The Beach House

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The Beach House Page 6

by JT Harding

  “We are,” Joe agreed.

  They walked on for a while, Joe comfortable in Jenni’s presence, admitting to himself he was becoming aroused just being close to her.

  They had gone a half mile when Jenni asked, “What do you do, Joe? And Kim, does she work?”

  “Kim stopped when Ami came along. She’s not sure if she’s going back. I think we might want a couple more kids first.”

  “You can afford to do that? So what is it you do?”

  Joe hesitated, not sure how much he wanted to let out, how she might take it. Some people became strange when he told them who he was.

  Jenni slowed and looked at him. “Oh God, you’re not a gangster or something, are you?”

  Joe laughed and stopped. “No, nothing like that. Worse. I write. Books. Thrillers.”

  “I’m impressed.” Jenni’s eyes widened, but Joe sensed the emotion was forced. He observed the reaction often. “So have I read anything you’ve written? Do you write under your own name? What is your last name?”

  “Fransiscus,” Joe said. “Joe Fransiscus. You might have read one of my books.” He made an effort to keep his voice casual.

  This time the sudden flare in Jenni’s pupils was real. “Oh fuck. Oh my God, I’m sorry,” and she looked down at Ami, blissfully asleep on her shoulder. “I didn’t mean to cuss in front of your daughter,” she whispered.

  Joe laughed. “It’s okay, she’s very broad minded.”

  “You’re the Joe Fransiscus? The Dead Reckoning, the Dark Waters Joe Fransiscus?”

  Joe nodded.

  “No wonder your wife doesn’t have to go back to work. Oh my God, Joe.” She looked at him, and he was disappointed in her reaction, wondering if he shouldn’t have followed his instincts and told her he managed a bank.

  “It’s only a job,” he said.

  Jenni laughed, a little nervousness showing. “To you maybe.” She looked out over the ocean, looked back and seemed to be making some decision. “Okay. I’ll try and pretend it’s only a job. I promise I won’t ask for your autograph or anything tacky.”

  Joe laughed, his shoulders relaxing. “Are we going to be friends then?” he asked, discovering he was nervous waiting for her reply.

  Jenni looked shy again. “Do you want us to be?”

  “I do. I’d like that a lot. Kim too.”

  She looked up into his eyes and he thought he saw a spark of interest deep inside their steel gray. “I’d like us to be friends, Joe.”

  They walked on, the atmosphere between them different now, but not uncomfortable.

  Another quarter mile went by and then Jenni asked, her voice casual, “So how long are you staying at the house?”

  “We’re booked for a month,” Joe said. “Though we might want to stay longer.”

  “Fantastic,” Jenni said. “You want to come swimming tomorrow?” Her question sounded throw away, as though his reply didn’t matter to her one way or another.

  “I’d like that,” he said.

  “Will Kim come as well?”

  “Kim hates the water. Hates the ocean. I can’t even get her to get on a boat. I wanted us to go on a cruise last year and she refused point blank. We almost didn’t come here because she knew she had to come over on the ferry.”

  “It’s only a half mile,” Jenni said.

  Joe laughed. “I know. But it’s not the width that worries her, it’s the depth.”

  Jenni laughed with Joe. “I promise not to raise the subject again then.”

  Ami started to grizzle and wriggle on her shoulder and Jenni slowed and looked toward Joe, raised her perfectly shaped eyebrows. They had not been plucked or fashioned in any way, just naturally perfect.

  “She needs changing, I expect,” Joe said.

  “Changing? Oh, I see, you mean changing.”

  Joe laughed. “Here, give her to me and I’ll swap her nappy for a clean one.” He took the waking infant from Jenni and once more their fingers brushed, the touch electrifying him. “You might want to look the other way, and maybe step back a few paces. This is not always pretty.” Joe started pulling baby changing equipment from the rucksack.

  “I expect I’ve seen worse,” Jenni said, squatting down beside him, fascinated by the operation.

