By Summer's End (Christian Fiction)

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By Summer's End (Christian Fiction) Page 21

by Rosemarie Naramore

  “You’ve got it,” Brianna said.

  Chapter Thirty-one

  “I really feel as if I should be inside helping Annabelle and Brianna with dinner,” Holly said.

  Ryan shook his head. He had her by the hand and was pulling her toward the barn. “I want to visit our newest family member.” He gave a brittle laugh. “We need him like a hole in the head. I don’t know what Annabelle was thinking bringing the stallion here.”

  “But you’re fond of him,” Holly said knowingly.

  He only smiled in reply.

  “Did she tell you why she bought him?” Holly asked with interest.

  He laughed again. “She’s tells me she bought him for me.”

  “Oh. Well, that was thoughtful of her.”

  He didn’t respond but continued leading her to the barn. When they reached one of the stalls at the far end of the barn, he slowed and urged Holly to do the same. “He’s still a little temperamental,” he explained. “But he is a beauty, isn’t he?”

  Holly’s eyes widened when she saw the massive horse again, with its muscled legs and haunches. Despite the fact that she knew nothing about horses, even she could see he was a fine specimen. “Can I pet him?” she asked, as the horse turned in his stall and approached.

  “Uh, sure. Let me make sure he’s minding his manners first,” Ryan said, as he began stroking the horse’s nose. “Okay, yeah, he seems pretty accommodating right now.”

  “Is he normally contrary?” Holly asked, finding herself intrigued by the huge horse. She’d never been so near to such a sleek, beautiful animal.

  “He can be,” Ryan admitted with a smile.

  Holly reached a tentative hand toward the horse. He promptly nosed at her hand, as if urging her to touch him.

  “He likes you,” Ryan said.

  “He does?”

  “He sure seems to. Generally, he’s not keen on anyone but me touching him.”

  “Well, I’m flattered,” Holly said, smiling at the horse.

  “Hey, let’s ride,” Ryan said, and reached for her hand.

  “On him?” Holly asked with alarm.

  “No, not him,” he chuckled. “You’re a newbie. It’ll be awhile before you’re ready to ride Zeus.”

  He tugged her to a stall near the barn’s entrance. They walked past ‘Cover Girl,’ Brianna’s favorite mare, and to the most sedate of the McGraw’s charges. “This is Millie. We’ll ride her this afternoon.”

  She watched as Ryan saddled the horse and led her out of her stall. Outside the barn, he helped her onto the horse, and then swung himself into the saddle behind her. “Ready?” he whispered in her ear.

  Holly nodded and gripped the saddle horn. “I think so.”

  “Relax,” he whispered, as he urged the horse to walk.

  Millie responded, walking slowly away from the barn and toward the nearest pasture. “No, girl,” Ryan said. “We’re heading to the trail.”

  The horse seemed to understand him, since she turned and began walking toward an open expanse of ground that was fenced off from the manicured lawn in front of the house. Once there, Ryan gathered the reins, made a clicking sound, and squeezed the horse’s girth with his legs. She began trotting across the grassy area and toward a clutch of trees.

  “Trail’s just ahead,” Ryan said.

  Holly adjusted in the saddle, attempting to relax with the movement of the horse. “Good,” Ryan praised. “You’re a natural. Would you like to take the reins?”

  When she nodded, he slowed the horse to a walk and then brought her to a stop. He passed her the reins and gave her a quick tutorial. “Are you ready?”

  Holly took a shoring breath and nodded. Urging the horse forward, she was grateful Millie seemed to understand what was expected of her. Any success she experienced in riding Holly attributed to the compliant horse.

  “You’re doing great,” Ryan praise.

  “Millie’s doing great,” Holly countered.

  She felt Ryan’s warm breath against her ear. “You’re both doing great. Would you like to go faster? Millie won’t mind.”

  “If you don’t mind, I’m kind of partial to our current pace.”

  “Fine with me,” he said, wrapping his arms around her waist and giving her a squeeze. “Yep, I’m perfectly happy.”

