"Not me," snapped back Wendy. "We, Adrian. What are we going to do about it?"
"Okay! Okay! Are you certain?"
Wendy nodded. "I had a test. I am definitely pregnant. Can we get married?"
He turned and glared at her. "You stupid cow," he replied. "I'm already bloody married. What do you think my wife is going to say about having a bastard child around?"
"Married?" Wendy gasped. "You mean separated? Lots of men marry twice."
Adrian seized her arm and squeezed it so hard she gasped in pain. "God, you're gullible, Wendy. I'm living with my wife and we have two adorable little children. Why the hell do you think I'd leave them just because you can't bloody look after yourself?" He almost spat at the devastated young woman. "You helped fill my needs when my wife was pregnant, that's all. The baby was born two months ago; my wife's stopped breast-feeding so I don't need your body any more. Grow up, girl."
"Adrian!" Wendy shrieked and grabbed at him.
"Bitch!" he hissed and flung her roughly aside.
He reached in his jacket, took out a wallet and tossed her a twenty-dollar note. "There, get a taxi home and don't contact me. It's your problem, schoolteacher."
The hysterical, sobbing girl could only stare in disbelief as the man almost pushed her out the car door, slammed it and drove away without even a sideways glance.
"MY GOODNESS, ALEXIA," Kate praised. "Haven't you done well?"
"They're only scones, Mum. I've cooked them before. "
"Yes but not date scones and they're so soft." Kate laughed, gathered her stepdaughter in her arms and placed a kiss on her cheek. "I'm sure Daddy will gobble them up for supper when he gets back from the meeting."
"Dad!" Alexia glowered. "He's Dad now, Mum just as you're Mum and Grandma is Grandma. I'm not a baby any more..."
"You certainly aren't," Kate replied. "Compared with my juniors at school you're so tall." She studied her stepdaughter who must have grown four or five centimetres since their arrival in Auckland.
"Too tall you mean." Alexia went serious and swished a hand across her long blonde hair. "The girls tease me because I'm taller than the boys, Mum."
"Ignore them," Kate replied. "They're only jealous. I think you are beautiful."
"Does Dad?" the youngster asked.
"Sure does," Kate laughed. "Why only the other day he remarked how our little girl is growing into a beautiful young lady."
"Oh stop the corn, Mum," Alexia retorted but smiled at the praise heaped upon her. She glanced across the room as the telephone rang.
"I'll get it," Kate said. She picked up the mouthpiece. "Hello, Kate Overworth speaking..."
"Kate," the almost non-coherent voice sobbed. "Yvonne's not home and there's nobody else..."
"What is it, Wendy?" Kate replied as worry creases crossed her forehead "What's wrong?" She recognized the voice but had never known her to be so distressed.
"Everything!" Wendy sobbed and broke into more sobs.
"Where are you, Wendy?" Kate asked in an enforced calm voice.
"At a phone booth downtown in Takapuna, you know, at the south end."
"Are you hurt?" Kate tried to think what could possibly be wrong. "Has there been an accident?"
"No," sobbed the woman. "Nothing like that."
"Then wait there. I'll come and pick you up. Fifteen minutes, tops."
"You were the only one I could think of," Wendy continued. "I'm sorry but..."
"Fifteen minutes, Wendy," Kate replied. "We'll see you then."
Alexia stared at her mother. "It's that creepy guy she's been going with, Mum. He's a real slime ball."
"What guy?" Kate replied as they both headed out to their car parked in the drive.
"This creep who is as older than Dad and drives this Jaguar. He's got a moustache and thinks he's so smooth." Alexia retorted and rolled her eyes. "If he's hurt Miss McEwen I'll...." She screwed her nose up but never finished the sentence.
Kate remembered seeing a Jaguar in the school parking lot a couple of times but had assumed it belonged to one of their parents. Over the last few weeks, Wendy had seemed more mature and Kate enjoyed her company. It appeared that their colleague had settled into a happy life and, after shifting in to live with Yvonne, had blossomed.
SHE FOUND WENDY, RED eyed and still very distressed, standing by the telephone booth. Several moments later, the whole sordid story came flowing out.
