Back Piece

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Back Piece Page 13

by L. A. Witt

  Daniel bit back a whimper, sure he was about to come just thinking about taking this further. “Yeah. Now. Please.”

  Colin’s hand slowed. Stopped. Slid free. He kissed the back of Daniel’s shoulder. “Give me a second.” He sat up. “Actually, this part will be easier up on your hands and knees.”

  Daniel’s pulse jumped. He sat up to change position, and as soon as their eyes met, he couldn’t resist a kiss. And then another. And then a long, breathless one that wasn’t getting them any closer to Colin putting on a condom and Daniel getting fucked. Oh well.

  Colin got a grip first, and pulled back. Breathing hard, he said, “Condom.”

  Daniel licked his lips. “Good idea.”

  They separated, and Daniel tried to get his nervousness under control as Colin took a condom from the nightstand. Of course Colin was as rock steady as he was rock hard—he tore the wrapper with his teeth and quickly, expertly, rolled the condom onto his cock. No nervousness in sight.

  Of course he isn’t nervous. He’s done this before.

  Well, at least one of us knows what he’s doing.

  Their eyes met again, and Colin grinned. “Ready?”

  Um . . .

  “Yeah.” Daniel took a deep breath and managed a laugh. “Let’s do this.” And if he hesitated for one more second, he was going to lose his nerve altogether, so he didn’t even dare steal another kiss. He turned onto his hands and knees, closed his eyes, and waited.

  The mattress shifted behind him. In an instant, all those mental pornos that had driven Daniel insane for the last twenty-four hours flickered through his mind, and the scales shifted very heavily in favor of excitement over nerves.

  Yes, please. God, yes. Hurry up!

  Colin wasn’t in a hurry, though. He took his time the same way he had with his fingers. He slid his well-lubricated cock up and down Daniel’s crack a few times, like he was giving Daniel a moment to get used to the idea.

  Then he pressed the head of his cock against Daniel’s anus. Everything in the world seemed perfectly still, like the entire universe was holding its breath, focusing on that blunt pressure, waiting for that tension to give—for Colin to back off or for Daniel to relax enough to finally take him.

  “Breathe,” Colin whispered, running a hand up and down Daniel’s spine. “Same as before—breathe and relax.”


  “We can stop if—”

  “No.” Daniel closed his eyes and slowly released his breath. “No, I want—fuck!”

  One second, Colin was pressed against him.

  The next . . . oh God. Oh, dear God. He was inside him.

  Only the head, Daniel assumed. Still, Colin had breached that tense hole, and now his cock—even just the very tip of it—was inside Daniel.

  Before Daniel could get used to him, Colin pulled out. Once more, he pressed just enough to let the head push past the tight ring. Slowly, he withdrew and did it again. And again. And again.

  Colin was well-endowed, both long and thick, so it was no surprise that taking his cock wasn’t as easy as taking his fingers. Daniel tensed, worried that at any second, the intense burn would cross over into actual pain.

  Colin’s hand trailed up Daniel’s side. “You okay?”


  “I’m not hurting you?”

  “No, it’s good,” he panted, wondering for the millionth time when the hell he’d run out of breath. “Keep . . . keep going.” Colin kept going, and Daniel closed his eyes, gripping the pillow as he tried to remember what breathing was. All his life he’d imagined being fucked as deep and hard as a man could go, and no one had even hinted at how amazing this would feel. How just that first inch, feeling that moment of penetration over and over, could be so deliciously intense.

  “Still feel good?” Colin asked.

  “Y-yeah. Holy . . .” Daniel shuddered hard. “Better than I expected.”

  “We’re just getting started, too.” Colin eased himself deeper, until his hips pressed against Daniel’s ass. His strokes stayed smooth and fluid, stretching Daniel, but not to the point of pain.

  Colin leaned down and wrapped an arm around him, and Daniel shivered. They were molded together again, touching everywhere they physically could, Colin’s hips pressed firmly against Daniel’s ass with that impressive cock as deep inside him as it could get.

  “Jesus.” Daniel breathed.

  Colin kissed the side of his neck as he started withdrawing slowly. He pushed back in, pulled out, in again, steadily picking up speed as he went.

