The Beach House

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The Beach House Page 15

by JT Harding

  “Of course.” Jenni leaned forward, her breasts dipping inside the tank top. She pushed a plastic shopping sac across the table. “I brought your dress back too. I washed it.”

  “You didn’t need to.” Kim opened the top of the bag and looked inside. The jersey dress lay inside neatly folded, the smell of the same conditioner Jenni used on their sheets escaping. “I want you to keep it.”

  “I can’t do that. It’s expensive.”

  “I want you to keep it,” Kim said. “It looks a whole lot better on you than it does me.”

  “I doubt that,” Jenni said, but she flushed again, bit the corner of her lip. “I’d like to see it on you, Kim.” Her eyes came up, brazen now.

  Kim laughed. “Maybe we’ll have a fashion show later on. Me and you, we can drive Joe wild.”

  “I like the sound of that,” Joe said.

  Kim reached across the table. “Here, give me Ami. You two go swimming and I’ll make lunch.”

  Between them they walked Ami across the tabletop and Jenni took the bag containing her bikini inside. Kim looked sideways at Joe, amused at his forced casualness. He stared out over the beach as though something fascinating had drawn his attention. He glanced at her, stood and tugged his shirt over his head, dropped his pants to reveal the tight speedos. He made no effort to hide the bulge his cock made and Kim stared, letting him see her stare, arousal trickling through her.

  Jenni returned quickly. She would know the house intimately, having cleaned every corner and crevice over the years. She had probably changed in the downstairs shower room and when she came out Joe stepped down onto the sand below the porch. Kim rose and placed a hand on Jenni’s arm, stopping her at the top of the step.

  “Don’t get in a fight with any more jellies, will you?”

  Jenni grinned. “Try not to.”

  “Good.” Kim leaned across and kissed Jenni on the lips, catching Jenni’s full bottom lip with her teeth just before she drew back. “Because I’ve got plans for later.”


  Kim slapped Jenni on the ass. “Go on, burn off some energy. We’ll eat when you get back.”


  Jenni ran down the steps past Joe, running hard, not knowing if she was running away or toward something. She sensed Joe next to her, and though it was impossible is seemed as though his masculine energy touched her like a warm cocoon. They hit the water and the cold knocked the breath from her and if she had been above the surface she would have laughed. She half expected something to start with Joe while they swam, but he appeared distracted, thinking about something, and they swam out as far as they had the first time and the only indication of what might lie ahead came when he drifted against her, slipped his arms around her back and kissed her hard, once, on the mouth. They sank slowly beneath the swell, sank deep, not touching bottom and Jenni wanted to stay that way forever, locked against Joe, taking her air from him. She knew he was aroused, his cock pressing thick against her thigh, knew she was as well, had been since she rose that morning. They kicked for the surface and without a word Joe rolled and swam away and she stroked hard to catch up.

  Coming out from the ocean Jenni was glad she and Joe had gone no further in the water. She would have succumbed, she knew, her willpower sapped by swirling thoughts of sex with both these people. Joe played it cool, treating her exactly as he had every other time and as she splashed from the water she was in control again. This was not going to be about her rolling over and doing anything they wanted, this was going to be about her as well, about what she needed.

  Joe fell into step beside her and she glanced at him and grinned. “That was a great swim. Thanks.”

  “What for?”

  “Just thanks.”

  Joe gave her a puzzled look, Jenni showing him a different person to the one he went into the water with.

  As they came into the kitchen Kim was laying four places, Ami already in her highchair with a plastic spoon in her hand, trying to dig something edible from the plastic tray in front of her. Jenni saw Joe stop and then he said, “Solids?”

  Kim grinned. “You did say it was time.”

  “But you... no, great. What’s she having?”

  “Same as us. Pasta with chicken. Except hers comes out of this cute little jar.” Kim held up a small plastic jar with a bright picture printed on the front showing a healthy looking rooster and some twists of frusilli. All business, Kim said, “Joe, you shower upstairs. Jenni you can use the one down here. Ready in ten minutes so don’t be long.”