  Joe grasped Ami’s ankles in one hand and lifted her, easing the soiled nappy from underneath. Ami lay quiet, content, used to this ritual. He laid her down on a sheet of kitchen towel before using another to wipe her down. Once satisfied Ami was clean he lifted her again and slipped a new nappy under, pulled the velcro tabs tight around her belly, wrapped all the mess up inside the old nappy, folded the edges in and used the tabs to keep everything secure. He repacked the rucksack, putting the dirty nappy package in a side pocket and smiled at his daughter, who was laughing and grabbing at Jenni’s long curls as she leaned over her. Jenni played along, swishing her hair to tickle Ami’s face and arms. Joe sat back on his heels and observed the two of them, something raw and scary welling up inside him.

  “You want to take her again?” he asked, watching the way Jenni played with Ami as though she had been doing this her entire life.

  Jenni looked back at him, tanned face beautiful. “Can I? You don’t mind?”

  Joe laughed. “Mind someone else doing the carrying?”

  Jenni lifted Ami gently and cradled her against her shoulder. “She weighs nothing.”

  Joe laughed again and pushed back to his feet. He offered a hand and Jenni accepted the offer, a natural move making it easier for her to stand. Joe released his grip as soon as she was on her feet. “She’s almost twenty pounds now,” Joe said.

  “She doesn’t feel heavy,” Jenny said.

  They walked on but after a couple of hundred yards Ami began to grizzle again.

  Jenni looked down at her. “She hasn’t filled her nappy again, has she?”

  “She’s hungry,” Joe said. He looked ahead, the beach house now visible, perhaps a half mile distant. “We might make it back if we’re lucky.”

  Ami had other ideas. She nuzzled against Jenni’s breasts, aware only of soft pillowing mounds, knowing this was where dinner came from. Joe glanced across, not sure whether he ought to be looking or not. Ami’s mouth knew where nipples should be and she was wetting the front of Jenni’s sweatshirt. Jenni smiled indulgently.

  “Sorry, honey,” she said. “I would if I could, but this well’s dry.”

  “I’d better give her a bottle,” Joe said. “Before she dribbles all over you.”

  Jenni laughed. “I don’t mind.”

  Joe stopped and searched in the rucksack, found a small flask filled with Kim’s milk to keep it at body temperature, and a feeding bottle. Joe poured the bottle half full before offering to take Ami.

  Jenni cocked her head to one side. “Can I do this too, Joe?”

  “You sure you want to?”

  She nodded, flushing, and Joe tried to keep his eyes raised and failed. Ami had wetted a large circle around Jenni’s nipple, and the suckling had brought it erect. The wet sweatshirt molded around the fullest point of her breast and a puckered nipple showed as though uncovered. Joe passed the bottle and repacked the rucksack. Sitting on his heels he watched as Jenni slipped the teat down against herself, positioning it directly over her breast where Ami’s mouth continued to search for satisfaction. Joe experienced a wave of lust rolling through him, making his head swim. He wanted to nuzzle against those breasts instead of Ami. How would it be to taste the sea on her body?

  Ami found the teat and latched on it hungrily and Jenni kept her cradled to her breast, as if feeding the infant. The tranquility and pleasure in her eyes was unmistakable. Ami sucked at the bottle, gulping noisily, taking in as much air as milk.

  “Don’t let her take too much or she’s likely to throw everything straight back up all over you,” Joe said.

  Jenni slipped the teat from Ami’s grasping mouth and a tiny cry emerged.

  “A little at a time,” Joe said, watching as Jenni allowed th
e teat back, waited, withdrew, returned it, the motion so erotic Joe stiffened inside his trunks, unsure if he was capable of standing now even if he wanted. He couldn’t take his eyes of this woman feeding his daughter with such contentment in her eyes. He followed the curve along her side to her hip, narrow but obvious, jutting at the waistband of her jeans. He scanned down over slim legs, back to take in the way the denim snugged tightly between her thighs, sure he could discern the outline of her full pussy, the faintest hint of an opening where the jeans pulled tight. Her waistband was low at the front, her sweatshirt rucked up where Ami wriggled and sucked at the bottle cradled to Jenni’s breast, and a band of tanned skin showed, the dimpled lower edge of her navel, and Joe realized he was making the situation worse for himself and turned his head, looking beyond the two of them at the breakers.

