The Darkest Danger (Shattered Series Book 2)

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The Darkest Danger (Shattered Series Book 2) Page 18

by Chloe D. Ashton

  “All these weeks, I’ve been trying to play the part of a gentleman. But, I’m fucking done with that,” he said, and his green eyes flared with renewed life. “I say to hell with propriety and doing the right thing. All I know is what I want, right here and right now---and that’s you. I’ve tried my best to be patient and wait for an answer. But, I’m sick and tired of wondering if you’re going to accept my proposition or cut me off at the knees.” He closed his eyes as if in torture. “I can’t even fathom the thought of losing you. Yet, if walking away is what you want, I have no choice but to respect your decision. Regardless of what comes out of your mouth in these next minutes, I have to know. Do you want to make this thing work?”

  She swallowed hard. “I—I”

  “Baby, look at me,” he rasped again. “No more games. No more lies. No more pretending. This is about you and me, and what we want together.”

  Somehow, she found the courage to look at him again, and the need in his eyes was so palpable that it touched the deepest part of her soul.

  His words were husky and low. “I know that you’re afraid, and that I’m the reason for it. But, what do you want?”

  She sniffled against the tears. “I don’t know. I just don’t know!”

  “Are you afraid that I’ll hurt you again? Is that it? Hell, I’m not perfect, and somewhere along the line, I’m bound to make a mistake. But, the one promise that I can make is that I’ll love you the way you deserve to be loved.”

  She fell silent.

  The truths of his betrayal veered to the forefront, forcing her to face them once more, and suddenly, she wasn’t so certain of her decision.

  “I—I need to think.”

  “Olivia, I’m asking you to have a little faith in me--”

  “This was a mistake,” she mumbled tearfully, pulling free, and then scurried to retrieve her wrap. Whirling around, she held it against her trembling body in defense. “Maybe it’s best that we don’t spend time alone anymore---”

  “So, that’s it---you’re running again? All because you can’t face the truth about yourself!” Jarrod demanded, finally showing hints of his frustration. As he looked at her, he couldn’t disguise the hurt and anger. “I don’t know what you want from me. For weeks, I’ve been trying to figure out what to do and the things to say. But, nothing’s good enough, and I’m realizing that it never will be.”

  Her lips trembled. “I’ve asked you to give me time-”

  “And haven’t I been doing that all these weeks?” he spat, raking a hand through his wet hair. “Why isn’t what I’m doing enough?”

  Angered, biting back a curse, he strode past her to the bar, and as he grabbed the bottle of alcohol, his movements were jerky.

  The broken sob left her as she turned to face him, and she could no longer hold on to her pent-up emotions. “I told you that I needed space,” she cried softly. “But, you keep pressuring me---”

  “Well, you won’t have to worry about that anymore,” he snapped, and his hand shook violently as he poured the alcohol. He raised the glass to his lips, and in a single shot, he downed the liquor. “As far as I’m concerned, the conversation of you and me is dead. Get out of here. Run, hide, do whatever in the hell you want to do. I’m done.”

  She sucked in a painful breath. “What do you mean you’re done?”

  Turning slowly, cradling the glass in his hand, he faced her and met her gaze head on. “Didn’t you hear what I said?” he asked coldly, sizing her up. “The conversation is over. We’re fucking done.”

  “You selfish bastard,” she whispered, chest heaving fast. “What gives you the right to treat me this way? I’m not going to stand here---”

  “Then, what are you waiting for? Go, no one’s stopping you,” he quipped tightly, placing the glass on the counter, and then raised an arrogant brow. “You know what? I’ll leave. If you want to stand here the rest of the night and have a pity party for yourself, have at it. I’m out of here.”

  Pushing away from the bar, he moved to leave.

  As he strode away, her emotional dam broke, releasing all of her pent-up feelings. “Jarrod, don’t you dare walk away from me!”

  But, still, he made no efforts to stop.

  Releasing a broken cry, she rushed after him, and by the time he met the shadows where she’d stood earlier, she caught up with him. She grabbed hold of his arm before jerking him around to face her. “You will not disrespect like that!” she yelled, feeling the threat of more tears, and couldn’t control the tremble in her voice. “Don’t you ever do that to me again.”

