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Dirty Page 1

by R. L. Kenderson



  Books by R.L. Kenderson





  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  Author’s Note

  If you liked Dirty…

  Forbidden Blood Teaser


  About the Authors



  Paranormal Romance

  Forbidden Blood

  Forbidden Heat

  Forbidden Temptation

  Forbidden Addiction





  R.L. Kenderson


  R.L. Kenderson


  Copyright © 2017 by Renae Au and Lara Kennedy

  All Rights Reserved

  ISBN-13: 978-0-9904144-9-0

  Editor: Jovana Shirley, Unforeseen Editing, www.unforeseen

  Cover Art: © Can Stock Photo / Nejron, http://www.canstockphoto.com

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  After returning home due to her father’s illness, Elise Phillips reunites with her college friends, including Luke Long. Luke was a player back then, and Elise had always prided herself on not being another notch on his bedpost.

  Luke is still gorgeous though, and he knows it. And he checks all her boxes—intelligent and sexy with muscles and a hard body.

  Following a night of beer and shots, her resistance runs out, and he finally does check her box. And Elise knows that it can never happen again.

  Luke had always thought of Elise as the pretty girl that was friends with his roommate’s girlfriend, but now she’s all grown up. When their night of passion rocks Luke’s world he realizes he must have her again.

  The two enter a friends-with-benefits relationship with the agreement that they’re just going to have fun. The only thing is, with mutual friends involved, they have to hide their indiscretion.

  But what harm can come from a dirty little secret?

  For my handsome husband, Hon.

  Thank you for giving me our three beautiful mixed babies and showing me beauty comes in all different looks, shapes, and forms.

  And for my beautiful sons, Kaiden and Karter.

  Luke was inspired by you two, and I hope you both know that you are handsome and wonderful and that any woman would be lucky to have you someday. Please don’t ever let society tell you that you are not attractive or good enough because you are.


  Note from the Author

  What would Luke look like?


  Elise Phillips scanned the bar and grill as the door closed, leaving the June warmth behind her.

  An arm toward the back of the room shot up, waving. Next, she saw her college friend’s light-brown hair, and then Rachel Garwood’s pixie face lit up as she beckoned her to the table.

  When Elise approached, Rachel stood and squealed, her hazel eyes shining, as she held out her arms for a hug. Rachel had to step on her tippy-toes while Elise had to bend down. Elise was five-seven, but Rachel was only five-two.

  “I’m so happy you’re here,” Rachel said. “I can’t believe you get to come out with us whenever you want now.”

  About a month ago, Elise had moved back to the Minneapolis-St. Paul area, where she’d gone to high school and college. She’d found out her father was sick, and she wanted to be close to him just in case he didn’t have much time left. Even though Rachel had also been born and raised in the Twin Cities, they hadn’t met until they became roommates at the University of Minnesota.

  “Me either,” she said as she stepped back from her friend.

  “So, how’s the house-hunt going?” Rachel asked as she took her seat.

  Elise sighed as she hung her purse on the edge of the chair next to Rachel and sat next to her. “Okay. I’m so glad my old house sold; that’s a relief. I really like the realtor you referred, but so far, I haven’t found something I really like and want to buy.”

  “I’m so glad you like Cara. She’s great. And I know what you mean. Sean probably would have been happy with the ten other houses we saw, but I didn’t have that I-could-live-here feeling.” Rachel had just bought a home with her fiancé, Sean, about six months earlier. “I’m sure you’ll find one you like sooner rather than later.”

  “I hope so. I can only live with my parents for so long before they drive me completely nuts. I’m twenty-nine, but sometimes, I think they forget that I’ve been living on my own for over a decade.”

  “Ah, they’re sweet.”

  Elise snorted. “You don’t have to live with them.”

  Her mother had always been protective, but her hovering had gotten worse ever since her father was diagnosed with colon cancer.

  “Well, let’s agree to disagree. I’m just happy you’re home.”

  So was she. Elise had enjoyed living in Denver since finishing graduate school, but it felt good to be home. And, while she would miss it, she didn’t regret coming back once she learned her father was sick.

  Elise gestured to the four open seats at the table. “Who else is coming?”

  “Do you remember Shelly and Joe Howard?”

  “Hmm.” Elise couldn’t quite remember them off the top of her head. “Oh. Did I meet them one year at your Christmas party? Shelly teaches with you, and her boyfriend is Joe. Both redheads?”

  “Yes, that’s them. Although they’re husband and wife now. Shelly is actually pregnant. They are going to have the cutest little ginger baby.”

  Elise chuckled. “That’s so great for them,” she said, meaning it even though she felt slightly let down.

