Pursuit: A Bad Boy Romance

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Pursuit: A Bad Boy Romance Page 40

by Cristal Pierre

  Anna moans softly, almost a whisper, as her tongue glides along the tip of Jared’s dick. She kisses and sucks the soft, sensitive area as her hands wrap and twist around his length. She feels the twitch of his erection against her hands, pulsating at the attention it’s receiving. Before he knows it, Anna starts to move her mouth along his length. Her lips tighten around his groin, and Jared tries his best not to groan so loudly. What will Laura’s employees think…?

  “Babe…” Jared then says as he slowly pulls his erection away from her mouth. “Lie down.”

  Anna follows and rests her back against the glass before she spreads her legs out. Then, he positions himself right at her entrance and starts to push inside her, the lips of her pussy parting to give way to his erection. When he can’t push any further, he starts thrusting in and out. With her fingers grasping his shoulders so tightly, Anna starts to match his movements, and it isn’t long before they start to pick up the pace, both of them frantic and desperate to close the non-existent distance between then. Anna clenches her vagina, giving Jared’s erection a tighter landscape to work with. He bites into her neck when he’s about to groan. They can’t be too loud. Still, he doesn’t stop thrusting. On and on they move in sync, and when they meet one another’s eyes, they only see passion and love.

  There’s no other way to best describe the relationship between them.


  “Are you sure you don’t want to come with us to the peak?” Jared asks, eyes shifting from Anna’s and then to Lauren’s.

  Faint laughter erupts from the two women. There’s no missing the twinkle in their eyes and the blush creeping up their cheeks. They shake their heads from side to side before Laura speaks.

  “We’re fine with the view we have right here.” To add, Laura gives the men a flirtatious wink.

  “Very fine actually,” Anna has to add, eyes roaming up and down Jared’s naked physique. “We’ll see you after your run.”

  As Jared, Nate, and Alex bend down on all fours, their arm and leg muscles clench to accentuate the sinewy lines decorating their arms and legs. Anna’s hopeless at hiding the blush on her cheeks, as every inch of Jared’s body is on full display. With one last look, Jared’s hazel brown eyes stare right at Anna’s forest green ones. There’s a hint of satisfaction and happiness with the way he tips the corners of his lips into a boyish grin. They may have been many years between Anna and Jared, but Jared’s looking and acting more youthful with every second of their relationship. Anna returns his grin with an ear-to-ear smile of her own. And then, Jared closes his eyes and submits to his transformation.

  In the first couple of times Jared shifted in front of her, Anna couldn’t ease the nerves all over her body. It was daunting to stare at a fourteen-foot bear right in the eye, even if she knew the animal, or Jared rather, would never hurt her. Now, she almost pays no mind of it, except for the part where Jared sheds off his clothes and she stares at his body with not a hint of bashfulness.

  Anna’s train of thought is cut short by a series of roars, and when she shifts her head up, she meets the towering black bear’s eyes. They’re the same forest green eyes that were looking at her with love and longing just a few moments ago.

  “Don’t take too long,” Anna says, stroking the bear’s ebony coat. In response, Jared tips his head low and wiggles his snout against the curve of her neck. “Have fun boys!”

  “Don’t forget you have two dashing goddesses waiting for you,” says Laura, adding a hearty chuckle soon after. She turns to Nate and Alex and strokes the skin under their chins. “I have a prize for the winner of the race. Of course, Jared isn’t included.”

  With that, the three bears elicit a series of resounding roars before they push their front legs forward to start the race.

  When Anna and Laura turn to face each other, they know they’re thinking the same thing.

  Men – you can’t live with them, you also can’t live without them.

  Tangled With Love

  Chapter 1

  It was her vagina that was to blame. In a bustling metropolis like London, where there were literally millions of nubile young women vying for their attention, they homed in on her like bees to honey. At first she was flattered, believing there was some special attractiveness to her that made her stand out. Then she discovered what it was that drew them to her.

  Her cunt.