  “Damn it, woman!” he fired back, walking up on her, and in an instance, the sensual danger heightened. “Why can’t you fucking leave it alone?”

  She slapped him hard, stunning them both, and the sound seemed to echo against the heavens. But, her blatant defiance only invigorated his fervor. His green eyes glinted in the shadows, and at once, his iron-clad control snapped.

  He snatched her half-naked body against his, and as he did, she hurled herself willingly into the raging firestorm that engulfed them. At the intimate contact, she released a desperate moan and eagerly moved in for the kiss.

  Her back met the stone wall.

  She curled her arms around his nape, deepening the kiss, and her maneuver left them both breathless with need. His hands, they were everywhere at once, kneading, stroking, and caressing her heated flesh. Gasping, she absorbed the pleasure as his fingers sank into her hips, drawing her ever so close, and she felt hard irrefutable evidence of his dark needs.

  Her fractured breaths escaped from her lungs as she broke from the kiss. But, ecstasy stole her attention again as his lips scorched a burning trail along her nape. Her eyes fluttered closed, but then opened again, and in the shadowed darkness, she embraced her own violent obsession.

  In perfectly timed precision, his lips moved from the smooth column of her throat on down to her heaving cleavage. Releasing a satisfied growl, he nipped the delicate flesh with his teeth. His feverish breath seared her skin, only stoking the flames of desire higher.

  “Jarrod,” she gasped. “Please…”

  “Tell me to stop for the both of our sakes,” he rasped unsteadily. “If you don’t want to go any further, say it now---”

  She killed his words with a searing kiss, one that rocked them both from their fragile foundation of consciousness. Moaning, she parted her lips, inviting his titillating intrusion. His tongue caressed hers with deep strokes, and he accepted her sweet nectar with a ragged groan. Their harsh breathing marred the dark shadows, killing the dead silence, and not even the heat from the summer night rivaled their own.

  He fell back.

  But, only to pull the fabric down from her left breast. As her full breast spilled free, he moved in for the dangerous kill, closing his mouth over it to wring a helpless moan from her. With his teeth, he nipped her puckered nipple before suckling it greedily. Gasping wildly, she clutched his head tightly, intensifying the immense pleasure.

  “Fuck, Olivia,” he breathed hoarsely, pulling back, and his tortured green eyes seemed to blaze like fire in the dark. “What are you doing to me? I have no control over what I say and do when I’m with you.”

  Before she could muster a word, he tugged on the halter tie at her nape, and now, both of her breasts spilled free. As he filled both hands with a plump breast, she released a deep moan and her erratic breathing worsened as he kneaded them. His lips were hot against hers as he claimed them, and once more, they were hurled into the fire.

  “How much do you fucking want me?” he taunted wickedly between their breathless kisses, sliding a hot hand inside her briefs, and then flicked a single finger along her slick folds. “Tell me.”

  “Please, I want and need you beyond any thought,” she breathed helplessly against his lips, and nearly sobbed at the forbidden pleasure that she was experiencing. “I can’t think…all I feel is you.”

  “You are all I feel,” he whispered back. “Now and for always.”

  As he stroked her insides again, he stole her cry with his mouth, and their wild delirium rose with their needs.

  But, the sound of approaching footsteps broke through their passionate haze.

  “Fuck,” Jarrod cursed under his breath, struggling to gain his composure. “Someone’s coming.”

  Falling silent, clinging to him tightly, she struggled to reclaim her own sanity.

  The bodyguard halted a few feet away. “Mr. Sabatino, you out here?”

  Releasing a shallow breath, Jarrod called out, “Yes, I’m here, Rogers.”

  As the bodyguard edged closer, he shielded her from the man’s view, but still, it was apparent that he wasn’t alone in the shadows. His disheveled appearance told that much.

  “It’s just that I thought I heard voices, and someone was yelling,” the man frowned, straining for a better look. “Sounded like Ms. Lange.” Then, finally spying her, the man flushed red, for it was obvious as to what’d been going on. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt or intrude on your privacy.”