  Daniel rocked back and forth a little, trying to complement Colin’s motions. He wasn’t hard anymore, which was weird because he was still turned on beyond belief. But . . . whatever. Colin was hard—so, so hard—and every stroke he took sent Daniel a little further out of his mind.

  Colin’s lips grazed Daniel’s ear. “How do you feel?”

  “Good,” was all Daniel could respond. There weren’t words to describe how incredible this was, and if there were, he’d forgotten them all. He was far too busy being overwhelmed by Colin. By his slick cock sliding in and out, hitting erogenous zones Daniel hadn’t even known existed. By hot, sweaty skin against his. By the ragged, unsteady breaths rushing past his neck. Somehow, he managed to slur, “Does it feel good? For you?”

  “You have no idea.” Colin breathed. “I want to fuck you so damn hard, but I’ll come if I do.”

  Those two images—getting fucked harder and feeling Colin come—made Daniel’s whole body tingle. He couldn’t figure out how to tell him to speed up, so he moved faster himself, rocking back and forth, hoping Colin would get the message.

  He did. He sat up, held Daniel’s hips tighter, and pounded him. Daniel struggled to hold himself up. Every impact knocked him forward, and the pure, electric pleasure had liquefied his bones.

  How the hell am I not hard?

  Whatever. He was too dizzy to care about anything except how this blew every fantasy he’d ever had right out of the water. He just closed his eyes and enjoyed the hell out of Colin’s cock, which definitely did not have the same problem his did.

  Colin whimpered, and a shudder interrupted his rhythm. Then another. “G-gonna . . . oh Christ . . .” His whole body jerked. He forced himself all the way into Daniel, knocking the breath out of him, and moaned, and Daniel swore he could feel Colin’s cock pulsing inside him.

  With a long sigh, Colin slumped over him. He pressed his feverish, sweat-dampened forehead to the back of Daniel’s shoulder. “Oh my God.”

  “Uh-huh.” Daniel hadn’t come, and his cock still wasn’t even hard, but he sure as hell felt amazing. “Gonna . . . gonna add that to the list of stuff I like.”

  “Good.” Colin laughed softly. “Because anytime you want to do this again, you just say the word.”

  “Will do.”

  Colin kissed the base of Daniel’s neck, then carefully pulled out. “Need to take care of the condom. Be right back.”

  “’kay.” Daniel dropped onto his back on the mattress.

  Colin grinned down at him and kissed him softly. “Don’t move.”

  With that, he was on his feet, and he disappeared into the bathroom. Alone, Daniel glanced down at his uncooperative dick, and swore under his breath. Now he was getting hard? What the hell? Was Colin going to be upset? Think he wasn’t really enjoying it? Oh Christ, had he actually found a way to fuck up being fucked?

  Colin came back a moment later. Daniel wanted to die of embarrassment, and he was about to start babbling some kind of explanation for his late-to-the-party hard-on, but Colin was on top of him again, and he kissed him, cutting off any stupidity that might’ve come tumbling out of Daniel’s lips. While they made out, Colin pushed Daniel’s hand out of the way and started stroking him, too, and Daniel was . . . he didn’t know what to think. He’d felt like an idiot a second ago, and now he was in seventh heaven again with Colin’s talented mouth and magic fingers sending him down a fast track to one hell of an orgasm.
  Abruptly, Colin broke the kiss, and then he moved, and then his lips were around Daniel’s cock, and Daniel couldn’t breathe enough to moan so all that came out was a helpless sigh, and then . . . and then, whoa, Colin’s fingers were inside him again. Whoa. Whoa! The combination of having his dick sucked while he was taking Colin’s fingers was mind-blowing. Two incredibly new and overwhelming sensations at the same time?

  His toes curled. His back arched. He tried to tell Colin he was about to come, but he couldn’t enunciate, so he just moaned and hoped that carried the message. It must have—Colin stroked him faster. Licked the head of his cock faster. Fucked him deeper with his fingers.

  And then came that crazy rush of sensations from earlier—Daniel, meet your prostate—and that was all she wrote.

  He closed his eyes. Sucked in a breath.

  And everything went white.

