Ha'ven's Song

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Ha'ven's Song Page 12

by Smith, S. E.

  “Please,” she whispered. “Please, I don’t want to die. I just found a reason to live. I have to save us. Please, please help me.”

  She didn’t know who she was asking for help from, just that she needed to hear her own voice to help calm her. She slowly opened her eyes and was stunned to see her hands shining with a soft pink glow. As she pushed on the latch, a strand of black rose up and circled her hands. Warmth flooded her and she knew that subconsciously Ha’ven was keeping his promise to protect her.

  The latch slid down and the hatch burst open. The rush of water pushed her back before a surge lifted them up and through the hatch. Emma quickly wrapped her arms back around Ha’ven and kicked upward.

  She breathed a sigh when they broke the surface of the water. She saw they were only about ten meters from the shoreline. Rolling Ha’ven onto his back, she wrapped an arm around his neck and began kicking. She was breathless and trembling with fatigue by the time she could touch the bottom. Stumbling forward, she pulled Ha’ven as far as she could out of the water before collapsing down beside him.

  She reached up and gently pulled on the mask, hoping against hope that the environment was conducive for them. She held her breath as long as she could before she inhaled deeply. Sweet, fragrant air filled her burning lungs.

  “Thank you,” she mumbled, lowering her head in relief. “Thank you for looking out for us.”

  She turned and quickly pulled the mask off of Ha’ven. She touched his face looking for any other signs of trauma. Except for still being very pale, he looked like he was in a deep sleep. She could only hope that was a good sign as she knew next to nothing about first aid except for how to take care of minor cuts and burns.

  She forced herself to stand and looked around. It looked like they had crashed along a huge lake. The nose of the transport was barely visible. The water was crystal clear and she could easily see the outline of the transport. The beach was covered in soft, colorful pebbles. As far as she could see, huge forests surrounded the area. Her eyes swept upward. She saw the huge red planet like a full moon shining during the day while the sky was a soft mixture of red, pinks, yellows, and purples.

  “Ha’ven,” she whispered as she watched a flock of large birdlike creatures fly over the lake in the distance. “This is so beautiful. I wish you would wake up so you could see this. I’ve never seen anything like it before.”

  She slowly sank down next to him in the shallow water. It was still cold but not as bad as it had been. She didn’t know if she was just numb from what had happened or if she had grown use to the temperature.

  She scooted closer so she could cradle his head on her lap. Brushing his hair back, she looked down at his peaceful face. He was a very complex man, she decided. She had seen so many different images of him. The tenderness he showed the older woman in his dreams. The love he showed his brothers. The tenderness and protectiveness he had shown to her last night. Yet, she had also seen images of him being tortured and the cold determination when the other warships attacked them.

  “Who are you?” She whispered as she tenderly outlined his face. “What do you want from me? You make me crazy. I don’t understand any of this. When you touch me, I feel strange… wonderful and safe and warm. But, I don’t understand why you would choose me.”

  Emma looked over her shoulder when she heard a noise coming from the forest behind them. Her arms tightened protectively around the man who had sworn to keep her safe. Her heart raced as several large furry beasts slowly lumbered out of the thick foliage. They looked like huge Mammoths from Earth’s distant past only they had one large horn in the center of their forehead and no long trunk.

  Her mouth opened in surprise as they halted, forming a small cluster. It was not just the beasts that caused her heart to nervously flutter; it was what was on their backs. She carefully lowered Ha’ven’s head down to the ground before scrambling to stand in front of him.

  She shivered as a light wind danced across her wet skin. She stood gazing at what were obviously the local inhabitants of this strange but beautiful world. Her heart skipped when several of the creatures slid off the huge beasts and started walking toward her, sharp spears in their hands.

  Chapter 15

  “Find them!” Kejon snarled out, looking in fury at the captain of the Marastin Dow warship he had paid handsomely for. “I don’t want excuses. I want that Curizan Prince’s head on a platter.”

  The captain of the Traitor’s Run looked coldly back at Kejon. He would gladly have slit the Curizan’s throat if he could have but the man was too powerful. The former captain of the Traitor’s Run found that out when he was suddenly on the outside of the warship... without protective gear… instead of the inside.

  “He must have done something to the Jumpgate. You saw the amount of energy the scanners were picking up. We should have come out just inside the Curizan star system. According to our sensors, we are halfway to the Yardell Spaceport,” Captain Tylis replied stiffly. “That is impossible but the sensors are not wrong. No ships are being picked up by the long range scanners.”

  Kejon glared at the captain before ordering one of the Ensigns at the navigation console to move. He sat down in front of the console and studied the information pouring in. His fist tightened in frustration as the information confirmed what Tylis had just told him.

  He pulled up a map of the star system. He knew it like the back of his hand. It had been his job to know every possible habitable moon and planet for two reasons. The first, to know where rebels might hide once Ben’qumain had overthrown the current ruling family. The second was for a more personal reason. He wanted an escape route should Ben’qumain fail.

  His gaze narrowed on a huge red planet slightly set off the normal trade route. It was a huge desert planet known for its metal ore mining and export. It had two small moons. Both were habitable which made it unusual. One was a primarily water covered world while the other was a lush planet with an indigenous population that was not known for welcoming visitors to its world. He knew because he had barely made it off the moon alive.

