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Delusional Page 9

by Michael Evans

  My eyes were left unblinking at the scenery below—there was simply too much to take in. It was definitely the most awe-inspiring, truly breathtaking view I had ever witnessed. Well that being said the only thing I had remembered seeing was the gray, depressing halls of Area 51. But still that doesn’t make the scene of pure pulchritude any less special.

  The beauty of it all had a mystifying effect. Many bridges shined like beacons over the water that were silver in the moon light. Surrounding the water were what appeared to be smaller cities and towns along the foothills of the mountains that loomed above them. And at the center of it all, glowing like an orb, were hundreds of skyscrapers sprawled alongside the water on a massive peninsula.

  “That’s San Francisco,” Jacob said noticing how my eyes were transfixed upon its glory. The name sounded very familiar, I knew it was a booming city before the Great Crash, yet I had no pictures in my mind to connect it to. The second my mind thought about the Great Crash, it fizzled out. I remember the fact that the Great Crash was a thing, but I had no idea what truly happened, besides the fact that the stock market crashed. No memories and no emotions tied to it. I had no idea how it affected my life, or how I was somehow an integral part of whatever mess our country was in. My life was a blank slate in my own mind, and blank slates suck.

  “Well, San Francisco is beautiful,” I said remarking at its spectacular skyline.

  We dipped down again and suddenly I had a new perspective of the picturesque view.

  “We’re coming up on the Golden Gate Bridge,” Lauren called out, pointing in its direction. Up ahead a massive bridge spanned over the water. Two sky-high tangerine colored towers glistened in the lights across the bridge that seemed to stretch on forever. Blinking red lights lined the poles supporting the two towers on either side. The bridge elegantly connected the steep mountains full of lush trees on either side of the water.

  We were still flying high enough up in the air where you also simultaneously had a panoramic view of the San Francisco skyline. Unlike before when the buildings looked miniature in scale, now they soared above the water. One skyscraper that stood out to me was white and pointed at the top into a blue light that pierced through the blackness of the night, and I could feel my brain attach to the skyscraper, feeling an innate connection to it.

  “Wow,” I exhaled marveling at the true perfection of nature and man working together in harmony. Maybe some places are good. Maybe our world really does have hope to be saved.

  But I hoped too soon.

  Almost instantly as the thought crossed my mind an explosion propelled the top of the white tower I was looking at up into the air. We couldn’t hear the explosion, but the second the thousands of tons of granite came catapulting down onto the city streets a gray cloud of dust swallowed up blocks upon blocks of the city.

  “What?” Colton shouted.

  Everyone looked at the destruction in awe; no one knew what was happening.

  Just seconds after the top of the tower fell, bombs started exploding in rapid succession throughout the landscape. Instantly hundreds of buildings collapsed falling torpidly onto the ground below. Within a minute the once beautiful skyline of San Francisco erupted into a bonfire. The once gorgeous buildings along the waterfront were dissolved into a sickeningly dark, flame, and a heavy, sinister smoke billowed miles high into the air, causing a black, ominous cloud to be cast over the entire city.

  From inside the aircraft no sounds could be heard, but I didn’t have to hear anything to picture the ear shattering explosions and heart-breaking screams for help.

  But something told me there was no help coming.

  I looked out at the scene of pure ruination and I didn’t know whether to cry or scream. Who did this? Why did this happen?

  I covered my eyes in agony and turned away as another row of buildings fell to the ground. Everyone else was watching the horror dumbstruck, their bodies frozen with fear.

  “The protests,” Jacob muttered with wide eyes, “Shit”

  I peered up into the night sky at the black trail of smoke that slowly unfurled to our flight path. I could smell the evil presence of the aroma leech through the air. But more than anything else, the overwhelming aura of death suffocated my lungs.

  “What’s going on?” The tall red-head girl asked in a panicked tone, stepping out from the backroom.

  “We need to get back to HQ, now.” Jacob said.

