped out the

  command harshly. It wasn’t as if she was trying to poison him…

  Risking a mouthful of unusual fodder, face registering surprise he chewed happily, mayo

  dripping unheeded onto a smooth shaven chin.

  “T’is glorious…” Teague mumbled in astonishment, leaning forward to wipe the dribble of

  gloopy mayonnaise from his chin with the proffered phone number. Alex’s grin was fiendish

  at the gasp of annoyance at her back.

  “No… It’s a burger and fries, enjoy it. I intend to savour every mouthful, once this young lady

  stops ogling you over my shoulder.” Every word said quite clearly, bugger off, and annoy

  someone else while they’re eating.

  Blushing at being caught in rapt immobility at a vision of stunning masculinity, the waitress

  moved quickly to the next table, hastily clearing the debris.

  “This is embarrassing... Remind me never to invite you to dinner ever again. Never, ever, no

  way Jose…” Finishing her burger with a satisfied sigh, Alex poured ketchup onto the side of

  her plate. Picking out a fat chip she swirled it in the sauce before nibbling on crispy sinful food.

  Eyes locked onto Aingeal’s mouth, Teague reached for his drink. Desiring that they be alone in

  sharing food, she had shown a spark of anger at the serving wench’s candid desire. Annoyance

  had been replaced by an aura of calm acceptance. Females and the workings of their minds

  were subjects he had avoided for over a hundred years, unexpectedly he wanted to know

  every thought in an angel’s mind, mostly her sentiments concerning the male who was now

  entrusted with her life.

  Taking a sip of a dark, murky brew, the Bard licked at his lips before sinking half the glass.

  “Tis Ale… I have often times yearned for the yeast
y taste upon my tongue…” He risked the

  condemnation of the female, by sending out a searching thought to her mind, an invasion of

  privacy blocked by a barrier as solid as his own. Disappointed at the failure to discern the

  fabric of her contemplations, Teague slunk back in the chair with a churlish growl.

  “What ails thee My Lord…?” Alex quipped, a tad distracted by the folk band setting up their


  “Indigestion...? Serves you right for eating so fast...” It was a spurious accusation, he ate with

  fastidious neatness. Planting her chin on both hands she watched the quartet of three men

  and a woman settling down with violin, flute and bodhran drum. She was more than happy to

  be on the receiving end of a Celtic performance. The first strains of a rousing dance tune was

  introduced by the heartbeat rhythm of the drum.

  The Bard’s head shot round in an open mouthed stare at the first note of stirring music.

  He recognised the cadence, the strong beat of the bodhran, from a previous life. A joyful

  youth before the vampire wars scarred body, psyche and soul.

  “Swap places with me Teague. You’ll either hurt your neck, or fall off the chair if you

  continue straining to look over your shoulder.” Alex slipped from her seat, nudging him

  out of a stupor of favourable memories.

  “Go on… I’m happy to listen. I don’t need to watch the band to enjoy the music.” She

  dropped onto his seat pushing the unfinished meal across the table.

  “Don’t forget to eat…” Her urging went unheard as she filched a chip that called out to her.

  Misty lilac eyes fell to her face with such longing the breath caught in her throat, setting

  off a choking fit. Alex rushed to the ladies room before she disturbed the artists. She was

  pretty sure it was longing to join the musicians not wishful desire aimed at her.

  Returning silently to her seat she had the feeling Teague hadn’t even noticed her absence.

  The food was good, the music was actually great. Alex ruminated on the aspect of the Bard

  enraptured with Celtic chill-out, oblivious to admiring stares from men and women alike.

  Huskily he sang along sotto voce to one of her favourite airs, the Glen of Imaal. It would be


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