  A wave of exhilaration washed over her and she felt her heartbeat quicken as he kissed the side of her face. She couldn’t help smiling. She turned and their lips met briefly, before she turned to focus ahead once again.

  Holly regretted when Ryan said it was time to go back to his house. This was her second time on a horse and she found she had really enjoyed it. She suspected, however, that she wouldn’t have enjoyed riding nearly as much if Ryan hadn’t been on the horse with her.

  Back at the house, they found Annabelle and Brianna in the kitchen, heads bent over a cook book. “But don’t you cook the pasta first?” Annabelle asked.

  “Well, you could,” Brianna answered, “but usually I cook the pasta while the meat is cooking.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  Annabelle glanced up when the couple entered the great room. “Did you enjoy your ride?” she asked of Holly.

  “I really did,” she answered, sounding surprised. “I never really expected to have an opportunity to ride a horse, but I really enjoyed it.”

  “Isn’t Battle Ground great?” Brianna enthused and her eyes widened, as if she had a terrific idea. “Holly, you can get a horse too! You said you like riding. We can ride together.”

  Holly didn’t miss the look that passed between Annabelle and Ryan. She felt a niggling fear travel along her spine. When Ryan averted his eyes, Annabelle sighed, but visibly shook herself. She forced a bright smile. “Brianna, you can ride over here anytime you want. Okay?”

  “But you’ll be gone soon,” she said, her shoulders drooping. “Oh, wow. It just hit me. Annabelle, you’re leaving. I don’t want you to go. You’re like a second sister to me. We have so much in common.” Tears sprang to her eyes.

  “It’s only for a year,” Annabelle said, as she draped an arm over Brianna’s shoulders. “And then I’ll be back. And who knows? Maybe you can even visit me out east.”

  Holly hurried to comfort her, as well. She understood Brianna hated for Annabelle to leave. She’d suffered so much loss, it would be hard for her to easily accept the absence of a dear friend. Frankly, she was going to miss Annabelle too. She was a genuinely kind person who had opened her heart and home to both women.

  “I’m going to miss you too,” Holly said.

  “Hey! I’ll be here,” Ryan said.

  What had he just said? Would he be here? He turned to Holly. Would she be here? Because he realized with absolute certainty, he wanted to be with her, wherever she happened to be. He was in love, completely, unequivocally, in love with Holly Holton.


  “You’re going to be here, Ryan?” Annabelle snapped. “Really? Because it’s the first I’ve heard of it. So, you’re sticking around, huh?”

  He had just returned from dropping Holly and Brianna by their house. They had had a pleasant evening. Harrison had just left, as well.

  “It just… It slipped out,” he said. “But…”


  “I’m not going anywhere,” he declared with certainty. “If Holly will have me, I’m staying.”

  She laughed. “Oh, really. You think she’s going to stick around after finding out about the property? She’s going to be furious.”

  He began pacing. “She’s going to be furious with both of us.”

  Annabelle’s eyes widened. Ryan was right. She could have told Holly about the property as easily as he could have. And Brianna… She was going to be devastated, destroyed by the news that they didn’t own the land beneath their home. She was going to feel horribly betrayed by her.

  “Ryan!” she cried. “This is all your fault. Brianna is like a little sister to me, and although I don’t know Holly that well, I really like her. I
know we could be the best of friends if given the chance.” She moaned and dropped into a chair. “We shouldn’t have allowed this to go on.”

  “I didn’t bank on falling for Holly, Annabelle.”

  She searched his face. He was as distraught as she was.

  “I’ll tell her soon,” he said. “I’ll find a way to make everything okay.”

  “How, Ryan? She’s going to ask you why you didn’t tell her the truth from the beginning. And why didn’t you? That first day, when you found her alongside the road. When you delivered the desk for her, you should have told her then.”

  “I know.”

  “Why didn’t you?” she persisted.

  “I don’t know. There was something about her… I just couldn’t tell her.”

  “Well, it isn’t going to be any easier now.”