  The aircraft soared over the Golden Gate Bridge as the skyline of San Francisco receded in the distance behind the dark wall of smoke and flames. Above us thousands of stars were shining in the night sky like fireflies dancing about.

  The red-head’s face instantly lost all emotion, as her mouth drooped open in disbelief.

  “What,” I looked up barely able to see through the tears in my eyes, “What happened? Who did that?”

  Everyone awoke from their dazes and even in the dim light I could make out the shock, fear, and most of all disgust in their expressions.

  “I can’t believe it happened,” Lauren sighed staring longingly down at the trees and mountains we were flying over.

  “This is one of our worst nightmares brought to life,” Antonio ran a hand through his hair in distress.

  “The government did it,” Dulce paused glaring off into the distance. There were tears in her eyes—there were tears in everyone’s eyes. “Those bastards.”

  “What?” I questioned bewildered, “Are we in danger?” I looked at Jacob, my heart began to pulse, blood coursing through my veins at an alarming rate.

  Below us I could faintly see the crashing waves slowly chip away at the steep, jagged cliff side. The moon hung high in the sky illuminating the hills and mountains on one side, and the open water on the other.

  “Natalie, we are going to be landing at HQ in a couple of seconds.” Jacob said calm and confidently, but I could sense an unsteadiness in is tone. “Don’t worry… or at least try not to worry too much, everything will make sense soon.”

  No one objected to Jacob’s comment, but judging by the terrified, anxiety-ridden glances, the hysterical crying, and the menacing snarls filled with anger coming from many on the aircraft there were plenty of reasons to be frightened. In fact, I could just add being blown up mercilessly to the ever-growing list of things that would keep me up on my first night of this hellish rebirth.

  We began to fly lower and lower, until we started to slowly drift away into the pine trees. The pine trees and steep mountains below quickly turned into a rolling meadow and at the center of the meadow was what looked to be a huge compound. It was too dark out to make out much detail or the exact color of the compound, but as we flew over it, I knew exactly where we were.

  I sniffled and wiped the tears from under my eyes as the aircraft landed onto a platform on the roof of the building. I took a deep breath and looked up one last time at the tranquil night sky as we began to lower into the compound. Seconds later bright lights flooded into the aircraft welcoming us into the HQ for the White Knights.

  Chapter 4

  “You have arrived at your destination. Please, stand up to allow the doors to open,” the computer voice monotonously echoed off the walls.

  Promptly everyone stood up as the seats receded into the floors and the glass windows opened like a space ship. Jacob hastily walked out of the aircraft the second the doors opened with a determined look in his step, but a worried, almost belligerent expression on his face.

  The rest of us lagged slightly behind him as we stepped out of the aircraft and into the bustling headquarters for the White Knights. Bright industrial ceiling lights gently swayed high above our heads and the crisp air of the compound rejuvenated all my senses.

  The main room that we were in was massive; the far wall stretched as far as the eye could see and the ceilings were fit for that of the home of giants. The whole place was painted in a mostly gray color, but unlike the cramped depressing hallways in Area 51, it had an open, unfinished, almost rustic feel to it. T
he thick, slightly rusty beams ran across the ceiling in a puzzle-like pattern. The slick floor tiles were speckled with different shades of brown and gray, and the steel plates against the walls had large visible bolts in it, adding to the edgy feel of the place.

  I took a deep breath and surveyed the chaos ensuing in front of me. Some people ran across the room frantically, yelling things out and clenching their fists in frustration. Others were staring blankly at their computer screens in shock, while others broke down hysterically.

  But the majority stood crowded around the massive screen that took up the entire far wall of the compound, staring up at the screen absolutely mesmerized by the breaking news headline that showed heart-wrenching live video of the pure destruction. Cacophonous noises blared in my ears, all in different stages of grief, and let’s just say that no one had made it past the denial and anger stages yet.

