KIKO (MC Bear Mates Book 3)

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KIKO (MC Bear Mates Book 3) Page 39

by Becca Fanning

  “Are you close?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she moaned.

  “Not yet.”

  He slid out of her, then rubbed her in circles. She whimpered in response. He teased her, pressing in, then pulling out, pushing in only halfway. He squeezed her breasts and flicked his fingertips over her clit. She reached back for him, but he kept out of her grasp.

  When she couldn’t take it anymore, he grabbed her hips and pounded her deep and hard. She cried out as the pleasure ran through every nerve in her body, crashing over her in one long wave. She quivered under him as he thrust in several more times, cried out in a roar, and fell to the ground beside her.

  She panted and her ears rang. If she opened her eyes, the room would spin. She kept them closed and curled up beside him, running her fingers through the small curls of hair on his chest. He put an arm around her, dragging his fingertips up and down her arm as he breathed.

  They were both so sticky with sweat, him from the fight before, then from their passionate love making.

  “Want to join me in the shower?” she asked.

  He smiled. “That’d be great.”

  She led him upstairs and started the water. She washed him, taking care in the places he had cuts from the fight. He dug his fingers into her hair, rubbing the shampoo in and massaging her scalp. When they’d finished washing, they dried in the bathroom. She put ointment on his cuts and he slathered lotion onto her back.

  They slid under the smooth, cool sheets of her bed and fell asleep curled into each other.

  Blair rolled over and found her bed empty. She sat up and looked around. Had he left?

  She slid out of bed and wrapped her robe around her. She was halfway downstairs when she smelled the coffee and eggs. In the kitchen, he stood naked in front of the stove. She wrapped her arms around him from behind, covering his groin with her hand.

  “That’s kinda dangerous, don’t you think? One grease splatter…”

  “Then, I guess you’ll have to keep your hand there.”

  She chuckled and kissed his shoulder and neck as he flipped the eggs in the pan. Before they sat down to eat, she ran out to his car to get his clothes.

  “You don’t have to put them on yet, though,” she said, winking at him.

  He let them fall to the floor as they sat to eat. “Guess I owe you a new coffee table.”

  She looked over at the two pieces lying on their side. “It looks like a wild animal was set lose in here.” She pulled her lips into a grin.

  “I’ll clean up.”

  After breakfast, he kept his word. He helped her scrub the blood from the floor, replaced the broken lightbulb in the lamp, and swept the pieces of broken glass from a fallen picture frame. By the time he left, the place looked somewhat livable again.

  * * *

  Months later, Blair popped open a bottle of champagne and poured two glasses.

  “I have you to thank for this,” she said to Dax.

  “Just a little creative marketing.”

  She looked again at the sales book, at the huge numbers that proved the store had the best quarter of its history. A true accomplishment for her and her career. The local organic spin had taken off. With Daxton’s help, she’d found suppliers for many products and now, fully half of the products on the shelves were made locally. Of the other half, only a small percentage were not organic or whole foods. She’d cornered a specific audience and they loved her store for it.

  They hadn’t seen or heard from any of the men who’d come after Daxton. Though, one time he thought he saw one in a building supply store. He didn’t know for sure because the man had run off quickly.

  Blair had hired back the employees she’d laid off and even hired a few new ones, including a security guard. Daxton’s honey and soap sold well. She gave both products large displays and prominent places. The other local honey hadn’t done well at all, and she’d asked the woman who brought it in to come pick up her product. There was only one honey that Mason’s would sell from now on.

  Dax winked at her as he poured some of his moonshine into their glasses. She giggled and took a sip, the sweet honey whiskey giving a kick to the fizzy champagne.

  “There’s one other thing we’re celebrating tonight,” he said.

  “There is?”

  “Yup. It’s the first time I said I love you.”

  She set her glass down to kiss him. “Do you really?”

  “I do. I love you,” he said, kissing her again. “And I love your hot body,” he whispered.

  “Hmm,” she said, looking around her office. “We’ve never done it in here.”

  “Then what are we waiting for?”

  They began kissing heavily until he turned her around and bent her over the desk. Lucky she was wearing a skirt today. He slid up her skirt and pulled down her panties and shoved deep inside her. In only minutes, they both cried out in pleasure and she fell into his arms.

