Back Piece

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Back Piece Page 25

by L. A. Witt

  You serious?


  There was no response for a minute or so. Daniel’s heart thumped—was Colin having second thoughts? Did he realize what a bad idea this was? Because God knew it was. A hot one, an irresistible one, but a dangerous as fuck one.

  Then a photo came through—a selfie of a grinning Colin with a strip of condoms and his car keys in his upraised hand. Below that: See you in 20.

  Daniel had to bite back a giddy, nervous laugh. Which . . . what the hell? They were adults, not a couple of teenagers who should be getting a thrill out of sneaking around behind their parents’ backs. He should’ve been able to tell his folks he’d sleep with whoever he wanted. But reality was what it was. And he had to admit, he did get a little thrill out of knowing his boyfriend was about to join him in this bed that was literally inches away from where his oblivious, homophobic family were staying. Maybe he was just catching up on all those teenage rites of passage he’d missed out on.

  He just had to wait the long, long twenty minutes it would take Colin to get here.

  Daniel pushed out a long, slow breath. Excitement tingled beneath his skin and burned through his veins. Twenty minutes. He’d waited three days. Would twenty more minutes kill him?

  He reached down to adjust the front of his pants, and just touching himself through his clothes nearly sent him through the roof.

  Yeah. Turned out twenty more minutes just might kill him.

  Chapter 25

  Colin didn’t know how many laws he broke on the way from Virginia Beach to Norfolk, and he didn’t care. No one had pulled him over. There’d only been a few cars out, and he’d passed them like they were going backward because he had to get to that motel right now.

  It wasn’t like he couldn’t go a few nights without sex, but the past few days without Daniel had been driving him nuts. Texting back and forth had helped, but it just wasn’t the same. When Daniel had extended that invitation, Colin had been halfway to his bedroom to get condoms before he’d finished responding.

  And finally, he was here at the semi run-down Jet On Inn.

  He locked the car and half-jogged across the narrow parking lot.

  Daniel’s room was between two others. The windows of one were dark. The lights in the other glowed behind the semi-opaque curtains, and a TV flickered. Which side belonged to Daniel’s parents, he had no idea, but he hoped like hell they were watching TV and wouldn’t hear a thing. Though he had every intention of being absolutely silent, he couldn’t make any guarantees. Not when he needed the man who was already giving him one hell of a hard-on.

  In the room Daniel had indicated, a single light burned faintly behind the curtains.

  Heart racing a million miles an hour, he stepped up to the door, and he went to knock, but the door was ajar, held open by the dead bolt. Colin double-checked it was absolutely the right room number, and then carefully pushed open the door, praying the hinges didn’t shriek.

  They didn’t. Soundlessly, the door opened, and this was definitely the right room, because there he was, lying back on the turned-down bed, completely naked with his hard cock in his hand.

  Oh yes. Oh God, yes.

  The TV was on, likely to drown out any noise they made, but Colin didn’t take any chances. Without making a sound, he turned the dead bolt and shut the door. On the way across the floor, he toed off his shoes and untucked his shirt, but that was as undressed as he could get before Daniel pulled him down onto the bed.

  God. Yes.

  They hadn’t kissed this frantically the first night they’d tumbled into bed together. Daniel’s fingers raked through his hair, and Colin pressed against him, carefully keeping from rubbing his jeans uncomfortably against Daniel’s naked cock while savoring the body heat radiating through his clothes from his naked skin.

  Abruptly, Daniel froze.

  Colin drew back. What’s wrong? he mouthed.

  Daniel’s eyes flicked toward the wall behind the headboard. For a few seconds, they were both still and silent, and Colin realized what had startled Daniel—even over the TV, the voices and movement on the other side of the wall were audible. Christ, these were thin walls.

  Their eyes met, and Daniel deflated slightly. In a barely audible whisper, he said, “I’m sorry.”

  “For what?” Colin tipped up his chin.

  “We’re adults, for fuck’s sake.” Daniel gestured at the wall. “We shouldn’t have to worry about my damn parents hearing us.”

  Colin pressed a soft kiss to Daniel’s lips. “And you shouldn’t have to be afraid of your family rejecting you.” Another kiss. “Nobody grows out of that.”