  “Heads up, comin’ thru,” an attractive darker skinned boy awoke me from my daze as he hurriedly wheeled the cot past me. Beads of sweat streamed down his slick cheekbones and slid down his neck.

  A boy with caramel skin and beautiful thick black hair laid on the cot looking in an odd way peaceful. He had clear tubes running into his body and bandages covering his side. There was blood scattered in his brown patchy facial hair, that clearly showed he was unable to grow a beard but continued not to shave anyways. It was the same boy from before.

  That must be Ethan. I glanced into his dark brown eyes, wondering if I could uncover some of my past that was inevitably locked up inside of him. What if he remembers what happened?

  The thought quickly exited my mind as an uproar of hyperbolic screams came from the crowd. Instantly, my feet started to move in the direction of the noise. My body moved without a thought, but only after only about a few feet my eyes grew wide as I came to a halt.

  Oh crap! My cheeks flushed as I looked down in horror at my body that still looked and felt somewhat like a foreign object.

  Draped across my shoulders and running all the way down to my ankles was the same translucent turquoise gown from before. I stared down at my skin lined with goosebumps that faded from a slightly tan color to a ghostly pale shade. The industrial ceiling fixtures beamed rays of light onto my gown, leaving me exposed.

  Reflexively my arms immediately crossed over my chest in an attempt to shield my self-dignity from being lost forever to the conjecturing eyes of the hundred or so people in front of me. Well that explains the funny looks from everyone in the aircraft. I had originally thought their wide eyes were solely due to my hectic arrival, but in that moment, it became clear that they were looking at something else.

  What do I do? I thought in a panic suddenly becoming uninterested in the pandemonium taking place in front of me. I was the only one that looked so bare, everyone else had on jeans, shirts, shorts, and other types of clothing that actually cover you.

  My heart started to beat faster and faster. If it wasn’t for the minimal undergarments I had on I would have died from embarrassment. But then, before I could escape into the numerous hallways stemming off from the main room I made eye contact with Colton and felt the nervous tension erupt in my stomach. He glanced at me and smiled softly, giving way to his pearly white teeth that were straight, but not perfectly straight. His tan skin appeared to be soft, and his thin lips, even from afar, looked silky smooth. He had small ears, and cute nose that flowed perfectly into his big brown eyes, along with a well-shaven face, which only showed off his sharp jawline and broad chin. My eyes then connected with a scratch running down the side of his rather bulky neck, yet somehow that only added to his alluring, super-attractive look.

  Absolutely mortified, I stood there in a state of subdued shock, not knowing whether to wave back, run away, or scream in terror. Wow. I ran a hand through my brushed, frizzy hair, that looked browner from the build-up of oil and sweat causing every strand of hair to feel heavier than normal due to it not being washed in what felt like forever. What perfect timing to see the hottest guy in the room. Never mind this is the hottest guy I ever remember seeing.

  There was something about his body that already made me feel safe just looking at it. Well looking at it made me feel a lot of other things as well.

  Through his turquoise t-shirt I noticed his toned chest and his rock like biceps that peeked out from under his sleeve, almost waving cordially. I stood for a moment star-struck by his olive-tan skin and beachy hair. It would be nice to see him go surfing…

  Finally, after what felt like hours of me staring at him I willed myself to look away. A rush of adrenaline flowed inside me as the wild thoughts swirled through my brain. It was a feeling unlike anything I have experienced before. The gears in a new part of my brain began turning and I liked it.

  The boy narrowed his light brown eyebrows and began to walk over to me. Suddenly, my swooning turned into an immense feeling of panic.

  What do I do? Did he not get the message? Right now, is not the best time for me to talk. But on the other hand, looking at each other is just fine with me.

  Before I could move or react my nervous, flustered, and half-naked-self came face to face with the guy that would make almost every girl have butterflies in her stomach.

  “Hey,” He said, there was a special twinkle in his eyes as he looked at me, “Do you wanna change of clothes?”

