Taken by Her Mate

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Taken by Her Mate Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  The bar was empty with no sign of anyone around. Shaun rounded a corner and found Brendan drinking straight from a bottle of whiskey.

  “I wondered when you were going to show,” Brendan said.

  Pulling his keys out of his pocket, Shaun moved toward his truck. “I’ve got nothing to say to you.”

  “No? Well, in a month I’ll have your woman beneath me. Think about that as you’re driving away from her. No matter what you do, you can’t have her. Addie will be mine. You can console her and play your fucking white knight routine, but you’ll never have her.” Brendan laughed and then walked away, stumbling as he did.

  Staring at his back, Shaun resisted the temptation of knocking him on his ass.

  Wait and fucking see.

  Chapter Five

  Brendan threw back another shot. His vision was blurry, and he was drunker than fuck, but it was all good because the liquor helped him feel more in control. Ever since he hit his prime the animal inside of him had seemed to take control. That was also fine by him because it made him stronger, fiercer. His strength would allow him to be undefeated. He would have Addie by his side, the good little docile virgin. She would be good to pop out a few pups, give him pussy whenever he pleased, and keep him fed. It wasn’t all bad, even if he didn’t want to be tied down to a bitch. Although, if he was being honest, having a mate was not about to stop him from enjoying the pleasure of female company. He would fuck whoever he wanted, whenever.

  He tossed back another swig of whiskey and leaned back against his couch. The human female was busy getting undressed in front of him. Her hair spilled around her bare, pale breasts. She had sucked his cock well enough, but he wasn’t nearly done with her. He wanted her on her hands and knees, giving him everything. She made a move to come to him, but he held up his hand, stopping her advances.

  “Crawl on your fucking hands and knees like the bitch you are.” Her eyes widened, and the scent of confusion and a hint of uneasiness washed out of her. Good, he liked them to be a little scared.

  “Brendan, I—”

  “I didn’t bring you here to listen to you fucking talk. I want to fuck you, plain and simple. Get on your damn knees, or get the fuck out.” He took another drink straight from the bottle and watched her over the rim. He could see the internal struggle inside of her, but in the end she surrendered. They always did, because in the end that’s all a female was good for. Watching her drop down to her hands and knees had his cock kicking to attention. Her breasts swayed with each move, and when she stopped in front of him he did nothing but stare at her. His anger and lust were pretty fucking fierce at the moment, especially since he had seen Shaun-Fucking-McCallum at Steel’s Corner. There was no doubt in Brendan’s mind that the asshole had a major hard-on for Addie, and the only thing that had him not attacking the fucker was the fact he was going to be between Addie’s sweet thighs next month. There was nothing Shaun could do about it, and once he was fully mated with Addie, he planned on doing every imaginable thing to her. She would be his property, and he would have a fun fucking time rubbing that in Shaun’s face.

  He reached out, gripped a chunk of the human female’s badly-dyed blonde hair, and wrenched her head back. “I hope you’re in for one hell of a ride, slut.” He had a lot of energy tonight, and he planned on taking it out in the most vicious of ways.


  Addie sat on the couch and watched her father and brother talk quietly at the dining room table. Steven Caldwell was just as large and fierce as any of the other male wolves in their pack. In his fifties, her father had a head of black hair with streaks of grey woven in it. Even in his age he was a handsome man, with thick muscles and a dangerous expression. He reminded her of Jackson a lot, but where her brother was easy going, their father was hardened all the time. It made for a very difficult task of trying to get away with anything, especially since she turned eighteen and the clock was ticking down when she would be mated to Brendan. God, just thinking about him made her stomach turn.

  The way her father and brother spoke, Addie knew that it was pack related. Of course, because of the way their kind lived, females were not always brought into the light on such things. It was barbaric to Addie, but it had been that way for as long as her kind had been around. In all honesty, Addie had no desire to deal with pack business anyway. Her life was already too complicated, and she just had to worry about who she was going to spend the rest of her life with.