  When Rachel had asked her to have dinner and drinks, Elise had assumed it was going to be a girls’ thing. While she remembered liking Shelly and Joe, they were a couple, which meant one of the six seats belonged to Sean. So, either it was a couples’ get-together and Rachel was setting her up with someone or she was going to be the dreaded f
ifth wheel. Neither option sounded appealing.

  “So, Shelly, Joe, and Sean are coming. Is the sixth seat someone you’re trying to hook me up with?” she asked just as Rachel said, “Oh, look. There are Shelly and Joe now.”

  Her friend stood and waved to catch the newcomers’ attention.

  Despite the two of them speaking at the same time, Rachel had heard her question. She sat back down and cocked her head. “I wouldn’t do that to you. I know how much you hate being set up on blind dates.”

  Fifth wheel, it was then. Elise didn’t know whether to be relieved that she wouldn’t have to fake interest in someone—because she really didn’t have the energy for that tonight—or disappointed that she was going to be the poor single girl.

  Turned out neither because Rachel then said, “No, the last seat is for Luke Long. Do you remember him?”

  Elise’s answer was a groan of irritation. Oh, she remembered him all right. So did every other member of the student body—at least, those with ovaries. Girls’ IQs dropped when Luke was around. It almost made her embarrassed to be a member of the female sex.

  Thankfully, Shelly and Joe walked up, so Rachel didn’t hear her response because Elise knew Sean and Luke had been good friends in college. Greetings were made, and Elise was reintroduced to the couple considering it had been a few years since she last saw them. They talked about Shelly’s ever-expanding belly. She was huge, but she still had seven weeks to go. Shelly was barely over five feet while Joe was a former football player and closer to six feet tall, and they joked about how she was going to have an enormous baby. Thankfully, the group’s joking had Elise almost forgetting all about the previous conversation.

  When the door opened, she was sure she could feel a breeze all the way at the back of the room as Sean and Luke walked in. The two of them contrasted each other. Sean was blond and blue-eyed and only about five-eight while Luke was over six feet with thick dark brown hair and chocolate-brown eyes. Sean was showing Luke something on his phone, and Luke threw his head back and laughed, catching all the attention in the room. Elise swore she saw drool on a couple of ladies’ chins.


  To be fair, Luke wasn’t a horrible person, and she hadn’t seen him in years, since college, so he’d probably matured…hopefully. But, back in school, he’d been quite the man-slut. While he hadn’t been truly arrogant—she’d known some conceited assholes, and Luke had never been like that—he was gorgeous, and he knew it. Girls had practically thrown themselves at him, and he’d had no shame, sleeping his way through the female student body and leaving a trail of broken hearts.

  Elise hadn’t been a saint. She’d had a few one-night stands and even a couple of exclusive friends with benefits, but she’d like to think she’d had some discretion. She certainly hadn’t slept with every guy who had hit on her.

  Luke looked at one of the girls—probably ten years his junior—who was staring wide-eyed at him, and he winked at her.

  Elise rolled her eyes. She might have given him too much credit on the maturing thing.

  Luke and Sean reached their table, and she realized that she had watched them walk through the whole restaurant. God, she was such a hypocrite. Her only defense was that she didn’t have her tongue hanging out, and she’d never been dumb enough to hop into bed with Luke.

  Sean leaned down and kissed Rachel before taking the seat across from her in the middle chair. Shelly and Joe were already sitting on opposite sides of the table, so all the girls were on one side, which only left the seat directly on the other side of Elise open.

  Great. This was supposed to be a relaxing night out with friends. She really didn’t feel like being near King Flirt all evening.

  It wasn’t that she thought she was some irresistible beauty. In fact, he probably didn’t even remember her. It was just that the Luke she remembered flirted with everyone who had a vagina.

  Case in point, Luke walked over to Shelly and kissed her on the cheek. “Hey, gorgeous. How’s my baby doing?”

  Everybody laughed, even Joe. Elise snorted.

  “You wish, Luke,” Joe said.

  Then, Luke kissed Rachel on the cheek. “Hey, beautiful. When are you going to leave that loser over there and marry me instead?”

  “Never,” Rachel told him with a grin on her face. “But I’ll keep you in mind for when he kicks the bucket.”

  “Hey!” Sean exclaimed. But he was laughing, too. “I’m never dying, woman. You’re stuck with me forever.”

  Luke went around to his side of the table and sat down across from Elise.

  Sean pointed to her as Elise held out her hand to shake. “Luke, I don’t know if you remember—”

  “Elise Phillips,” Luke said as he met her eyes. Taking her hand, he kissed the back of it, his trademark cocky smile on his face. “Of course I remember her. How could I forget?”

