Pursuit: A Bad Boy Romance

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Pursuit: A Bad Boy Romance Page 51

by Cristal Pierre

  “Hey, what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be in the hospital?” she asked her friend.

  “They let me out this morning, and when Jayden called, I had nothing better to do,” said Amy casually.

  Lindseys heart stopped, “you talked to Jayden?”

  Amy nodded her head and replied, “yeah honey. He called me a little while ago and said I should keep you company. He was very cloak and dagger about it, but when I asked what he was doing for like, the hundredth time, he finally said that he was going to hunt down a monster. I have no idea what it means. So I had Colfax drop me off here, and he ran off with Jayden.”

  “You were with Colfax?” Said Lindsey

  She watched her friend turn bright red, “yeah. He kind of came to the hospital to make sure that I was okay yesterday, and we hit it off. I guess his family is moving soon, but he’s thinking about staying here.”

  “Wow,” said Lindsey, “that’s big news.”

  “He said he would stay with me. How romantic is that?” Amy was smiling from ear to ear.

  Lindsey couldn’t help but laugh; Jayden hadn’t left her after all. He was looking for Beyer; he knew that with him dead, nothing in the word would stop Lindsey from going with him.

  “So yeah, I am your babysitter for now I guess, I don’t know what good I am going to do though,” said Amy, still talking to herself.

  “You are doing a great job, Amy. I am thrilled that you’re here. Did you know I was poisoned?” Lindsey asked Amy.

  The two woman talked for an hour; Lindsey hated that she had to lie about little things with her best friend. Like knowing what Beyer had really been doing all that time or that his son was dead. When Amy let her know the police did have any leads, she did her best to act outraged, but Amy still raised an eyebrow at her.

  “Are you sure everything is okay?” Ask Amy for the third time that hour.

  Lindsey smiled, “yes, I promise okay? I just have this weird feeling. I normally only ever got it when Beyer was being creepy and watching me. Now though, I have had it ever since Jayden went looking for him.”

  Amy looked at her friend with concern, “maybe you hit your head harder than you thought,” she joked with her.

  Lindsey smiled, “maybe, but my instinct has never been wrong before. I am telling you; something doesn’t feel right.”

  “Well, I locked all the doors like your boyfriend asked me too, and I haven’t even so much as ordered a pizza. So whatever is going on, it’s not going on inside this house. We are locked down,” said Amy.

  Lindsey had heard the noise before she saw the dart go into her friend’s arm. Amy looked horrified before her sleeping body slumped down onto the chair.

  “I wouldn’t say your locked down, you're just locked in here with me,” said Beyer as he pointed the tranquillizer gun at Lindsey and fired.

  Chapter Eleven

  “You feel that?” He asked her, “that’s this new tranquillizer I got and it really is wonderful. You see it paralyzes the animal but it doesn’t put them to sleep. I think they use it for horses and whatnot, but today I am using it to put down a couple of dogs.”

  Lindsey couldn’t move her body but she was very much awake. It was the most terrifying thing in the world to watch as someone else had control over you.

  “Don’t worry,” said Beyer as he walked over to where the women were sitting, “it wears off pretty quickly.” He moved closer to her and began to tie her hands behind her back, “I want to hear you scream when you watch me kill your friend there.”

  “See now isn’t that better?” He asked her, she was regaining some of her movement. “I wonder; do you know when the first time I saw a werewolf was?”

  She listened in horror as he spoke, “I had just finished vet school and opened up my clinic when I get a call from my old college roommate. He begged me to come over to his place to look at this dog that he hit with his car. Poor guy worked nights and clipped the thing on his way home. I So I drove just as fast as I could to help out my buddy. When I got to his place I went up to the back door just as the sun was coming up and I swear to you, I watched that monster turn into a human right there on my pal’s floor! Of course he didn’t even know I was there yet.”

  At this point in the story, Beyer rose up from the chair he had been sitting in in front of Lindsey who was almost out of the sedatives grip all together.