  Finally, Jackson stood and headed outside. She needed to talk to her brother and tell him her fears about mating with Brendan. Jackson was a smart male, and she knew he wouldn’t lash out at her when she was honest with him like their father would. She followed her brother outside and saw him heading for his truck.

  “Jackson, wait.” He stopped and turned to look at her. Addie walked up to him, stole a glance over her shoulder to make sure their parents hadn’t come outside, and took a deep breath. She stopped in front of him and he lifted a brow in question. For a moment she had a moment of worry that maybe she should just keep her mouth shut. That thought fled as soon as it arrived because she knew her life could not be whole if she allowed this mating to happen. After spending time with Shaun, hearing how he felt about her, she knew that being with him was where she really belonged.

  “What’s up?”

  “I—” Damn, this was harder than she thought.

  He gently took her elbow and steered her to the other side of his truck and away from prying eyes. “Is this about Shaun?”

  Addie’s heart pounded fiercely behind her chest as she stared into Jackson’s grey, knowing eyes. She couldn’t speak, so she just nodded.

  Jackson breathed out and ran a hand over his short hair. “Yeah, your boy spoke to me about wanting you. Said something along the lines about him fighting for you, but who the hell knows what lengths a territorial male will go for his female?”

  Warmth suffused her at Jackson’s words. “Shaun actually spoke to you about it?”

  “Yeah, but I’ll be honest with you. The male is intent on having you, mating with Brendan be dammed. I don’t think it will end well, even if Shaun does claim you and Brendan is out of the way. You know as well as me that if Shaun challenges Brendan for you the outcome will not be good. You know as well as I that if another male challenges the alpha or his successor and defeats him, no matter what the fight was originally about, they have the right to claim the title as alpha. The pack won’t accept another male as our alpha, and I’m pretty sure there will be a shit storm as the end result.” He ran his hand through his hair again, and she knew that to be a sign of his frustration. “That being said, you’re my baby sister, and I’ll stand beside you every step of the way. I only want you happy, and even if that means an all-out war between our packs, I’ve got your back.” He pulled her into a tight hug, and she melted against him. Jackson had always been there for her, no matter what. It didn’t matter what anyone else said, she knew that in the end she could always count on her brother to help her through it all.

  “Are you really okay with me mating Brendan?” She felt him tense.

  “Honestly?” He exhaled loudly. “I’m not okay with anyone mating with my little sister, but the fact of the matter is Brendan would have always been the one they shoved at you. You mating with the alpha’s son is good politics, Addie.” Jackson ran a hand through his hair and exhaled loudly. “With Dad as second-in-command and Brendan the alpha’s son, you two will be a power couple.”

  “I’m not strong or powerful, Jackson.”

  Her brother placed a hand in the center of her chest. “You’re strong in here, Addie, and you’re damn smart, too.” He smiled, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Do I like that you’ll be mated to Brendan? No. I don’t think Brendan is the best male for you. I don’t think he’d treat you with the respect you deserve.” He pulled her away from him but kept his hands on her shoulders. “He’s one hell of a fighter and protects the pack at all costs, but a good mate? Nah. He likes pussy too much
. And that is why I’ll do anything in my power to make sure you get your happily ever after, because you deserve that and so much more.”

  “How will this ever work out, Jackson?”

  He pulled her back into his arms and rested his chin atop her head. “I don’t know, kid, but I’ll tell you it’s going to be one helluva ride.”

  She watched Jackson leave and decided a run would do her some good. Maybe she could clear her head and come up with a solution. Addie needed to come up with something because the mating was quickly approaching. Taking her shoes off, she stepped into the thick lining of trees that surrounded her home. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up, and she knew she was being watched. Her family’s house was away from the general population of the pack, so when she looked over her shoulder and saw Brendan leaning against a tree in the not so far distance, Addie knew he didn’t just happen to be passing by. The way he stared at her, as if he could undress her with his eyes only, send a wave of discomfort through her. She hated the way he watched her, like he was just ticking down the days until he could do whatever the hell he wanted to her.

