The Darkest Danger (Shattered Series Book 2)

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The Darkest Danger (Shattered Series Book 2) Page 11

by Chloe D. Ashton

  To her shame, the tears started flowing. “Please, Jarrod, stop---”

  “I can’t,” he whispered, anguished, pushing her lips apart, and her breath expelled in a rush. “I can’t stop loving you, wanting you, or needing you. Baby, I love you. Deep down, past the anger, I know that you feel the same way.” His warm breathed fanned her wet face. “All those months ago, I was afraid, and now you are. You’re just scared. But, just as you asked me, I’m asking you to place your faith in me.”

  Her lips trembled. “You hurt me.”

  “And that’s something that I’ll never forgive myself for,” he whispered again, silencing her words with a finger against her lips. “Just give me a chance to fix this. Six weeks. That’s all I ask.” His eyes searched hers. “In that time, I’ll move heaven and earth to prove myself to you and regain your trust.”

  As his words played, she felt the desperation kick in.

  The desperation to give in immediately…

  At the thought, she pulled back.

  “I don’t know,” she mumbled, shaking her head in confusion. “Six weeks---”

  “Six weeks that’ll determine everything for us. I will court you, woo you, and yes, seduce you. Things will only go as far as you want them to,” he said huskily, tracing along the edges of her face. “But, I’ll warn you now. I don’t play fair. I fight to win.”

  Once more, she couldn’t control her shiver.

  A few words and she was already putty in his hands, she realized, swallowing hard.

  But, she wasn’t going to give in that easily!

  “When the six weeks are over, what happens then?”

  She couldn’t tamper her disappointment as he stepped back.

  “The choice will be yours: you either stay or walk away from me forever,” he stated with all seriousness, and then sighed heavily. “I’m going to give you some time to think about it. I don’t need or want it to be a rash decision on your part. When you’re ready, let me know your answer.”

  With that, he picked up the pitchfork that he’d kicked over earlier.

  Speechless, stunned, rooted to the spot, she watched him saunter away.

  Chapter 8

  A half hour later, the blinding sun and heat seized the summer day. Having assisted the groomsmen with the stable’s daily chores and duties, Jarrod paused just outside the stables before wiping the sweat from his forehead.

  With a reserved smile, he waited as Timmons approached, leading a chattering Meghan on the speckled black and white pony. Dressed in a short-sleeve gray riding habit, pigtails swinging under its hat, she was past cute and adorable.

  Upon seeing him, Meghan smiled brightly. But, then as if remembering her anger at him, she replaced it with a sullen frown.

  Still, he firmly kept his smile in place.

  He’d work like hell to get back in his daughter’s good graces too, he vowed, walking towards them in a lazy but determined gait.

  “Thank you, Timmons,” he replied, giving the young groomsman a friendly slap on the back. The pony neighed as he took the reigns. “I’ll take over from here.”

  The groomsman gave a brisk nod. “Yes, sir.”

  “But, I want Timmons to lead me the rest of the way,” Meghan pouted, watching the groomsman scurry away. “Anyway, you’re probably too busy to spend time with me. It seems like you’re gone all the time.”

  “Poppet, I’m never too busy for you, and you know that. You’re my favorite girl in the world.” Reaching up, he tugged on a pigtail hanging from the riding hat. “Now, where’s that smile that lights up my world? I miss it. I haven’t really seen it in weeks.”

  Meghan huffed. “You’re always saying that I’m your favorite girl.”

  “That’s because you are.” He let out a deep sigh. “Sweetheart, can we call a truce, even if it’s just for a little while.”

  “I don’t know, Daddy,” Meghan pouted, folding her arms across her chest. “Us and a true might not work. We’ll probably be mad at each other forever.”

  “Come here,” he said gently, pulling from the pony’s backside, and a groomsman scurried over before leading the pony away. He squatted down and faced her. “Us and a ‘truce’ is just what we need. Sweetheart, in a thousand lifetimes, I could never be mad at you. More than anything, I miss you. Since leaving Laramie Rock, things have been a little different haven’t they?”