"I didn't know he was married," Wendy sobbed. "I had no idea and then..." She broke down again into long convulsive tears. "What a bloody idiot, I've been and now this."
She turned as tears rolled down her cheeks. "What can I do, Kate? My life is ruined. It's over. I wish I was dead!"
"We go home and have a cup of coffee," Kate replied. "Alexia's cooked scones and they'll still be warm. Then we can talk. There are several options; Wendy and you are not alone. I'm glad you called me."
"Oh Kate," Wendy sobbed as she used a handkerchief to wipe away the tears.
"We'll look after you, Miss McEwen," Alexia, close to sympathy tears she, whispered and slipped her arm around Wendy's waist. "I told Mum he was just a slime ball."
Through her tears, Wendy smiled. She reached back, hugged Alexia and the black abyss of fear receded just that fraction. "I heard you are real good cook," she said in a whisper. "Your mum and dad must be so proud of you."
Alexia didn't reply but lowered her head into her friend's shoulder and stared out the windscreen as her mother turned into their cul-de-sac. A moment later they were in the security of their home. Somehow the modest dwelling seemed like a haven of security with lights blazing and both Noel and Sarah's cars in the drive.
"Daddy will sort that creep out," Alexia promised. She must have forgotten that she now always called her father 'Dad'.
Wendy stayed at the Overworth's place over night and appeared quiet but slightly better the following morning.
"So what do you want to do?" Kate, with Sarah in support, asked Wendy when they were in the kitchen together after breakfast. It was still school holidays so nobody had to rush off to work.
"To go back to before I ever met Adrian," Wendy whispered.
"And the infant?" Sarah asked.
"I don't want it," Wendy screamed, slapped the dishtowel in her hand down and rushed out the kitchen door.
"Sarah," Kate rebuked. "Did you have to bring that up now?"
The older woman frowned. "It has to be discussed, Kate. If she waits it won't just go away, you know. That man may have led her on but this is the result. She can cast him aside in her mind but cannot delay any decision on her own future. Whatever she decides, must be done soon, today if possible."
"But she is all mixed up, Sarah. How can she make a rational choice now?"
"She can't but needs professional help, medical help but not some goody good pushing their own theories."
Kate stared at her companion. Over the years, she had learnt to appreciate the older woman's quite liberal philosophy on life. Noel had told how Sarah had spent years on the farm at the back of Taihape being a dutiful wife and mother. However, since being with them she had often been more progressive than Kate even found herself.
"Okay, what are you hinting at, Sarah?" she asked.
"The last thing she needs to do is go home to her narrow minded parents," Sarah replied. "They'll ruin her life." She stared at Kate. "She's thinking of doing that, you know. I guess it's a common reaction to turn back to your parents in a time of stress.
"We take her to a doctor. She needs help that is beyond us to provide. I suggest Doctor Annette Glaston, my one. She's a woman for one, is young and progressive."
"Just like you, Sarah," Kate said.
"Yeah but not the young bit," Sarah replied.
"Young at heart," Kate chuckled. But I'd better get after Wendy."
"Leave her a few moments," Sarah suggested. "I saw Alexia run after her. I'm sure she'll be good company."
; "That worries me, too," Kate said. "I don't really like Alexia being exposed to all this news. She's still only young, you know."
"Don't stifle her, Kate. It's better she learns about life with us than through some obnoxious child at school."
"But she's growing up so quickly."
"So that's even more reason to keep her abreast of everything, isn't it? That's far better than in my day or even yours."
Kate nodded. "True. God, the things I thought would happen..." She smiled. "Okay, Sarah. Will you do something with Alexia today while Noel and I look after Wendy?"
"Just you, Kate," Sarah cautioned. "Noel needs to stay an arm's length away. He may be innocent but it only needs a rumour to start..."
Kate nodded. "True," she said and walked out to find Wendy.
DOCTOR ANNETTE GLASTON proved to be everything Sarah had stated. She immediately made Wendy relax by inviting Kate into her surgery with them and by using tactful but direct questions found out the immediate problem.
