Dystopia (Book 4): The Dark Days

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Dystopia (Book 4): The Dark Days Page 7

by Cooper, DJ

  “What kind of information?”

  “The kind that points to the cause of all of this.”

  “ Then why tell me?”

  “Because there's another connection.” Roger looked at Ray, “we're not exactly sure what that is at this time, there's so much going on. There seems to be another piece of this puzzle that we can’t quite figure out.”

  Dez look puzzled, looking from one to the other repeatedly. Her expression seeking an answer yet the two just glanced from one to another. “So, what you're telling me is that our tiny little community full of insignificant people hold the key to what happened in this crisis?” Roger half nodded. “I find all this just a little fictitious. First my boyfriend has a girlfriend who wants to kill me. We’re being attacked by an unknown force. Who incidentally seem to be after either me or Rita. Neither of us have anything to do with any of this. I don't know what you're trying to pull here but I'm not falling for it.”

  At that moment Rita made her presence known by clearing her throat. “I might know something about this…”

  Surprised, they all turned to look at her. Dez tilted her head in confusion. “How could you know anything about this?”

  “When we were in the camp after Morgan tried to kill me. There were men there seeking information about your group. The people in the camp called them the black suits, but who they really were was FEMA .”

  Both Roger and Ray knew that she did indeed know something. Dez looked at her questioningly, how she could possibly be involved.

  She continued, “Once they thought I could remember what happened, they began to torture me, looking for more information about John and the group that traveled with me before I ended up in the river.” Looking first to Roger then to Ray she continued.“ I can only assume that what they wanted to know was about you two…”

  Roger nodded hesitantly. “I imagine this is true. But how did they know that we were with the group and where we were going?”

  “I think the information you're looking for is with my husband. The black suits were very upset that we took the camp commanders briefcase. I don't exactly know what's in it, but my husband can tell you better. I know it contained maps and names of people in the government.” Rita began to cry before continuing. “Is this why we’re being attacked?”

  Ray reached out for Dez's hand saying, “we're very sorry for this. I think it’s best if we take all of this information and head for the new government.”

  Dez could only shake her head. Her hands clasped together over her mouth trying to think the scenario through. As though an epiphany had struck she looked up at all of them. “No.” They all looked at her questioning if she’d heard them right. “How about someone go get Ryan and we have a pow wow.”

  Rita nodded and excused herself, heading out the door in search of Ryan. Roger and Ray stood looking to Dez trying to figure out what she had in mind. After a few moments Rita returned with him. Standing in the doorway, he looked tall and tan, all this running around had leaned him out. Dez smiled at him, it wasn’t the first time she’d noticed how handsome he was. He came over beside her grasping her hand and asking how she felt. She nodded to him she was fine and turned to Roger. “Let's say you explain all this to Ryan.”

  “When we left the camp in Worcester with John's group to come down here, we took with us vital documents showing who was behind all of this. It’s because we knew somewhere along the line, someone would try to stop what our government and others were trying to do. Apparently, more information was gathered by Rita's husband before they left the camp in Pennsylvania. Now what we need to do is find this new government that people are talking about. The one that has the support of the loyal military. Those still loyal to the constitution.”

  Ryan stood looking at them in silence for a moment. The lack of response on anybody's part became uncomfortable for Roger and Ray. It was difficult to gauge exactly what Ryan was thinking. They both stood, shuffling their feet waiting for him to respond.

  Ryan cleared his throat. “This makes sense, a lot of things that have been going on and some of the things we've seen lately are starting to make sense. We actually have some guys with us that have a tattoo on them. The same one, it has a circle with the arrows going into it. It’s one that’s given by those running the camps, they are claiming it’s a tracker.”

  Dez looked surprised, this was news to her. “ What do you mean by tattoo?”

  Ryan excused himself for a moment while he went out into the corridor. Returning with Aaron at his side Dez sat straighter, reaching out to shake his hand. “Aaron, it's so good to see you. how are you? Did you find your family?”