  “I was hooked as soon as I saw that man, that monster, shift. I ran around to the front of the house and knocked. Then I circled around the back to see if I could head him off, I knew from the start that those abominations would be crooked. When I looked through the window, into the kitchen, I watched my friend there pull up a big old section of floor to reveal a cellar door. Then he helped the man into it and met me at the front door. Of course, when I ask him what had happened, my friend turned on me. He lied to my face.”

  “After that, I knew I was on my own. I saw the werewolves and their problems slowly consuming my friend and his life until his wife and his daughter left him, and he was all alone.”

  Lindsey had regained control over the body, “so you hid in my floor?” She asked him, knowing that he was telling a tale that had her father linked into it.

  “Wow, you are a smart girl,” he said.

  Without another word, he rose from his chair and walked to the sink. Lindsey looked over at Amy and was grateful to keep that she was still asleep, whatever he had given her was different. She needed a plan to get herself and Amy out of the house. Thankfully, she had a small pocket knife in her back pocket, but it would take some careful maneuvering to be able to get it out. She needed to keep him talking, keep him distracted.

  “Why not just let them go? Why did you need to obsess over them?” She asked him.

  She could see from where she was sitting that he had his emergency medical kit out on her counter, looking over his tools to decide what to use on her, the thought gave her chills.

  “Don’t be foolish,” he said, and she froze, wonderful if he knew what she was doing, “if I was able to extract what it was that made the werewolf shift, I could market it to the government. Can you imagine an entire army of shifters? Our country would rule the world and I would reap all of the perks.” He selected the weapon he wanted to use on her.

  She had the knife out of her pocket and now she was starting the slow process of cutting through her bonds. Lindsey knew he was about to start cutting into her, though.

  “What about your wife?” She blurted out, making herself and Beyer jump.

  “What about her? She was a terrible woman, always trying to get me to join clubs and meet her family. It was awful, I married her when she was young and pretty, just like you. The fact that she had money was a great bonus. I had no intention of keeping her around for so long, but the money kept flowing and she didn’t seem to care when I didn’t come home.”

  As he spoke, Lindsey broke through the rope holding her hands together. She heard the rope fall to the ground and saw Beyer’s eyes follow the noise.

  “You stupid woman,” he said as he lunged for her.

  She jumped up just as he crashed into the chair. Running to the front door, she found it locked and her keys nowhere near her. Beyer was rising back up to his feet and started to chase after her. She ran into the bathroom and shut the door quickly, locking it behind her. He pounded on the door as she started to open the window.

  “You are only making this harder for yourself, and your friend in there,” he said as he laughed sadistically.

  She froze, Amy would be left in danger if she ran. Unless Beyer thought that he could catch her. Lindsey pushed open the window as loudly as she could so that he would hear what she was doing. It worked, within moments he was busting down the door and she dove out the window. His hand grazed her leg. She hit the ground harder than she had intended. Jumping to her feet, she heard the doctor follow her from the window.

  Lindsey knew the only thing that she could do now to protect her friend and herself was to run
. She ran for the tree line with the small, beady man following her. She was surprised at his speed for such a small man. As she ran deeper into the woods, she felt her foot give out as she tripped over a fallen tree that was buried in the leaves. She heard Beyer coming for her and saw her assailant seconds before his attach. Like a flash, Jayden came from nowhere and tackled the man. The fight didn’t last very long. Without his son to protect him, the small man was no match for Jayden, even in his human form. The sun was starting to go down when he came to her.

  “Is he, dead?” said Lindsey hoarsely.

  Jayden picked her up as he spoke, “yes. I do not enjoy taking a life but there was no other way. He had to pay for what he had done. Plus, he wouldn’t stop hunting us like you said, we would never be safe.”

  “Where are you taking me? Is Amy okay?” She asked him.

