Taken by Her Mate

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Taken by Her Mate Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  “Look at these tits, Addie.” Shaun’s hands left her pussy and gripped her breasts. Tightening her thighs and arms around him, she let her head fall back when his tongue swiped across her nipple. The tip grew taut from the touch, and blood rushed to the surface. Alternating between her breasts, Shaun laved attention to her body like he worshipped her. “I love everything about you, baby.”

  Small, incoherent sounds left her as he sucked, licked, and bit at her. Low growls came from his throat, his wolf making an appearance as the man before her had her climbing closer and closer to ecstasy. When she thought she would die from sensory overload, Shaun lifted his head and stared at her. Their eyes locked for several long moments, their emotions bouncing between each other in silent communication. Then, the hot, slick tip of his erection brushed along her pussy. He gripped himself and poised it at her entrance.

  “I love you, Addie. I will not let anyone have you. Do you understand me, baby?” The expression he held was fierce and intense, his words final. “Say it, Addie.” He dragged his hand up to her throat and gripped it lightly, his thumb brushing back and forth over her pulse. “Tell me that you’re mine and no one else’s.”

  She would have told him whatever he wanted to hear just to feel him in her body, but what she said came from her heart. “I’m yours, Shaun, forever.”

  Their eyes stayed locked as he slowly pushed into her. Her pussy stretched wide to accommodate Shaun’s girth. The deeper he sank, the louder she cried out. Too quickly he stilled inside of her, his hands gripping her waist tightly. With a groan he slanted his mouth on hers, reared back an inch, and then slammed all the way into her body, breaking through her hymen and making her his irrevocably. A cry of pain and pleasure left her, but he swallowed it as he kept still in her.

  Unused muscles clenched around him, and she could feel the tension in his body. Muscles were clenched, and his flesh was slicked with sweat. Addie could tell he held it together for her. The scent of his wolf at the surface was a strong, primal aroma in the air.

  His hips pulled back, and the length of him dragged out of her pussy. Right when she feared he would slip from her he pushed back in. Lips parting from the pleasure/pain, she let herself go lax as Shaun started working his cock in her pussy. Over and over he moved, sinking harder and faster and bringing her closer to orgasm. She could taste it, right there on her tongue. The flavor was sweet, like saccharine coating every inch of her mouth.

  “That’s it, baby. Give me that pretty pussy.” The sound of his voice had dropped to a distorted whisper. He was more animal then man at that moment, and she could feel the wildness inside of her rising as well.

  Head thrashing back and forth, she clenched inner muscles around his probing shaft. He felt so good inside of her that she couldn’t think, couldn’t process what was happening. Heels digging into his ass, the feel of his hips pushing in and out of her spurred her on to beg for it harder, deeper.

  “So good, Addie. So. Fucking. Good.” Plowing into her, Shaun took her like a madman, like he couldn’t get enough of her.

  Her orgasm came on her like a freight train. Body going taut, Addie ground her clit against Shaun as she rode out her pleasure.

  “Oh fuck, Addie.” He rested his head in the crook of her neck, his breathing heavy and humid against her skin. His thrusts picked up as he fucked her good and hard. This wasn’t the slow, sweet coupling she had imagined for her first time, but instead a wild, emotion-filled encounter that could forever be ingrained in her brain. Shaun had always been so untamed and primal, so she didn’t see why the sex would be any different. Addie realized she needed and wanted this from him.

  Just as her orgasm started to decline, another one, even more powerful than the first, took her over the edge. Shaun’s cock swelled inside of her, and the stretching and pressure intensified. Another cry of pleasure left her. She knew he was close by the feel of the base of his cock swelling. Knotting was common for their kind, but up until now she had only heard the secret giggles from other females on how it felt. Now though, now she felt it with such intensity she had to bite her lip to keep from screaming. The tangy, metallic flavor of blood spilled into her mouth as the agony/ecstasy of Shaun claiming her slammed into her.

  A grunt, then a long drawn out groan left him as his cock continued to become engorged in her pussy. There was no part of her cunt that wasn’t filled by him, wasn’t possessed by the man, the wolf she loved. The knot at the base of his cock locked him inside of her as his cum filled her. The hot, powerful jets of his climax filled her womb, setting off little tremors without her.

