Taken by Her Mate

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Taken by Her Mate Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  Her legs opened going either side of his waist. The scent of her pussy was driving him crazy.

  Nipping her lips, Shaun moved to her neck. He sucked in the flesh feeling her shiver and squirm. Her breasts were tipped with hard red nipples. It was taking every ounce of his willpower not to ram inside and fuck her.

  After what they’d both experienced he wanted Addie to feel everything.

  “Shaun.” She spoke his name with a sigh to her lips. The pleasure in her tone went straight to his cock. How many times had he brought himself off with his hand imagining this moment? There were too many to count. Addie was his whole world, and she was finally his.

  “Mine.” He muttered the word against her skin as he skimmed her collarbone.

  She gasped and then moaned. Addie was on fire from his touch. He sensed it from her scent and the arousal spilling from her silken folds. She was wet and ready for him to fuck. He wasn’t going to climb on and ride her. Shaun intended to prolong her pleasure. He wanted this day to be memorable for her for all the right reasons as opposed to all the wrong ones. Every female wolf should remember her mating.

  “Yours,” she said, whispering the word to him.

  He grazed her collarbone before sucking her taut nipple between his lips. She groaned, and her fingers sank into the length of his hair. Shaun lathered attention on the first and then the second nipple. While he sucked one nipple he tweaked the other between his fingers. Her tits were glorious, and he looked forward to spending many hours loving them the way tits should be adored.

  “Shaun.” She moaned his name making him smile.

  Lifting up from her chest, Shaun winked. “What’s the matter, baby?” he asked.

  “Please, I need more.”

  Her eyes were fully dilated. Any remembered pain from his fight was gone. The woman in her place was consumed by the lust. His cock was the focal point of her need.

  “I’ll give you more soon.” Kissing down from her chest to her belly button, Shaun lavished time on every inch of her. Her rounded stomach tightened against his lips. Addie’s body was primed and ready for him.

  Opening her legs wider to receive him, Shaun moved down and tongued her clit. The tight bud was swollen with arousal. He swirled his tongue around her nub watching as she came off the ground. Her cunt was leaking copious amounts of her cream.

  “I love you, Addie,” he said.

  “I love you, too.”

  Sinking his tongue inside her body, he fucked her repeatedly and used his fingers to tease her clit. Her gasps, moans, and cries were sweet music to him.

  He ignored the siren call of her body and simply enjoyed licking her. Addie had the ability to make him lose control.

  Her fingers caught his hair, and she smashed her pelvis against his lips.

  “Harder,” she said.

  His little vixen had finally found her need. He used his tongue to fuck her cunt harder. Stroking her clit with two fingers, Shaun brought her to orgasm swiftly.

  She screamed as her body was hurtled over the edge. Shaun wasn’t ready for release. There was so much he wanted to do with his woman.

  His woman.

  He’d never grow tired of thinking those words when it came to Addie. She was his everything, and he couldn’t wait for her stomach to be swollen with their child. A primal need to fill her with his seed struck him deep in the chest.

  Releasing her pussy from his tongue and hands, he gripped his shaft and plunged home inside her. Her pussy was tight, wet, and everything he wanted.

  Returning his grip to her hips, Shaun pulled out of her tight cunt only to slam back inside.

  Addie opened up for him. She held his hands where they gripped her hips and gave herself to him. He felt her acceptance of him, her love, and above all, her respect as his mate. All three combined in a mating that was real and true to their kind. Such a mating hadn’t occurred in some decades.

  There was a time when mates were selected by their own free will, but for some reason those rules changed, and parents were free to pick their children’s mates. Shaun had read several of the journals kept by the alphas of the Silver Cross pack. One of the alphas had stated at the time that there had been no mating within the pack for twenty years. When it looked like no mates were going to be selected between each other, the alpha decided to allow planned matings between families. The concept was common with the human population, and the alpha at the time, didn’t see an issue with extending the tradition into the pack. Soon, wolves were mating and children were being born, but taking a mate with their own free will stopped. Every alpha from then on was the oldest son of the reigning alpha. It was like the hierarchy of a kingdom. The oldest son gets to rule the kingdom when the king is dead. In their case it occurred when the alpha was dead.