  Her little chin quivered. “You know why.”

  “Poppet, I hate that we were separated---”

  “You broke your promise! You said that you’d never leave me, but you did!” his daughter shouted. “You left me just like Mommy, and I hate you for it!”

  Falling into a fit of tears, she bolted away.

  “Meghan!” he shouted. “Come back here!”

  Guilt-ridden, shamed, he watched his daughter flee.

  A few minutes later, he’d caught up with her.

  The back door banged shut as he entered the kitchen, and as he’d suspected, Rosa comforted a sobbing Meghan in her arms.

  Sighing, he stopped beside them. “Rosa, give us a few minutes.”

  “No!” Meghan protested, clinging to the housekeeper. “I don’t want to listen to him.”

  “Meghan,” Rosa chastised, pulling back. “Mind your father---”

  “No,” Meghan said, and her lips curled in a pout. “I won’t, and I don’t have to.”

  “Poppet, that’s enough.” With a stern expression, he pointed towards the nearest bar stool. “Fifteen minutes, time out---now.”

  At those words, Rosa made her departure.

  Still, it seemed that Meghan was fighting against his authority, he mulled, watching her as she sulked.

  “What are you waiting on, Meghan Faye?” he scowled, using her middle name, and something that he did only when she’d tested his patience to the limit. “I’m not going to ask you again. Your time-out has already started. Go sit down.”

  “Why are you being so mean?” she whined, but finally, relented.

  With her little face poked in a frown, Meghan stomped across the floor before climbing onto the bar stool. But, as she faced him, her lips quivered as she struggled against crying.

  But, still, she had to know the rules, he reminded himself.

  “First of all, young lady, you never take off like that unattended. At all times, you have to be supervised by an adult,” he said firmly, planting both hands at his naked waist. “Secondly, I will not stand for you speaking to me that way. You will always talk to me in a respectful manner. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes, Daddy,” she whimpered, eyes red-rimmed with tears. “I’m sorry. I promise not to do it again.”

  As he took in his daughter’s tear-stained face, his anger drained at once.

  What was it with him hurting the ones he loved most?

  “Poppet,” he said, softening his tone. “I want you to understand why you’re in trouble and in time-out. Do you?”

  “Yes,” she nodded, staring down at the floor. “I was being real ugly and mean to you. When you asked me to do something, I didn’t listen to you.”

  “Okay, then,” he sighed, hating himself for his own shortness. “Wait your time-out. Then, I want you to go upstairs, take a shower, and then, meet me in the study.” A teasing smile curled his lips. “I have a huge surprise for you. One that I know you’ll love.”

  “You mean I get to have one after being in big trouble?” Meghan asked, surprised, perking up. “What kind of surprise?”

  He raised a brow. “If I told you, it wouldn’t be much of a surprise, now would it, little squirt?”

  Her giggles slipped free before she could control them, and the sound of them was enough to brighten his day.


  Six weeks that will determine everything for us… I’ll move heaven and earth to prove myself to you and regain your trust……

  Pacing across the bedroom floor, she replayed his words over and over in her mind for the umpteenth time. Earlier, after fleeing from the stables,
she’d sought the comfort of her room. Yet, in the quiet silence, his words had only roared louder.

  Finally, resigned, she sagged down on the bed. “What’s wrong with me? I have to be crazy to even contemplate his offer, especially in light of what’s happened,” she chastised herself, biting a nail. With a groan, she fell backwards on the bed before staring up at the ceiling. “Oh, who am I kidding? I’m totally and hopelessly in love with the most enigmatic, complicated man on this planet.”

  Rather than a rebuttal, the silence echoed in agreement.

  “He says that he loves me. But, can I believe or trust him?” she mulled aloud, continuing with the self-conversation. “The sad thing is I do.”

  Again, the silence didn’t answer.

