Dystopia (Book 4): The Dark Days

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Dystopia (Book 4): The Dark Days Page 16

by Cooper, DJ


  YouTube channels with lots of great information, be sure and follow their channel so you can get updates whenever they put out a new video.

  MCQ Bushcraft is a wonderful place to find information on bushcrafting and other ideas. Here is where I found the information on the FAT WOOD described in this novel.


  Self Defense Videos

  Here we have a few that I found very helpful, some are specific for women and teens. This is always a must have set of skills.




  NBC (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical) protection

  When it comes to the ways we can find ourselves in danger, one of the most difficult is the things we cannot see. These things require special means of protection. Here you will find what it is:


  Free Downloadable files

  Information is crucial to being able to prepare and survive. My motto and tag line for my podcast is “Preparing to Thrive During Uncertain Times.” And in doing so it is important to build a preparedness library, storing up the one thing that you keep with you…Knowledge.

  This list is ever widening, bookmark it:





  About the Author

  DJ Cooper is the author of the Dystopia series and other short works. Currently a student at Southern New Hampshire University studying for a Bachelor’s Degree in Creative Writing/English.

  Often writing humor, research articles for her blog Surviving Dystopia and post-apocalyptic fiction, she can be found in front of a computer somewhere. She does informational seminars on the topic of Prepper Overload which will be coming out in book form soon.

  Works by the Author

  The Dystopia Series

  Dystopia : Beginning of the End [Book 1 ]

  Dystopia : The Long Road [Book 2 ]

  Dystopia: Revelations [Book 3 ]

  Dystopia: The Dark Days [Book 4 ]

  Dystopia: The World We Live In [Book 5] (2019)

  The New Prepper Overload (an interactive binder)

  Nine Meals from Anarchy Series

  The Fury of the Sun (coming 2018)

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  The World We Live In

  Book 5


  The World We Live In

  By: DJ Cooper

  Our World

  Sitting atop lookout rock, Gramma Destiny’s words echoed in my mind, “Ariel, mind my words and watch your back. Many here would see Dylan as clan leader, and we know that can never be.” It was ten years ago when the world changed. I was only four when mom and dad brought me to Gramma Destiny’s house. That was when, what the grownups call The Reset happened. Our lives were forever altered by the loss of the power grid, and mine now stands at a crossroads. I know that the decisions I make today will impact the clan forever.

  I come up here often to think and watch the clan below. Our clan occupies the land between the ridges. The boundary stretches from the top of one to the top of the next. Here in Kentucky it seems everyone’s land goes from ridge to ridge. The trees that cover most of it look like a fluffy green blanket covering the hills. Below I can see the springs that flow from each side, making the inner holler shaped almost like a heart with the water meeting in the middle creating a pool for the ducks. We settled that first winter in this protected valley, with its coal laden hillside and crystal springs. The land between the ridges we now call The Heart of Laurel. It was so named for my great, great, Grandmother Laurel Hines. Our clan also bears her name, we are… Clan Laurel.

  Our clan is the most powerful in the sector. The wars during the dark days that followed the Reset created the clan system; each, an island ruled by a monarchy with rules of succession. My mother Charleigh refused to step up, saying she could not handle the burden of rule. She was never the same after the attacks. She once said, “I was so scared I couldn’t move, all I could think of was how these awful people would hurt you.” I recall now how Gramma always said mom was a gentle soul.

  Uncle Jeremy remained with the guard and only came home once a month. Gramma Destiny hated it and worried about him all the time, but he said if the most powerful clan in the sector was not willing to send its warriors then who else would. He was wise, I wish he would come home and take this burden from me.

  Scolding myself for letting my mind wander into useless thoughts I stared across The Heart of Laurel and watched the ridges for scavengers. From this position on lookout rock my daily three-hour shift gives me solitude and perspective. Gramma said that Dylan never had the temperament for clan leader. Dylan was Gramma’s best friend Tawny’s son, he was a mean boy who always hurt me. His mom died in year one of the reset, after that he hated Gramma… and me too. Gramma loved Tawny and Dylan. She promised Tawny she would always watch over him. There was a fierce battle that took place during the dark days and Tawny pushed Gramma out of the way of a pipe bomb only to catch shrapnel in her back. After three days Tawny died from internal bleeding, and Dylan never got over it. Thoughts of those days make me shudder and shaking off the chill I tried to refocus on lookout.