  Jenni needed only to wash the salt off herself. She closed the door of the small downstairs shower room and stripped out of her mismatched top and bikini briefs. She shivered with cold once naked, which was stupid, because what she had been wearing made her almost naked anyway. She turned on the electric shower and waited for the heat to start up then stepped under the spray, letting it run through her hair. She shampooed and ran soap over herself quickly, turned so the water cascaded over her head, her hair washing in long ripples down her back.

  The door opened and Kim stepped through, still dressed in the flimsy cover-up.

  “I brought you the dress, Jen. I thought you might want to wear it today.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Of course. It looks so much better on you than me. I think Joe likes you in it too.”

  Kim placed the soft dress on the towel box and stood for a moment staring openly at Jenni.

  Jenni was determined not to cover herself, although that was her natural reaction. After what Kim had done to her the week before it seemed ridiculous to pretend, but instinct made her want to lift her hands to her breasts. She saw the way Kim’s eyes traced her body. She saw her stiffen, and Jenni realized Kim’s sharp gaze had recognized the almost completely faded bruises.

  “What are those?” Kim asked, her voice losing all flirtatiousness.

  “Nothing,” Jenni said, trying to move her arms to cover herself without making it obvious, ashamed to show this woman what Mark had done to her.

  Kim stepped across until she was directly in front of her. Water bounced off Jenni’s breasts and splashed onto Kim’s gauzy covering. Kim was almost in the shower with her, and she lifted Jenni’s arm away from her side and bent to look. The bruising had almost disappeared, but a faint dark yellow stain remained beneath her tan.

  “Did Mark do this to you?”

  Jenni looked to the side. She didn’t want to answer.

  “Did he?” Kim’s voice hard now.

  Jenni nodded.

  “Does he do this often?”

  Jenni shook her head.

  “A you telling me the truth, Jen?”

  “Every couple of months, maybe. I’ve gotten used to it.” She didn’t dare confess that Mark was hitting her more often lately.

  “No one should have to get used to this.”

  “Not everyone’s like you and Joe, Kim.”

  Kim stared at her, so close she was getting almost as wet as Jenni, so close Jenni wanted to kiss her. These two people had unleashed emotions and fantasies inside her she had only rarely entertained since she was a teenager, and never with the strength and inevitability she now felt. Kim turned away, removing the temptation and Jenni was unsure if she was relieved or not.

  “Anyway, the dress is there and lunch is on the table. I don’t know what Joe is going to say when he sees those.”

  “Maybe he won’t see them,” Jenni said.

  Kim shot a glance over her shoulder and they both knew Joe was soon going to see everything.

  Alone, Jenni lifted her hands to her breasts, not to cover but to lift them. Her thumbs stuck up, the edge of her nails just touching the nipples and finding them erect. Kim would have seen their hardness. Kim would have noticed the nakedness of her labia. She turned the shower off and toweled dry, pulled the jersey dress over her head, stretching her arms high the only way she could squeeze into it, wriggling it down over her curves. God, but it was tight, tighter than the last time. Perhaps
washing it had not been such a great idea. She felt more exposed wearing the dress than if she had been naked, but there was nothing else in the room and Jenni knew she didn’t care anymore.

  She found Kim at the table trying to feed Ami, who had more of the stewed chicken pasta in her hair and over her cheeks than in her mouth.

  “She’ll get the hang of it,” Kim said, trying another spoonful.

  “Give her the spoon,” Jenni said.

  Kim laughed. “Yeah. You want this in your hair too?”

  “Try her,” Jenni said, sliding into the chair across the table, sitting close to Ami. Ami turned to her and offered a bright smile, the effect rather spoiled by the detritus spattering her sweet face.

  Kim opened Ami’s fist and placed the spoon inside her palm. Ami looked down and lifted her hand, fascinated by this new toy. Jenni leaned over and led her hand with the spoon to the bowl in front of her, loaded a tiny morsel and then guided Ami’s hand back up. Ami stared at Jenni, stared at the spoon, stared at the food then jerked her hand out of Jenni’s grip and slapped the spoon against her forehead.

  Kim laughed. “Lousy aim.”

  “She’ll get it.”

  “She might starve first.”

  Jenni laughed. “You’ve always got those as backup,” nodding at Kim’s breasts displayed beneath the cover-up.

