Anything For Love

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Anything For Love Page 2

by Corke, Ashley

  “I was at a club and Korbyn came in and started a big brawl. He tried bringing me home, but Jais and Jett wouldn't let him,” I started, shrugging. “He beat the shit out of Jett, but Jett beat the shit out of him, too.” Keegan shook his head. “And he was drunk, Kee.”

  “What?” Keegan was shocked. He helped me to my feet and into the house that the three of us shared.

  After he sat me down on the sofa, he went through his secret stash of alcohol. He found a bottle of Jack Daniels missing.

  “Shit.” Keegan turned back to me. “What’d you do to him?” I looked at him open-mouthed. Keegan slowly approached me. “What did you do, Myka? Are you fucking Jett? Or is it Jais?” I shook my head, my eyes holding his. He took my chin into his right hand. “Tell me, Myka. What is it?” I lifted my cast wrist.

  “Do you see this?” I asked him, my voice firm, but thick with tears. Keegan nodded. “Do you know how this happened?” Kee's eyes studied me for a moment.

  “You fell off of your horse,” he replied, softly, but not confidently. I shook my head smirking.

  “In all my years of riding, I have never fallen off, Keegan. Besides, you've ridden Gollum. You know how safe and gentle he is. I didn't fall off of Gollum,” I told him, my eyes burning into his. Keegan's fingers tightened on my cheeks and jaw. I winced.

  “What are you saying, Myka?” His eyes searched mine, and I knew he had known all along. He just didn't want to admit it. “You can’t tell me Korb...” His voice failed him.

  “Korbyn broke my wrist, Keegan. Korbyn did this.” Kee shook his head hard, squeezing my face even harder. I don't bruise easily, but I knew I would have bruises from him.

  “No!” He cried, shoving my face backwards so hard that I fell onto the couch.

  I sat there stunned, just looking at Keegan. In all the time that I knew both of them, I had never realized that either of them was violent. Must have been a family thing.

  “Liar!” I felt something tickle my upper lip and wiped under my nose. When I looked down at my hand I saw blood. Great, I thought. Just what I needed was a bloody nose. Jett was going to go to town with this.

  “Korbyn broke my wrist, Keegan,” I repeated. Keegan paced the living room, shaking his head. He stopped and looked at me. Again, he approached me and stood right in front of me, looking into my eyes.

  “Why would he, Myka?” Kee grilled me through his teeth. Why would he do that? Did you fuck someone else?” I shook my head, looking at his feet. Grabbing my face again, he made me meet his glare. “Tell me why.” I swallowed hard.

  “I know his secret and I told Jett,” I told him, trying my best to keep my voice strong.

  “What secret?” Keegan asked me. I looked away. I didn’t want to tell him. With what he’d already done to me, I didn’t know what else he would do. He shook my face, bringing my eyes back to his, yet again. At that moment, my phone went off, alerting me of a new text message. I went to grab my phone from the couch next to me, but Keegan grabbed it and threw it across the room. My phone hit the wall and fell in pieces. I glared at him, outraged.

  “You bastard!” I cried.

  “What secret, Myka?” He repeated, shaking my face yet again. I grabbed his wrist, trying to pull his hand away from my face.

  Keegan grabbed both of my wrists and slammed them against the back of the couch, crushing my broken wrist, beneath the cast.

  “Goddammit, Myka! What secret?” I squirmed underneath him trying to break away. He held firm. Keegan shook my arms, straddling me so I couldn’t move. I continued to squirm beneath him, hoping to somehow break free.

  “Get off of me, Keegan! Get off!” I shouted in his face. Keegan acted as if nothing had happened.

  “What secret could possibly be so dark that he would break the wrist of the woman he loves?” Keegan screamed, his face getting closer to mine, his grip tightening on my wrists. He even squeezed his knees tighter around me.

  I bucked my hips under him and tried moving my arms, hoping to knock him off of me. Instead, I realized he was getting off on this. Having me pinned beneath him; having total control, Keegan was fully aroused. I wished that I could brush it off as him being drunk or even on a drug, but he didn’t do drugs and he didn’t reek of alcohol. I looked at Keegan, wide-eyed.

