Ha'ven's Song

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Ha'ven's Song Page 7

by Smith, S. E.

  I can’t eat all of this, she silently told him in exasperation. You don’t need to fill my plate like I’m a child. You keep putting too much on it.

  Ha’ven reached out to run his fingers along her cheek. He paused when she jerked back and turned her head away from his touch. He dropped his hand to his lap and clenched his fist in frustration.

  “When will you give me permission to touch you?” He growled out in a low voice.

  Emma turned to look up at him with dark, troubled eyes. Never, she whispered back.

  Ha’ven’s eyes darkened with frustration and suppressed desire. Every night for the past eight nights he had fought against the growing hunger deep inside him. The need to claim her was growing to unbearable levels. Each night, he craved the feel of her soft skin against his and the sweet taste of her lips again.

  “That is not the answer I want, Emma,” he growled out, standing to look out over the ocean. “I cannot keep my promise forever. I have to return to Ceran-Pax for a few days to take care of several issues,” he said before turning to look at her. “When I return, you will be mine. I give you these few days to accept that. My promise will be over.”

  Then it is best if you do not return, Emma responded, standing up and looking at him with a determined tilt to her chin. I don’t want to see you again. If you do return, I want you to leave me alone.

  I could no more leave you alone as I could stop breathing, Ha’ven growled out silently. I have claimed you, Emma. You have a week to accept that or not. But I promise, when I return you will be leaving with me.

  Creon has promised me his protection. You can’t claim me against my will, she responded passionately before she turned and bolted for the safety of her rooms.

  “I already have, misha petite,” Ha’ven growled out possessively as he watched her flee into the darkness. I already have, he repeated silently, making sure she heard the resolve in his promise.

  Chapter 8

  A knock on the door pulled her head around. She frowned as it drew her from her thoughts of her last meeting with Ha’ven almost a week ago. He said he would return to Valdier in another two days but Emma was sure that he had forgotten all about her and his silly claim by now. After all, what could a man like him possibly want with someone as messed up as her?

  I should never have let him inside. I should know better. It only hurts when I start to care about someone else. They will only leave me, she thought as she turned to look back out the window. He will have realized by now that my turning him down was for the best.

  Whoever was at the door would go away when she didn’t answer it. It wasn’t like she was expecting anyone, anyway. All the women had already been by to see her. They had made a habit of visiting with her for a few hours each day since Sara left.

  Trisha was the last one to come see her for the day. She had stopped by a short time ago with her son, Bálint. Emma had smiled at the serious expression on the infant’s face as he stared back at her. He looked like he trying to figure out who she was.

  He was so different from Cara’s two little ones who were into everything. She couldn’t resist smiling when the little golden symbiot on his arm changed into a pacifier when he started fussing as he grew tired. There was just something magical about it.

  Trisha told Emma about escaping into the woods outside the palace not long after she came to Valdier. Emma had listened in fascination as Trisha talked about how she had hidden from Kelan and the trackers pursuing her for days before she ‘tagged’ them. Emma smiled as she thought about how frustrated Kelan must have been when he couldn’t capture Trisha.

  She sighed in relief when whoever was at the door didn’t knock again. Her thoughts drifted once again to Ha’ven. She had done the right thing when she told him to leave her alone. He had probably found someone else anyway. Someone who was beautiful and strong.

  She had overheard some of the women who came in to clean her quarters talking about him. Two of them even had the nerve to brag about how great a lover he was in front of her! Silent rage built when one of the women complained that he hadn’t asked for her when he was here last week. The other joked that it was because he had been with her. Jealousy and hurt burned inside Emma even when the woman finally admitted that it was Adalard that she had been with instead.

  Emma turned when a movement out of the corner of her eye drew her attention back to the door. She started in fear when the form of a man suddenly began forming just inside of it. Her mouth opened to scream before she snapped it shut as the form solidified. Fury blazed in her eyes instead as they met the mocking, yet determined, violet eyes of the male she had just been thinking about.