  The reason Shaun had had to fight for Addie was down to a change in their traditions. Addie was always supposed to be his mate, he had known that since he first laid eyes upon her, but he had been too much of a coward to make that a reality. Because of the change in politics, he’d been given no other choice than to fight for her. Shaun didn’t want to think about the consequences of what could have happened to her if Brendan had won. He pushed all those thoughts aside and concentrated on the pleasure her body was creating inside him.

  His thrusts increased, and he felt his cock hitting the tip of her cervix inside her. Her face was flushed with pleasure.

  “I love you, Shaun,” she said.

  With a growl, Shaun pulled out of her body. “I love you, too, and I have to have all of you.”

  He flipped her to her knees, and peeking at him was her virgin anus. Gritting his teeth at the sight of her forbidden entrance, he rammed back inside. The angle from behind changed the depth. He stroked over her G-spot making her scream.

  Stroking his fingers through her silken folds he gathered her juice on his fingers before pressing them to her asshole.

  She tensed but didn’t pull away.

  He caressed her skin as he worked one finger into her tight anal entrance.

  Addie whimpered and slammed back against him. She needed this. The instant he took her ass, Addie would be completely his, and there would be no one in the land to dispute it. Brendan couldn’t have her. Her ass, pussy, and mouth were his.

  “Let me in, Addie,” he said.

  “Take it.”

  He slipped out of her cunt only to press the tip of his cock against his ass. His seed leaked out easing her ass open for him. They were meant to be together, and his seed released enough to ease his way.

  She cried out as he worked every inch of his cock inside her ass. Once he was fullly inside, he wrapped his arms around her body and pulled her against him. “I’m inside you, baby. There’s no letting go now. You’ve got me for life.”

  “There is nowhere else I’d rather be. From that first moment I met you, we were supposed to be together.”

  Shaun couldn’t argue. He’d fallen for her at the same time.

  Kissing her neck, he helped her back onto her hands. He watched as her fingers sank into the green grass. They were surrounded by nature, and everything felt right to him. Sinking into her ass, Shaun grabbed her hips and pulled her against him. Her anus opened up to him sucking him inside her tight body.

  “Your body knows we were supposed to be together, Addie.”

  Pulling out of her tight ass he immediately slammed back inside. He was addicted to her tight ass as she gripped him to her.


  When she became accustomed to his touch Shaun fucked her harder. His cock thickened, and the tip expanded getting ready to knot inside her.

  A roar escaped his lips, and in the next instant his cum spurted out of the tip of his cock. Addie’s release joined his. Her ass tightened even further. His cock knotted, and there was no chance of him moving.

  Shaun collapsed over her, holding Addie in his arms.

  “I’m totally yours now,” she said.

  “You were mine from the first day we met.”

  She chuckled. He felt her pull away seconds later, not physically pull away but mentally.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked. She couldn’t move away from him, but he got the sense that she wanted to put some distance between them.

  “I was thinking.”

  Shaun rolled them both to the side so he wasn’t crushing her. Cupping her naked breast in his palm he waited for her to continue speaking.

  “What are you thinking? Don’t keep anything from me, baby.”

  He waited patiently for her to speak.

  “When you were fighting Brendan you said some things to him. Bad things about me and us. Why?”

  Scrambling his brain for what he said, Shaun remembered the words.

  “It must kill you to know I got there first. Addie was such a sweet morsel. She opened to me, Brendan, without force. Addie loves me. She wants me, and I didn’t have to hurt or break her to get what I want. You, on the other hand, would only hurt her to get it. She’d never be wet for you or moan your name on her sweet lips. I didn’t have to force her to beg me.”