  In the distance a small spire of smoke rose where Clan Redbow settled. Aaron Jr. would be at the Blackridge Trading Post because it was barter day. I love barter day and want to make sure I look nice. He’s so cute and brave, he’s the successor for Clan Redbow, and only makes my problem bigger.

  Behind me, Matty came up to take his shift on lookout rock and asked, “Are you going to barter day?”

  “Sure am, did you need anything?”

  He looked at his feet and nodded no. Looking at him I felt sad, he was always kind to me and very smart. At the beginning of things he travelled a long way to get here. Some bad things happened to him and his family, but he was fiercely defensive of Gramma, although I don’t really know why. I like Matty, he’s nice to me and always helps me. I wanted to do something for him so I asked, “Did you find the parts for your radio yet?”

  “No, I don’t have anything to barter right now.”

  “Well, I’ll look for some for you anyway.” I waved and trotted down the hillside to get ready for the ride into London. Barter day was the day when we would get to see people from all over the region. I shined my boots while mama braided my hair and we chatted about all the people we would see. Gramma came in and gave me what she called a smooch on my head and laughed with Mama about some people watching that they liked to do.

  Gramma asked, “What are you fussing over beautiful? You know you’re already the prettiest girl in these parts.”

  “Aww Gramma, you always say that.”

  “Well, you are. I am quite sure no one has such pretty long brown hair as you. Why… I bet even your mamma is jealous of them long locks of yours.” She winked and tickled my ear. Looking around, she asked “Where’s Matty gotten to? Have you seen him Ariel?”

  “He’s on lookout rock for his shift.”

  Gramma looked out the door of the cabin and sent one of her assistants to sit the rock in his place and tell him to come immediately. Everyone listened to Gramma, she brought everyone here after the Reset and even got shot in the fighting.

  I asked her, “Why do you need Matty?”

  She told me that she needed his help with finding parts for some of the electrical things that needed fixing and he was going to go with us. I sighed, I liked Matty, but he always kept an eye on me and I wanted to see Aaron Jr alone. Gramma would never let me marry Aaron Jr, she said my place was with my clan. Mama once told me
that Uncle Jeremy would tan his hide if he came within spitting distance of me. Then there’s Dad, he went right up to Mr. Mills and told him he wouldn’t have it. I frowned, why couldn’t they understand that I just wanted to live my life and didn’t want to be any ole’ clan leader. Gramma kept me with her most days so that I could learn what to do, but it was scary. What if I messed things up? I knew Gramma was right about Dylan and the whole clan would suffer for sure, but why couldn’t there be another way?

  Gramma sat with Matty telling him all about what he was supposed to find. The only times I ever saw him smile was when he would talk with Gramma. He called her Dez, just like all the other older folks. I do know that Gramma once told Matty when his father tried to take him to the Northern Territory that to her, he was hers. She said she’d tell me when the day came to know, to always remember he was very special to her and to remember that he once saved my life. I was only four at the time and don’t remember much of the first battles. Gramma gave Matty a small .22 rifle and told him to keep me safe then and I guess, well… He never quit.

  Gramma would be stepping down at the mid-month festival, which mom said was just my birthday. Gramma always made things like this some kind of epic moment. I hated this! I loved Gramma more than anything, but she fussed over everything I did. I would be fifteen and able to lead the people at the festival. I didn’t know why Mama and Uncle Jeremy were making me do it, but Gramma said it was decided long ago.

  My thoughts were on Aaron Jr. the strong yellow haired boy that made my heart beat faster and my palms sweaty. I saw him this summer for the first time when he arrived at clan Redbow. I remember, I told my mom he was so cute, I wanted to marry him. She told me I was silly and couldn’t marry someone I’d just met. I saw him a few weeks back and he gave me a real kiss, on the lips, I felt like the tent was spinning. I wanted to run away with Aaron Jr. and marry him. He was already seventeen and he didn’t have to be leader yet, I don’t know why I have to.

