Unleash the Curse: An Imnada Brotherhood Novella

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Unleash the Curse: An Imnada Brotherhood Novella Page 11

by Alexa Egan

  Corey leaned back in his chair. “They change shape? Into what exactly?”

  Hawthorne sighed as one might when confronted with a small child’s incessant questions. But his long exhale was choked off at a single cold stare from his host. “They shift from man to ruthless wild beast. As soon kill you as look at you. The Other are organizing. We’ll not be taken unawares by a bunch of dirty shifters.”

  “Pitchforks and torches?” Corey said smoothly. “I’d love to see a mob like that parading down Bond Street amid the hoity-toities. Give them a good scare.” He held Hawthorne’s gaze long enough for the man to move uneasily in his seat before glancing away with a lift of a shoulder and a wave to the barman. “Enough about your bogeymen in the night. I invited you here to find out what you plan on doing about your sister’s continued defiance. I don’t appreciate being made a fool of and I’m sure you don’t want me to change my mind about our arrangement.”

  He regarded Hawthorne’s unease with satisfaction. “No, of course not, Mr. Corey. You’ve been more than generous with your offer and I’m indebted to you for your patience in the matter.”

  “You’re indebted to me for far more than that, Hawthorne. And I expect payment in full. The girl or the coin. Which will it be?” Though he already knew the answer. He’d made sure Hawthorne was up to his neck in debt with no hope of repayment. Not that it had been difficult. The man had the business acumen of a babe in the cradle.

  Hawthorne straightened in his chair, his chubby face breaking into a smile. “You’ll have Callista, Mr. Corey. No worry on that score. I’ve given her a good dressing-down. There won’t be any more of her foolishness.” He took a long greedy swallow of his wine, dabbing at his mouth with a napkin, unaware of the red drops flecking his neck cloth. “She can be a handful at times, but a stern husband should settle her down right quick.”

  Corey smiled. Oh, he’d settle Miss Callista Hawthorne down all right. Once tamed, she’d make good bed sport. The woman was ripe for a man’s attentions. All she needed was the right man to show her the way.

  But while he would enjoy introducing her to the pleasures of the flesh, it was Callista’s gift of necromancy he truly desired. She was his key in to death. And when one possesses the key, one controls the door—both who goes in and, more importantly, what comes out.

  The realm of Annwn was full of dark spirits bound to the underworld’s deepest paths. Dark spirits who only needed a guide to lead them up to and through the door separating life and death. Once that door was breached, Branston Hawthorne with his round little body and unctuous pandering would be the first to die. And from there, who knew . . .

  With an army of the underworld at Corey’s command, his grip on London would tighten like a noose. They already called him a gang lord and a prince of thieves.

  Soon they’d call him mayor.

  Perhaps in time they’d hail him as king—or better. Arthur might have been the last great king of the Other. Victor Corey could be the next.

  Some thought him mad to take a dowerless nobody as his wife, but he knew better. Callista Hawthorne would bring him the world as her marriage portion.

  Also by ALEXA EGAN

  Demon’s Curse

  Shadow’s Curse

  Available from Pocket Books

  Awaken the Curse

  Available from Pocket Star Books

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  This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and events are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2013 by Alexa Egan

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information address Pocket Books Subsidiary Rights Department, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020.

  First Pocket Star Books ebook edition September 2013

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  Cover design by John Vario

  Cover art © Shutterstock.com

  ISBN 978-1-4767-2623-6

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Excerpt from ‘Shadow’s Curse’





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