  “I’m a fighter, Addie. I didn’t know how well Brendan fought. I needed him to lose his edge. The words I spoke didn’t have any meaning. I don’t see you that way. I said the words that would make Brendan lose control. It was low of me to do, but I wanted to win. I needed to win,” he said.

  “I don’t understand. You’re a good fighter,” she said, turning her head to look at him.

  He saw the confusion in her eyes.

  “You’re an alpha’s son,” she said.

  “Addie, so is Brendan. He’s an alpha’s son, too, and he may be a mean son of a bitch, but he could still fight. The difference between the two of us was I was fighting for something a lot more important than my pack.” Shaun cupped her cheek. “I was fighting for you. I already told my Dad I wasn’t going to stick around. My only concern was claiming you. I wasn’t lying to you. You’re my main concern. Those words were exactly that, words.”

  She nodded her head and settled against him. “They still hurt to hear them from your lips.”

  “It was all part of winning. You saw how hard it was for me.”

  “I know. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be judging you.”

  Rubbing his eyes, Shaun suddenly felt tired. This day, her mating day, had been plaguing his thoughts for some time.

  “You can judge me, but as you’re judging me, remember I did this for you and for us. I can walk away from everything, but you I can’t walk away from. They were just words, and I hope you can forgive me.”

  He settled down as she sighed. Slowly, her body relaxed against him. Before sleep claimed him he heard the few words she whispered.

  “I just want to move forward, Shaun. Let’s do that together, Shaun.”

  There was no way he’d ever be able to live with her being upset.

  She’s yours. You won, and now you can love her completely.

  It was the best thought he’d ever had before falling to sleep.

  Chapter Eleven

  One week later

  Seven days had already passed since Addie’s and Shaun’s time at the cave. She was no longer pleasantly sore, and she found herself missing the ache between her thighs. Although she hadn’t seen Shaun since then, they spoke daily. Things needed to be settled within both of their packs. A mating ceremony needed to be planned. They had both agreed they didn’t want to wait for an extended amount of time before they were mated. Neither one cared about the bells and whistles of a long, planned out ceremony. All they wanted was to be mated.

  Addie’s mother and some of the other females in their pack were putting it together. All Addie had to do was show up and be with the male she loved.

  Addie would soon be Shaun’s, and nothing would stand in their way. Shaun had already seen to that when he defeated Brendan.

  The very thought of spending the rest of her life with Shaun, the male she loved, was better than any dream she could have come up with.

  Her sleep for the past seven days had been deep and peaceful, and for the first time since she had been told she was to mate with Brendan, Addie wasn’t filled with dread and worry. She knew she had a goofy smile on her face as she descended the stairs and entered the kitchen. Her mother, father, and brother sat around the table. The scents of breakfast filled the room, and as soon as they realized she had entered they all stood. The three of them looked among each other, and a sense of worry surrounded them.

  “What’s wrong?” The first thing Addie worried about was if Shaun was okay. “Is Shaun okay?” She took another step into the kitchen. Addie worriedly picked at the hem of her shirt as she stared among the three of them. Fear and anxiety were a tidal wave inside of her, and until one of them spoke and eased her fear that something had happened to Shaun, her worry would only grow.

  Jackson cleared his throat. His back was to her, and she stared at their pack’s crest tattooed in the center of his back. He was shirtless, and she found tracing the dark lines with her eyes a bit calming, but then he turned around and all that calmness went out the door.

  “It’s about Brendan. He’s left the pack.”

  Okay. Addie didn’t see how that was such a bad thing. They had all seen how volatile Brendan had been, had seen his submission when Shaun took supremacy over him.

  “Why do you all act like that is the worst possible scenario?”

  Jackson took a step toward her. “We don’t think it’s bad, Addie. In fact, the pack has agreed unanimously that it is for the best that he is gone. We were planning on throwing him out regardless for the way he treated you and several other pack females.”