  “Tell me, Myka!” I knew I could just tell him this horrible secret and hope that he would actually leave me alone, but I couldn’t because I wasn’t sure he would. I had never seen Keegan like this - ever. Plus, it wasn’t exactly my place to tell him.

  “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you, Keegan?” I smirked, bucking my hips against him again, still hoping to push him off me. “You like having control over me?” I guess I was going to take a new approach. Maybe seducing him would distract him enough to allow me to get away. I would regret this, but I feared for my life here.

  “Don't change the -” Keegan started, but I bucked up against him again, my eyes trained on his. Kee's eyes flashed with anger, but with want as well.

  “Do you get jealous when you hear Korbyn and me at night?” I raised my eyebrows up and down real quick as I chewed on my lip. I bucked again, to feel that he was even harder. I smirked. “And I bet he’s told you all that I can do.”

  “What's Korbyn's secret?” Keegan asked again, his voice husky with lust. God, he wanted me bad. I bucked again. Kee's eyes shot closed and he bit his lip as he tightened his grip on me. I swore silently.

  “You want me, don't you, Kee?” I teased, bucking again. He nodded slowly before turning his eyes back to mine, his eyes burning into mine so hard it was almost painful.

  “But I want Korbyn's secret even more. So fucking tell me already,” he hissed through his teeth, grinding his hips into mine. I gasped.

  “If I tell you, will you let me go?” I asked him. He studied me for a moment then nodded.

  “If you tell me, I will let you go,” Keegan said. At that moment, I regretted trying to seduce him and hoped that in his state of lust, he wouldn’t end up changing his mind.

  “Nici's pregnant, yes?” I started. He nodded slowly. “Nici's pregnant with Korbyn's baby.” Kee looked at me for a moment. I wasn’t sure if he believed me or not.

  “You’re not a liar, Myka. Not usually. I’ve never known you to lie,” he started. I wondered why he hadn’t thought of that when I told him Korb had broken my wrist. “So if Korbyn broke your wrist because you told Jett what you just told me - that my baby isn’t my baby, but my brother's - then that’s what happened.” I was confused, squinting at him. “But I’m going to have a baby, Myka.” Now I was growing scared. I knew seducing him had been a bad idea. “A baby that's mine, Myka.” Keegan kissed me then, taking both of my arms into one hand. I tried to wriggle out of his grasp, considering bucking him off was obviously not going to work. I failed miserably.

  Good going, Myka! I thought to myself, absolutely terrified. Look what you've gone and done this time!

  Keegan's free hand drifted down between him and me, reaching under my shirt. His hand found my breasts and I started to cry. He broke the kiss looking at me. Keegan smirked, tugging hard on my nipple rings.

  “Don't act like you don't like this, Myka. I know you do,” Kee told me. “Besides, you started this.” He ground his hips against mine. A sob escaped from my lips as his free hand slid out from under my shirt and under the skirt I was wearing. His fingers fought with my fishnets then my panties. I was sobbing uncontrollably as his fingers invaded me.

  Keegan sucked on my neck as I tried bucking him off me, but that just caused more pain for me with his fingers. No guy had ever used his fingers on me and it hurt so badly. Finally, he pulled his fingers out, sucking one finger off, moaning, before shoving the other finger into my mouth. I bit his finger. He slapped me.

  “You bitch!” Keegan cried. “I know you like this. Korbyn told me.” Switching which hand held my wrists, he pulled down his sweat pants. I panicked, bucking wildly beneath him, but he stayed firm. “Patience is a virtue, darling,” he snick
ered. Keegan pulled my skirt up and positioned himself between my legs. Maneuvering my fishnets and panties, he prepared to enter me. He kissed me as he went to slide in.

  At that moment I head butted Keegan. Hard. He fell off of me and onto the floor. I shook my head, a headache starting to grow. Keegan moaned in pain, starting to sit up. Without thinking, I stepped on his balls. He fell back onto the floor, holding his family jewels. I ran out the door - and back into Korbyn's arms. It was just my luck.

  “Myka!” Korb exclaimed, surprised. “Where do you think you’re going, Baby?” His words were slurring together and he looked at me with squinted eyes. I was speechless.

  All I knew was that I wanted to get as far away from Keegan as possible. Korbyn's eyes looked past me and found his brother half naked. His eyes shot back to mine. Despite the tears, he let loose.