  Aaron nodded that he had. “I did, but right now they're being held in the FEMA camp.” Rolling up his sleeve to expose the tattoo, he showed Dez his arm. “I know about the tattoo because they gave me one. They did not realize my connection to you when they sent me as part of the group to attack. In the first attack I set myself up, hidden, and was shooting the worst of the gang. Some of the people that they’re using to attack are simply doing what they're told because they are holding members of their family or their friends. But some of them? They’re just vicious.” Looking to Roger he continued, “Roger can tell you, he and Sam saw me out there that first night.”

  Roger nodded in affirmation as Aaron continued. “These tattoos have some kind of radioactive ink that they can track. I don't know how we can get them off short of cutting them out, but we need to get them removed.”

  Ryan looked to Dez. “I was just talking to these guys about the camp and where it's located. I think part of the problem here is that we need to liberate the camps. Most of the people in them have no idea what's going on and were simply looking for assistance. Now they're being used as slave labor. Anyone who refuses is either infected with Ebola, or outright shot. We did find out that Ebola is not spreading on its own, it’s being spread to weaken the population.”

  Aaron looked pleadingly at them. “I need to save my family, I'd hoped to sneak back and slip them out. These camps are guarded, and the people are kept under lock down at night. I'm not sure how this can be done, but the conditions are terrible, and these people have to be stopped.”

  Dez sat silently taking in the conversation that continued on these lines. She agreed that they needed to be rescued and these camps needed to be shut down, but the scope of such a quest was massive. “How could we do anything?” The men stopped and looked at her. Looking up she realized she’d said it aloud. “I mean, there are so many across the country. How can our little band of merry men possibly do anything to change it?”

  Aaron’s voice cracked. “I don't know about these other camps. I just want my children. Can't we please , please just help this one camp?”

  “It starts with one.” Roger reached out and shook his hand. “I saw you in the woods, you saved us during that first battle. You saved me…” Looking at Ray and Ryan. “We can organize some men, create a frontal assault against the camp. This will draw their men to the front gates and maybe we can have a few people sneak in the back to pull the prisoners out. I know it's not a full plan, but Aaron knows the camp. I say we start with one… this one.”

  Ryan stood, arms crossed just nodding. Dez swung her feet off the bed. Hopping off, she winced a little as she grabbed her side where the stitches were. Ryan quickly reached for her arm to steady her. Whispering in her ear. “You might wanna put some britches on there, little lady.”

  Everyone laughed as Dez turned to examine the open back to her gown. Rita came rushing over with another to cover her. She made her way over to the coffee. Pouring a cup, she turned back to them. “As for myself and the rest of my people here; we’ll return to the farm. It's too difficult to defend more than one place and if we're not here there's no reason to attack it. We will be better served even in a minimal capacity on the farm; than creating a distraction elsewhere.”

  Preparing for an argument from Ryan she started to object when he said. “I agree with you on
that, I will send a patrol to check on you each day and, in the meantime, get with these guys and find out what Rich knows. He gave me some information when he first got here and was looking for you two.” Pointing to Roger and Ray. “He knew you by name, which means those at the camp do also.” Looking back to Dez with a look she wasn’t sure how to take. One of genuine concern and sadness. “When y’all are ready. I’ll make sure to get you there.”

  “Oh… Ok, so when can we go home?”

  “Let me go check with the doctor to see if he has any concerns and find out about Herb. I’ll be right back.”

  Calling after him she tried to hide her uneasiness. “Can you have Janice and the others come in here?”

  He nodded on his way out the door.

