The Carnage Trilogy (Book 1): The Carnage [Unbending, Unyielding, Unforgiving]

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The Carnage Trilogy (Book 1): The Carnage [Unbending, Unyielding, Unforgiving] Page 6

by Birch, Matthew

  Wait, so...


  I put two and two together in my head.

  Opening my arms, I go to hug him but he brushes past me towards the kitchen door. "I caused this..." Marcus says out loud to no one in particular.

  "Hold on, are you sure you don't want to talk about this Bro?" I say kindly, hoping he comes back and just explains all this. As explanatory as it already is, I know this is going to break him. Marcus shakes his head, tears falling from his eyes. I can't even begin to understand the guilt he must feel right now.

  "He's dead and it's all my fault Ed" Marcus leaves, leaving me and Maya alone once more.

  "I hate being alone with you," She says out of the blue. Anger flourishes through me. "I'm glad we feel the same way" I smile sarcastically, giving the bitch a taste of her own medicine. Maya just sneers at me. "Whatever. Care to tell me what that was about?" Maya glowers at me, eyes burning with a passionate hatred for me. What's so bad about me? I get it, I fucked up. Surely we could figure this out though and make amends?

  "Last night, I and Marcus went out and got hammered. Got separated, I ended up making a bet I'll never be able to brag about and Marcus met a girl. That girl is the person you saw earlier" Summing it up all in one and letting Maya process the situation, I take a seat at the same table she has already gotten comfortable at. Taking in the information; thinking, and making up her mind. She figures it out.

  "Ah, she had a boyfriend. She told him about Marcus, then the creatures came running and killed him before they could sort things out..." Maya repeats back to me exactly what's happened. Raising both my eyebrows and plastering a lopsided grin on my face, I treat her with the same voice you would a good dog after it obeys a command to perfection. "Good girl, want a treat?"

  A muscle in her jaw twitched. We have lift on in Operation annoy Maya for being a bitch. Her lips draw back in a snarl. "Only if you had this confidence when you could have saved my life"

  I grimace from the low blow. Ouch.

  Chapter 5 - Is this all that's left?


  I groan, tapping my head against the table a few times while Maya sits there, casually checking over her rifle and mumbling a curse every time she finds a scratch or dent. Occasionally blaming me as well even though we both know I had nothing to do with it. Honestly, all I did was hold it! Today has been a complete mess. Everything has gone terribly wrong. I don't even know how or why. So many questions, so little answers. How did it go from zero to one hundred so quick? Those creatures as we're calling them now, remind me of zombies. They act and look like zombies. So, basically a zombie. Seems like it's happening in the same way as well.


  The creatures down by the lake were different. Red, pulsating grimy sacks, ripe with veins that bulge as the blood passes through them. Stronger, faster...

  No, those weren't zombies. Those were something else entirely, I'm sure of it.

  Suddenly, through the speakers placed around the building, Patrick's voices booms into everywhere and everything, telling us to all to meet in the lounge area. Sighing, I push my chair back, its stubbed legs grate across the floor. When I look up, I see Maya is still flinching. Her eyes squinted. "Let me show you how it's done" She stands up, soundlessly, effortlessly, and most of all...

  I can't even think of something indecent to say about her.

  I hate her. Yes, that will do.

  After navigating the building, we find the lounge and who is left. There is one more person here now, standing at the back of the room by the three Officers. So, everyone is here. Patrick takes the lead role, making himself known in the centre of the room as all those who are left gather before him. I saw the sheriff on his deathbed pretty much, and those three officers are fine with him in command so, sure, whatever. Cody sits on the sofa, trying to calm himself still. Chloe sits beside him, head in her hands. Marcus and Maya sit opposite one another. Maya sinks into the cushions, looking bored. Marcus seems unnerved, his eyes unable to stop pointing themselves in Chloe’s direction every few seconds. I know him well enough to know his mind is buzzing wildly about her. Guilt is a harrowing weakness, a detestable tool, and a powerful weapon for those who know how to corrupt it.

  Someone steps in beside Patrick. "This is Benjamin" Patrick introduces Benjamin to the group. The new guy looks new. In fact, he looks untouched. "Hey, guys. I am Benjamin. Though, please just call me Ben for short" he smiles sheepishly while lifting his red cap up a little. Only looks a little bit older than me. Everyone is silent. Too numb and in their own little worlds to do anything, I know I am already the same. In the space of a few hours, I am more scarred then anything bad my life has had to offer me so far. Nothing compares to today. Nothing.

  I wonder if Mum and Dad are okay. All the way back home. Of course, they are okay. Are they? Yeah. Maybe? No.

  Shut up.

  "I am going to put this simply. I don't know what is happening. I don't know what is going to happen. I do know one thing. We have work to do" Patrick is blunt and straight to the point. Neither kindness nor sympathy. "You can all rest for today but tomorrow we need to figure out our next move" Patrick adds on, eying us all up.

