Pursuit: A Bad Boy Romance

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Pursuit: A Bad Boy Romance Page 55

by Cristal Pierre


  Chapter 7.

  It was the pain in her head that awoke her. When her eyes fluttered open the first thing she saw was the face of lord Morris peering down at her and the sun beaming in from an open window. From the softness that lay beneath her, Edwynn gathered that she was lying in her bed. When her eyes settled upon the little oaken table that sat in the corner of her room, her suspicions were confirmed. “What happened?” Edwynn whispered weakly to the man above her.

  “A fainting spell.” Lord Morris replied. “Caused by your wedding dress I believe, or so the physician told us.” Edwynn pushed herself up into a sitting position and looked around her room. Her mother was gone and so was the maid. It was then that the realization that she was alone in her chamber with her husband to be that made her suddenly aware of her bareness. Clad only in a thin white shift, Edwynn was practically naked in his presence. Embarrassed, Edwynn pulled the blankets over her body, trying to hide away her vulnerability. “The laces were too tight,” Edwynn lied. Inside she knew the reason to why she fainted. It was the mention of her husband to be coming into contact with the man that she loved dearly. The black smith. Lord Morris eyed her suspiciously before he spoke again. “Are you able to walk?” Lord Morris questioned.

  “Yes.” Edwynn answered, not even knowing that what she spoke was true.

  “Good. Then get dressed as we have business to attend to in town. Your father has given me special instructions to visit the town black smith.” When he spoke the words to her Edwynn saw how he relished the horror that reflected upon her face. “And I would like you to accompany me.”


  The entire ride into the village was painful. Edwynn's mind raced with inconsolable fear as she fought desperately in her mind to prepare herself for the explosion that was soon to erupt. Caught in the middle of a war between two men that she desired, one man who she loved and another who she secretly lusted after was a danger to her wounded pride. Lord Morris had insisted that she ride with him on the back of his black stallion that afternoon. He said that his horse was faster than her ageing mare. With no other choice but to obey her future husband, Edwynn obeyed and carefully placed her arms around the slender waste of the handsome lord and clung tight to him as he spurred his horse into motion.

  Upon the Princesses arrival in the village, all eyes became focused upon her. Casually, Lord Morris trotted his horse up to a local stable boy who stood patiently waiting for the two nobles to descend. Jumping gracefully down from off of his horse, lord Morris turned to face Edwynn before extending his hand out her, waiting for her to accept. Hesitantly, the raven haired girl accepted the hand of the noble man. When she did accept, Edwynn did not fail to notice the rough scratches that covered the lords hands. Jumping to her feet, Edwynn stood face to face with the golden haired prince. Ichor eyes burned into hers in a curious manner and she could not deny the sudden flutter that took a hold of her. “After you my lady,” The prince said bowing low in a mocking gesture. With uncertain eyes Edwynn glided past her future husband and headed into the crowd of people, the handsome prince striding behind her as they went.

  It was only when she stopped dead in her tracks did the lord place his hand upon her wrist. Edwynn's heart raced as she looked over at the sight before her, her eyes watering as the black haired man looked over at her with an unfamiliar look in his amber eyes. For a long moment Edwynn merely stared dumbfounded at her secret lover. Her heart broke as she looked at him. She felt like a monster. A monster who had taken the heart of a good man only to crush it in a blink of an eye. Feeling the arms of her husband to be slink around her waste, Edwynn was pulled from out of her day dream. “Is that him?” Lord Morris purred cockily into her war whist she didn't take her eyes from off of the working black smith. Resentfully, Edwynn answered. “Yes.”