  “I’m going to lose her,” he said with certainty, as he sat down in his recliner. “She’s going to hate me.”

  He looked utterly miserable and Annabelle felt her heart go out to him. She’d never seen her brother torn up about anything. He’d learned years before to stifle his emotions, to ‘man-up’ as his father had demanded of him at every turn. Now, he looked close to tears and she wanted nothing more than to help him. She rose abruptly.

  “Ryan, I’m going to talk to Holly and Brianna right now. I’ll fix this.”

  He shook his head. “No. It’s up to me.”

  “Are you going over there now?”

  He checked his watch. “No. Holly said she had an early morning. But I promise, I’ll talk to her as soon as I can.”

  “And when will that be?”

  “As soon as I can,” he said in a surly voice, but his manner softened. “I think I am going to stick around here, Annabelle. Holly seems to love it here. To be honest, I’m starting to see the old hometown through her eyes.”

  “There’s no place like home, eh?” she teased with a sad smile. “I’m glad you’re going to stay, Ryan. Aside from Harrison, and Brianna and Holly now, you’re all I have in this world.”

  “You have a million friends,” he protested.

  “I know. But nobody can take the place of family.” She cocked her head and watched him thoughtfully. “If you stay, and now that you’re selling the business, what do you think you’ll do with yourself?”

  He sighed and gave a shrug. “I don’t know.”

  “Did you tell your potential buyers that you’re no longer interested in considering their offer?”

  “I did.”


  “They upped the offer.” He grinned. “Sort of made me realize what we really have here.”

  “We’re fortunate, that’s for sure,” she said. “We own some of the most beautiful land around here and close-in to town. It’s hard to find anymore.”

  “You’re right about that.”

  “I’m going to bed. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  He shook his head. “I’ll be long gone before you roll yourself out of bed.”

  She gave him a dirty look. “I don’t sleep in past seven, ever.”

  “And I don’t sleep in past five, ever.”

  “Well, you should try. You’re sleep-deprived. It makes you surly.”

  “So much to do, so little time,” he said, as he headed off toward the stairway leading to his bedrooms upstairs.

  Chapter Thirty-two

  Although Ryan had intended to speak with Holly about the land issue, he didn’t get the chance. He was busy hashing out the details of the sale of the business, as well as contending with the land development company that had made an offer on his and Annabelle’s property. The attorney representing the company seemed unwilling to take ‘no’ for an answer, upping their bid with each rejection from Ryan.

  Frankly, they were beginning to grate on his nerves, since his phone was ringing off the hook with requests for additional meetings. No meant no, but apparently they felt they could sweeten the pot enough to change his mind.

  As he was driving home from a meeting in Vancouver regarding the sale of his business, he checked his watch. It was nearing six and for a blip of a second, he couldn’t recall what day of the week it happened to be. Fortunately, a quick glance at his smart phone told him the day of the week—Wednesday.

  The phone suddenly alerted that he had a text messages. Normally, he pulled to the side of the road to check his phone, but he quickly read the text from Annabelle. “Did you tell her yet?”

  He didn’t answer her. She wouldn’t like his answer. He understood her urgency to get the news delivered once and for all. He had overheard her praying aloud in her room the previous evening, asking God to help Holly and Brianna to forgive them for keeping the truth from them. She had prayed urgently and earnestly for God to find a way for everything to work out.

  His heart had broken when he’d overheard her plead with God to help Holly to forgive him most of all. She had spoken to God as if He were a dear friend, asking him to intercede on his behalf—to show Holly that he had meant no harm and that he loved her.

  For a brief moment, he wondered what it would be like to have such a close relationship with God. Had he ever? Ben had talked to him about relying on God for everything, but his father’s voice had always drowned out Ben’s softer one. He realized now it was a shame, because he suddenly felt lost and alone.

  As he approached his home, and Holly’s, he decided it was time to come clean. He felt his heart rate speed up and his palms grow clammy. Frankly, he was terrified. There was a lot riding on the conversation he was about to have.