  Before too long Jenni said, “I think she’s finished.” She held the empty bottle out to Joe. Ami nuzzled gently against Jenni, satisfied. Joe took the bottle, again their fingers touching, the contact throwing a jolt along his arm and he wondered if she sensed the same thing too, or only him.

  “You’d better put her on your shoulder,” Joe said. “Here, put this over you.” He stood, aware that if Jenni glanced down the evidence of his arousal would be obvious; not quite as prominent as a moment before, but unmistakable. Why would she do that, Joe asked himself? He was the one losing his composure around here. He shook a small white towel and placed it over Jenni’s shoulder. His finger brushed against the skin of her neck where her sweatshirt had slipped aside, but she seemed unaware of the touch, and he let his finger linger a moment longer than he should.

  Jenni lifted Ami to her shoulder and Joe pulled his hand away. “Do I pat her back or something? Is that how you do it?”

  Joe laughed. “Rub gently, in a circle. She’s going to burp, but if you’re gentle she won’t bring too much up. It helps if you walk as well. I think the movement eases the wind.”

  Jenni started to move slowly, walking as though on hot coals, each bare foot lifting and stepping like a gazelle. Joe put the empty bottle back in the rucksack, stayed where he was for a moment, kneeling, watching Jenni’s ass flex and move as she took those tiny steps. Ami let out a giant burp and Jenni laughed. She glanced back and almost caught Joe’s eyes practically devouring her.

  “Am I soaking, Joe?” she asked, her eyes sparking.

  He joined in with her laugh and stood, slinging the rucksack over his shoulder and walking to join her. “So far so good. Let’s get her back. She’ll probably sleep for a while now. Do you want to come in and meet Kim?”

  Jenni glanced at him. “I’d like that. What will she think about you bringing strange women home?”

  “You’re not strange,” Joe said.

  “How can you be sure? For all you know I might be a crazed islander intent on stealing pretty children.”

  “In that case next time Ami starts crying at three in the morning I’ll give you a call. You’ll be welcome to take her then.”

  Jenni gave the little bundle sleeping on her shoulder a hug. “Don’t tempt me,” she said, her voice so soft Joe barely heard, but he did hear the emotion.

  “Besides, you’re not a stranger,” Joe said. “We’ve watched you swim every day.” As soon as the words left his mouth Joe realized how perverted they might sound and his pace slowed.

  Jenni laughed. “You think I didn’t know you were watching me?” she said, her voice low, and Joe tried to work out what he could hear. Acceptance, encouragement, disappointment, disapproval?

  “What I meant to say was Kim would love to say hello. You will come in, won’t you?”

  “If you’re sure, Joe?” Jenni asked.

  “I’m sure,” he said, nodding firmly, the moment filled with unspoken expectation, but Joe feared it might just be on his part.


  Jenni let him walk ahead a little, watching the way his slim ass moved inside the baggy swim shorts, cradling his baby against her shoulder, enjoying the way Ami’s legs pressed against her, enjoying the way Ami seemed to take to her, unafraid and trusting. Jenni didn’t know much about kids, would like to know a lot more, but Mark had made it clear he didn’t want to bring any brats into the world. According to Mark the world was fucked up enough without another wailing mouth to feed. Jenni had tried working on him, which was always tough because Mark didn’t listen much to what she said, and when he did listen gave even less attention to her words. Jenni accepted she would never be a mother. Almost twenty-nine, a prime time of life for children if it was going to happen, time left too but she felt the clock ticking and didn’t see Mark changing his mind.

  Twenty-nine, she thought. Time for a change, maybe. Time to do something about her situation instead of pretending she didn’t care, instead of pretending things might get better. Nothing was going to get better, she knew, unless she did something herself to make it better.

  Ahead of her Joe kicked at an empty shell, leaned over to pick a piece of wood up and she watched as his shorts pulled snug, cupping his ball sac between his thighs and she flushed, shivering with sudden lust. She hadn’t felt this way, this out of control, since Paul. Jenni wasn’t sure if she wanted this or not. Wasn’t sure if she needed this, not now, not ever, then thinking suddenly – if not now, when? She had to make the decision she had been putting off for far too long. Had to decide what she wanted from her life. More of the same or something else? But what else… and how far did she want to go?