  Ha’ven stood outside the door to the living quarters of his mate and waited to see if she would answer the door. He shifted impatiently as nothing but silence greeted him. He had left the following day after she ran from him but not before he had tried several times to talk to her. Frustration ate at him when she refused to see him. Hell, she even refused to answer his silent requests! The last time he tried to see her Abby had answered the door and said it was up to Emma if she wanted Ha’ven to enter. A locked bedroom door had been his answer.

  Out of desperation, he had slipped into her mind when she finally fell into an exhausted sleep right before he and Adalard departed. Agony and sorrow burned deep into his soul as her vivid dreams filled his mind. The pain, fear and overwhelming grief had been suffocating. Held in the grasp of her memories, he had done what he could to soothe her but even then, she refused to let him ease her pain.

  He had cursed violently as they lifted off to return to Ceran-Pax. He hadn’t wanted to leave without Emma but he had promised her a week to come to terms with his intentions. Creon had told Kelan and Zoran about his claim on her. They understood his feelings but their mates had not. Abby, Carmen and Trisha were concerned about Emma’s continued silence and fragile mental and physical health. Zoran had reluctantly given his permission for him to court Emma but he stressed she had to be willing. He had agreed to the terms before he realized just how stubborn and uncooperative Emma could be.

  If Bahadur hadn’t returned with two rebels from the hidden base Arrow had discovered he would never have had to leave. He thought for sure he was on the verge of wearing her down that last night before she ran from him. Now, he decided both rebels could have taken a page out of his mate’s book when it came to being obstinate.

  The rebels had been stubborn but Ha’ven had learned a thing or two about torture during his time on Hell. Both men had eventually revealed additional names. He had ordered Arrow, Adalard and Bahadur to work on finding them while he returned to Valdier for Emma.

  Just a few days away from her showed him that the emptiness inside him grew to irrepressible levels. He was done with waiting. He was done with making promises that separated him from his mate. He needed to get her away from Valdier where she could hide in her living quarters and behind the royal family. He needed to take her back to Ceran-Pax where she would be under his control.

  “No more hiding, misha petite,” Ha’ven said taking a step toward where Emma was standing glaring at him. “You have hidden from me for the last time.”

  “Get out!” Emma whispered in a rusty, shaky voice surprised that she could remember how to talk. “Get out!” She repeated a little stronger this time.

  “So you can speak when you want,” Ha’ven said mockingly. “I thought we would live our lives in blissful silence.”

  Emma’s eyes blazed with uncontrollable fury as she thought about what the two women said about him and his ‘skills’. She looked wildly around her. Snatching up an empty cup on the table, she turned and raised her arm.

  “I wouldn’t if I were you,” Ha’ven bit out, his eyes narrowing on the cup in her hand.

  Emma pulled back and threw it as hard as she could at him. Unfortunately, she was not a very good shot. The cup shattered a foot from where he was standing. Growling out in rage, she darted toward the hallway leading
to her bedroom. She skidded to a stop when Ha’ven’s huge frame stepped in front of her. Twisting, she darted around the couch.

  “You are going to be difficult, aren’t you?” Ha’ven said, releasing a sigh. “You do realize most women would give anything to be in your position.”

  “Go… find one of them then,” Emma forced out slowly. “I… I’m not interested. I know where… you can find… a couple who are,” she retorted angrily.

  Ha’ven threw his head back and laughed. Never had he had to chase a female before and to be told one was not interested in him was… strange. He grunted when a pillow from the couch hit him in the face.

  His eyes widened when he saw she had a figurine to throw next. He looked warily at her as she pulled back and let loose, barely ducking out of the way. Her aim was definitely improving. He dodged when she picked up a large bowl and threw it next.

  Cursing, he went one way trying to catch her only for her to go the other. She was determined to keep the couch between them and find anything loose that she could throw at him. When she raced to the dining area, he jumped over the back of the couch and chased after her.

