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Starbright Page 2

by Richland, Alexandra

  If Aidan minded her awkward manners, he didn’t show it. “I’m really sorry I’m late.” He extended the roses to her. “These are for you.”

  Appreciation painted Beth’s cheeks, rivaling the color of the flowers she took from his hands. She brought the blooms to her nose. “They’re lovely. Thank you.”

  A dazzling grin stretched across Aidan’s face. “You’re welcome.”

  Beth gestured for him to come inside. “Please, make yourself at home.”

  As he entered the apartment, his fingers met hers and he leaned in, brushing his lips to her ear.

  “You look beautiful.” A kiss to her cheek followed his husky compliment.

  Warmth spawned pleasurably deep inside her, accompanied by the tingling sensations that always flourished like wildfire across her skin whenever they were together; sensations that were thrilling, and up until she met him, completely foreign to her.

  This time, Beth felt a yearning for more than just his kisses. She wanted to feel his hands on her where no man had ever been, kneading her flesh and—

  “Aidan, you made it!”

  Beth jumped at Olivia’s enthusiastic greeting. She exhaled a deep breath and faced the room, embarrassed she’d forgotten about her friends. She placed her hand over her thundering heart, hoping they couldn’t see how greatly her beau affected her.

  Olivia enveloped Aidan in a hug, as if they’d known each other for years. She mentioned in an earlier conversation that they spoke briefly at Connie’s Halloween party. Beth was glad they were getting along well.

  Aidan chuckled and returned her embrace. “Nice to see you, too.”

  Olivia took a step back and looked him up and down. “You’ve been shopping at Wesley’s, I see. Very nice.”

  Aidan shifted his attention to Beth. As she took another good look at him, all she could think was that nice didn’t even come close to describing him.

  “Come now, Liv,” she said with a nervous giggle. “Aidan didn’t come here to get his wardrobe assessed. He came to eat.”

  Nathan and Matthew made their way over to shake Aidan’s hand. Connie lingered in the kitchen doorway.

  “Aidan, you’re making the rest of us men look bad,” Matthew joked, pointing to Beth’s flowers.

  Olivia feigned a pout and looked at Nathan. “Dear, why didn’t you bring me flowers?”

  Nathan chuckled. “Yeah, thanks, Aidan. You’re a real pal.”

  Everyone joined in his laughter except Connie. Matthew tugged on her elbow, guiding her toward the group.

  “I know,” she hissed. She regarded him in annoyance and yanked out of his grip.

  As Connie stepped up to Aidan and extended her hand, she didn’t even pretend to be glad to see him. “Good evening.”

  Aidan looked down at her hand suspended between them for a moment before shaking it. “Good evening, Constance.”

  She lifted her eyebrows, appearing surprised by his manners. “You can address me as Connie, if you’d like.” Her tone sounded slightly more pleasant this time.

  “See, honey?” Matthew draped his arm around her shoulders. “He isn’t so bad.”

  Connie shot her beau a threatening look.

  Instead of looking offended, Aidan slipped his hands into his pockets and smirked. Beth wanted to give him a big kiss for his efforts. She was thankful he was taking the high road and not stooping to her friend’s level.

  Beth motioned to the dining table. “Please, everyone, have a seat. I’ll put my flowers in water and then start bringing out the food.”

  “Do you need help?” Aidan asked.

  It wasn’t the man’s job to assist with such things, but Beth was grateful for the offer.

  “Olivia and I will take care of it,” she said, unable to conceal her giddy smile. “Please, relax. You must be tired from your travels.”

  After turning off the television, Beth joined Olivia in the kitchen and put her roses in water. When all the food and drinks were set on the table, Aidan pulled out her chair and helped her get settled. She placed her napkin in her lap as he took his seat next to her.

  The attentive look he gave her made it difficult for her to concentrate, especially since his eyes seemed to reflect the same desire she felt toward him. She longed for alone time with him but felt nervous about what the opportunity would mean since she had never been romantically involved with a man before.

  Nathan cut the turkey as Olivia and Beth dished out the trimmings. The compliments flowed immediately. Beth was proud she was able to display her domestic talents. In her opinion, they were important for women to possess, whether they were homemakers or had professional careers.

  “So, Aidan, how was your trip?” Nathan shoved a forkful of turkey into his mouth.

  Aidan swallowed his food before speaking. “It was good. Gadg and I went over Shultz’s script in detail and made a few changes. We also got Rocky Marcello on board to train me.”