  “Yes, Addie. Christ, yesss.” With him locked in her he couldn’t continue to move within her. “Mine, Addie. You. Are. MINE.”

  The spasms of her pussy around him sent an exquisite thrill right to her very marrow. Hands gripping her ass, fingers digging into her flesh, Shaun held her still as he emptied himself. The only sound that penetrated her hazy mind was their combined breathing. It was rough, haphazard, and filled the wilderness like the roar of their animals. Ever so slowly the knot at the base of his shaft decreased, and he pulled out.

  As he dragged his erection out of her she felt every inch, every ripple and vein. Maybe she was just so in tuned with him, so connected that the smallest of touches had her drifting away from the world where nothing else mattered except the here and now.

  “Addie.” When Shaun said her name it was filled with so much more than that one word. He lifted his head and looked down at her. He might not be inside of her any longer, but he kept her close. Arms wrapped around her, he kept her warm as a gust of wind blew by.

  “God, Addie.” He lifted his finger and trailed it over her eyebrow, down her temple, and around her mouth. “If you had any idea how much you mean to me…” She wanted desperately to hear him finish his sentence, but it didn’t matter, because she knew.

  She knew.

  “I know, Shaun.” Resting her head on his chest, she let the sound of his heart beating give her strength. “Just promise me you won’t leave, Shaun.” Gripping the edge of his shirt in her hands, she tried to bring him closer, which wasn’t physically possible, but still she tried.

  “Addie, girl,” he whispered and cupped her face, bringing his lips down to hers in a soft, reassuring kiss. “I promise you there will be no other male for you. You are mine, and your mating to Brendan will not be happening. That, I can fucking guarantee.”

  Chapter Eight

  Once Shaun left Addie with her brother he made his way back to his father. Edward stood gazing across the forest with his arms folded across his chest. Shaun felt the disapproval coming off Edward in waves, all of it directed at him.

  “You couldn’t wait until after your fight to fucking claim her?” Edward asked. “Her scent is all over you.”

  “I love her, Dad,” Shaun said. His words didn’t excuse his behavior. Her scent had surrounded him making it hard for him to resist her. The truth of it was, Shaun didn’t want to try to resist her. He loved her and wanted her, and his own selfish desires had gotten in the way. If he didn’t get to the mating before her then Brendan was going to hurt her. His scent was all around and inside her. His seed was inside her wonderfully tight cunt.

  Shaun’s cock thickened at the remembered feel of him inside her.

  “Is it enough?” Edward asked.

  “What do you mean?” Shaun stood beside his father waiting for him to speak.

  “I’ll do anything for your mother. She’s the other half of me. Can you do everything for Addie? If you were ordered, could you walk away from our packs?”

  Taking a deep breath, Shaun nodded. “With Addie at my side I can do anything. I’m sorry if what I’ve done has brought shame to you and the pack. I’m doing what I had to do. All my life Addie has been a part of it. She’s the other half of me, and I wouldn’t let anything happen to her. Brendan is bad news. He’s no better than an animal.”

  Edward turned to him. His father’s arms surrounded him. “I’ve never b
een prouder of you. You’re a fine man, and it’s a pleasure to call you my son.”

  Tears filled Shaun’s eyes. He kept them at bay. It wouldn’t do for him to start crying moments before he challenged another wolf.

  “Come on. We can’t leave the others waiting.”

  Shaun followed his father through to where the mating ceremony always took place. Several of the pack members were already gathered ready to see the mating between two of their pack. His hands fisted at his sides at the thought of Brendan getting anywhere near his woman.

  He shouldn’t have taken her in the forest. Shaun should have waited until they were mated and alone in a bed. Jackson moved until he was beside him. They were moments from the ceremony beginning. His body tightened in preparation for the attack. There was no way Brendan wouldn’t scent Addie on him.

  “You couldn’t wait until after this fucking fight?” Jackson asked.

  “Is Addie okay?”