  The way he stood, leaned up against the tree, his arms crossed and his stance relaxed, screamed cocky bastard. A slow, sadistic smile spread across his face, and even from the distance she could see the flash of his straight, white teeth. It was a damn shame he was such a prick, because he was a good looking wolf, what with his longish blond hair, deep blue eyes, and fit body. Women had always flocked to him, and Brendan sucked it up like he was starving for sunshine. She had never thought much of it, never deemed it as uncomfortable, until the reality of her future was shoved in her face. To see his sexual exploitations disgusted her in more ways than one. Even if she wanted to mate with Brendan, it was painfully clear he was who he was and would never change. There would always be a revolving door in their life when it came to the females. It didn’t matter, though. Addie had no intentions of mating with him, so what he did and who he did it with was not her concern.

  Turning away from him, she felt the shift take her away. Her human form morphed into her wolf form, and she lifted her nose and sniffed the air. The scent of the forest rushed into her lungs, invigorating her and calling out her natural instincts to run free. Taking off into the thickness of the trees, Addie didn’t miss a thing. The birds overheard calling out, the wind whistling through the branches, the small wildlife scurrying around her, hiding from the predator that she was. Addie had no destination in mind. In fact, she just wanted to run until her body gave out from exhaustion. Of course life didn’t work out the way she wanted. She instantly sensed Brendan not far behind her. The scent of his fur was musky in the air. His arousal was as clear as the brook that she just leapt across, but mixed with that lust was his anger, hatred, and aggression. He was filled with the vile stuff.

  She ran faster, not about to be cornered and bullied, especially by the likes of him. Throughout their childhood he had been crude and rude to her. She didn’t know what she had ever done to him to warrant his anger, but the teasing and being picked on had gotten old fast. Now she just stayed away from him, although the childish antics had stopped once he got old enough to know that he had better things to do, things like fucking every female that walked past him.

  She picked up her speed, kicking up dirt in her wake and knowing that she did not want a confrontation with Brendan. Despite her best efforts to stay away from him, there were times he cornered her, trying to get her to be with him before their mating. He was a conceited prick that thought a smug smile should drop panties like they were on fire. Not now. Not ever. The small pond by their home came into view, but right before she would run into the opening she was tackled from behind. The air left her, and a whine erupted from her chest as her shoulder slammed against the hard ground. The pain had her shifting back into her human, naked form. Blinking back the tears of pain, Addie opened her eyes wide and stared into the deep blue ones of the wolf that pinned her down. Brendan’s wolf was just as large and fierce as the other males in their pack, but where they had finesse and grace, Brendan had this dangerous edge to him, one that scared the shit out of her.

  “Get. Off.” She tried to move out from underneath him, but his body was stacked with muscle, and she couldn’t move until he deemed it fit. He dipped his muzzle to her neck and inhaled deeply. The low rumble that left him was a warning. She didn’t like this, didn’t like being helpless under a sadistic asshole. She squeezed her eyes tight when she felt his big, rough tongue slide up her throat. A shiver worked through her, but it was clear Brendan took it as something other than disgust. A crack sounded in the air, and then Brendan’s human body was pressed against hers.

  “You smell so sweet and innocent, Addie.” He licked her cheek, and she turned her head away from his wandering tongue. “I could have my way with you right now, and there wouldn’t be anything you could do about it.” His laugh was low, malicious. “No one would fault me for claiming my mate early. Hell, they’d probably pat me on the fucking back for it.”

  His erection prodded her belly, and she clenched her thighs together. “Please, Brendan. Just let me go. I’ll be yours in a month’s time.” Her mind screamed the opposite, but she kept her lips sealed and focused on him. She needed to defuse this situation because Brendan certainly wasn’t known for his self-control. His hands gripped her upper arms, his fingers digging into her flesh. She knew there would be bruises, but she couldn’t focus on the pain right now.