  “You are to forge a hundred swords crafted from the finest metal and to be ready for collection in less than a week.” Standing in between two men with her head bowed low, her racing uncontrollably, Edwynn felt the bile bubbling I the pit of her stomach. Even though she could feel the eyes of the black smith boring into her head, trying to force her eyes to look into his. Edwynn knew that if she gave into her feelings that there would be hell. The tension between the two men dominated the black smiths work place. “And what is the occasion that I am to be working for so quickly?” The blacksmith questioned darkly. Edwynn wished that Asher had not asked that question. He knew already that she was to be getting married. Why would he want to cause himself anymore pain by asking her future husband. “They are to be props for the castle guards at my wedding.” Lord Morris answered the man just as darkly. Sliding his hand around Edwynn's waist, for the first time since since entering the black smiths workplace, Edwynn looked up and into the eyes of her lover. The look that she saw behind those amber eyes was enough for her to gasp aloud. Alert by the sound that escaped her lips, Thomas Morris looked down at his wife to be.

  “What troubles you my love?” The golden haired man whispered into Edwynn's ear, gently smoothing the base of her back. Looking up from beneath guilty lashes, Edwynn saw the angry glare that the dark haired blacksmith shadowed his face. Shrugging away from Lord Morris's touch, weakly Edwynn whispered. “I am fine.” Though inside she was a mess. When the golden haired lord continued to smother his wife to be, the dark haired black smith warned the nobleman. “The lady has spoken lord.” Asher's voice was filled with venom, his lip almost curling into a snarl. Edwynn saw how both men became territorial. With a sharp turn on his head, the golden haired man stepped up into the black smiths face. “And who are you to speak so freely to me peasant!?” Lord Morris hissed nastily. Edwynn's stomach flipped in fear as she saw the two men grow angry. “You are nothing but a filthy dog. I know about your little fumbles with my little wife to be,” He provoked. “But I have to come to tell you that if I catch you touching her or even breathing around her then you will suffer a most painful death.”

  “Inflict upon me what you will lord-ling.” The blacksmith spat coldly. “If she desires you so then why don't you let the woman decide for herself?” Lord Morris squared his shoulders at the peasent words. “Hold your tongue dog!” The golden haired man warned.

  “I bow to no one.” Asher hissed his reply.

  It had all happened so fast. In a blink of an eye, the golden haired prince had struck at the blacksmith with his fist and hist him full force in the face, knocking him backwards into his anvil. A loud hiss and a cry of inhuman pain resounded around the air, the stench of burning flesh perfuming the room. With wide eyes, Edwynn stood in mute shock staring at the scene before her. The blacksmith, bent over in pain, his mane of black hair covering his face like a veil, clutched at his side where a deep, bloodied burn tattooed his skin. Breathing hard the golden haired prince continued his torrents of abuse, his strikes furious and beyond powerful. Edwynn could only stare on, her mouth opening and closing in protest, unable to speak. With an inhuman growl and a strength so powerful, the blacksmith raised his hands and struck the noble lord in the stomach, amber eye burning menacingly. It was his teeth that caught Edwynn's attention. At first she thought that she was hallucinating but as she got closer, she saw that what she saw was right. Two jagged teeth protruded from out of the blacksmiths mouth, a growl tearing free from his throat as he knocked the golden haired man onto his back. As he was about to deal the final blow, Edwynn hurled herself in between the two men, only to be struck in the head by the killing blow and knocked into the anvil, her hair singing and her hand burning from the pain.


  Chapter 8.

  There was only one place that Edwynn could feel free. Hallow Forest, A place where peace and tranquillity was respected. A place where the trees themselves whispered their pains into the soil, wept their tears into the small ravine that glittered beautifully under the Winter sun. The soil crunched beneath her booted feet as Edwynn ran at full speed through the forest. Heart racing and her burns weeping, Edwynn pushed herse
lf onwards into the forest, breathing hard as she tried desperately to outrun the being that hunted her. The beast was gigantic in size, its eyes of amber glittering in the moonlit as it pounded after her through the trees. Edwynn could hear its panting as she ran for her life. Her lungs burned from the pain of fleeing. The bear trees whipped at her face and sung her eyes but still she did not cease to run. She had forgotten how long she had been running. All she remembered was the fight that had ensued between the two men that she cared for, the pain, and then a vision so horrific that she fled the blacksmiths shop.