  “Ouch! That hurt!” He growled when she tipped a chair in front of him and it landed on his foot. “Will you stay still?” Emma ignored him and continued pulling the chairs over as she rounded the table.

  “Never!” She said breathlessly when she saw him heading in the opposite direction. “Not until... you... disappear back to where you came from… like you did… before.”

  Ha’ven growled in frustration as she tipped another chair in front of him before turning and quickly jumping the ones that were lying on the floor. His foot caught in one and he almost went face first into the floor.

  “That’s it,” he snapped as he pushed up.

  With a wave of his hand, chairs began flying out of his way. Emma’s eyes widened as they began moving on their own. She let out a loud scream and turned. She ran as fast as she could to her bedroom.

  Slamming the door and twisting the locks, she backed up as she heard his booted feet against the polished tile. She glanced frantically around looking for a weapon she could use against him. A decorative sword was set against the far wall. She rushed to it. Rising up, she groaned in frustration when she realized she was too short to reach it. Turning, she raced for the chair near the vanity. Pulling the heavy chair across the floor, she pushed it up against the wall and quickly climbed up onto it. She was shaking from head to toe as she yanked on the heavy piece of metal. It came free at the same time as the doors leading into her room burst open, hitting the wall with a resounding bang.

  Emma grunted as the sword came free, almost toppling her off the chair. She turned on the narrow seat and tried to hold the large weapon in front of her but it was too heavy for her to lift. She glared at the huge male standing in the doorway with his hands on his hips and a dark scowl on his face.

  “You are the most aggravating, stubborn and hard-headed female I have ever met,” Ha’ven bit out. “Why are you fighting me? I told you I was claiming you when I returned.”

  Emma let the heavy sword rest on the edge of the chair. She looked at the male who actually looked like he was confused that she was not jumping into his arms. He honestly didn’t understand why she was running from him. If she wasn’t so angry and confused herself she might have found the situation funny.

  “I want you… to leave me… alone,” she forced out quietly. “I don’t know why… you won’t. You could ha… have any woman you want. Why are you… picking on me?”

  Ha’ven looked at the petite figure standing on the chair holding a large war sword between her slender hands and biting her lower lip. Her eyes were huge and she looked as confused as he felt. He slowly took a step toward her, biting back a chuckle when she tried to raise the sword that had to weigh more than she did. With a wave of his hand, the sword disappeared as he stepped in front of her.

  “What…? How…?” Her shocked words echoed in the room.

  “There is much you will need to learn, my Emma” Ha’ven answered quietly. “The first is there is only one woman for me and you are her. I thought I had shown you that during our nights together.”

  A loud banging from the outer rooms drew his attention. Shouts sounded as evidence of their struggle drew the attention of more guards. In the background he heard Creon and Kelan’s voices. It was time to take his mate and leave before they thought to stop him.

  Ha’ven wrapped his hands around her tiny waist and pulled her off the chair ignoring her squeal of protest. He turned just as Creon and Kelan stepped into the room, their swords drawn and their symbiots in the shape of huge Werecats.

  “Ha’ven!” Creon said in disbelief before his eyes narrowed. “Release her.”

  “I think not,” Ha’ven replied darkly.

  “Let me… go,” Emma breathed out as the thick arms pulled her closer. “Help… me,” she pleaded, looking at Creon. “You promised… you’d protect me.”

  Creon’s eyes darkened at the plea. “Ha’ven,” he said, taking a step closer. “She has asked for my help. I have promised. I cannot deny her request.”

  Ha’ven’s eyes narrowed as his friend raised his sword. “Six months,” he said suddenly. “Give me six months. If she wishes to return still, I will return her to you.”

  “No,” Kelan began to say before Creon put his left hand out to stop him from moving any further.

  “You will not force her to accept you,” Creon argued. “She has to accept you of her own free will.”