  “Of course she is. I made sure she was. You better win today because my sister has stars in her eyes, and I don’t want to be the one to put them out,” Jackson said.

  His heart rate picked up at the threat. Shaun didn’t want Addie to be broken-hearted.

  “I’ve got your blessing on this?” Shaun asked.

  “Would it matter if you didn’t?”


  “That’s all that matters to me, Shaun. Win this fight and make my sister happy, and we’ll be fine.”

  Jackson walked away before any of the other pack members became suspicious. The wind swirled around him, and Shaun froze as Addie’s scent travelled down to him. There was no sign of Brendan.

  She came through the clearing behind her father. Her gaze looked over everyone and finally settled on him. Shaun smiled at her trying to offer her comfort even from the distance he was away from her.

  “I love you.” Addie mouthed the words in his direction, and he sent her a wink in response.

  Before he could do anything, Addie was flung into the center of the gathering. All conversation froze, and Shaun tensed. She cried out, whimpering as she landed funny. He heard a snap and knew something had broken on Addie’s body.

  “You fucking slut!” Brendan came charging through the clearing. His face was red with rage. He grabbed her by the hair and slapped Addie’s face. The crack of his hand hitting her face filled the air. Shaun charged at him. Brendan got another slap in before he kicked Addie away.

  Her whimpers filled Shaun’s head. Addie may be a wolf, but she wasn’t a fighter. She’d been trained to be a mate and nothing else. The females in the pack were rarely trained for anything other than mating. The scent of her blood surrounded Shaun.

  “What the fuck is going on?” Brendan’s father came rushing through the clearing. Shaun didn’t remove his gaze from his enemy. Brendan was his enemy.

  He hurt Addie before you could stop it. It’s not acceptable. Hurt him. Show him who is the one in charge.

  “Shaun fucked my mate. I can smell his seed inside her. You stupid fuck,” Brendan said, growling the words. “Do you really think I give a fuck about you having her first?”

  Brendan’s rage travelled through the pack. Shaun sensed every emotion of their people, and it wasn’t all nice. He sensed their disappointment in him, but they were also disgusted with Brendan. Men did not attack women. It was one of their rules, and Brendan had hurt a woman.

  Addie whimpered.

  He turned to see her arm was broken. Blood spilled from her side, her arm, and down her face, covering the white fabric of her dress.

  Rage unlike anything he’d ever felt consumed Shaun. His woman was hurt because he didn’t respond in time.

  Jackson came to his side. “If you don’t hurt this fucking asshole, I’ll do it myself regardless of the consequences.” If Jackson was to go up against Brendan then after the initial fight, Jackson would be thrown out of the pack and forced to go rogue. Stepping up against the alpha or the alpha’s son had to be worth the cost of banishment.

  Before Shaun got a chance to speak to Jackson, Brendan started moving toward Addie.

  “No, you fucking don’t,” Shaun said. He charged at the other male. Wrapping his arm around Brendan’s waist, Shaun slammed him to the ground. Brendan went down, winded.

  Shaun went to Addie. Her mother was glaring at him, but Shaun didn’t care.

  He cupped her face, which was bruised and bleeding. “I love you, baby. I’m going to hurt him, and then you’ll be mine. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  Addie nodded. “Hurry. I hurt.”

  The bone of her elbow was protruding from her shirt. If she’d been human she would have passed out from the pain. Addie needed to change in order to mend the damage.

  “When I’m done we’ll change, and I’ll take care of you.” None of them were allowed to change into a wolf during the mating ceremony or the challenge. The acceptance of a female had to be done as a man, and the same went for the fight.

  “Please, hurry,” she said.

  Tears streamed down her face. He saw and felt the pain radiating off her in waves.

  Turning back to where he left Brendan, Shaun saw the other man getting to his feet. Brendan was smiling. “She’ll be in my bed, Shaun. I’ll be the one taking her again and again.”

  “What is the meaning of this?” Brendan’s father asked.

  “My son, my heir, is here to challenge the mating of Addie and Brendan,” Edward said.

  Shaun listened to the two older men while facing Brendan.


  “Shaun has laid his claim to Addie Caldwell, and he will see it through.”