  It was a single tree branch that was hidden beneath a carpet of autumn leaves when she was finally silenced in her running. Falling painfully to her knee's, Edwynn submitted herself to her looming end, tears of fear running down her cheeks as she braced herself for the razor sharp teeth of death to cut into her flesh. When she saw the beast emerge from the trees her heart stopped. The being was of an unnatural size, course black fur bristling on its body, teeth snarling, saliva dripping from out of the corner of its mouth. It approached her and all Edwynn could do was stare. A realization crept over that she had seen the wolf before. It was the same wolf that had been standing beneath her window, silently watching her. “Please,” Edwynn whispered terrified as the beast stalked towards her. Clumsily, she tried to push herself away from the beast but it only aggravated it more. An inhuman roar vibrated through the great being and a scream tore from out of her throat. It was the eyes of the being that caught Edwynn's attention and even in her frightened state, she stared the animal right in the eye, trying to think of where she had seen such eyes.

  It was then that the beast lunged towards her with a great roar vibrating from within. Edwynn raised her hands in a protective manner to shield herself from the teeth of the wolf. She cried out in pain when she felt the teeth pierce through her hand. Blood began to trickle down causing the wolf to slip into a blood thirsty frenzy. With the power of a full army, the wolf forced Edwynn onto her back, snarling and growling, ripping and biting at her flesh. Tears of pain fell from frightened eyes. Blue eyes staring into amber.

  Something happened then. Something that Edwynn did not comprehend. With a great push, the wolf beast was forced from off of Edwynn's shaking body. It cried out in pain, whined like a wounded dog. Through hazy eyes, Edwynn could see the red of a familiar blazer and the golden hair that blew in the wind as he fought off the creature. In his hand he was swinging a sword, stabbing at the beast to no avail as its jaws bit and snapped at her saviour.

  With its great jaws of death, the amber eyed beast attacked the golden haired man, bit deep into his flesh as he thrust a sword into its side. The creature howled in pain before disappearing into the foliage, leaving a trail of slick, black blood in its wake. Lord Morris stumbled towards the petrified girl as if he was drunk. When he turned to face her, blood was pouring out of a wound on his neck. The same wound that she ha saw upon his neck when they had both ventured out into the village. The last thing that Edwynn saw was the red hazy mist that floated in front of her eyes like a red veil of pain.


  She awoke to the smell of copper. Her vision blurred, her body ached, her hands stung. At first she thought she had died for the wolf was gone. Through her blurred vision she could see a shape of a man in its stead but could not make it out for her vision was poor from the blood she had lost. Strong hands lifted her head and as her vision cleared, golden eyes stared into hers once again. Her heart raced and she cried out, frightened at first, her mind telling that it was the wolf, but it was his voice that soothed her back into silence. “At ease.” He soothed her calmly. Edwynn stared up at the lord in confusion. “The wolf. Where is the wolf?” A strained look crossed the young lords face and it was only then that Edwynn saw the dirt upon his face. She felt sick, disturbed, confused. “It is gone.” He answered darkly. Almost bitterly. For a long moment Edwynn remained staring up at the dark golden man. “How did you find me?” She whispered weakly. “No one knows that I come here.”

  “The forest is home to many creatures princess.” Lord Morris answered quietly. A searing pain shot through Edwynn's body as she felt herself being lifted off the floor by his strong arms. Edwynn looked into the lords golden eyes and for a moment she thought should see the black wolf shining within them. “Your eyes.” She whispered. “They glow like the beasts.” A strange silence passed between them before he spoke once again, his voice raw and horse. “Rest princess.” He told her. “Do not trouble your mind with matters that don't concern you.”