  Specifically the scent of her cunt. It seemed to drive them wild. Which is why, while most of the general populace was blissfully ignorant of their existence, she managed to bump into one on a disturbingly regular basis. She could see one now, eyeing her from across the bar. She could tell he was one of them, not just because he was unusually hairy and big-made, but because he was ignoring all the other half-naked women there and was staring directly at her.

  Not that he was bad looking. He had sharp features that could definitely be considered handsome in a rugged sort of way while his huge muscles could be clearly seen over the shirt that he wore. And he moved with a certain athletic grace as he crossed the floor to speak to her.

  “Hi.” He bared his teeth in an ingratiating grin. “I’m Rufus.”

  “Melody.” She hoped by her tone that he would be persuaded to go away.

  “I was hoping I could buy you a drink.” Fat chance of that happening.

  Melody decided to give it to him straight. “I’m sorry. I don’t do wolves.”

  His jaw dropped. “How did you … “

  “…. know?” finished Melody. “You’re not the first one to hit on me, I am afraid. After a while, I learnt to read the signs.” She didn’t mean to be rude, but to hit on by perverted men was enough without having to fend off the advances of horny werewolves.

  Rufus looked concerned. “Don’t worry,” she assured him. “Your secret’s safe with me.”

  “I’m relieved to hear it.” He sat on the empty chair next to her and looked at her thoughtfully. “You know, I felt you were an extraordinary woman when I first saw you. I see I was right.”

  “Really? It’s not just what I have between my legs that’s got you attracted.”

  He looked shocked. “No, of course not.”

  Melody was momentarily thrown. Had she second-guessed him too soon? “Oh,” she mumbled. “OK.”

  Rufus grinned devilishly. “Although, now that you mention it, you do smell delectable.”

  She threw her hands up. “I knew it.” Honestly, these werewolves were impossible! Not only was she offended that the only thing they found attractive was the smell of her snatch, they also tended to be quite annoying.

  “I don’t know why you’re so upset about it,” he continued smoothly. “Most women would kill to have your aroma.”

  The compliment left her cold. “Really?”

  “Yes,” said Rufus. “Do you know how many women here have a bad smell? That woman there …” He pointed to a well dressed woman. “Herpes.”

  Melody was shocked despite herself. “No!”

  “No doubt. It’s one of the side effects of having a keen sense of smell, I am afraid. And that girl there – a rather nasty yeast infection.”

  “Oh my God!” Melody was both horrified and fascinated as she looked at the expensively turned out girl. “Who would have thought?”

  “Now you, on the hand,” said Rufus enthusiastically. “You smell wonderful. So fresh, so aromatic, with a subtle overlay of pheromones.”

  Melody felt it was a bit early for them to be discussing such an intimate topic. “Why don’t we change the subject?” she said, rather icily.

  “Of course.” Rufus was apologetic. “How crass of me. I know it’s something you humans find embarrassing. We, on the other hand, like to sniff each other’s privates by way of introduction.”

  “Well, I certainly have no intention of sniffing your privates,” said Melody firmly.

  “I understand. That would not be appropriate. Perhaps you would like to dance.” He held out his hand and Melody found herself thinking, why not
? He was attractive and charming in an odd way and the music was good. She would have one or two dances with him before sending him on his way.

  He led her to center of the dance floor. As they danced, she had to admit that she was a good dancer, moving with surprising grace and speed for such a large, muscular person. Soon one or two dances turned to five or six. Rufus was sweating profusely causing his shirt to stick to his body. Being a werewolf does have its advantages, reflected Melody, checking out all the muscles rippling under his damp shirt. More than a few women were casting glances at him, but Rufus’ attention seemed to be focused entirely on Melody. She liked the way he placed his hand on her hips guiding her gently but firmly.

  And then she suddenly lost her footing and fell. Rufus quickly caught her and for a moment she lay against him as she tried to steady herself. She got a dose of his own scent and was surprised to find that it was strong but not unpleasant. In fact, it was quite pleasant in its own way. And what was that huge thing against her hip? At first she thought it must be his tail, until she realized that she was feeling his huge cock. For a wolf, he seemed to be hung more like a horse, she couldn’t help thinking. His organ seemed to stretch down his thigh almost up to his knee. And it felt good, she was forced to admit as she stood pressed against him longer than strictly necessary.