  “No need for apologies. You’re only doing your fucking job,” Jarrod muttered, throwing the man a fast glance. “And your actions just now only prove that we’re well protected.”

  “Thank you, sir. I appreciate your comments,” the man nodded. “I’ll be going back to my duties. Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight, Rogers,” he nodded in turn.

  A moment later, they were alone again.

  “I’m sorry,” he sighed heavily, closing his eyes, and then pressed his forehead against hers. “It’s just that you drive me fucking insane at times, and I react in ways that are totally unacceptable.”

  She turned so he could retie the halter string of the bikini top. “You make me crazy,” she smiled shyly and faced him again. “And the only thing that I know how to do is go into attack mode.” An embarrassed flush covered her face. “I’m sorry that I hit you. There’s no excuse for that.”

  “You do have one helluva right hook, I’ll give you that,” he muttered, working his jaw. “Maybe we do need to go a few rounds in the ring.”

  “Jarrod, I’m being serious,” she sighed with regret. “I would never hurt you purposefully.”

  “Don’t you think I know that? I provoked you,” he said in her defense. “And by now, we both know how to push one another’s buttons to get a reaction.”

  “But, you were right,” she whispered, tracing along the edges of his face. “It’s time that I stop running from myself and what I want. You have a right to know where we stand. For weeks, I’ve been avoiding the obvious. But, I can’t, not anymore for I’ve always known what my answer’s been.” Her gaze clung to his. “We’ve been through so much together, and I think that we both owe it to ourselves to see if this relationship is salvageable. So, the answer is yes.”

  “And that is the response that I’ve been waiting for,” Jarrod said smoothly, hugging her close again. “Can we jumpstart this six week courtship tonight?”

  She pursed her lips together. “Tomorrow---that way we’ll start fresh,” she murmured, fighting to ignore his blatant arousal as well as her own. “But, there is one stipulation in our agreement that we need to discuss.”

  He lifted a brow. “Which one?”

  “The locked door policy. After our initial encounter, at no point should the door be locked, and we should be free to travel to either room whenever we want. If we want to have the liberty of having intimate relations in other places, we can.”

  “I think that we can amend that particular factor in the agreement,” he muttered, fighting to hide a pleased grin. “There certainly won’t be a problem.”

  “Very well,” she smiled up at him. “The hour’s getting late, and it’s time that I go to bed. Meghan and I have a busy day ahead tomorrow.”

  “Make room for me on the agenda. I want you to join me for lunch.”

  “I’d love that,” she said shyly. “What time?”

  “11:30. I should be finished with the meeting by that time.” He traced her bottom lip with a finger. “I suppose this is goodnight, then. Come on, I’ll see you to your room.”

  Five minutes later, they were standing outside her bedroom door, and she felt like a giddy teenager on a first date. “Well, goodnight,” she whispered. “I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon.”

  Leaning down, he brushed her lips with a gentle kiss. “Goodnight and sweet dreams.”

  And she would have sweet dreams, she mulled, minutes later, lying alone in her bed.

  But, hadn’t her grandest one already come true?

  Chapter 12

  “Julie, when Ms. Lange arrives, I want you to send her right in,” Jarrod muttered into the intercom, and glanced at the clock with growing impatience. “In the next minutes, I’ll be conducting a short phone conference. So, hold all calls for the rest of the day and reschedule the meeting with Barnes. I’ll be gone for the remainder of the day.”

  “Of course, Mr. Sabatino,” Julie said in her usual rote businesslike tone. “I’ll see to it that it’s done.”

  “Thank you, Julie.”

  On cue, at exactly 11:05, the cell phone rang on his desk.

  He snatched it up, already knowing the identity of the caller. “You’re really trying my fucking patience, Addison. It’s been weeks, and you still haven’t delivered the goods.”

  “I’m already having a difficult time fielding questions about Olivia and me,” Matt snapped from the other end. “And my father’s no fool. The moment that I begin asking questions about the bogus evidence that he has, he’s going to know something’s up.”