  Once we arrived in town, Gramma headed off to the big building at the head of the road. It had giant columns, and County Courthouse carved across the entrance. Mama, Matty and I went in search of treasures. Mama searched for things the clan needed, we needed some sewing needles and buttons, but also the usual yarn and such for the clothiers. Then there were the herbs Janice always requested, along with some tools and seed for the gardens. I was in search of Aaron and didn’t notice much else amongst the crowds. Matty was on errands for Gramma and didn’t really say what it was he was looking for.

  Finally, there he was standing by the games tent, he nodded to me and went inside. I couldn’t shake Matty so I asked Mama to help him find the thing Gramma wanted. He glared at me as I sneaked away to meet Aaron. Bursting into the tent, I found him. He looked sullen and angry. I asked him, “What’s wrong?”

  “My father says I’ll be taking over as leader at the festival.”

  Surprised, I asked, “Why so sudden?”

  “I don’t know, but all of the clans are moving up their successors and there’s more.”

  “What else?”

  “None of us no matter the age can marry another clan leader without the permission of all the clans.”

  “What? This is not fair, I’ll tell Gramma, I won’t do it. I won’t be leader.”

  “It won’t matter Ariel, Destiny is the highest word in the sector. Father told me she even saved him in the early days and that he would not go against her.” Looking down, he continued, “I would not even be alive if she had not saved us from George.”

  I was so angry, tears streamed down my face. Gramma was making my life miserable and I hated her. How dare she not let me have my own life. I shouted at no one in particular, “I hate you, I hate you.”

  Falling to my knees, I sobbed. I felt the caring embrace and looked up to find Matty held me. Aaron had left me crying in the tent without even a goodbye. I pushed Matty away, but he kept holding me saying, “It's ok Ariel, soon Dez will tell you everything and then you’ll understand.”

  “Does everyone know something that I don’t?”

  “Shhhhh, Your grandmother loves you more than anything on earth. When Tawny died it wasn’t because of war, it was because you were the target. Dez would have died to save you if it weren’t for Tawny. This is why your mother can’t bear the burden of leadership, she watched her mother’s best friend die, and others die saving us children. She said she could never ask another to give their lives like that.”

  “But Matty why is she so against Aaron?”

  “Ariel… he is your Uncle. He is not Aaron Mill’s son, he was adopted when Aaron married his mother. His biological Father is your Grandfather. He doesn’t know he’s adopted. My task here today was this. Your grandmother hoped it would fizzle and once you became clan leader you would do what you do best and that is to encourage the people.”

  “Why did no one tell me?”

  “War is coming.”

  “War? With who?”

  “My father, he is the reagent in the north and he wants to take over more territory.”

  I looked at Matty, for the first time really looked into his eyes. Suddenly, I felt foolish. Here I wanted to run off with this guy that I’d only met a month ago and sitting here beside me was a man who has held me through every tear, protected me, and until now I’d not noticed how he looked at me. I asked him, “What was your job here today Matty?”

  He smiled at me saying, “The same job I always do, keep you out of trouble and wipe away your tears.”

  Wiping my tears and standing up, pulling back my shoulders, sucking in a deep breath I stood determined. Gramma was right our clan needed me. Looking at Matty I said, “Doesn’t it annoy you even just a little that Gramma is always right?”

  “Nope, she’s been right about everything so far. I sure hope she’s right some more.” Winking at me, he grabbed my head and roughed up my hair. I realized how foolish I’d been and with a more somber outlook asked Matty, “What do you know about your father?”

  He looked down and said, “He used to be here with Dez you know.”

  Shaking my head in disbelief, I said, “What? Here, in the clan?”


  “Does Gramma know he’s coming?”

  “Yes, she does. It’s why you’re taking over so soon.”

  I knew something bad happened, and that is how Matty came to be part of our family, but no one ever told me about Matt. He was Matty’s dad and at one time with Gramma, now all of a sudden it all seemed clear. I understood why Gramma always worried about Matty. I looked at him and said, “Let’s go find Gramma.”

  I held Matty’s hand like he used to hold mine when we were little and he would be dragging me through the woods. Looking at him, for the first time I can ever remember, he smiled when we marched out of that tent together… To war!




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