  Like she said, flirt.

  Luke Long watched as Elise rolled her eyes, cupping the back of her hand where he’d kissed it, and he chuckled. He remembered that, back in college, it had always been easy to get a rise out of her, and it seemed things hadn’t changed very much.

  He knew she thought he was a dog, but it wasn’t his fault that he liked sex and that women liked him. It wasn’t as if he forced ladies to sleep with him. In fact, he usually waited for them to proposition him, and Elise probably wouldn’t believe it, but he had said no a time or two.

  But she had never been one of those girls. She’d never hit on him, and out of respect for his friendship with Sean, he’d never hit on her. Even though he knew she found him attractive. He’d seen the way she stared at him when he walked in the door today although she tried to hide it.

  He always thought that one of the reasons she looked down on him so much was because there was unmistakable chemistry between them, and she hated it. While most girls had liked him back in college because he was a jock who played hockey, that hadn’t seemed to impress Elise. This had only made him want to goad her more. Maybe it was the ten-year-old boy in him.

  He could acknowledge that he might go a little overboard on the flirting, but flirting was fun, and he might as well drive Elise nuts since he couldn’t sleep with her. Because, unlike her, he could admit he had wanted to—and apparently, still did.

  She was pretty but not exceptionally beautiful, yet there was something about her. She was taller than most women, which he always liked since he was tall himself, and she was thin but not skinny. She had curves in all the right places, and she’d even filled out significantly more since college. She wasn’t too big or too small. Like in Goldilocks and the Three Bears, she was just right. She had long dark blonde hair and large green doe-eyes. And big red lips that the guys in college had labeled DSL—dick-sucking lips.

  He snickered, just thinking about it, and Elise narrowed her eyes at him.


  If she knew what he had been reminiscing about, she’d probably deck him. It was a good thing he wasn’t going to tell her.

  No, he wasn’t going to say anything, and he’d do his best not to torture her tonight. He knew from Sean that she’d recently found out about her father’s cancer, and she was busy moving and starting a new job. While Luke liked to provoke her, he’d like to think he wasn’t a total asshole.

  Yep, tonight was going to be nothing more than just a bunch of friends hanging out.

  Despite Elise’s initial concerns, dinner had been enjoyable, and Luke hadn’t flirted much. Maybe she was right, and he had matured.

  Right now, he was in a heated conversation with Sean and Joe about politics. They were all on the same side, but the conversation was still fairly animated. The women were talking about Shelly’s upcoming baby shower and birth, but Elise found herself catching bits and pieces of the things Luke had to say. She was impressed with his knowledge on the subjects they were discussing. He’d obviously done his research, and she was surprised. And rather turned on.

  She’d always found intelligence sexy. Not that she didn�
��t find muscles and a hard body sexy because she was a living, breathing woman after all. It was just that she’d always been attracted to wit. But, right now, Luke was showing brains, and he already had brawn. And she was horny.

  Although she’d had two beers with dinner, so that was probably the alcohol talking. That, and the fact that she hadn’t been with anyone for seven months, two weeks, and four days. Not that she was counting or anything, right?

  God, she missed sex.

  Thankfully, she wasn’t drunk, just tipsy, and she planned to keep her skirt and underwear right where they were. On her body.

  But it didn’t stop her from stealing glances at Luke. His deep brunette hair was short and coarse, his coffee-colored eyes were round and large, and his lips were on the full side and naturally rosy. His eyebrows were dark and thick, as were the eyelashes that she would kill for because it would mean never having to wear mascara again. His skin had a beautiful golden tan that she couldn’t help but notice whenever his biceps flexed under his tight T-shirt. He was half-Caucasian and half-Asian—Chinese, if she remembered correctly—and that was where he got his dusky features from. She’d always been a sucker for brown eyes and brown hair. That described almost all of her ex-boyfriends. But none of them had been as good-looking as Luke.


  She looked away from him and down at her beer. She should really stop drinking. Otherwise, she was going to go home, feeling sorry for herself, and end up masturbating to images of Luke going down on her while she grabbed on to his short hair.

  She looked to her friends to see if they could tell what she was thinking, but they weren’t even paying attention to her. She turned to look at Luke, and he was staring at her with a smirk on his face. But there was no way he could know what she had been thinking, could he?

  “Okay, enough talk about babies and politics. Joe and I don’t have many more kid-free nights,” Shelly said, turning Elise’s gaze away from Luke.

  “What are you thinking, babe?” Joe asked.

  “First, everyone needs to get another drink since I can’t.”


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