  “But, he did say that I determined how far things would go,” she said, sitting up. “So, that means that I would be in control of things and not him.” She frowned. “If and I mean if, I agree to his proposal, we’ll have to play by my rules.”

  She harrumphed. “And I’ll will not allow myself to be seduced by him again…I won’t let things get too heavy or go too far. This time, I will be the one in control.”

  The sudden knock at the door made her jump.

  Probably Rosa, she mulled silently, already heading for the door.

  She wrenched the door open. “Rosa---”

  At the sight of a half-naked Jarrod, her words died.

  “Jarrod,” she stammered, and an embarrassed flush stained her face. “I wasn’t expecting you.”

  He flashed a roguish grin. “I can see that,” he said suavely, staring down at her. Then, his expression was serious. “If you have a moment, there’s something that I’d like to discuss with you. May I come in?”

  She hesitated. “You said that you’d give me time---”

  “This isn’t about that,” Jarrod interrupted, and concern played across his face. “It’s about Meghan.”

  “Oh, in that case, come in” she stammered, reddening further, and couldn’t dispel the wave of disappointment.

  Was she that eager for him to pursue her?

  She shook her head.

  This wasn’t the time to focus on that!

  “I’ve missed her terribly, and I can’t wait to see her,” she said truthfully, closing the door, and then faced him. “That’s why I went down to the stables earlier, in hopes of seeing her.” Swallowing hard, she fought to ignore his half-dressed state as he stood midway the bedroom. She forced herself to hold his gaze. “After talking with Rosa earlier, I’m under the impression that Meghan’s upset about things, and I can’t help but hear the urgency in your voice.”

  “Meghan is angry with me and has been since everything’s that happened back on the island,” he admitted with a troubled look. “She blames me for being gone, your leaving---hell everything. You know what? She should.”

  “No, your being gone is not your fault. You would never willingly abandon her. Matt is the one who deserves the blame for your absence. It’s all his doing,” she said, coming to his defense. Sighing, she closed her eyes. “Why is this happening? It’s like one horrible nightmare with no ending.”

  A pained look crossed his face. “Baby, I’m sorry---”

  “We’re here to talk about Meghan and nothing else,” she said abruptly, giving a tight smile. “If things between us are to remain cordial, it’s best that we don’t talk about the subject of us.”

  He gave a brisk nod. “Only for the moment. That topic will get heavy focus once I know of your decision. Right now, Meghan is the only thing that we’ll discuss.”

  “At least, we’re in agreement that time and space is what we need. Let’s sit down,” she said stiffly, leading the way to the bed, and sat down.

  He was careful to leave space between them as he sagged down on the bed beside her. Why that miffed her, she didn’t know, especially she was adamant that he’d give her space literally and figuratively.

  Once more, she forced herself to concentrate.

  “These last weeks, Meghan has been through so much, and while she’s angry with you, that doesn’t erase the fact that she loves you very much,” she said softly, watching the sunlight play against the side of his face. Again, she fought against his manly distraction. “She worships the ground that you walk on.”

  “Then, how do I reach her?” Jarrod asked, staring at her, and his green gaze seemed to probe her very soul. “How can I convince her that I never meant to hurt her?”

  The question lingered, and while it concerned Meghan, it related to her as well, she realized, unable to break her gaze away from his.

  “Give her time. Don’t give up,” she said, her words low. “Show her how much you love her even when she tries to turn you away.”

  “I’ll never give up.”

  Again, their words hung in the silence as they stared at one another. Once more, things seemed to relate to the subject of them.

  “Well, let’s go find her. I can’t wait to see her,” she said, flustered, sounding out of breath, and stood abruptly. “Surely, she’s finished with her riding lessons by now.”

  “Rosa’s with her. She’s going to help her get dressed after she showers,” Jarrod muttered, standing as well. “I told her that there was a huge surprise waiting---which is you. She’s meeting me downstairs in the study afterwards.”