  “I like when you take your time,” she said. “But sometimes, there’s nothing like a quickie to end the day right.”

  “We’ll have to remember that next we have a ‘business meeting.’”

  “Maybe we’ll just need to schedule ‘business meetings’ a lot more regularly.”

  “I like the way you think.” He rubbed his nose against hers, purring softly.

  “I love you, too,” she said, realizing she hadn’t told him earlier. “And your wild animal ways.”

  He growled at her and she growled back, then wrapped herself around him and refused to let go.


  120 Proof Honey II


  Becca Fanning

  Jasmine looked across the desk as the agency employee typed into her computer. Her feeling of unease deepened as the woman kept clicking and clicking.

  “Well, Jasmine. To be honest, as I’m entering in your information, there’s not much you’re qualified for. You don’t have any work experience or schooling. All you have is your experience as a housewife.”

  The irony wasn’t lost on Jasmine. “Then how do I get experience?”

  “You start out low and work your way up or you get some education.”

  Jasmine let out a long breath, swallowing hard so the tears wouldn’t rush to her eyes. “Is there anything you can find me?”

  “We’ll find something.” She gave Jasmine a resigned look. “It’ll probably involve cleaning, however. Most of those jobs don’t ask for much experience, if any.”

  “Okay, that’s fine. I just need something.”

  She finished typing and turned to her. “I should have some interviews set up for this week.”

  Jasmine left the employment agency feeling deflated. If she hadn’t gotten married so young, or listened to her parents who said you don’t need college, just a good man, then maybe she wouldn’t be in this position. Maybe she would go back to school. But for what? She felt like a little kid asking herself, what do you want to be when you grow up?

  Later that day, the phone rang with the number from the employment agency.

  “I have an interview for you,” the woman said. “It’s a housekeeping position for a group of five men who live and work together. They’re looking for someone to come in everyday to do things like dishes, laundry, vacuuming, dusting, and other basic cleaning.”

  “Okay, that sounds great!”

  “Great. I’ll set up the interview for tomorrow then.”

  Jasmine hung up, both nervous and excited. This was her first interview, her first time stepping out on her own to be responsible for things like bills. She scoured through her few items of clothing and put together a decent outfit for the next day.

  Jasmine stepped off the bus and looked at her directions. She’d gone online to look at maps so she’d know where to go once she got off her bus. It took about twenty minutes to walk there, which was what she had planned. With a deep breath, after smoothing out her skirt, she knocked on the door.

  A tall blond-haired man answered the door. She was
a bit shocked at first, not expecting someone so close to her age, or someone so good looking and so big in size. With his thick muscles and long hair, he was nothing like her lanky ex. His eyes, too, bore deep into her when he held her gaze and they were an odd sparkling gold. He was her opposite in many ways. She was small and petite, long black hair and an olive-toned complexion. She’d spent so much time around Persian men—her father, brothers, cousins, uncles, and then, of course, her ex, that she didn’t realize someone of such a fair complexion could be so sexy.

  She gulped and said, “Hi, I’m Jasmine, the employment agency sent me?”

  “Yup, come on in.” He stepped aside and held the door open. “I’m Knox. This is my brother, Beck.” He gestured to a man very similar in appearance.

  Knox led her to a chair beside the sofa. She sat and took a quick look around. The hardwood floors looked dusty, the coffee table had rings and crumbs. She could see into the kitchen and it looked like the dishes were piled high. A house of five men. Did she really know what she was getting herself into?

  When she brought her attention back to them, Knox was staring at her. Beck looked down at a sheet of paper. His hair was shorter than Knox’s, though it hung in his face. He didn’t have Knox’s perfect thin nose, but he did have the same golden eyes. She looked back at Knox for a moment, but had to let her gaze fall when her cheeks went warm.

  “So, Jasmine is it?” Beck asked.

  “Yes, that’s correct.”

  “What experience do you have cleaning?”

  She had been afraid of this question, though she fully expected it. “Well, I’ve cleaned my house for six years now, but I don’t have any employment experience just yet. To be honest, I’m new in the work force and I’m trying to gain experience. But I clean very well.” The woman at the agency had told her it was best just to be honest and that people may have sympathy for someone just starting out.