  “That fucker Shaun McCallum wants between your thighs.” His eyes narrowed, and his nostrils flared. “I think you like that. I think you want him to fuck you, don’t you?” He leaned in, the anger rolling off him. His rage could start at the drop of the hat. For the millionth time she thought what had happened to him. Why did he turn so evil?

  “That’s not true, Brendan.” She turned to keep her voice low, reassuring. Right now if she wanted to get out of this unscathed, she had to play the part of understanding mate.

  “I don’t believe you.” He said. Brendan further narrowed his eyes and inhaled. Addie knew the only thing he would smell was her fear for him. “I like that you’re a slut like the rest of them. Willing to spread your thighs at the drop of a fucking hat.” She shook her head, knowing that this was getting way out of hand.

  “Listen to me, Brendan. You’re imagining things. Shaun means nothing to me, okay?” She prayed like hell he believed her. A long, tense moment passed before finally Brendan released her arms, but that relief was short-lived when he gripped her throat. The hold was loose enough she could breathe, but she wasn’t so foolish to think he couldn’t snap her neck with just a flick of his wrist.

  “One more month, Addie.” He dipped low so his lips brushed her ear. “And then I’m going to do things to you that you never thought possible.” The way he said it was dark and low. The words weren’t meant to tantalize, but to scare her. Well, it had done its job. He pulled back and stood. Another long moment of him just staring at her, his eyes moving up and down her nude body, had her wanting to cover herself form his wandering eyes, but she wasn’t stupid enough to do it.

  When he turned and stalked away she didn’t dare move. A surge of electricity and his wolf form was darting through the trees. Addie lay there for several long moments, and then when she couldn’t take it anymore she rolled onto her side and cried. She sobbed for the unfairness of the situation, and she cried over the fact she didn’t know how to get out from under Brendan. Today had proved how close she had come to him taking what he thought was his. The fire behind Brendan’s eyes, the evil determination, had been like sticky fingers caress her soul. He was too strong for her, for anyone. Once he was alpha, their pack wouldn’t survive his rule. That she was sure of. How would she ever survive if she didn’t think of a way to get out of this mating?

  Her mind was a jumble of emotions and thoughts, but the only thing that stood out, the only image that helped to calm her, was Shaun. He was the only male she wanted, and she wished he was with her rig
ht then, wrapping his arms around her and telling her everything would be okay.

  Chapter Six

  Shaun woke up to the sound of his mother cooking breakfast. He lay in his bed listening to the sounds of the forest surrounding him. Their pack lived closer to a town than the Northern Mountains. The pack was getting ready to go to the mountains. They were all expected to be present during the mating of Brendan and Addie. His stomach turned. He’d not told his father of his plans. Shaun spent all of his time training. There was no way he’d risk Addie’s future by not being prepared. He took several of the youngest pack members with him.

  Jackson had called to tell him about a rumor that Brendan fought like a newly turned wolf. Shaun used the youngest turned because they were more likely to fight similarly. All his life he’d protected Addie, and now was no different.

  He’d been in love with her for most of his life. His love wasn’t ever going to change. Addie completed him.

  “Son, we’re waiting for you downstairs. Your mother has made a full breakfast with your favorite sausage,” Edward said.

  “I’ll be down in a minute.” Shaun heard his father walk downstairs.

  “Well, how’s he doing?” Helen, his mother, asked.

  “He’s dealing. He knows Addie isn’t his woman.”

  “You and I both know those two were supposed to be together. You thinking he’s not preparing something makes you a fool,” Helen said.

  Shaun tuned out of their conversation. His parents had been treading carefully around him the last few weeks. All of his pack was treading carefully around him. None of them knew what he planned to do in a few short days.

  Flinging his blanket off his body, he climbed out of bed. Going through to the bathroom, he stared at his reflection and wondered if he had it in him to win this fight. Doubt assailed him at the prospect in front of him.


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