  “But I don’t want you to feel like—”

  Colin kissed him harder this time, and didn’t let up until Daniel wrapped his arms around him again. Touching his forehead to Daniel’s, Colin whispered, “Their hang-ups aren’t your fault. And I don’t blame you for flying under their radar right now.” He brushed his lips across Daniel’s again. “And I’m not going anywhere until you can’t move.”

  Daniel released a ragged breath as he pulled Colin down to claim another deep kiss, and he didn’t stop. He tugged at Colin’s shirt, and Colin sat up just long enough to peel it off before he came back down to pick up where they’d left off.

  Colin rose, fully intending to suggest they get the rest of these clothes out of the way, but their eyes locked. And they both paused. Their hearts were pounding and their dicks were hard, but this was something else. Daniel touched Colin’s cheek. Colin smoothed Daniel’s hair. There were voices and subtle noise from the other room, but they seemed miles away. Nothing outside this room existed anymore.

  “God I’ve missed you,” Daniel whispered. He wrapped his arms around him, and Colin buried his face against his neck. They were both still and silent, just holding on.

  I can’t even tell you how much I missed you.

  And I want you to feel so good tonight, you forget everything else.

  He kissed the side of Daniel’s neck. Then a little lower. Oh, he had every intention of turning Daniel on as much as possible, but he was also memorizing every curve and plane. It would be another week before he could have him like this again, and every time his lips brushed Daniel’s skin, he was less sure he’d make it through that week.

  He pressed a soft kiss on the swallow he’d drawn on Daniel’s chest. Not to admire his own handiwork, but to feel the slightly raised lines and reassure himself for the millionth time that this was real, and he really was in bed with the man who’d been occupying his thoughts nonstop.

  He continued down, dropping more soft kisses on Daniel’s smooth abs.

  Daniel squirmed. “You have any idea how hard it is to keep quiet when you do that?”

  “Gonna be a lot tougher here in a second.”

  “Oh fuck . . .”

  Colin hesitated. “Actually, this might be a good time to try some sixty-nine.”

  Daniel’s eyes widened. “I thought you didn’t like that.”

  “It’s not my favorite thing, but I’m pretty sure we can both stay quiet with dicks in our mouths.”

  A full-body shudder went right through Daniel. “Okay. Yeah.” He nodded. “I’m good with that.”

  “Thought you would be.”

  Colin got up and kicked off the rest of his clothes. He lay across the bed on his side and motioned for Daniel to do the same in the opposite direction. After that, Daniel didn’t need any coaching or coaxing—as soon as he was settled, he cupped Colin’s ass and took his cock between those eager, talented lips. Colin did the same, and Jesus, as much as sixty-nine wasn’t his favorite thing in the world, it sure had some appeal tonight. There wasn’t a lot he wouldn’t have done tonight as long as they were naked together, and sucking Daniel’s dick while he returned the favor was amazing.

  He rocked his hips a little—not enough for the bed to make a sound, but enough to fuck Daniel’s mouth. Daniel moaned softly, the vibration nearly turning Colin inside out, and he took Daniel�
��s cock deeper into his own mouth.

  Damn, maybe he’d been wrong about this position after all. Sure, it was hard to focus on his own technique while Daniel was licking and sucking him, but holy shit, it felt good.

  Daniel suddenly stopped, though, and as he started to sit up, Colin did the same.


  “Fuck me,” Daniel whispered.

  Colin shivered. “We better get a condom.”

  “Uh-huh.” But Daniel pulled him into another kiss. Colin was no closer to getting the condom or the lube, or getting his cock into Daniel, but . . . oh hell, who cared?

  Daniel, apparently, because he pushed himself back and panted, “Condom.”

  “On it.” Colin made short work of putting on the condom, and Daniel made sure it was well-coated with lube. As he stroked it onto Colin’s dick, he kissed him, and Colin wasn’t so sure they’d get to fucking before they both fell apart. With Daniel’s body up against his, and his hungry kiss, and the way he was stroking him even through the condom . . .

  “I’ve been needing this,” he murmured between kisses.

  “You and me both,” Daniel panted. “We haven’t gone this long . . . since we started.”