  “Uh…um…” I stuttered nervously searching through my brain for a reasonable response to what he said. The second he looked down at me I felt vulnerable. An odd disconcerting feeling built its way up from my gut, a feeling that caused an indescribable sensation to course its way throughout my body. I didn’t know it was possible to feel this way. I didn’t know it was possible to look at a person that way, but now that I’m feeling it I don’t know how to react.

  “Wanna change of clothes?” He repeated with a sympathetic smile. He definitely noticed my anxiety—how could he not? I talked to him like he was a literal walking god.

  I looked up at his luscious blonde hair that seemed to tower above me and managed to squeak out a weak, “Yes…” Then once again I faltered, “I… I mean that would be awesome.”

  Right as I finished I immediately regretted not speaking with more assurance. I made it look like a struggle maybe even painful to utter just a few words to a cute guy.

  “Alright,” He chuckled, “C’mon I’ll show you where the laundry room is, you should be able to get some clean clothes from there.”

  I blindly followed him out of the tumultuous room and into one of the side hallways of the compound. My feet grazed over the sleek marble floors as we both walked side and side.

  “So,” He said, “Crazy what happened tonight, right?”

  “Yeah,” I sighed, staring down at the patterns in the floors. I tried to stop it from happening, but it was nearly impossible to resist the pain from locking onto the devastating images of the fire and destruction that burned through my mind. All the mayhem swirled through my mind, yet the reason for the explosions made no sense to me. “What even happened?”

  He looked at me with a distinctive expression of disgust in his eyes, “The freaking government raided a group of protests taking place in San Francisco with their new prototypes of autonomous robots, and completely destroyed the city to send a ‘message’ to the American people that they are still in control.”

  “Damn,” I gasped in shock and repugnance, the wariness in my voice was long gone.

  “Yeah,” He stared off into blank space, “And to think the rebellion only started two days ago… somethings tells me that this is only the beginning.”

  We walked in silence for a few seconds. I contemplated all the information and horrors that I had seen in my short-known existence and I tried to make sense of the madness and destruction that seemed to follow me. Despite the horrors that took place in front of me, I still felt zombified to every ounce of empathy inside me. I was disconnected from the world, disconnected from myself, and with no memories to bound myself to the physical world.

/>   “The laundry room is right here,” Colton said as he turned right into a room full of machines and baskets of clothes. My eyes darted around the room. The lighting was ominously dark, and the walls had cracked molding running along the sides.

  “You can just pick any pair of clothes you want,” he pointed towards one of the overflowing baskets that contained a mosh-pit of colors.

  “Alright, thanks.” I looked at him into his rich brown eyes shrouded with a thin film of mystery. There was something about him. Maybe it was in the way he spoke, maybe even his creamy eyes, but I was convinced that I used to know him.

  “Hey,” I stopped him right before he was about to walk back out into the hallway. “Do you know me? Do you know what happened to my life?”

  “No, I didn’t know you before all this crazy crap started to happen.” He sighed and fumbled his hands in his pockets. “But you are practically America’s hero after what you did back in Area 51. I know it’s crazy, but in a matter of hours the whole world heard about you.”

  My eyes widened as my grip on the clothes in my hand loosened. How does the whole world know about me, meanwhile I barely know who “me” is?

  “So, what am I, like famous or something?” My tone was urgent.

  He met my nervous eyes, “In every form and definition of it you are famous.”

  “Wait so, everyone knows me?” I questioned not knowing whether it was a good or bad thing, but just from his expression it had seemed like a dreadful reality.

  “Everyone knows about you,” He repeated. “But no one as far as I am aware knows who you actually are.” He paused, his voice dropping in volume to a mumble. He inhaled slowly, and I felt a surge of energy course through me as I stared at the glowing, yet calm expression to his face. “But that could change. In fact,” He edged closer. His tan face and impeccable cheekbones stood just inches away from me. But there was an invisible force between us that drove our bodies even closer. Dangerously close.


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