  Those were the only three places that they could have sought to hide on besides the Spaceport. He still had one contact on Yardell. He would have Bushnell see if the transport docked. He would order the Traitor’s Run to send down scouts to the planet and the moons.

  “Prepare three transports. I want one to search each of these locations thoroughly,” Kejon said pointing to the red planet and two moons. “I will hold you personally responsible if they should fail.”

  Captain Tylis’ eyes narrowed at the barely veiled threat. “Done,” he snapped, turning away and issuing the order to prepare the armored transports.

  He could only hope that Kejon did find the Curizan Prince he was looking for. Anyone powerful enough to bend space and time was someone he had no desire to confront. If the bastard who had taken over his warship wanted to confront such a powerful male, let him die.

  I have my own battles to deal with, Tylis thought as the cryptic message he had received earlier flashed through his mind.


  Rayon I

  “I don’t like this,” Adalard growled. “It has been two days and we still haven’t received word from Ha’ven. He should have answered us by now.”

  Arrow looked up from the tablet he held. He had been running the calculations over and over. In theory, the combined energy should have taken his brother close to the Yardell Spaceport. It could also have blown him to smithereens.

  “What did General Tiruss say? Have you heard from Bahadur?” Arrow asked gruffly as he looked over his calculations again.

  Adalard dropped into the seat across from his twin. He rubbed a tired hand over his face before looking expectantly at Arrow. He was the science whiz of the family. Adalard was just good at killing… and making love to beautiful women.

  “Yes,” he replied heavily. “Tiruss said nothing came through the Jumpgate in Sector Twelve. Bahadur got word from his contact on Yardell that Kejon
has one of his informants looking for Ha’ven. One of the freighters reported that an unidentified transport entered Sector Thirty before disappearing off his sensor. He suspected it might have crashed on the red mining planet or one of its moons. He never received a distress signal so he assumed it was an abandoned transport and continued on his way.”

  Arrow nodded thoughtfully. “If Ha’ven had to release the energy he was harnessing due to pulling too much through it that would explain why he was short of his destination.”

  Adalard raised an eyebrow at Arrow. “Can you explain that in plain Curizan for me?” He asked dryly.

  Arrow grinned. “You should have paid more attention during your studies instead of chasing all those girls,” he teased. “From what Bahadur said, it looks like Kejon is on the outer edge of Sector Thirty. If he entered the Jumpgate just as Ha’ven was focusing the energy he was pulling from it, Kejon could have piggybacked on it. The strain would have been too much for anyone, including Ha’ven. He would have had to release it or die as that much energy would feel like it was pulling him apart. It still would have propelled him ahead of Kejon because he entered first. When he released it, the gravitational pull of the red planet would have sucked him closer to the planet while Kejon’s warship wasn’t due to being released further back.”

  “So you are telling me we are now four days out from Ha’ven, who might or might not be injured from either the pull of this enormous amount of energy or crashing while Kejon is just a day?” Adalard growled out in a low, deadly voice.

  Arrow’s smile faded as he nodded. “Yes,” he confirmed. “We need to push the Rayon I. I’ve made some modifications. We can probably shave a day to a day and a half off the trip.”


  Ha’ven grimaced as he felt the touch on his forehead again. It felt like someone was stabbing him with the end of their finger right in the center of it. It wouldn’t have been so bad except his head still felt like it was about to explode.

  By the third time, he’d had enough of it. He moved with lightning quick reflexes, grabbing the offending appendage as it poked him again. His eyes snapped open. A loud moan filled the air as a bright shaft of light struck his eyes and speared straight through to his brain. He was about to close his eyes again to block out the added pain when a furry white nose touched his.

  “Do you mind?” He growled out in a low voice as he stared eye to eye the creature above him.

  A low chuckle was his answer as the creature sat back. Ha’ven almost changed his mind and asked the creature to put his ugly nose back in front of him. He would have been happy with anything that blocked the horrid light filtering in through the window.

  Pressing his hands to his head, he released a small amount of healing energy. Intense pain splintered through him and he rolled as his stomach rebelled. The creature was ready for him. A small pail was quickly pushed under him as he emptied his stomach. After several long minutes, he rolled back onto the bed and covered his eyes with his left arm.

  “Where am I?” He asked hoarsely before he remembered Emma. “Where’s my mate?” He demanded, struggling to sit up.

  “Chumba mi tai nee,” the creature said coming back over to Ha’ven. This time a cup was pressed into his hand. “Chumba mi tai nee,” the creature repeated and motioned for Ha’ven to drink.

  Ha’ven sniffed the liquid suspiciously before taking a sip. He started to spit out the horrid liquid but the creature raised his stick at him and repeated the sentence again… this time more sternly.

  Ha’ven glared at the creature before he tilted the contents down his throat. He grimaced at the foul taste before lowering the cup and wiping the back of his hand across his mouth. He stopped in surprise when he realized his head didn’t hurt anymore.

  “Where is Emma? My mate,” Ha’ven said slowly.