  “No, we haven’t.” Colin slid his tongue past Daniel’s lips, and Daniel stroked him harder. “Another day or two, we might’ve caused a fire.”

  “Might’ve? There’s still time to cause one tonight.”

  “Then we’d better not wait.” He gestured at the mattress. “Hands and knees. Before I come.”

  Daniel grinned. “Glad I’m not the only one.”

  “No, you’re not. I’m not coming ’til I’m in you, though.”

  “Oh God . . .” Daniel shivered hard. “Yes, please.” Without another word, he turned onto his hands and knees.

  Colin positioned himself behind him. As he eased his cock into Daniel, he glanced at the wall. The ugly wallpaper and bland pastel painting barely seemed substantial. It was like a flimsy plywood stage set. As if one hard smack of the headboard might send it toppling over, and when the dust settled, Daniel’s parents would have an unobstructed view of their tattooed son eagerly taking a dick in his ass.

  Guilt nearly made Colin pull out and rock back on his heels with “maybe we shouldn’t” on his lips, but in that exact moment, Daniel shivered. He gave a whisper of “oh . . . God . . .” that was so soft, no one in the world could have heard it except Colin, and guilt evaporated in favor of the irresistible need to be all the way inside Daniel.

  Slowly, somehow silently, he continued easing himself deeper. As Colin pushed all the way in, Daniel’s head fell forward, and his shoulders quivered with tension, as if he were struggling to stay in control.

  Colin dug his teeth into his lip to keep himself quiet. He ran his hands up Daniel’s back, tracing over his tattoo-in-progress and his powerful muscles.

  How did I get so lucky? And how am I going to stay sane before I have you like this again?

  I can’t go that long without touching you.

  He leaned down and wrapped an arm around Daniel’s waist. Slowly—painfully slowly—he rocked his hips, sliding in and out in long, smooth strokes.

  “Fuck.” Daniel breathed near-silently.

  “Feel good?”

  “Uh-huh.” Daniel turned his head, and their lips met. Colin slowed his strokes, then stopped, and for the longest time, they were both still—Colin buried deep inside while they lazily kissed.

  With a subtle rocking movement, Daniel urged him back into motion. Colin couldn’t resist, and started complementing that rocking, gradually picking up speed until he couldn’t even try to kiss him anymore. He was too busy fucking him. Pulling out, thrusting in as hard as he dared on this bed that threatened to give them away at any moment.

  He couldn’t help releasing a sharp huff of breath, and in the same moment, a soft moan escaped Daniel’s lips. Fuck. Much more of this, and keeping quiet would be off the menu, but Daniel felt so good. Stop? Not a chance.

  He clapped his hand over Daniel’s mouth, and he buried his own face against Daniel’s neck. Every time he tried to pick up speed, the mattress gave a subtle warning creak, and he didn’t dare find out how loud these springs could get. Or test whether he or Daniel could really stay quiet once orgasms took over, or if the TV would be enough noise to drown them out.

  He slowed down, loosened his grasp on Daniel’s mouth, and whispered, “I have an idea.”


  “Bathroom.” He sat up carefully and pulled out. “Come on.”

  On shaky legs, Daniel rose, too, and they hurried into the cramped bathroom on the opposite side of the room. There was no shared wall with his parents’ room from here, thank God.

  Colin turned on the bath. “Shut the door.”

  With the door closed and the water running, Colin bent Daniel over the sink and . . . oh . . . yes. He was back inside him, deep inside him, thrusting inside him, and though they couldn’t be as loud as they wanted, there was a little more leeway now. The sink didn’t creak like the bed did. Colin’s skin smacking against Daniel’s wouldn’t carry over the bathtub’s noise.

  Daniel moaned. Colin could barely hear him, but the vibration of Daniel’s voice drove him on. With the roar of the bath’s faucet hopefully masking the sounds they made, Colin didn’t hold back anymore. He bit his lip to keep from crying out, but he fucked Daniel hard and deep, just the way he’d been aching to. Tomorrow, when Daniel was out with his family, Colin wouldn’t be there, but Daniel would damn sure feel him.