  “Got what as backup?” Joe asked as he came in, hesitated for a moment then moved round and sat on the same side as Jenni. Jenni noticed Kim flashing him a glance, but it was more amused than annoyed.

  “None of your business,” Kim said. “Now you’ve finally decided to join us we can eat.”

  Chapter 15

  The food was good but none of them had their mind on eating except for Ami, and even though her mind was on it her co-ordination didn’t help and eventually Joe took pity on Jenni and retrieved the spoon, tried to offer what little remained in the bowl. Ami pushed her bottom lip out and her eyes turned watery. Kim picked her up out of the high chair, took her to the sink and washed most of the gunk off before sitting her against her breast. Ami closed her eyes and started to suckle noisily.

  The atmosphere grew charged, all of them sensing it. Jenni’s head was swimming as if she had finished a bottle of wine, but they had only drunk water. Her fingers tingled with the need to touch someone, to touch skin, to touch secret, sensitive places only a lover knows. Her breath caught in her chest and she knew the skin tight jersey was telegraphing her arousal to Kim and Joe, her nipples straining against the sheer material and she didn’t dare glance down.

  Joe was talking about something, explaining how he was going to need to go on a book tour when they returned to New York, how he hated them but knew they was an essential evil, and Jenni heard herself asking perfectly logical and sane questions but it sounded as though they came from far away and from someone else.

  “... London, Paris, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, down to Milan and Rome, over to Madrid, back to England for the Oxford Literary Festival then this really tiny town called Hay on Wye where they’ve turned the whole place over to books. I’ll be gone a couple of months.”

  Jenni listened to his answer but had forgotten the original question; all she heard was his voice, dark and rich, the rumble it made in the air, the resonance is caused in her chest.

  “Will Kim and Ami go with you?”

  Joe shook his head. “Kim hates all the false sycophancy and hypocrisy. I’ll try and get back if I get a chance, but we both know I’ve got to do the tour. It’s only every couple of years.” Joe stared into her eyes, seemed about to add something before thinking better of it.

  Across the table Kim pulled Ami from her nipple and lifted her to her shoulder. Rub... circle... rub... loud expulsion of gas. Ami’s breathing changed, grew soft and sibilant. Kim stood and handed Ami’s soft, boneless body to Joe who took her upstairs to her cot.

  Jenni started clearing the table, stacking dishes, running water into the sink.

  “We can leave these,” Kim said, standing behind her, standing so close Jenni felt the heat radiating from her.

  “It won’t take long to do them now.”

  “I usually take a nap after lunch. Why don’t you do the same?”

  Kim was offering something else but Jenni still found herself saying, “I’ve never done that.”

  “There’s always a first time for everything,” Kim said, her hands touching Jenni’s hips and lingering. Joe came back and looked at them.

  “Shall I stack?”

  “Jenni insists on washing the dishes now,” Kim said. She leaned her cheek against Jenni’s shoulder, her breasts pressed to Jenni’s back.

  “I’ll dry and you stack. Five minutes and we’ll be done.”

  Jenni swirled water around the plates, handed them to Joe. Joe dried and placed them on the worktop. Kim picked them up and stacked them in the cupboards. They had managed to half finish before Kim gave a strangled moan and came back to stand behind Jenni. Her hands slid around Jenni’s hips and without thinking Jenni leaned back into the embrace. It was an instant of abandon and suddenly everything tipped beyond control. Kim’s hands lifted from Jenni’s hips and circled her stomach, rose again and cupped the deep undercurve of her breasts. The sensation of having another woman holding her breasts forced a sound from deep inside Jenni’s throat. Her head was spinning. She had her hands still buried in hot water but barely noticed.

  Joe moved close against Jenni’s side and touched her face with soft fingers, turning her toward him, and as she came around his lips met hers and the contact sent shivers through her core.