  Chapter 15

  Daniel sank back to the bed with one last shudder, and Colin grinned up at him.

  “Holy. Hell.” Daniel swept his tongue across his lips. “Fucking . . . amazing.”

  “Good. That’s how it should be.” Colin went to lie down beside him, but Daniel pulled him on top. He didn’t argue—he let himself be drawn down into Daniel’s arms and into a lazy, breathless kiss. Daniel may have been self-conscious of his lack of experience, but damn if he didn’t make up for it with enthusiasm.

  I could get hooked on you.

  “Feel okay?”

  “Uh-huh.” Daniel offered up an adorably sleepy grin. “That was awesome.” He paused, then slurred, “I think I could go for a shower.”

  “Good idea.” Colin brushed another soft kiss across Daniel’s lips before lifting himself enough to meet his gaze. “Can you stand?”

  “Uh. Maybe give me a minute.”

  “I’m sure we can keep ourselves occupied for a minute or two.”

  “Yeah?” Daniel combed his fingers through Colin’s hair. “How do you figure?”

  “Got an idea or two.” And Colin kissed him again. He loved this kind of kissing, when they were just enjoying it and not trying to get each other fired up for another round. They probably would go another round tonight, but for the moment, they could be lazy and languid and just kiss because why the hell not?

  When Daniel was apparently confident he could stand without his legs wobbling out from under him, he and Colin separated, and Colin guided him into the bathroom for a shower.

  Not surprisingly, as soon as they were under the hot, rushing water, they were right back to holding on and kissing. Getting clean could wait. Though Colin was completely satisfied after his powerful orgasm, he couldn’t keep his hands off Daniel.

  After a while, he broke the kiss, but sure as hell didn’t let go. “I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess you enjoyed yourself?”

  Daniel shivered. “It was better than I thought it would be.”

  “Good.” Colin pressed a quick kiss to his lips. “So you wouldn’t be opposed to doing it again?”

  “No,” Daniel said quickly. “And the sooner the better.”

  Colin laughed. “I thought so.” He slid his hands down over Daniel’s ass. “Then maybe we should finish up in here and get back to the bedroom.”

  “I like that idea.”

  After one more light kiss, they separated and actually focused on cleaning themselves up.

  Daniel tilted his head back and let the water rush through his hair and down his face. Then he brushed it out of his eyes and grinned. “God, that feels good.”

  “A shower?”

  “Mmhmm.” They switched places so Colin could rinse off, and Daniel went on. “I swear, before I joined the Navy, I had no idea how much a guy could appreciate a hot shower with actual water pressure.”


  Daniel nodded. “The ship is bad enough. Those improvised showers in the desert?” He wrinkled his nose. “They’re awful. I mean, if you’re using one, chances are it’s the first shower you’ve had in . . . a while. So it’s kind of nice because of that. It’s better than the alternative, you know?”

  “Yeah, sounds like it.” Colin paused to brush some water out of his eyes. “And here I thought I was roughing it when I had that godawful apartment in LA.”

  “While I was in combat in the damn desert, I would have sold my soul for a godawful LA apartment.”

  “I’ll bet you would have.”

  “At least I don’t have to stay on the ship all the time.”

  “Except when you’re deployed?”

  “No, no. Only when we’re actually at sea. When we’re in port, we can leave, and we don’t have to come back at night unless we have duty.”

  “Really? I didn’t know that.”

  “Yeah. Kept me sane, believe me. In fact, when I was on cruise, my buddies and I would get hotel rooms in every port just so we could take real showers.” He chuckled. “One guy couldn’t have overnight liberty until our very last port call. I swear, he spent half the night in the bathtub with a beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other.”

  Colin laughed. “Can’t really blame him, can you?”

  “No, definitely not. I practically did the same thing when I came home from Iraq. That first week I was home, I took the longest showers and naps of my life, and it was heaven.”

  “Who wouldn’t have? And your coworkers—they didn’t mind rooming with you? Knowing you’re gay?”

  “Nah. I mean, as far as they all knew, I had a boyfriend, but they didn’t care either way as long as I paid for my part of the room.”

  “That’s fair, I guess.”