  "Like what?" Cody lunges forward from his relaxed position. His eyes gleaming at Patrick who raises an eyebrow carefully. "There is a radio tower not too far from here. Tomorrow, some of us will go there and send out a signal to the Capital" Patrick puts it as it is. We need to get the message out about what is happening. Okay, a good plan so far.

  "Other than that, if you haven’t tried already, all communications on the island seemed to have been cut off and we are going to have to manually contact local areas for help. So don’t bother checking your phones. That's all for now"

  One final nod of confirmation, Patrick turns, heading for the reception, all three Officers following after him. Leaving the rest of us normal people just chilling here without a care in the world. I guess now we can rest easy without any problems whatsoever!

  Relax. Rest. No worries.




  Marcus and Chloe go at it in seconds, sending everyone into a state of alarm around them. Chloe’s on her feet, a fire burning in her eyes as she glares into Marcus who stays seated. His hands visibly shaking. He struggles to keep the eye contact still, his lip trembling even. Chloe spits in his face. "HE IS DEAD"

  Marcus retaliates, jumping to his feet and wiping the muck that came from her mouth off his cheek. Everyone else in the room clears out to the edges, giving them some room to vent this war of theirs out. Maya moves to my side, looking at me weirdly. I give her the same look she has. We both know shits about to hit the fan.

  "I AM SORRY ALRIGHT! I'm-" Marcus hesitates. "I'm sorry..."

  Chloe places herself back down on the sofa, hostility in her form still. Taking a breath, Chloe prepares her words considerately. "That, sweetie, doesn't-" Another breath.




  There's a light tap on my shoulder. Turning, I see the new guy, uh, Benjamin. He gestures towards the way out of this hell. Nodding slowly, I indicate him towards the corridor leading to the kitchen. He nods, expertly slipping away. I do the same, copying him as we back away and escape. Screams of despair, anger and sadness only get worse. Marcus and Chloe throwing different words at one another that aren't even relevant to the situation anymore, its escalating way too far now. Well... I guess it's best we at least let them hash it out. Get those hateful emotions out in the open before it kills them inside.

  "So, what was that about?" Ben asks me casually as we walk into the kitchen. I take the same seat I took earlier and resume my postponed head banging on the table. A large rucksack is plopped down with a hea
vy thump beside my head. "Hello there?" he says again, his accent slightly similar to Cody. Canadian I think?

  "Ugh, don't get me started..." is all I want to say because come on! I am not going over today. I've had enough of this shit.

  "So what happened to you?" He tries changing the question.

  I am not answering that.

  "Okay then" Ben regards me while flipping open the lid of his water bottle. I stop my head banging and watch him drinking that delicious looking water. I could use some of that. As I get up to fetch myself my own drink, Ben starts telling me his unwanted life story. Starting with where he was raised, how he got where he is and how-

  "So yeah I was hunting when the things come and take my animal! Shot every last one of the bastards before coming back to town. I was pretty far though and everyone was gone, so here I am. Looking for help like the rest of you" and finally, he finishes.

  Finishing my glass of water in one go, I wipe my mouth and gasp. Even Ben looks impressed. "So you hunt then?" is all I ask because that is only what intrigues me right now. Ben's tanned face lights up with a smile. He hums as if he is saying, 'Yes, I am a hunter'.

  "So, have you got a gun?"

  Ben looks dazzled, reaching for his rifle that's slung over his back by some thick string. He removes it from its place, holding it out for me to see. I feel a mental face kick. Not even a face palm. I'm too tired for this. I've still got a hangover you know? My head has been aching ever since the lake. Of course he has a gun! Ben isn't worried though as he continues our chat. "I am one hell of a scavenger... Have no real family so I make my living off the land. Hunt my food. Cook my food. Get my own water. I just know things you know?" he says rhetorically but I gotta ask him...

  Does he mean in terms of survival? "So, you mean survival?"

  "How else do you think I get here, boy?" He chirps.

  I glare. "Do not. Call me boy"


  "I- I am sorry..." Legs feel like jelly. Stomach wants to empty. Hands won't stop shaking. My heart’s beating a million miles a minute. Tears wet my face. My eyes sting from where she had jabbed me.

  "C'mon darling, let's go" Cody goes to wrap his arms around her only to be rejected instantly. She doesn't need him right now. Doesn't need anyone really. I know she needs time to herself to just... think, and be with her own thoughts. Chloe didn't deserve this. I should be dead. Not her boyfriend! He died protecting her despite all the heartbreak they went through when she got home after a night with me. My brain thumps, an aching feeling rattles its way through my skull. A headache comes on from either the argument or the hangover or the punch. I don't care which. Could even be all of them.