  “Cut it with the bullshit,” he said coldly. “Find it.”

  “You stupid son-of-a-bitch, I’m doing the best that I can---”

  “Well, obviously, your best isn’t good enough!” he thundered, gripping the phone in a vice grip. “Olivia is done paying for your sins. Like I told you before, it’s not my problem how you get the job done. Just do it.”

  “None of this would be happening if it weren’t for that stupid cunt! If she’d kept her nose out of it---”

  “Watch your mouth and what you say about her,” he snapped, and finally, his anger exploded. “I’ll make you eat every word and then shove them right back up your fucking ass. Don’t play with me.”

  “Still riding your chariot horse and playing the knight in shining armor, I see,” Matt spat, and then muttered a few unintelligible words. “Enough with that. I’ll get you what you want. But, you got to give me time to work with this.”

  “When you’re done bullshitting, Addison, and decide to come up with something, let me know. But, you have a short lease on getting my information,” he said, and his words were low and cold. “If you don’t have it soon, you’re going to understand the true meaning of a living hell.”

  With a single click, he ended the call.

  Leaning back in the chair, he forced himself to relax.

  The intercom buzzed.

  “Yes?” he answered, watching the pulsating light on the phone. “Is there something that you need, Julie?”

  “Ms. Lange is here. Should I send her in?” the receptionist asked politely.

  No doubt, Olivia could lighten any mood, he mulled with a half-crooked grin, and rose from the chair. Certainly, his entire outlook for the day had changed in an instance. As he moved from behind the desk, he was filled with renewed energy. “Yes, send her in.”

  By the time the door opened, he was standing before his desk, and like million times before, he was sucker-punched as soon as she walked through the door.

  She was simply divine.

  Her dark tresses were upswept in a carefully pinned bun. But along the edges of her face, the long tendrils curled teasingly along it. The deep rich red color suited her well, he thought, sliding an appreciative gaze over her. A scooped neckline and slim design made the knee-length dress even more flattering against her curvy figure.

  But, as he absorbed the sight of her, she took him in as well.

>   “Hi,” she said shyly, still hovering in the doorway.

  He smiled at her. “Hi.”

  “The bodyguard from last night---Mr. Rogers---he dropped me off,” Olivia said, sounding out of breath, an obvious clue to her nervousness, and her innocent gaze met his. “I hope that I’m not too early.”

  “Come here,” he commanded softly. “Lock the door behind you.”

  It was apparent that his demand had startled her, for her blush had deepened.

  As she turned to close the door, he couldn’t help but admire her backside.

  She was definitely fine as hell.

  Taking a careful perch against the front of the desk, he pressed the intercom. “Julie, I’m not to be disturbed for any reason at all. As a matter of fact, why don’t you go ahead and leave for lunch?”

  “Of course, Mr. Sabatino,” Julie remarked. “I’d like that.”

  But, he was hardly attuned to the receptionist’s words as Olivia crossed the room.

  She was his calm and his tempest.

  His savior and his destroyer…

  For she was everything----

  When she reached him, he snagged her waist before pulling her between his spread thighs. “I’m glad that you’re here,” he said huskily, staring into her brown eyes. “I’ve missed you.”

  “It’s only been a few hours since we’ve seen one another,” she blushed, falling into her usual habit of staring at his chest. “We had breakfast together with Meghan.”

  “Any fucking minute that I’m not with you is too much time apart,” he murmured, tilting her chin, and forced her to look at him. “Besides, we have a lot of making up to do. How about we start now?”

  Her eyes fluttered close as he moved in to kiss her.

  Once again, he was the predator about to capture his innocent prey.

  Seizing control, he brushed his lips against hers, once, twice…

  With a breathless sigh, she gave into his sweet demand.

  He traced along her bottom lip with the tip of his tongue, seeking an invitation, and received it. Releasing a guttural groan, he slipped his tongue inside, thrusting and stroking it against hers with deep caresses. The mere contact ignited the fires that they struggled to contain, and of no volition of their own, they lost complete control.


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