  She awoke to the smell of copper. Her vision blurred, her body ached, her hands stung. At first she thought she had died for the wolf was gone. Through her blurred vision she could see a shape of a man in its stead but could not make it out for her vision was poor from the blood she had lost. Strong hands lifted her head and as her vision cleared, golden eyes stared into hers once again. Her heart raced and she cried out, frightened at first, her mind telling that it was the wolf, but it was his voice that soothed her back into silence. “At ease.” He soothed her calmly. Edwynn stared up at the lord in confusion. “The wolf. Where is the wolf?” A strained look crossed the young lords face and it was only then that Edwynn saw the dirt upon his face. She felt sick, disturbed, confused. “It is gone.” He answered darkly. Almost bitterly. For a long moment Edwynn remained staring up at the golden haired man. “How did you find me?” She whispered weakly. “No one knows that I come here.”

  “The forest is home to many creatures princess.” Lord Morris answered quietly. A searing pain shot through Edwynn's body as she felt herself being lifted off the floor by his strong arms. Edwynn looked into the lords golden eyes and for a moment she thought should see the black wolf shining within them. “Your eyes.” She whispered. “They glow like the beasts.” A strange silence passed between them before he spoke once again, his voice raw and horse. “Rest princess.” He told her. “Do not trouble your mind with matters that don't concern you.”

  Chapter 9.

  Edwynn woke to the sound of a fire crackling and a soft mattress beneath her aching back. When her eyes adjusted to her surroundings Edwynn saw that she was no longer in the forest but back in her bed chamber, protected by the four walls of her kingdom. Forcing herself to sit up, she winced from the pain that she still felt, her eyes squinting through the dimly lit room trying to find the man who had saved her. Her mouth was dry and her throat sore. When she looked down at herself she found that she was clad in only her white shift and bodice, her dress removed. Edwynn gasped and drew her legs up in a protective manner around herself, unsure at what had happened. Then she saw him watching over her, bear chested, his mane of golden hair hung sweaty and sticky to alabaster skin.

  She could not help but admire him. There was something about the man that Edwynn could not place her finger on. The man did not speak, only observed her reaction. “Where is my dress?” It was a feeble question, that she knew but words had failed her for she knew not what to say. Studying the young lord carefully, Edwynn saw his golden eyes glow with strong curiosity.

  “There was not much left of your dress.” Was all he answered. He knelt down next her then and it was only then that Edwynn saw the small wooden cup within his hands. “For the pain.” Edwynn's mind raced as to why he was helping her. The last time they had met their goodbye's had been far from sweet. Not wanting to ignite the rage within him for a second time, Edwynn accepted the cup and drank deep from it. A sickly sweet liquid coated her throat and almost made her gag. The golden haired prince did not take his eyes off her. “Why are you helping me?” Edwynn finally questioned him, placing the wooden cup down beside the bed. “Our last encounter was not so sweet my lord. You could have left me there to rot.” A dark smirk graced the lips of the noble man then. He laughed a deep laugh before he answered the raven haired girl.

  “ Indeed I could have my lady but I did not. It is true you are stubborn yet there is more to you than just being a woman of power. I thought you but
a woman of arrogance when first I saw you, but the n I saw how you treated the people of your kingdom. To command the people of this town is a power that this kingdom lacks. The rule is weak.”

  “My father is a sick man.” Edwynn answered almost defiantly. “He is frail and will not withstand another year. When my father dies, his rule will pass on to my mother. The queen.”

  It was then that the princes bear chest caught her attention. Carved into his skin were three deep claw marks. Edwynn's heart jumped out of her chest and unknowingly, she raised her hand to touch his wounds. “Did the beast do this?” She whispered, not taking her eyes away from his wound. Edwynn could feel the eyes of the prince boring into her skull but she refused to look up. It was then that the bloody wound upon his body began to do something that Edwynn had not anticipated. At first she thought that she was seeing things, so impossible did it seem. The wound upon the young lords body began to heal in front of her very own eyes and everything seemed to make sense.


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