  “Yeah. And then there was the guy who said he liked rooming with me because he could come back, drunk, with a girl, and know that if he passed out in the middle of it, he wouldn’t wake up and find me fucking her.”

  “Say what?” Colin cocked his head. “Is that something people do?”

  “Don’t know. But he was happy rooming together, so I didn’t ask questions.”

  “Smart move. Navy guys are weird.”

  “You have no idea.”

  They both laughed as they continued getting cleaned up. After they’d showered and dried, they returned to Colin’s bed. It was way too hot for blankets, so with the covers kicked over the footboard, they sprawled on top of the sheets. Which was perfect as far as Colin was concerned—he wasn’t about to pass up on opportunity to drink in the sight of Daniel’s gorgeous naked body.

  “Oh my God.” Daniel rolled onto his stomach. Face half-buried in the pillow, he exhaled. “I’m going to sleep like the dead tonight.”

  Colin laughed. “You and me both.” He followed the curve of Daniel’s spine with his palm. “You’re more than welcome to stay here if you want. Unless you need to get back to the ship.”

  “No, I don’t have to be back until tomorrow.”

  “Then I guess that means I have you all to myself tonight.”

  “I guess it does.” Daniel grinned, but faltered a little. His eyes darted away from Colin’s.

  “Something wrong?”

  “No. I mean, we . . .”

  “You . . . did enjoy what we did, right?”

  “Oh God, yeah. I loved it.” Daniel’s lips pulled tight. “But I, uh . . .”

  Colin touched his arm. “What’s wrong?”

  Daniel’s cheeks were still flushed from the shower, but they managed to darken a little anyway. “Did you enjoy it? I mean, did I . . .” He swore under his breath. “I just can’t believe I went soft while you were fucking me. I was totally enjoying it, but I—”

  “Oh, that’s normal.”

  Daniel blinked. “It is?”

  Colin held his gaze, then smiled sheepishly. He kissed Daniel’s shoulder. “That was my bad. I should’ve told you beforehand—not all guys stay hard while they’re on the bottom.”


  “Mmhmm. Totally normal. Hell if I know why, but”—he waved his hand—“it’s normal. Sometimes happens to me, too.”


  “So . . .” Colin grimaced apologetically. “Sorry. I really should’ve said something. I guess I was more worried about hurting you or something, and it didn’t—”

  “No.” Daniel sat up and kissed him gently. “It’s okay. I’m just glad I’m not broken.”

  “No. You are definitely not broken.” Colin pressed a longer kiss to Daniel’s lips, and when they separated, they exchanged smiles.

  Daniel ran his fingers through Colin’s hair. “What was your first time like?”

  “First time having sex? Or having anal?”

  Daniel shrugged. “Either, I guess.”

  “Eh, nothing to write home about.” Colin settled back on his side. “Put two teenagers together who have no idea what they’re doing, and it’s not going to be spectacular.”

  “Did it hurt?”

  Colin hesitated, but nodded. “Kind of, yeah. Like I said, we didn’t know what we were doing. The first couple of guys I was with were like that, too. But then when I was eighteen, I dated a guy who was . . .” He paused for a few seconds, then laughed. “Actually, now that I think about it, he was the same age I am now.”

  “Which is . . . ?”


  “Oh, right. You told me that before. Anyway, go on.”

  “Right, so.” Colin lay back on the pillows, lacing his fingers behind his head. “He wasn’t my first, but he was the first one I really enjoyed. I learned almost everything I know from him. How to make a partner relax. How to suck dick.”

  “And look at you now,” Daniel said with a playful grin, “passing that wisdom on to the next generation.”

  Colin laughed. “It’s completely selfless, I assure you.”

  “Uh-huh. Sure it is.” Daniel kissed him, and as he settled beside him, added, “Such a giver.”

  “I do try.”

  They both kind of dozed for a while, which didn’t surprise Colin in the least. Between the hot shower and the hotter sex, they were as relaxed as they could be.

  Daniel had moved onto his stomach, his face mostly hidden in the pillow, and he was just adorable. His hair was still damp and tousled. A hint of a five o’clock shadow darkened his jaw, and he had the longest eyelashes Colin had ever seen.


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