  “You fucking slut! It wasn’t Jett or Jais, but my own brother? Korb grabbed a handful of my shoulder-length hair and dragged me back into the house.

  Chapter Five

  Korbyn had dragged me up to the bedroom we shared and slammed the door shut, locking it behind us. He threw me onto our bed, before pinning me to it. I was really sick of being thrown around.

  “Myka, Myka, Myka,” Korbyn smirked, looking down at me. I shivered under his stare.

  “You're drunk, Korbyn. Why don't you just get some sleep?” I suggested, my eyes pleading. He laughed dryly.

  “Sleep? Yea right. So you can go back to Keegan?”

  “Korb, he was going to rape me!” I started to cry again. His gaze softened as he looked at me.

  “What?” Korb asked in disbelief.

  “Keegan threw me around. He wouldn’t let me go. God, Korb. He hit me. I wanted to go find you. But he wouldn’t let me go,” I sobbed. Korbyn let go of my arms, but continued to straddle me. He was looking into my eyes, which I knew were sea foam green from crying. Korbyn also knew I couldn’t lie for shit. So he knew that I was telling the truth.

  “Why, Myka? Why would my brother do this?”

  “Because you were drunk,” I told him. He looked at me in silence, chewing on his bottom lip ring. I looked back at him, chewing on my own lip ring. Korb seemed to have sobered up a little bit and I relaxed.

  “He was going to rape you because I was drunk?” Korbyn asked me. I remained silent, looking away from him. “Myka?”

  Just then, there was banging on our bedroom door. Korbyn climbed off of me and opened the door. Keegan stood there, a hand on each side of the doorframe. He glared past Korbyn and right at me.

  “That bitch stepped on my balls!” Keegan cried. I flinched. I was in trouble.

  “You were going to rape her!” Korbyn yelled back. Keegan looked at Korb, one eyebrow cocked, with a big smile on his face.

  “Oh yea? Is that what she said?” Korbyn scowled at his brother, and then glanced back at me. I was sitting on the bed, getting ready to protect myself, if it came to that.

  “What are you saying, Keegan?” Korb asked his brother. I stood up and walked over to the twins and tried to get out the door.

  “I have to go to the bathroom, babe,” I said.

  “I don t think so,” Kee answered me shoving me back into the room. I fell hard on the floor, my broken wrist breaking my fall. I cried out in pain. Korbyn glared at Kee and then punched him in the nose.

  “Don't you dare touch my girl!” Korb yelled. I shuffled to my feet as Keegan tackled Korbyn to the floor. I ran out of the room, unnoticed. As I ran down the stairs, I could hear the brothers screaming and swearing at each other. I didn’t care what they did to each other, as long as they stayed away from me.

  I ran right out the front door.

  Chapter Six

  I returned to the club to find everything back in order. There was a new band onstage and they were obviously beginners at big performances. I sat at the bar; the bartender had also been replaced for the later hours. It was about three in the morning, but the crowd at the club had grown even bigger.

  “What can I get you, pretty lady?” The bartender asked me with an Irish accent. I smiled, blushing. He flashed a smile back at me.

  “A Jack and Coke please,” I replied. He walked away to fill my order and I studied him as he did so. Short, spiky black hair, bright blue eyes and he was very thin. He was also very attractive, in my eyes.

  He brought me back my drink, and then went to help someone else. After he finished that customer, he came back over to me.

  “I don t believe we’ve met. I’m Darro,” he introduced himself, offering his hand.

  “Myka,” I replied, taking his hand. Surprisingly, he kissed the top of my hand. I blushed, taking my hand back.

  “You come here often?” Darro asked me as I took a sip of my drink. I nodded.

  “My friend Jais is in the band Nowhere to Go,” I told him. “They played here earlier. I was here with his brother, Jett.”

  “I know those two. Troublemakers, I hear. There was a huge bar brawl here while that band was playing. Did you see that?”

  “Actually, I caused it,” I answered. Darro cocked his left eyebrow.

  “You?” Again, I nodded.

  “Don't I look it?” I asked him. He studied me.

  “Not really. Although you do have some bruises,” Darro replied. I saw his eyes move past me. “Oh. Hey.” I turned around to find Jais.

  “Myka? What the hell are you doing here?” Jais asked me. He looked at Darro. “Excuse us.” Jais pulled me away from the bar. Darro nodded at us as we left.