  Numerous females within their pack came forward and gave their stories on how Brendan had brutalized them. When asked why they had never come forward before then, their answers were all the same: the fear that Brendan put in them if they ever told.

  “A lot is changing within the pack,” Addie’s father said. He brought her mother close to him by wrapping an arm around her slender waist.

  “What do you mean?” Addie could feel something big in the air.

  Jackson was the one who supplied the answer. “There is talk amongst elders, pack elders, and alphas on combining the Northern Mountain Pack with Shaun’s pack.”

  Addie blinked several times, wondering if she heard right. “Combining our pack with Silver Cross Pack?”

  “Yes, we all think it will be a good merging, especially since Shaun is the next alpha in line, and…” Jackson rubbed his hand along the back of her neck, and Addie looked between him and their father.


  “Jackson will be second-in-command, only answering to Shaun when he takes the alpha’s place for our combined packs.”

  For several moments Addie didn’t know how to respond. Second-in-command was a prestigious position, obviously, and although their father had been part of the council it was still unusual for a shifter not part of the alpha’s family to have such high ranking authority. There definitely was a lot of stuff changing within their pack, and Addie just hoped it was for the best.

  The rest of the morning shifted into a more comfortable routine with laughter and talk of Addie’s upcoming mating to Shaun. She had spoken to Shaun right before she left the house, and his plans to come to see her today made her giddy like a teenager about to go on her first date. But first she had some very important pre-ceremony things to do, things that actually required her to participate in the planning.

  A trip into town was in order to have a fitting for her new ceremony dress. Her last one was ruined, but even if Brendan hadn’t torn it from her she would have never worn it to mate with Shaun. This was a start of new beginnings, and therefore she wanted something special and untainted by the evil that surrounded Brendan.

  With her mother and aunt busily wrapping up the end details, Addie felt her anticipation for next week grow within her. In just a few short days she would become the mate of Shaun McCallum. After that their lives would drastically c
hange as he was initiated in as their new alpha of the Northern Mountain Pack. After everything that went down with Brendan, Alfred had decided it best if he stepped down. Although Jackson had told her they planned on having him step down regardless. Alfred was older, with old-fashioned values. With their packs merging it was time for a change for the better.

  Addie climbed in the car and cranked the engine. Jackson and their father stepped out of the house, both deep in conversation. They were going to a pack meeting where everything would be finalized and the Silver Cross would merge with them, and they would only be known as the Northern Mountain Pack.

  Pulling away from her house, Addie maneuvered the car down the winding, narrow mountain road. Once she reached the main road it would be another forty minutes until she reached town. It was a blessing and a curse to live so far away from civilization.

  She was twenty minutes from the main road when the sound of her tire popping alerted her to her problem. Fortunately, she wasn’t going very fast so she was able to slow the car down and pull off to the side. Addie reached for her cell and climbed out of the car. A look at her driver’s side tire had her heart stopping. She glanced around nervously and turned on her phone, ready to call her father and Jackson. As the phone rang in her ear she looked at her tire once again. The arrow stuck out from the rubber like an evil taunt. She hauled ass back into the car and slammed the locks down. Heart thundering behind her ribs she looked in every direction. There was absolutely no doubt that this was Brendan’s doing.

  Maybe she could have convinced herself that a hunter had possibly missed its initial target, but deep down she knew Brendan was the hunter—and she was his prey. When Jackson’s voicemail picked up she cursed and waited for the little beep that would tell her she could start leaving her message. Before any of that could happen though, the sound of shattering glass ringing in her ear and slicing through the side of her face momentarily stunned her enough to drop her phone.

  Griping the left side of her face she felt slivers of glass embedded into her flesh. The scent of her blood and the feel of it sliding down her face had shock rippling through her. Brendan stood beside her. His fist was a bloody mess with pieces of clear shards visible in the skin.


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