  “Creon,” Kelan began again.

  Creon looked at his brother. “She is his mate,” he said quietly. “She has spoken. She responds to him.”

  “No!” Emma wailed pushing against the arms imprisoning her. “You... promised you would protect… me. You can’t do this. I don’t want to… go.”

  Creon turned back to look at Emma who was glaring at him through tear-filled eyes. He didn’t see fear in her eyes. He saw anger. He knew if she remained here that she would never heal or learn to accept her new life. In a way, it was much as it had been with him and Carmen. They had been forced to live again.

  “Six months starting today. Take her,” Creon bit out harshly and turned away.

  “Creon,” Kelan began one last time. “Our mates are going to skin us alive, not to mention Paul when he and Dola return.”

  Creon glanced toward Ha’ven and Emma. He stopped in shock to see they were already gone. He looked around puzzled. He had not seen a transport beam initialize in the room.

  Ha’ven must have another new toy, he thought in disgust.

  “Would you have walked away from Trisha?” Creon asked turning back to look at Kelan.

  Kelan shook his head in resignation. “No,” he acknowledged heavily. “No more than you could walk away from Carmen. I just hope he knows what he is getting into.”

  Creon looked up at the wall where the ancient war sword hung. If he had to guess, he would think the female who had been half dead had been doing her best to get it down in order to use it on his friend. He couldn’t hold back the chuckle that escaped as he imaged Ha’ven’s face if she had been successful.

  “Personally, I don’t think he has a clue. I just wish I could be there to see how he handles it,” Creon replied.

  A moment later, Kelan’s chuckles joined Creon’s as they both remembered their own trials and tribulations while trying to court their mates. If the human female had decided she was ready to join the living again, Creon figured his friend was going to need all the help and time he could get. With a sigh, he motioned for one of the guards to notify the servants in charge of Emma’s living area that it needed to be righted and that their mistress was temporarily away.

  Yes, Creon thought as he saw his mate and Trisha heading toward them with grim expressions on their faces. Ha’ven has no idea the fury he may have just unleashed.

  Chapter 9

  “I hate… you!” Emma growled out hitting Ha’ven in the back with her
fist as hard as she could as he carried her on-board a small spaceship. “I hate you. I hate you. I hate you!”

  Ha’ven grimaced as he walked down the narrow passageway to the bridge where he set her down forcefully in the co-pilot seat of the small transport. He caught her hands as she swung at him. Unfortunately, he wasn’t quite fast enough to miss her foot which connected with his stomach. If he hadn’t bent over to grab her arms, he would have been in a lot more pain.

  “Will you stay still?” He growled out as he slipped a strap over her shoulder. “I don’t want to break you. You are too small and thin.”

  Emma glared up at him as he pulled the strap tighter. “Well, if you don’t like what you see you can always zap me back to where you got me. I didn’t ask to come with you, you… you… overgrown ox.”

  Ha’ven pulled back and glared down at Emma’s furious face. If he wasn’t so damn horny he would have been furious himself. Instead, the sight of her flushed face, flashing eyes and pouting lips were begging him to do things he didn’t have time to do… yet. The moment he could program the return trip into the sleek transport, he was taking her back to his cabin.

  “You are so beautiful,” he muttered, shocking them both. That had NOT been what he had planned to say. “We will be underway soon,” he added gruffly sitting back in his seat.

  “I don’t want to be underway,” Emma whispered looking at him as he sat across from her. “I just want…”

  Ha’ven glanced at Emma as her voice faded and she looked down at her clenched fists. He saw them tremble and a moment later, a small drop of moisture glistened on one hand. He cursed silently and turned back toward her. Cupping her trembling chin in his large palm, he was amazed at the difference between them. His darker skin was a dramatic contrast to her fair complexion. He gently tilted her chin up, forcing her to look into his eyes.

  “I will not hurt you, little one,” he promised in a husky voice. “I could never hurt you.”


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