  Finally, she disengaged. “I’m sorry,” she said, feeling awkward. “I – I lost my footing.”

  “Quite alright,” said Rufus with a smile. “You know, this is mating season.”

  Melody felt faint. “Is that right?”

  “Yes.” He looked at her directly. “Would you like to mate?”

  “That is not how we do things, Rufus! We get to know each other first before we think of doing - that kind of thing.”

  “But why?” Rufus looked genuinely puzzled. “I like you and I can tell that you are sexually stimulated.”

  Melody had had enough of this annoying wolf and his oversensitive nose. “OK, I am going home now. I don’t believe we’ll meet again. Goodbye!”

  “Wait!” he called after her. “Can I call you?”

  “No,” she snapped as she stalked off.

  The cold night London air hit her as she stepped out of the night club. Taking a deep breath, she attempted to regain some semblance of dignity before heading home. She considered hailing a cab but her flat was a 20 minute walk away and she thought she’d enjoy the walk. She was half way there when she felt someone putting a hand on her shoulder. Dear God, not again, she thought. “I told you I don’t like wol – “ she began, as she turned around. She stopped abruptly when she realized that the person putting a hand on her wasn’t Rufus, or indeed another werewolf. The man looking at her was thin with a pinched, mean face. Menacing and very human.

  “I beg your pardon, Miss.” A sardonic smile fell across his face. “But I’m sure a very prosperous looking young lady such as yourself wouldn’t mind making a little donation to some people in need.”

  She was being mugged! Melody panicked, turned and started running – right into another man. This one was fat and short. “Well, well, Arthur. It doesn’t look as if this missy feels disposed to helping those less fortunate than herself.”

  The thin man shook his head in disappointment. “That’s the trouble with young people these days. So unwilling to give.” He fished out a knife. “It’s time we thought this young lady something about the virtue of charity.”

  Melody wasn’t about to let herself get robbed. She kicked the man with the knife as hard as she could in the balls. As he howled and fell over, she tried to run for it, but his fat accomplice moved with surprising speed, catching her firmly around the waist.

  “You fucking bitch!” the thin man rasped as he got up. “I’m going to finish you. I’m going to gut you like a fish!” He raised his hand to strike, but that was as for as he went. Something hurtled out of the darkness and crashed into him with such force that he flew of his feel and crashed into a nearby wall. With a groan, he sank to the ground and remained motionless.

  It was Rufus, but not as she remembered her. He seemed beside himself with rage as he turned and bared his teeth at the guy holding her. The guy pushed her to a side. From his pocket, he brought out an even bigger knife and rushed at Rufus, who crouched low and then leapt at his throat. The man brought his knife up in a desperate attempt to stab him but Rufus seized his wrist while keeping a tight grip of his throat with the other hand. The man screamed in pain as Rufus squeezed his wrist. There was a cracking of bone and the knife fell out to the ground. Rufus let him go and he collapsed to the ground clutching his wrist and howling in pain.

  “Come on,” Rufus said, looking at the man grimly. “Let’s go.”

  Melody clutched his arm and let him lead her from the scene. “Where is your house? I’ll take you there,” he said. She was about to protest, thought better of it and let him escort her home. As they stood at the entrance to her home, she was overcome with gratitude for what he has done. She also felt something else. The way he had protected her was the sexiest thing she had seen. She was seriously getting the hots for this man.

  “Well, good night,” said Rufus. “Be careful where you walk at night.”

  “Wait,” said Melody. “I couldn’t thank you for what you did back there. Why don’t you come for a nightcap?”

  He raised an eyebrow. “A nightcap? I’ve had plenty to drink tonight, thank you.”

  Dear God, thought Melody, how is it possible for these werewolves to be so obtuse? “If you come inside, I may have a special thank you present for you,” she said between gritted teeth.