  Kim dropped her hands again and Jenni wanted Joe to touch her breasts now but he waited. Kim lowered her hands to the hem of the tight dress and tugged, easing the stretch material upward. Jenni offered no resistance, cool air touching her thighs as the dress rose, allowing herself to be revealed, wanting to be revealed, the air touching her shaved labia, touching her hips. The dress gathered at her waist and Kim went to her knees and kissed Jenni on the small of her back, started to kiss around the edge of her ass, moving lower all the time and Jenni recalled Kim’s tongue against her ass and almost swooned. They were both touching her, Joe kissing her arched neck and Jenni closed her eyes, losing herself in the sensation of two people caressing her body. She wanted this, believed she had wanted this forever, but unsure until this moment. Yes! She wanted this.

  Joe’s hand touched her belly bared by the dress and started working higher. The undersides of her breasts became exposed as he drew the dress upward and now Joe did touch her, stroking his fingers along the full curves, pulling, lifting the dress over her breasts until they swung free and the dress was around her neck, her arms still encased in a second skin but the rest of her body naked. Joe bent and sucked a rigid nipple between his lips, bit gently with his teeth and Jenni’s knees buckled. Kim had reached the back of her thighs and worked her way around to the front. Joe shifted, replacing her, standing behind Jenni and cupping her breasts in his hands. Jenni’s breasts spilled over the side of Joe’s hands. She leaned back into him, grinding herself against the hardness pressing into the small of her back. Kim moved around and kissed Jenni’s stomach, tasting her skin with tiny, teasing pecks. Jenni was awash with lust, abandoned by sense or shame. These two could do with her as they wished, anything they wished; Jenni wanted everything, wanted to abandon herself to their will. She dropped her hand behind to Joe’s pants, the long ridge formed by his cock beneath her fingers. Joe pressed himself into her touch, moving so his covered cock slid against her hand.

  Kim pushed Jenni backward, trying to open her thighs for her tongue and Jenni allowed access, leaning against Joe who moved back and knocked into a chair. The legs scraped against the wooden floor and Joe sat abruptly, pulling Jenni against him, lifting her hair and placing his mouth against her neck. Jenni moaned and touched her breast, the rigid tip of her nipple, having never known it as hard and sensitive as now. Kim’s tongue found her clitoris as she scuttled forward between Jenni�
��s legs.

  Jenni fumbled beneath herself with Joe’s pants, struggling to free his cock and he dropped his hands, his mouth remaining clamped to her neck, and helped, unzipping and pushing his pants down and suddenly Jenni’s fingers were around the hot bare skin of his cock and she gripped him, so much thicker and longer than Mark. Kim’s tongue worked against her hard. Joe’s naked legs and cock pressed against her ass and Jenni rubbed him frantically, her closed fist striking Kim as she sucked at Jenni’s clitoris. The tremor started deep back inside her belly and Jenni knew she was going to come harder than she ever had in her life. She whimpered as she felt the orgasm build and blossom. Jenni twisted away from Kim’s tongue, towards Joe, lifting her legs and straddling him so his cock pressed against her belly, dropped her head to Joe’s neck and bit him, not caring if she left a mark. Jenni jerked and Kim came back at her from behind, her mouth exploring her back, her ass parted as she leaned toward Joe and Kim’s tongue found her as it had found her last week, touched the nestled bud and Jenni cried out against Joe’s neck as her knees shook. All sensation left her legs as her being centered between her thighs, the rush and explosion too much to bear and Jenni’s conscious mind swirled and departed, the whole world graying out and fading.

  She didn’t think she passed out, not quite, because when she next became aware she was still upright on Joe’s lap. Kim had slipped her hand beneath Jenni, freeing Joe’s cock and she sucked him, her head bumping against Jenni’s ass. Jenni climbed off Joe, stood breathing hard watching Kim fellate her husband. She knelt behind Kim, kissing her shoulder. Kim was still dressed in bikini bottoms and the thin cover-up and Jenni pushed the top aside, slipping her hands inside to grasp Kim’s small, neat breasts. Kim shivered as Jenni’s fingers found her sensitive nipples.

  Joe pushed Kim away and stood, breathing hard.

  “I want to take you upstairs,” he said. “Both of you.”

  Jenni looked up at him past Kim’s head. Joe stood unashamed, his hard cock pulsing with each heartbeat. Jenni tried to reach around Kim and kiss his gorgeous cock but was unable to reach. Kim moved beneath her, also rising.


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