  Beck nodded, made a note, and Knox watched her.

  Beck continued, “We’re looking for someone to come every day. Can you do that?”

  “Yes, absolutely. I’m looking for full-time work.”

  “You do know there are five men who live here,” Knox asked. “We can be very messy. Is that a problem?”

  “Not at all,” Jasmine said.

  Knox smiled.

  Beck glanced at Knox, then asked, “What about references?”


  “Someone who can vouch for your work ethic and ability, or even your character,” Beck said.

  “Oh, I…” The only one who would know about her cleaning ability would be her ex or her family. No way would she list her ex, and her family was all in Iran. She had made a friend at the shelter where she was staying. “Would a personal reference be okay?”

  “Sure,” Beck said. “What are the names and phone numbers?” He held a pen, ready to write.

  “Her name is Sarah. I don’t know her phone number off the top of my head, but I can get it for you.”


  Was it just her, or did this Beck sound exasperated? She swallowed hard, ignoring the way her throat was growing thick. She glanced over at Knox and he smiled at her.

  “What do you think your best skills are?” Beck asked.

  “Well, I’m very punctual, I clean well, and I’m friendly. I work very hard.”

  Beck nodded and made more notes on his paper. “We have several other applicants,” he said. “What sets you apart from all the others?”

  Jasmine felt the panic rise in her throat. There was nothing that set her apart. She had no experience, no good references, nothing to prove that she could do this job well. She wasn’t even so sure of her own skill, to be honest. Nothing was ever clean enough for her ex, so maybe she wasn’t even very good at that. She glanced over at Knox again, who gave her an encouraging look.

  She chuckled a little, and, hoping it would come off as endearing, said, “My good looks?”

  Beck blinked at her, but Knox looked like he was holding back laughter.

  “You’re serious?” Beck asked.

  “Umm.” She gulped and her eyes pricked. He didn’t find it amusing or charming. This man clearly hated her. There was no way he was going to hire her. “I’m sorry. I am just started out, and I really don’t know how to answer that. I will work hard and clean how you like and I am reliable.”

  Beck nodded at this, what was clearly a much better answer. She should have said that in the first place.

  “Okay,” Beck said and stood. “We have one more interview, and then we’ll make a decision and let you know.”

  She and Knox also got to their feet.

  “Thank you very much.” Jasmine held out her hand to shake Beck’s. When she shook Knox’s hand, she noticed how much warmer it felt and how he held it just a moment longer.

  “I’ll walk you out,” Knox said.

  She followed him back to the front door and walked through it when he held it open. He looked outside, confused. “Did you drive here?”

  “No, I took the bus,” she said.

  “The bus? Isn’t the closest stop over a mile from here?”

  “Yes, it’s about a twenty-minute walk.”

  “That’s nuts. I’ll drive you, hold on.” He went back into the house and came out a minute later with keys in his hand. “That’s okay with you? If I drive you home?”

  “Oh, s-sure.” She took in a slow, deep breath. It would save her a lot of time and money, but to be alone with him? Her palms broke into a sweat.

  Knox led her to a pickup truck, blue and covered in mud splatters on the side. He opened the door and took her hand to help her up the high step. She buckled her seatbelt while he walked around and got in.

  “Where do you live?” he asked as they turned out of the driveway.

  There was no way she was going to tell him about the shelter. “Oh, can you take me to the drugstore on Eighth Street? I need to stop and get some things. It’s only a block from there.”

  “Sure.” They drove in silence for a few minutes. Then he asked, “Do you have family around here?”

  “No, not really. Are you related to the men you live with? Like cousins or brothers?”

  “Beck is my brother. The other guys are just my business partners and best friends. We’ve all been best friends for most of our lives.”

  “Oh.” Beck was his brother? There was no way she was getting this job, then. Even if he had seemed to like her, his brother clearly didn’t, and blood always came first. “What’s the business?”

  “We make honey. And other things.”

  They turned onto Eighth Street and she saw the drugstore. “This is it, right here.”

  “I can wait and drive you home after you get what you need.”

  “Oh, no, thank you.” She pulled the door open. “I really appreciate it.”


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