  “Your mate is well. The women have taken her to the river to bathe,” the gruff voice replied.

  Ha’ven stared at the elderly creature sitting back in a low chair. He knew who he was. He had met him on two previous occasions. Once during the Great War and the other time after his father… Hermon was murdered. The elderly male had come to pay his respects.

  The Monikers controlled the mining operations on the huge red planet below their small moon. Fiercely protective, they lived in surprising simplicity while having an advanced trading system. Because of the remoteness of their world, only the freighters arriving to pick up the mined ore came this far out.

  “Saba Monda, I thank you for your help,” Ha’ven said politely. “I did not have a chance to talk with you much at my… father’s passing celebration.”

  A husky chuckle filled the air of the small hut. Saba Monda was the Chief Elder of the Moniker, a large, fur-covered creature that stood almost six feet tall. The younger males typically had black, brown or reddish fur while the elder males were silver or white. The females were the same. They wore bright, colorful tunics most of the time except when hunting. Then, they preferred to remove their covers allowing them more freedom to move through the huge forests that covered the moon.

  Many of the young males spent time in the mines on the red planet. It was believed to build character and strength in the males. Those who were strong were successful in finding many mates among the females that ruled over the dozens of villages scattered over the moon.

  “You have a long journey ahead of you, young Prince of the Curizan,” Saba Monda said. “Your mate is very fierce and protective of you. My wives like her. You must be good to her or they will get upset.”

  “I don’t remember much of what happened after we entered Curizan space,” Ha’ven admitted. “I need to contact my brothers and let them know where we are.”

  “Come, I will show you your transport not that it will do you much good, young Prince,” Saba Monda replied standing and brushing a hand over his chest.

  Ha’ven nodded and stood. He paused, frowning when the room spun for a moment. He couldn’t remember ever feeling so weak, not even during his captivity when Aria and her fellow traitors took turns torturing him. Then, anger had given him the strength he needed to survive.

  “Emma,” Ha’ven started to say as he took a tentative step forward.

  Saba Monda glanced over his shoulder. “My wives have taken your little mate under their care. It has been many cycles since they have had a female to care for. Give them this pleasure as payment,” he insisted with a mischievous grin. “When they are happy, I am happy.”

  Ha’ven looked doubtful for a moment but realized he would get nothing else from the old man. It took several minutes before he felt like he could walk and talk at the same time. His primary focus was not to fall flat on his face. He ducked his head as he exited the small hut before he stopped and grabbed the doorway until the world righted itself once again.

  His eyes scanned the activities humming around him. Young children of all different ages ran around playing. Young women moved around, laughing, talking and working at different jobs while the older women sat watching, chatting or caring for the young.

  “Did you receive the shipment of new mining equipment?” Ha’ven asked politely as his eyes continued to search for Emma as he moved through the small village.

  Saba Monda nodded as he patted a young boy who ran up to him. “Yes. It has improved productivity. Harron said they are now able to get to veins of ore they were previously unable to drill for. The lasers are much safer and use less energy than the water based drilling that was being used. I believe one of your brothers helped design the method.”

  “Arrow has been working with the engineers on it for one of the asteroid mining camps. He appreciates your willingness to try the prototype,” Ha’ven replied as they walked down a narrow path.

  “It will be interesting to see what the Antrox will do when they discover it,” Saba Monda replied with a touch of humor. “We have an unspoken competition with them. They have tried several times to send in mercenaries to capture our males. No other species, including the An
trox, compare to being able to move or work in a mine the way a Moniker can. We did steal a few of their Pactors. They work in the mines better than the Tuskus,” he added nodding to several dark shapes they were passing.

  Ha’ven glanced at the large, hairy creatures that moved as if in slow motion among the thick foliage. One of the beasts reached up and rubbed the large horn on the center of its forehead along the bark of one of the trees. A thick swarm of insects rushed out of the deep cut. Several younger Tuskus rushed over and began lapping at the swarm with their long tongues as the adult moved to another tree.

  “I did not know you had been attacked. No word had been sent. I can order additional security for this region if you wish,” Ha’ven replied.

  Saba Monda chuckled as they stepped out of the forest onto a wide expanse of graveled beach. The large crystal clear lake spread out before them. Only the nose of the transport showed above the water. Saba Monda looked over at Ha’ven and shook his head.

  “I think you will need a new transport,” he said with a grin.


  Ha’ven stared grimly at the remains of his sleek transport. He wondered how in the hell Emma had gotten him out of it. Walking closer to the edge of the water, he stared down at the shadowed remains of it. It was possible he could repair it if he had the right tools. He would have to get it out of the water first.

  “Do you think the Tuskus could pull it out of the water?” Ha’ven asked. “I need to see just how much damage has been done.”

  Saba Monda tilted his head and looked over the dark shape. He was silent for several long minutes as he calculated the size and weight. He finally gave a slow nod.

  “Yes,” he responded. “It will not be easy but we should be able to pull it onto the beach. I will send for more help.” He looked up at the sky which was beginning to darken. “We will start first thing in the morning.”

  “Do you have a communication console I can use? I need to contact my brothers,” Ha’ven asked turning to look back at Saba Monda.


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