  She nodded. “Get her to the study, and I’ll spring the surprise.” Her forehead wrinkled in concern. “Please tell me that you didn’t have to leave Cricket behind.”

  “No worries, Cricket’s has adjusted to the southern lifestyle quite well. She’s right at home here,” he grinned. “As a matter of fact, her kitty house would rival this mansion.”

  “Considering Meghan’s penchant for style, I suppose that’s so,” she giggled, passing him a fast glance. “Cricket will definitely be living the kitty’s version of luxury.”

  Rather than saying a word, he watched her, and at the sight of the needy look on his face, she caught her breath.

  Breathe, breathe, breathe, she told herself, breaking their intense contact. Somehow, she managed to find the words to speak.

  “Well, we don’t want to hold up this reunion any longer than we have to,” she murmured, brushing past him, and headed for the door. Finally, finding the nerve, she turned to face him. “You should be getting down there.”

  But, rather than meeting her, he headed to the door that led to the adjoining room.

  “W-what are you doing?” she stammered, giving him a deer-in-headlights look.

  A devilish gleam shone in his eyes. “Oh, I forgot to mention that we are bedroom neighbors,” he murmured, grasping the knob. “Don’t worry---I will respect your privacy. Unless you invite me in, I won’t even be a bother to you. Now, I’m going to shower and get the stench off.” He gave a fast wink. “See you downstairs in half an hour.”

  Dumbfounded, speechless, she watched as the door closed behind him. Several seconds passed before she finally managed to react.

  One thing was for certain, she mulled, sinking down on the bed. The fact that they were in such close proximity could only spell trouble.


  Scribbling his signature on the ledger, he struggled to keep a straight face as his daughter sent him another impatient look from across the desk.

  The huge armchair that she sat in dwarfed her small form. Dressed in a bright yellow, frilly sundress, Meghan was the perfect picture of adorability and cuteness, he mulled, stifling yet another smile as she frowned.

  His lips twitched. “What is it, Poppet?” he asked, glancing up from the papers.

  “Well, you said that you had a big surprise,” Meghan said, eyes hugely rounded. “But, there’s nothing here. I don’t see no big box with no bow or nothing.”

  “A big box with a bow?” he frowned purposefully. “Just what kind of gift are you expecting?”

  “On birthdays, you get the big boxes and stuff. But, my birthday’s not till three months,” Meghan mulled aloud, bumping the chair as she kic
ked her legs back and forth. Then, she gasped as if she’d received a revelation. “I know! You’re saving all the big boxes and bows for my birthday. That’s why you don’t have one today!”

  “Do all good gifts have to come in boxes?”

  “All the good ones do. You know that Daddy, you’re just being silly,” Meghan said, trying to smuggle her giggles with her tiny hands. “You gonna give me a hint?”

  “There you go, trying to wiggle a hint out of me,” he teased with a laugh. “Again, wouldn’t that give it away?”

  Her pigtails swung as she nodded. “Probly so. But, I want to know what it is. Please, can you tell me?”

  “Alright, you win,” he conceded, standing up from behind the desk. “Let’s not keep the suspense any longer. Close your eyes and no peeking.”

  Squeezing her eyes shut, Meghan could barely control her excited energy. “This is going to be the bestest present ever!” his daughter exclaimed, spreading her little arms wide. “It’s gonna be so big that I can’t even hold it!”

  The door hardly made a sound as Olivia pushed it open and then poked her head in.

  “Again, no peeking, Poppet,” he cautioned, motioning for Olivia to come in, and his heart flip flopped as she crossed the room.

  At her unguarded smile, he nearly faltered.

  Hadn’t he been robbed of that very gift once she’d learned of his betrayal? But, this wasn’t the time to focus on the fact, his inner voice warned.

  Yet, how could he ignore his inner torment, he mulled, watching her as she crossed the room. It was too potent to ignore….

  “Where is she?” Olivia mouthed silently, coming to stand before him, and her own excitement was palpable.

  He inclined his head towards the armchair.


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