  I saw that his nose looked fine and I breathed a sigh of relief. At least I hadn’t broken Jais's nose. Still, I hoped he wouldn’t hold it against me.

  Chapter Seven

  “What the hell happened to you?” Jett exclaimed, the minute he saw me. I looked away. Jais had brought me to Jett's house.

  Apparently Jett had given up on me and had gone home. He appeared to be even more drunk than when I’d left him. Jais went home, himself, after making sure Jett had taken me in.

  I sat on Jett's sofa looking at my hands, not wanting to tell Jett about Keegan. My eyes started to close; exhausted after all I had been through that night. Jett grabbed my shoulders and I freaked out, hitting him. He stumbled away from me, surprised. I looked at him, my wild, wide-eyed expression meeting his.

  “Jett. I - I’m sorry,” I stammered. Jett put his hands up. He got to his feet and climbed his stairs up to his room. I was left alone in the living room. What was I going to do?

  I decided to flip the television on to see if anything would catch my eye. Nothing did, so I just left it on one of the music channels. Some rap song was on, so I wasn’t very intrigued, considering rap just wasn’t my cup of coffee, or whatever. So I went over to Jett s computer instead.

  I checked my email and Facebook. Nothing. Korbyn hadn’t even tried. I started to worry about Korbyn at home with Keegan. Who won? Who lost? Had it gotten that far? I grew very worried at that point, but there was a knock on the door that distracted my thoughts. Looking through the peephole in Jett's door, I was surprised to find Korbyn outside. I unlocked the door and stepped out on the porch.

  “Korb!” I threw my arms around his neck, but he didn’t return my hug. He stood rigid and was glaring at me when I stepped back.

  “What are you doing here?” Korbyn asked me.

  “Jais brought me here after he found me back at the club. But Jett won’t talk to me. I - ” I was cut off when the back of his hand connected with my cheek. My hand went to my face as I looked at him.

  “You ran. You ran because you lied, Myka,” Korbyn said. I didn’t know what to say. “Kee says you seduced him.” I opened my mouth to explain, but he hit me again. “You seduced him, Myka. You seduced him so he wouldn’t tell me that you told him about the baby!” Korbyn grabbed my arm and dragged me to his car. I screamed for Jett, but he didn’t come to my rescue. I figured he wouldn’t. He was really upset that I had hit him. If only Jett would have let me explain.

  Chapter Eight

  When we got back to our house, Korbyn threw me into Keegan.

  “If you want a baby of your own, Kee, use Myka. It’s only fair,” Korbyn told his brother. I looked at him wide-eyed and open-mouthed. Apparently these brothers were far sicker and deranged than I could have ever imagined! Keegan smirked.

  “Thanks, bro. That means a lot,” Keegan replied, pushing me to the couch. Korbyn stood by, watching.

  Keegan lifted my skirt up and decided to remove my panties and fishnets this time. I kicked him a few times, but Korbyn ended up helping Keegan by holding me down. There was nothing I could do with two full-grown men holding me down. So I stopped fighting.

  Keegan pushed himself inside me so fast that I thought he was going to tear me apart. I screamed, but he swallowed my screams in a kiss. Korbyn continued to watch as his brother forced himself into me. I was shocked that Korb didn’t help me - wouldn’t help me. I loved this man and this is what I got. I started to cry.

  I think the most shocking part, was the fact that even Korbyn seemed to be getting off on this. Korb watched his brother bite and suck on my neck, as Kee slid in and out of me.

  “Korbyn,” I whispered through my tears. He looked down at me with lust in his eyes. I closed my eyes, wishing to disappear. I heard a zipper go down and the sound of skin rubbing skin.

  Keegan continued to invade me. I started crying even harder. At that moment, Korbyn forced himself into my mouth.

  “Bite me and I'll leave Keegan to kill you,” Korbyn told me straight up. I sobbed, leaving my mouth slack enough for him to do as he needed. Keegan seemed to enjoy this and he got rougher. I felt him tighten around me and then grow rigid. I knew what was happening then and cried even harder.

  I will have my baby, Myka,” Keegan breathed. I felt Korbyn harden in my mouth and I knew he was close. I sobbed. I couldn’t believe this was happening to me.


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