  Rufus’ jaw dropped as realization gradually dawned. “Oh, I see.”

  “Well, are you coming in or aren’t you?” said Melody, walking up to the door.

  He didn’t need a second invitation and bounded in. “Where would you like to do it?” he asked excitedly.

  “Not so fast. Let’s have a little wine first.”

  “Fuck the wine,” he said, clasping her into his arms. “I want you now.”

  Melody found his directness and naiveté endearing. Not to mention the fact that she liked the feel of his body pressed against hers. So when he bent down to kiss her, she didn’t try to stop him. In fact, she was soon kissing him back as he entwined his tongue with hers. After they passionately kissed for a while, Rufus started unbuttoning Melody’s shirt. He hungrily sucked on her full breasts as they fell out, teasing her nipples. This is one wolf who knows how to use his tongue, thought Melody as she closed her eyes in pleasure.

  But Rufus wanted more than to feast on her large breasts. He knelt down and pulled her skirt and panties off before licking her clit. Melody gasped as he ran his tongue over her labia and started stimulating her clit. As he devoured her pussy. Melody was filled with ecstasy. She spread her legs to allow him to more easily access her increasing wet cunt. Her clit was standing at attention as he expertly licked it with his tongue. He inserted two fingers into her box and finger fucked her as he licked her. Melody could feel her vagina contracting powerfully as an orgasm started building up within her. She thrust her hips against him as she climaxed, letting his tongue run over her clit and pussy lips. Shit, that was fast, she thought. No man had been able to make her come so fast.

  But she was hungry for more, hungry to have the gorgeous beast of a man fuck her and make her come again. She quickly removed his shirt, pausing to admire the huge muscles that rippled beneath the hairy skin. As she bent down to unzip him, she noticed his huge organ straining against his trousers. Time to let the beast free, she thought as fished out his cock. She had an inkling of its size when he pressed against her, but now in the open it took her breath away. It was long, but what was most impressive was its girth. It had to be twice the thickness of the cocks she had encountered before. She took the enormous shaft in her hands, playing with it gently and feeling it lightly throbbing beneath her fingers. She almost experimentally ran her tongue over the huge bulbous head of the penis and Rufus groaned deepl
y in pleasure. She licked the purple head, feeling the cock become fully erect. She used both her hands to pump his dick, reveling in the feel of the hard meat and bulging veins pulsating against her palms.

  But Rufus had enough foreplay. He wanted to impale this delectable woman on his rod and he wanted to do it now. Pushing her to the ground, he climbed on top of her and pushed his cock against her wet cunt. Melody was hungry for his shaft and wrapped her legs around his buttocks as he mounted her. His huge dick caused some discomfort as he entered her, but the moist walls of her pussy quickly expanded, wrapping hungrily around his shaft. He slowly pushed forward till he had buried his rod in her to the hilt. He closed his eyes and growled, savoring the feel of her wet pussy on his pulsating cock. Gently but firmly, he began to thrust into her. Each stroke filled Melody with ecstasy and she dug her fingers into his muscular buttocks as he fucked her. Rufus quickened his pace and soon he was vigorously pounding her, his hips thudding against her pelvis as he drove in to her.

  Melody was in ecstasy. She experienced her hardest orgasm yet, her eyes rolling into her head as she came. “Fuck me, you bastard,” she cried, pushing her hips up, desperate to get more of that mighty cock.

  But Rufus had one more thing in mind. He wanted to fuck this gorgeous woman in his favorite position before the night was over. Flipping her onto her stomach, he entered her from behind. Of course he’d want to fuck her doggy style, thought Melody. Not that she was complaining. His huge dick pushed against her g spot as he fucked her and Melody soon felt another powerful orgasm building up within her. “Fuck me harder, give it to me good,” she cried, feeling her cunt contracting on his throbbing, hard organ. With an answering growl, Rufus thrust into her rapidly and with ferocity while she bent low and pushed her pelvis toward him. As she came, Rufus couldn’t control himself anymore. With a howl, he ejaculated his semen into the depths of her pulsating vagina.


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