  Looking into her eyes he said, “away from here. Away from Beyer. Amy is fine, she is with Colfax and recovering slowly from the drugs that Beyer used on her. They were stronger; she doesn’t remember a thing.”

  She looked up at him and held onto his neck as he walked through the woods. They weren’t going towards the house but she didn’t care as she placed her head on his chest. His heartbeat gave her strength and it stirred the fire inside of her. She tilted her head and kissed his chest. He looked down at her and smiled as he slowed down to a stop.

  “Please, don’t make me wait any longer Jayden. I need you, now,” she said as she looked up at him.

  His response was swift and passionate, he knelt down and kissed her tenderly but that wasn’t what she wanted. She didn’t need a tender hand. She needed to know they were both alive. She needed the animal in him.

  Chapter Twelve

  She looked into his eyes and took his face into her hands, “I need you,” she said to him again.

  He smiled at her, “you have been through a lot today.”

  She didn’t wait for him to make an excuse, instead she smacked him hard, “don’t tell me what I can and can’t have. I need you. I need to feel you inside of me. I want you Jayden,” she said as she kissed him. She whispered in his ear, “I want you as a man and a wolf.”

  She heard him growl as he pushed her up against a tree forcefully. He couldn’t say no to her. Even if wanted too, she was talking now to his primal need. She was a woman who wanted his beast, and the beast inside wanted her too. The time for romance was past. She reached down and grasped his shaft and moaned when she found that it was already hard.

  The mood was feverish, neither of them wanted the slow passion that they had enjoyed earlier that week. He ripped the clothing from her body as she did the same to him. Their lips finding any bare part of the others body to touch. He bent to take her soft breasts into his mouth and she moaned in desire. His lips made her body moist with need. She had to have him, she needed to feel alive again. Lindsey needed to feel the animal within him.

  She moved away from the tree and lay backwards onto the soft grass where she spread out her legs. Her entire body was open to him and to the moonlight and she felt deliciously exposed to both. Lindsey felt free for the first time in her life. She felt her embarrassment, shyness and reservations all fall away from her body. It was an empowering aphrodisiac, she licked her lips and brushed her hand softly down over her breast, down to her exposed flesh. As she did, she saw his eyes following her hand, hungry. His manhood bouncing up and down in desire, a bead of nectar waiting at the tip.

  “Take me,” she said to him hoarsely.

  He fell to his knees in front of her. She felt his rod press against her garden entrance but she stopped him. She wanted something more. She turned away from him to his surprise and rose up to her knees. Now she was exposed to him like a dog in heat. The smell of their love and the wind blowing was turning her into a wild woman. She felt his large hands brush grasp her hips and his breathing quicken. Once again, he pressed himself inside of her and she joined him this time when he growled.

  “More,” she begged him as the moon rose into the sky. He was large and it was deliciously painful as his shaft penetrated her.

  She felt his hands move from her back and watched in a mixture of joy and fear as his hands turned into giant grey paws of a wolf. She closed her eyes as she felt the change inside of her as his shaft grew longer and reached her very core. Everything grew warmer, his member even grew hot. She screamed out his name, unable to hold it in any longer. She felt her body grip around him as he growled. He bit down onto her neck as she had seen animals do in the past and it drove her insane.

  Lindsey exploded into climax harder than she had come before. Her eyes saw stars as she felt him thrust inside of her and reach his own release. As he did, his nectar spilled from within her. She opened her eyes and saw him shifting back into his human form. Once he was restored again to Jayden, he lifted her backwards onto him. Gripping her breasts with his hands and pressing her back against his chest. His member remained inside of her, support her and gently penetrating her.

  “Jayden, I love you,” she whispered to him.

  His response came quickly, “as I love you Lindsey.”

  He kissed her neck and she reached up to touch his face. The passion was returning, and they made love slowly. Building up to another climax until he spilled inside of her as she saw stars once again. The pair collapsed onto the soft ground, breathing hard. Lindsey reached her hand up to her neck and laughed, he had broken the skin.