  As if of their own volition, his hand drew together at the top of the steering wheel. His lips parted and he began speaking softly. “God, please help me to do what I’m about to do. Please help me find the words. Please, please help Holly to forgive me, because Lord, I’m in love with her. I’d like to think that maybe, just maybe, you sent her here—to Battle Ground—because she’s the person you’ve chosen for me. I’m opening my heart to you, God.” He glanced heavenward. “Please…”

  He was as surprised by his behavior as Annabelle would have been, but turning to God felt right, natural.

  When he arrived at Holly’s a moment later, he noticed her car wasn’t parked in front of the house. She apparently wasn’t home. He sighed, and was about to drive past her place when he spotted Brianna dashing out the front door.

  He pulled into the drive and parked. He remained seated behind the wheel, but rolled his window down. Brianna grinned as she jogged toward him. “Hey, are you here to pick me up?”

  He shook his head, uncertain what she was talking about.

  “Holly has to work late at the daycare and I have youth group tonight. We’re starting a little early because we’re planning an end of summer party…” Her words trailed off and she grinned self-consciously. “Anyway, Annabelle said she’d drive me.”

  “Oh, I see. Well, hop in. I’ll take you.”

  “Really? Okay. Let me lock up.” She hurried into the house, to assure she hadn’t left any appliances turned on, and then came running out of the house. After climbing into the truck she placed a quick call to Annabelle. “Hi,” she said cheerfully. “Hey, Ryan just stopped by.” She drew silent. “Yeah, to see Holly, I guess. No, she’s not home yet. Anyway, he said he’ll drop me by youth group.” She grinned suddenly. “I’m sorry I can’t be there, but you’ll do great. Just remember, don’t overcook the fish. And what did you choose for a side dish?” She sat for a moment, and finally nodded. “Perfect. Okay, tell Harrison ‘hi’ for me.” She laughed. “He will too love the dinner because you cooked it for him.” She laughed again. “Okay, oh, what? Should I ask him? Okay.” She turned to Ryan. “Annabelle wants to know if you’re going to pick me up from youth group, because she said she’ll plan on coming by around nine, if you can’t.”

  “I’ll pick you up,” he said. “Hopefully, Holly will be home by then. I need to talk to her.”

  “Oh, okay.” She turned her attention to her phone, and Annabell
e on the other end. “Ryan says he’ll pick me up.” She gave a mischievous laugh. “That’s good. It’ll give you more time with Harrison. Oh, what about desert? Did you make anything?”

  Ryan reached over and took her phone. “Bye,” he said, and then tapped the screen to end the call. “She needs to stand on her own two feet,” he said drolly.

  “But, she really wants this dinner to be perfect.”

  “She always wants her dinners to be perfect. Thanks to you, she may have finally achieved her goal.”

  “But … she may have questions for me…”

  “She’s fine.” He took a deep breath. “How’s your sister?”

  “Fine.” She turned in the seat and gave him a cheeky grin. “You’re in love with my sister.”

  He kept his eyes fixed on the roadway ahead. “Oh, yeah. You think so?”

  “I know so.”

  “You’re pretty perceptive.”

  She gave a squeal of delight and then subsided into the seat. “You two are so perfect for each other.”

  “I’m glad you think so.”

  “I know so. You’re such a good guy and she’s such a wonderful person…”

  “Don’t forget my dark good looks.”

  “Well, that’s a given,” she said without pause. “You are hot.”

  “Your sister is beautiful,” he said, smiling. “The most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

  “She’s beautiful, all right. Inside and out.” She suddenly stabbed a pointed finger in the direction of his face. “If you ever hurt her, you’ll be answering to me, young man.”

  He bit back a smile, but suddenly remembered that his stupidity about the land had likely set him up to hurt her. “Hurting your sister is the last thing I want to do,” he said sadly.

  She watched him quizzically, reading something in his tone. “Is something wrong, Ryan?”

  He didn’t answer, but pointed out the church was just ahead and that several kids were milling around out front. “Oh, and Jim is there too,” he added.


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