  Chapter 11


  For if one falls down, his companion can lift him up; but pity the one who falls without another to help him up! Again, if two lie down together, they will keep warm; but how can one keep warm alone? And though one may be overpowered, two can resist. Moreover, a cord of three strands is not quickly broken.…

  Ecclesiastes 4:10-12 (Berean Study Bible)

  It felt like hours before the doctor came in to tell them about Herb. The look on his face was enough to send Janice into sobs. His first words told them what the outcome was. “I’m very sorry.” Charleigh began to cry as she held Janice’s hand. “He’d lost too much blood. Was he on any medication that would thin his blood?”

  Janice nodded, “Yes, he was because of his heart attack.”

  “We just couldn’t stop the bleeding.”

  “I understand. Can I see him?”

  The doctor took Janice to where her husband lay. While the others waited where they were for word on when they’d be going home. Charleigh sobbed while Rita asked Dez about the others at the farm. “Jeremy is going to take the news of Herb’s death pretty hard. They’d grown close these past few months, working on this gadget or that invention.”

  “Who is there? Will we be safe?” Rita was full of questions, Dez forgot that she’d never been there.

  “Well let’s see, you know John and Amy and those who came with them right?”


  “Well now there’s the kids and you know them. Charleigh, Connor and Ariel. Jeremy and Toni. We had some friends in another area of town that was indefensible come over Frank, Sarah and their kids. Loel and Rebecca have three kids as well so Matty will have plenty of friends. Oh… and can’t forget Dylan, my best friend Tawny’s son.”

  “Does anyone know that I’m not dead yet?”

  “I’m really not sure. Not to worry though, it’ll be fine. You and Matty belong here!”

  “Thank you for all you’ve done for him.”

  “Aww shucks twert nothin.”

  They chuckled a little, but it was tough to feel upbeat when someone close to them was gone.

  No one had told Dez about Matt leaving but she surmised by his presence at the infirmary that he’d not be returning to the farm. She didn’t know that Kimmie and Renee’ had left with him. Rita was concerned with how they would act towards her. “Are you sure?”

  “Of course I’m sure. And let anyone say different and see what happens.”

  “I know Matt’s family doesn’t like me much.”

  “I’m sure we don’t need to worry about them at this point. It’s likely that they are feeling just a little bit awkward right now themselves. I adore them, and this isn’t their fault, but I won’t tolerate any catty antics tearing our group apart. You just pull your weight and let me worry about it.”

  They found Dez something more appropriate to wear home and gathered everyone into the truck and jeep and made their way to the farm. Dez sat in the jeep with Ryan. He looked at her sternly. “Listen, I’ll make sure to send men if you need help. Just call on the CB.”

  “I will.” Dez nodded.

  “Don’t go doing anything stupid. You’re not healed up yet.” Looking to Charleigh in the back seat. “You make sure she rests. Tell me if she gives you a hard time.”

  “Geeze, I think I can take care of myself.”

  “Exactly my point.” Looking to the side at her and raising his eyebrows. “We don’t know exactly what is going on and we don’t need you getting any more holes in ya.”

  “Gahh, fine.” Looking at Charleigh, Dez growled. “Or little missy here will tattle on me.” Slumping back into her seat feigning annoyance she looked out the side of the jeep with a small grin on her face.

  Charleigh huffed from the back seat. “Don’t put me in the middle of your little spat.” Then she giggled, poking Dez around the seat.

  “Would you two get serious? I mean it!”

  Saluting him Dez said, “yessir.”

  She was glad to be going back to the farm. They’d only just gotten things going smoothly and she was anxious to get back there. Ryan was worried Matt would return and wasn’t happy with the defenses yet. He was more shocked and angry about Matt than anyone else.

  “I don’t understand what happened with Matt. He was all for the farm and getting things on a working basis. He even talked about trade and finding small communities to barter with.”

  Charleigh scoffed from the back seat.

  “You have something you wanna say?”

  “Yea. Those were all mom’s ideas. Her and Tawny were talking about that since day one.”

  Pausing to look at Dez he nodded. “You don’t say. Well now, that makes a lot of sense. He would say these things, but I would often catch little things that made me believe he had no clue what he was talking about.”