  “Darling?” She asked him, already the answer didn’t matter, she would be with him forever. No matter what, “what would happen if you bit me while you were a werewolf?”

  He grew silent for a long time before he spoke, “you would change.”

  She took his hand in hers and placed it on her neck. He sat up and looked at the bite in the moonlight.

  “Lindsey, no. I can still stop you from changing, if you want,” he said, his eyes filled with concern.

  She sat up and looked at him, taking his face into her hands, “Jayden, I love you. If you want to be with me forever, then this is what I want. I want to be a part of your pack. I want to run with you and stay with you forever. I want to feel you as an animal would feel you.”

  He looked deep into her eyes, “I have never been so happy in my life, I love you too.”

  The pair rose and started the trek back to her home as they dressed in their tattered clothing. Together, they held hands and smiled. When the house came into view, Jayden heard a howl from nearby and turned his head.

  “My love, Amy is inside, Colfax had just left her. I need to speak with him and the pack. I will come to you soon,” he said as he held her once more.

  “Hurry,” she said with a smile. She wanted as much time with him as she could possibly get. As they had walked, he had told her what to expect as she changed into a wolf. It would happen within a few days, and he wanted to be with the pack when the time came. That meant that she had just a day to find out what to do with the house, her life and everything else.

  “I will,” he said with a smile as he pulled her into a goodbye kiss.

  Not to her surprise, the kiss began to deepen and she felt his shaft starting to grow hard once again. Her down body responded with need as she pressed her him against his body. They hadn’t even made it to the house and Lindsey was wondering if they could be seen from her home if they made love again right there on the cool grass. Another howl, this time accompanied by a symphony of others rang throughout the air.

  He smiled down at her as he broke the kiss, “they are very excited for you to join us my love. Right now, I need to go and make our arrangements.”

  She gave him her best childish pout and he laughed at her with joy, “we can start again as soon as I return, and every night after that forever.”

  Lindsey smiled at him, “Alright, fair enough. Hurry back to me though?”

  “I will,” he said.

  She watched him walk back into the woods as a human and felt a jolt of fear shoot through her as she watched him shif
t. Her desire grew as she saw the giant beast that had taken her just moments before in the woods. She turned and walked back to the house, grateful they hadn’t made love on the lawn. She saw Amy standing in the doorway, looking as foolishly happy as she felt. Lindsey knew that Amy had seen Jayden shift, which meant she knew. They had some fun catching up to do.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Well, since you just saw that and you aren’t freaking out, I am going to guess that you know something?” Said Lindsey as she walked over to her friend.

  Amy smiled at her, “I guess you know then too?”

  As Lindsey reached the steps, the two woman embraced.

  “I am so happy you are okay. Your lucky Colfax came here, otherwise I was about to call the police,” said Amy as the woman walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table.

  “So much is going to change now,” said Lindsey.

  “I know,” replied Amy softy, “Colfax said that werewolves can live amongst us or they can take a mate with them to their pack, but it’s rare for a mate to go with them. He is going to stay with me Lindsey, I am so happy.”

  “Oh Amy! Now that you know it’s wonderful,” she said to her friend.

  She knew that that she was going to have to tell her friend that she was leaving, but she had a little good news for her best friend too.

  “What’s going on?” Asked Amy, seeing the change in her friend’s face.

  “Well, you know how Colfax made the decision to stay here with you?” She said with a smile.

  Amy nodded her head but didn’t say anything, she just looked at her friend suspiciously.

  “I made the decision to go with Jayden and live with him and the pack,” said Lindsey softly.

  Amy looked at her friend in shock, “wow”, she whispered.

  “I know, it’s surprising.” Said Lindsey, not sure what else to say to her friend.

  “So you are going to become one of them too then?” She asked.

  “Actually,” she said, touching her neck and pulling back the collar to reveal the mark, “I kinda got a jump on the process.”


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