"So the father has no interest in the foetus?" she said.
"No," Wendy replied in a whisper.
"His surname?" the doctor asked and smiled at Wendy's hesitant gaze. "Everything said here Wendy, is confidential but we do need to know."
"Funnel," Wendy replied.
"And you want a termination?" The next question was quite blunt.
"Yes," the girl whispered and stared across at Kate. "Am I wrong? If my parents knew about my condition they would strongly opposed but..."
Doctor Glaston glanced up. "It is still early so you can have a week to ten days to consider your position, Wendy. If you decide to continue your pregnancy, I shall support you in every way possible. With a termination, you will need to be interviewed by two consultants and there is quite a procedure to go through. There are several clinics in Auckland that perform the operation quite legally." She switched her glance to Kate. "The days of having to send girls to Australia is over."
Kate nodded but said nothing. She knew Wendy was relying on her for support but if she was in the same situation she had no idea what she would do. Like Wendy, her Presbyterian parents would be adamantly opposed to any abortion but they were against premarital sex, too. Times had changed in one generation and even the government had liberalized the abortion laws only a few years earlier.
"Kate?" Wendy asked. "Do I?" She sat biting on her lip and, dressed in a modest skirt and sweater, looked like the teenager Kate remembered back at Ashleyvale School. It was obvious she wanted help.
" I think you should," she replied and hoped she said the correct thing.
The doctor's expression was entirely neutral but Kate was sure there was a slight spark of approval in her eyes.
"Yes, Doctor Glaston. I would like a termination," Wendy said in the strongest voice she had used in days.
"Good," the doctor replied. "I'll set the wheels in motion. In the meantime, I'm prescribing some anti-depressant tablets for you and will give you some literature to read up. I don't want you to be alone, especially at night." Her eyes flicked up at Kate.
"Her flat mate is away for the school holidays," Kate replied. "She is going to stay with us. We're friends from way back."
"Good," the doctor replied. "Now, Wendy, I'd like you to go through into the nurse's clinic to have a few tests, pulse rate, blood test and so forth. " She stopped. "Mrs. Overworth, could you remain here a moment, please?"
"Certainly," Kate replied and waited while Wendy gave her a tiny smile and left.
The doctor however did not follow her patient but shut the door and turned to Kate. "I have prescribed a strong drug for her depression, Kate," she said. " I am concerned about her mental state. Could you please keep the pills under your care and see she doesn't exceed the stated dose?"
"Of course," Kate replied. "My husband and I will do everything we can to help her."
"And she is not to be left alone even at night." The doctor grimaced. "Perhaps I should have said, especially at night."
"Is she that depressed?" Kate questioned.
"Suicidal you mean?"
Kate nodded.
"The symptoms are there but by having friends such as yourself around, I'm sure she will cope. If the termination occurs, she will need as much support afterwards as now. I know this is a big task for you but Wendy has no family here and, from what she said, she does not want to contact them."
"They're very conservative," Kate said. "I would rather we helped her."
"Good." The doctor held her hand out and smiled. "Thank you. I've had numerous cases like this before and the hardest are when the patient is alone without family or friends."
"Thank you, Doctor Glaston," Kate replied. "I'm sure Wendy is feeling more confident about everything now."
"I'll call her as soon as I have details of her next step," the doctor promised.
Kate smiled and walked out to the waiting room just as Wendy appeared.
"Home then?" she asked.
"Yes, home." Wendy replied in a soft voice. Her face, though still serious, now had more colour and her eyes had lost the terrified look of a trapped animal.
NOEL WAS IN A DILEMMA. When he heard of Wendy's plight and saw the devastation in her eyes all he wanted to do was to hold her in his arms like that time he pulled her from the swamp. He wanted to reassure her it was okay, he'd look after her and deal with the monster who violated her body. He had deep feelings towards the young woman and could even call it love. But it wasn't sexual, more like the love he had for Alexia or even Sarah, that grand woman who had lived with them but never intruded in their lives unless she was wanted.