  Chapter 6

  As they approached the beach house Joe saw Kim stretched out on the sun lounger. She had carried the lounger off the porch, set it up on the dry sand in front of the house, angled directly toward the sun. She was lying on her front, wearing only tiny black bikini bottoms.

  “Hey Kim,” Joe called as they walked up from the tideline. “We got company. You want to get some clothes on, babe?”

  “Don’t worry about me,” Jenni said. “I’m all grown up. I’m sure I can cope with a little nudity.”

  Sounds good to me, Joe thought, but he said, “Kim’s a bit of a slut when it comes to flashing herself around, Jenni. I wouldn’t want you to get the wrong idea.”

  “Why not?”

  Joe looked at her, but she was grinning and he realized she was teasing.

  Kim stirred and Joe wondered if she had been asleep. She liked to sleep in the afternoons now, since they had arrived at the beach, often taking herself to bed, alone if need be, for a nap after lunch. Kim rolled on to her back, scrabbling for her bikini top and cupping it around her breasts. The top was miniscule and her sleep fuddled movement left one nipple peeking free. Joe reached down and slipped his finger inside and tucked her away, her nipple responding instantly to his touch, and Kim smiled sleepily.

  “This is Jenni,” Joe said. “She was kind enough to carry Ami most of the way back.”

  Kim held her hand out and Joe pulled her to her feet. Kim kept coming, wanting a kiss, and Joe brushed her lips, feeling a little awkward in front of Jenni. Kim’s lips curved into a smile under his and Joe grew nervous.

  “She’s such a sweetheart,” Jenni said, slipping Ami off her shoulder and turning her around to let Kim take her.

  “Not at three in the–”

  “We’ve done that,” Joe said, laughing, and the two women joined in.

  “Nice to meet you at last,” Jenni said. “I’ve seen you around since you moved in, and nearly came over to say Hi, but I thought you might want some privacy.”

  “You’ll stay for coffee, won’t you?” Kim asked, then before giving Jenni chance to answer said, “Put some on Joe, we’re going to talk about you behind your back.” Kim handed Ami to Joe. “Put her down before you start the coffee.”

  As soon as Joe took Ami, Kim slipped her arm through Jenni’s as though they had been lifelong friends and leaned across and whispered in her ear. Jenni’s face flushed briefly and her eyes glanced at Joe, and he wondered what the hell Kim had said.

  “Go on,” Kim said. “Co
ffee. I need strong coffee. Have you been for your swim today?” The last aimed at Jenni.

  Joe took Ami upstairs to the small back room next to their bedroom and laid her in the cot, carefully turning her on one side. Ami was gone to the world, her mouth suckling on her thumb, tiny legs twitching as she dreamed of the coming day when she might walk on her own, without Joe’s strong hands to support her. Joe stood at the side of the crib, lost for a while in the wonder of his daughter, then sighed and went down to the kitchen to start coffee. He watched Kim and Jenni outside, sitting at the bleached wooden table on the wide porch, heads together, talking animatedly. What was Kim plotting now?

  When the coffee was brewed Joe loaded a tray with mugs, sugar, cream and the coffee pot, shook a pile of chocolate cookies on a plate and carried everything outside. Kim had pulled her dark blue cover-up around her, the move only serving to accentuate the sex appeal of her body, which showed clearly through the gauzy material.

  “Are you not swimming today?” Kim asked, offering a tiny pout and Joe wondered what she was up to now.

  “I walked instead,” Jenni said. “I need to get home soon. Mark gets back at six and he likes his dinner on the table.” Joe watched the cloud settle behind her eyes again as she talked about home.

  “Tomorrow?” Kim said, ignoring the sudden change in mood. “You’re swimming tomorrow?”

  “Maybe. Tomorrow’s Saturday, change-over day. I need to clean the empty houses and get them ready for new tenants. I’ll try, if I get time. If you want me to.” She looked at them both, looking up from eyes shyly downcast and Joe was once more knocked out by her beauty and he wondered if she was aware of how she looked. She didn’t give the impression she was, which only made her even more alluring.

  “How many changes have you got tomorrow? You can’t do all these houses, surely,” Kim said.


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