  “This is not acceptable. No wolf can challenge a mating rule. I, for one, forbid it,” Brendan’s father said.

  “You can’t forbid it. These laws apply to every pack. Allow them to fight, or face the consequences, Alfred,” Edward said.

  Alfred sputtered.

  “Dad, what’s going on? You said nothing could stop my mating Addie,” Brendan said. The other male whined, and the sound grated on Shaun’s nerves.

  “I’m sorry. I never expected anyone to challenge you.” Alfred turned away to face both packs. “Shaun has brought a challenge to my son, and now we must back away and see them fight.”

  Murmurs echoed around the forest. One by one the pack members took a step back giving them both room to fight. Shaun had never seen a challenge take place before. As far as he was aware, Shaun was the first wolf to challenge a mating in his generation.

  Brendan looked around him. “You’ve got them eating out of the palm of your hand. The good boy.” Brendan spat onto the ground.

  Shaun removed his jacket. “It didn’t have to be this way. Addie was mine. You could have any other female you wanted, but you wanted mine.”

  “It was always you and her. Nothing I ever did could stop your feelings for the other.”

  The other man smiled. “I’ll be between her sweet thighs. I may not have tasted her virgin blood, but I’ll have her cunt. And, Shaun, there is nothing you’re going to do to stop me.”

  He listened to Brendan’s words and knew the other man was trying to bait him. If he lashed out then Brendan would have the upper hand, and Shaun would be left attacking, rather than defending.

  Being trained by Edward and the other men of his pack, Shaun knew how to keep calm. He needed to make Brendan attack him.

  The scent of Addie’s love surrounded him, and Shaun would never give anyone the chance of taking that from him.

  “It must kill you to know I got there first. Addie was such a sweet morsel.” His words had the desired effect. Brendan’s hands tightened by his sides, and his pulse increased letting Shaun know his anger was erupting close to the surface. The words Shaun was speaking disgusted him, but he needed to get Brendan to break. “She opened to me, Brendan, without force. Addie loves me. She wants me, and I didn’t have to hurt or break her to get what I want. You, on the other hand, would only hurt her to get it. She’d never be wet
for you or moan your name on her sweet lips. I didn’t have to force her to beg me,” Shaun said.

  Brendan let out a roar, and a second later he attacked. Shaun tensed, preparing himself for the strike. The other man lashed out and went for Shaun’s face. He dodged the hand and kicked out, knocking Brendan to his knees.

  “You think you’re so tough?” Brendan spun, kicked, and then jumped. Shaun went to the ground and threw Brendan off him. A punch landed to Shaun’s gut as Brendan stopped the fall by landing on his body.

  Rolling together across the mud, Shaun got the upper hand as Brendan sank his claws into Shaun’s arm. Skin, muscle, and tendons were torn apart as he threw Brendan away from him. The other man landed against the tree. The sound of the tree snapping echoed around the forest. With a quick movement, Shaun got out of the way as the tree fell where he was lying down. Blood dripped down his arm. The dull pain spread throughout his body. Shaun ignored it. He moved his arm even as pain burst throughout. There was nothing he could do. Blood trickled down the side of Brendan’s face and from his nose.

  Charging at Brendan, Shaun landed three punches to the face followed by a kick to the stomach. The fighting went on. They were both as bloody as the other. Shaun was thrown against two trees. The sound of the impact echoed throughout the whole forest. He didn’t have time to think about his next move, and Brendan was a lot stronger than he anticipated.

  He heard the gasps and felt the horror of both of their packs. There was no stopping their battle. Shaun refused to back down, and Brendan appeared to have something to prove. On one final kick, Shaun was thrown against a large rock. His head was slammed to the side, and he was left staring at Addie.

  The pain was unlike anything he’d ever felt. The stun to the head gave Brendan enough time to charge into the crowd.

  “Get up, son,” Edward said.

  Turning toward the sound of his father’s voice, he saw Edward standing along the edge. The anger on his face was clear for Shaun to see.

  “He’s strong,” Shaun said. He’d not expected Brendan to be so strong.


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