Men though, did not cuddle attractive twenty-one year old women in their arms unless they wanted sex. Also, as Sarah warned, he couldn't accompany Wendy to a doctor's without local eyebrows being raised and rumours begin to fly. So he had to let Kate help, not that she hesitated at all. That was one reason he loved his wife so much, she had that knack of being everything for everyone.
"Damn," he snorted and reached for the mail he'd come back to school to sort.
"Problems?" asked a husky voice.
Noel glanced up to see Roger, the caretaker, at the door.
"Yes," Noel replied. "One of my staff got herself in the family way."
"Not the wife?" Roger broke into a craggy grin.
"No. Wendy!"
"Oh shit. She's hardly more than a high school kid. Good teacher though. I reckon her room is the best in the school."
"Yes, some bastard led her on and dropped her like a hot potato when he found out she was pregnant. It seems he was married and his wife had just had a child. Poor Wendy is devastated."
"Do you know the bloke's name?"
"Yes. Funnel, Adrian Funnel."
"From Funnel Motors?"
"That's him," Noel scowled. "These guys splash around a bit of money and think they are beyond the law. The bastard should be up on a rape charge or something."
Roger eyed Noel through his shaggy eyebrows. "There's nothing illegal in bedding an attractive woman, even if you're married. I know this guy and his reputation." He wiped a hand over his chin as if deep in thought. "What was this bit about a baby?"
"He told Wendy he had a wife and newly born baby and couldn't possibly walk away from his marriage."
"Oh, he has a wife all right, a real snobby bit but as for a baby, their kids are older than your Alexia. That was one big put off."
"The cowardly bastard," Noel hissed. "Hasn't even the guts to be honest."
"Yeah, he needs to come down to earth a bit, don't you reckon, Noel?"
"What do you mean?"
"A few of the lads down at the pub wouldn't mind helping out a little." Roger grinned and shrugged. "You know, rough him up a little so he realizes what he is dealing with."
"Why not?" Noel whispered. "Nothing too bad, though."
"Leave it to me," the caretaker replied. He had a gleam in his eye and cracked his knuckles in anticipation.
Noel smiled. Perhaps there wa
s something he could do for Wendy, after all.
IT WAS QUITE LATE AND dark when Adrian Funnel walked towards the car park behind the gym with a satisfied smirk across his face.
"How would you like a spin in my Jag?" he had whispered to the young girl in the gym a few moments earlier.
She readily agreed and he was about to drive around and pick her up at the front door. This one was hardly out of her teens but had big boobs and wore a skirt so short it concealed almost nothing. It was going to be another interesting night, he was sure.
Two giant men stepped out of the shadows.
"Mr. Funnel?" one said in a quiet voice. "Our local sex pervert who makes a habit of fucking young woman then abandoning them?"
Adrian stared around. One distant overhead light lit the car park, buildings were all around and the security of the gym's side door was twelve metres away. Except for these intruders, the area was devoid of people.
"Sorry guys," he said in a quite voice. "You've got the wrong man."
"No," one older guy replied and cracked his knuckles. White teeth gleamed in the still night air. "We're Wendy McEwen's friends. You know the young school ma'am over at Kent Drive?"
The victim swallowed. "Come off it guys," he retorted but failed to keep the quiver out of his voice. "It was all a mistake."
"It was," the second guy spat. "Just one too many, my friend."
As if he knew it was too late for reasoning, Adrian swung his fist out, connected with the old guy and ducked sideways. A second later he was bounding for the security of the gym door, right into a third monster who stuck a foot out and sent the unfortunate victim sprawling.
It was over in minutes. Fists reined down on the pathetic figure and a few heavy boots connected with his rib cage too. With blood streaming from a broken nose and cut lip, he was hauled to his feet and found wild eyes mere centimetres from his own.
"So the wife just had a baby, did she?" the voice hissed and a fist ploughed into his stomach.
Funnel' buckled and dropped semi-conscious to the ground.
"You got your priorities muddled, didn't you?" the voice continued, there was another violent kick in the ribs and the three men disappeared as silently as they came.
Wind Across the Playground Page 17