  "I think it's time to just... Stop" Maya interjects rightfully. Stepping in between us and holding up a hand at Chloe. Fists clenched still, fresh tears roll out from her eyes. She stares at me grudgingly. Then she spares a self-satisfied look at her first real start of feeling better, by smirking at the growing bruise on my cheek. I've had worse, but she doesn't need to know that. Maya steps in front of Chloe properly, offering her a hug for some reason? Chloe shakes her head, pushing past her and dashing from the room.

  Maya sighs, looking at me tiredly. "Is there anything I can-?"

  "No, if you're gonna help anyone. Help Chloe" I speak undertone. Maya nods, walking around the sofa and leaving the room. Cody just sits and goes back to his relaxed state. That man doesn't give two a rat’s ass about anything. Then again, I bet he is hurting too.

  "Why aren't I dead?" The words break past the prison that is my lips.

  "Don't be saying that fool?" Cody says out of the blue to me. I watch how his eyes twinkle. Leaning forward and clasping his hands together. Cody gets uncomfortably close. "When the time comes, you will know what to do. For now, have some time to yourself"


  "We've all lost people Marcus so-" Then his mood completely changes within the blink of an eye. No! Quicker than that! Gentle, calm, and kind went to angry, demanding, and scary. "Leave me the hell alone" Cody goes back to his happy place once more...

  Yeah, okay. I am staying in a different room.

  Chapter 6 - The coward inside


  Face down on the table; I use my arms as a pillow for my heavy skull. I watch Ben reload his rifle. As I watch, I keep mentally taking notes of what he does and how he does it. Not knowing how to reload a gun is a huge problem. Doesn't matter what type of gun, I know nothing.

  Ben, on the other hand, can perform the task flawlessly. Might have learnt it the day he was born I suspect. He makes it sound like he's done it his entire life, so I could be right for all I know. I shouldn't criticise, I'm jealous, that's all.

  Ben spares a moment to glance from the rifle to me, a small smile on his sly face. "Something pretty caught your eye?" He questions coyly. These circumstances would only make asking if he'd teach me all the more useful. I need to learn. Dying to the creatures will be the only other option. Apparently, we might be all that's left of the entire northern resort which is just impossible. It's crazy. It's, unthinkable.

  But here we are - all that's left.

  Risking cowering at the last moment again isn't on my agenda. I need to learn how to fight. That's the first step. So I ask, "Could you teach me?"

  Ben's small smile grows even wider. "You serious?" he checks first, making sure I know what I am getting myself into. "More serious than I've ever been in my life mate" I profess. Grinning, Ben goes to pass me the rifle. I reach out slowly, uncertainty in my mind. Different voices battle it out, each one trying to determine if I can really do it when the time comes.

  The room goes cold. "I wouldn't trust him with that if I was you" Maya enters, bringing all the bad omens in the world with her. Ben withdraws the rifle back into himself. "That boy wouldn't pull the trigger when he had my rifle. Don't see why it'd be any different with yours" Maya pulls out a seat and joins us. Arms crossed and leaning back, Maya kicks her boots up on the table. Her teeth chewing something...

  "Where did you get chewing gum?" Ben says without even thinking. The whole subject does a flip. Maya actually looks amused. "Chloe, but she's not in the mood right now" Maya explains. Ben nods in understanding before going back to reloading his gun.

  "Is she okay?" is always a polite thing to say. Maya's jaw drops and I see the white chewing gum hanging from the top of her mouth. "Are you fucking serious Ed?"

  Ah, wait. Of course, she's not. What a stupid thing to say. Averting my gaze away from her, I focus on the hatchet that she has. It catches my eye, the initials. Already, I know where I am taking this dead conversation.

  "Where'd you get that?", "None of your business" Maya's having none of it. I wouldn't be shocked if ice started spilling from her mouth. What is her problem?

  After a minute or two of silence, Maya pipes up. "I don't know what to think of you..." Her tone fades out. She seems to wait. Expecting me to rise to the challenge and fight her. I don't even think she's pissed off at me anymore. I bet she only wants to get a reaction out of me to make her own boring life interesting. I make no response. Not wanting to argue anymore. Maya despicably adds on the one thing she shouldn't have. "Or Marcus..."

  Shooting up from my spot, I already get right up in her face. "Say shit all you want about me, but you leave Marcus out of this. He's a good man that made a mistake. It happens" I hurl the missiles right back at her. Maya seems taken aback. Scoffing to herself and rolling her eyes, she says, "Boy, Marcus can't be trusted" I swear to god if she keeps addressing me with, boy, I'm gonna flip!

  "Fuck off" I growl. My glare is so intense it could burrow a hole in her puny skull. Maya just takes a breath, chewing her lip before turning to face Ben who looks at us curiously. "I'm gonna need some info on what ya'll are talking about?"


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