  “Oh God,” he whispered in Daniel’s ear. “Oh God, I’m . . . gonna . . .”

  Daniel rolled his hips, and it was a subtle motion, but holy hell, it was perfect. Colin’s eyes rolled back. His knees trembled, and his toes curled on the hard floor, and he pressed his face against Daniel’s neck again just in case he couldn’t keep himself quiet and . . . fuck . . .

  He dug his teeth in. Daniel whimpered. Colin thrust into him so hard he nearly knocked them both off balance. Then again. And again. Trying . . . to get . . . just a little . . . deeper.

  One last shudder rocked him, and then he sagged against Daniel. “Oh wow.” His legs were unsteady for a few seconds, but once he was sure they’d stay under him, he kissed the side of Daniel’s neck. “Turn around and stay right there.” Then he pulled out and got rid of the condom.

  Daniel obediently turned around. He leaned against the counter, legs shaking and his rock-hard erection just begging for some attention.

  Colin shut off the bath so they wouldn’t waste too much water, and went to his knees on the cold floor at Daniel’s feet. Daniel gasped as Colin took his cock into his mouth, and again when Colin slid two fingers into his well-fucked ass and bent them. Daniel gripped Colin’s hair, tugging just enough to sting, and though he barely made a sound, his ragged breathing told Colin all he needed to know—he was absolutely on the edge. Yes. God yes.

  Colin teased and stroked him as fast and as hard as he could, and Daniel’s breath hitched. His palm smacked against the wall, sending a jolt of panic through Colin that was gone as quickly as it had come, and released a whispered curse. He jerked once, then again, and his hole tightened around his fingers and his cock thickened between Colin’s lips, and a rush of hot semen flooded Colin’s mouth.

  Colin didn’t let up until Daniel nudged his forehead away, and only then did he withdraw his fingers and sit back. He swept his tongue across his lips as he watched Daniel slump against the sink, panting and trembling, exactly like he wanted him to be.

  After a moment, Colin rose, wincing as his knees cracked from being on the hard floor. As soon as he was on his feet, Daniel pulled him close and kissed him.

  “I needed that,” he said. “And now I know what you mean about trying to have quiet sex without getting caught.”

  Colin laughed. “It’s stressful, but it’s still hot.”

  “Oh yeah. It was definitely hot. Just like on the boat. But . . .” Daniel sighed. “It’s the
worst part of being closeted, to be honest.” He frowned at the wall dividing this room from the next one. “It’s like being stuck as a kid. Like you’re . . . stunted, I guess.”

  “You’re not stunted.”

  “No, but look at us—whispering and sneaking around. We’re twenty-six and thirty-one, for God’s sake. Not fifteen.”

  “And you’re a normal human being who doesn’t want to fuck up his relationship with his parents.” Colin smoothed his hair. “In your shoes, I’d be trying to keep this under wraps, too.”

  Daniel avoided his eyes. “Maybe. But if you want to bail on going out with us on Monday, it’s fine.”

  “No, I don’t. Seems to me like you could use the support.”

  “I do. But I’m not sure if that’s asking too much.”

  “I’ll decide if it is.” Colin tipped up Daniel’s chin. “And it’s not. I promise.”

  Daniel held his gaze for a moment, then slowly let a smile come to life. “Thank you.” He wrapped his arms around Colin and drew him closer. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you.”

  “Doesn’t matter. You’re stuck with me.”


  Colin kissed him softly, then pulled him close and just held him. As he did, he glared over Daniel’s shoulder at the wall between the rooms.

  I’m not sure what I did to deserve you, but those assholes?

  He kissed Daniel’s temple and held on tighter.

  They sure as fuck don’t deserve you.

  Chapter 26

  Church pews weren’t known for being comfortable. And after Daniel had spent part of the night before taking an enthusiastic and well-endowed man like Colin? Definitely not.

  He fidgeted as subtly as he could. Sitting here didn’t hurt or anything, but he definitely felt every thrust from last night. And that was to say nothing of the faint tenderness in his lips from all that long-overdue kissing, or the odd twinge in his neck or hips. He couldn’t move—hell, he couldn’t exist—without some nerve endings lighting up with a lingering glow of Colin.


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