  Dez looked over, “oh?”

  “Yea, just certain things, like he was saying stuff about how much ammo there was and how you could use it for barter.”

  “What? And have it used against us? No freaking way!”

  “That’s what I meant, stuff like that.”

  They pulled up to the checkpoint at the farm and found Toni and Cameron on watch. Ryan sent a couple guys to relieve them, so they could visit with Dez and the others.

  It was still fairly early in the evening, so they gathered to discuss things moving forward. Most were sad and comforting Janice for the loss of Herb. The funeral would be tomorrow, and he would be laid beside the others. They were busy visiting with Dez asking how she felt and mostly glad she was back.

  Mark sat off to the side looking into his cup of coffee not speaking to anyone. Dez noticed this and got up. Joining him, sitting down beside him and taking a long sip of her own cup she looked at him. “Why the long face?”

  “I'm so glad you're OK, I was worried for you. I'm just not sure I fit in here now after what Matt has done. Kimmie and Renee left with Matt.” Taking a deep breath and exhaling with a sigh. “I knew I didn't wanna go with them, but I don't really know my place.”

  Destiny reached over and hugged him. “Your place ... is with us. Rita felt the same way about her and Matty.”

  His eyes lit up, he was unaware that Matty was there and had no idea that Rita was alive. “Matty?”

  “Yes, he’s here.”

  “Matt was going after him when he left.”

  “I know, we saw him.”

  “Hold on, Rita? She…” Pausing, he wasn’t sure what to say.

  “She’s fine and here with Matty. Mark you’ve always been a good guy. I’d never let the actions of your wife and children define our friendship. Now go find Matty.” She patted him on the shoulder and shooed him off.

  Ryan and the others came over to where Dez was sitting and asked if they could have a meeting. Dez agreed and motioned for everyone to head to the sofas.

  Ryan began, “Aaron here, as some of you may remember, left to get his family before you came to the farm. He found them, but they were unfortunately being held in one of the FEMA camps. Now with his family in their custody he’s been forced to work alongside the very gangs that have been attacking you.”

  Aaron looked around as the murmurs grew louder. Whispers about how
they could not believe that he’d gone against them.

  Aaron looked down and said nothing. Roger noted this and stood. “Listen, he never went against us. Both Sam and I saw him in the forest that first battle. He saved my life. He was shooting at those he came with. He's our friend, and we need to help him. Not just him but all those like him.”

  Sam reached out and put his hand on Aaron’s shoulder. The rest of the group stood nodding as Ryan continued. “I'm going to get ahold of the northern militia. Aaron and the others who came with him can help us while we do some recon. Ray and Roger have already volunteered to go with a small group to check on the area and report back in three days. Aaron and the other two will return to their posts and relay back false information. Someone will stay with each of them to be sure they are ok and not discovered and to get them out if need be. Understand that they have assured me that if an attack happens they will be firing, but strategically placed rounds that will either take out one of theirs or not hit one of ours.”

  Frank was shaking his head in disbelief. “We’re gonna trust this?”

  Roger defended Aaron. “He saved my life man! Yea, I trust him.”

  “I can’t take that chance with my family. We’ve been talking and we’re going back to town. Sarah’s sister lives there, and we’re going to go stay with her.”

  Dez nodded to him. “You have to do what’s best for your family.” Then she looked around, “anyone else planning to go to town? There’s no hard feelings, we love you all and only want what’s best for each of you. But if you stay, realize you can’t bail in the midst of things.”

  Everyone else stood nodding, looking around the room waiting for any others to go. Dez asked Frank and Sarah to excuse themselves so they didn’t hear anything more. She felt it would be best if they didn’t know anything and safer for not only the farm but themselves as well.

  Cameron stood fidgety wringing his fingers, when finally, Astrid gave him a subtle shove. “We've been talking, and practicing. We wanna go with Ryan and be part of the militia.”


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