  “Marcello!” Matthew set down his wine glass with a thud. “He’s a middleweight champion. Man, you’re lucky.”

  Beth kept her focus on Aidan, anxious to learn more about the film, aside from what he’d already shared with her.

  “Rocky’s an important part of this process,” he replied. “I want it to look authentic when I shoot my character’s boxing scenes.”

  “I haven’t seen Luther so interested in a film since Spike Rollins,” Nathan remarked. “He predicts a major hit with Golden Gloves.”

  “It’s a great script. The only drawback for me is that Mertz is funding it.” Aidan tossed Beth a tender look. The touch of his hand to her knee beneath the table was unexpected but welcome. “But it’s worth it if it means I’ll be filming on the studio lot.”

  Beth sucked in a breath as Aidan’s fingers slid up her leg and found her hand resting on her thigh. She was grateful she was sitting down; with the way her head spun and her limbs wilted, she was certain she would’ve collapsed upon first contact.

  With a slow exhale, she closed her eyes. It seemed Aidan wasn’t the only one who had changed over the last three weeks. She didn’t know where her erotic thoughts about him came from, and she wasn’t quite sure how to manage them, either.

  “Beth, Nathan was speaking to you.”

  At the sound of Olivia’s voice, Beth opened her eyes and switched focus to Nathan sitting across from her. To add to her humiliation, it seemed everyone at the table was aware of the source of her absentmindedness. “I’m sorry, what did you say?”

  Nathan grinned. “I just commented you must be excited to move on from Venus Rising.”

  Beth felt Aidan’s eyes burning into her and was still acutely aware of his hand resting with hers on her mid-thigh.

  “It’s been a challenging experience, and I’m grateful for it,” she replied in a surprisingly steady voice. “But I can’t wait to receive my next film assignment. Hopefully it’ll be shot at the studio.” She gave Aidan a coy look. “That is, if Mr. Mertz extends my contract.”

  “Don’t worry, you’ll get the extension,” Nathan said. “Luther likes your work.”

  “Sparkling Meadow was excellent, Beth,” Connie added. “You’re a shoo-in.”

  She smiled. “Thank you. I hope so.”

  “Liv, have you spoken to Beth about the house you want to show her?” Nathan asked.

  “Oh, I forgot!” Olivia set down her knife and fork with an excited clatter. “I took a walk the other day and found this spectacular home for sale on Grayson Avenue. Two bedrooms, one bathroom. It’s a real gem.”

  “My probation period doesn’t end for another two weeks,” Beth reminded her. “When we initially spoke about moving, we said we wouldn’t buy anything until I know for sure that Mr. Mertz wants to keep me on at the studio.”

  “Like Nathan and Connie said, you’re guaranteed to get a contract extension.” The look that settled on Olivia’s face indicated she wasn’t about to let this go easily. “Let’s at least take a look at it this weekend.”

  Beth smiled.
“I suppose there’s no harm in that.”

  “I can come as well to ensure you two won’t get taken advantage of in the deal,” Nathan said. “If you like the house, I’ll call Saul Stern and we can negotiate an appropriate purchase contract on your behalf.”

  Olivia looked positively giddy. “Perfect!”

  “Buying a home is a good idea,” Aidan interjected. “I actually bought a house this afternoon, since I figure I’ll be in L.A. a while longer.”

  Beth perked up at this information. “That’s wonderful. Where is it?”

  “Sixty Mortimer Drive. A friend of Gadg’s owned it. I went there straight from the airport, liked what I saw, and signed the necessary papers.”

  Beth did her best to rein in her excitement. Aidan’s new house wasn’t just nearby, it was very close, and if she and Olivia purchased the place that was just mentioned, they would live even closer.

  “Does Saul know?” Nathan inquired.

  Aidan chuckled. “He will when he picks up his messages at the office tomorrow.”

  Nathan laughed and shook his head. “Why did I set you up with him if you aren’t going to use his services?”

  “Real estate in L.A. is a good investment.” Matthew lifted a forkful of green beans to his mouth. “I’m sure Saul won’t mind.”

  “It’s not like it’ll put me in the red,” Aidan said. “I’ll have more than enough to purchase the new place and continue paying rent for my New York apartment once the bank opens tomorrow and my Golden Gloves advance clears.”

  Connie’s utensils clattered to her plate, catching the attention of everyone at the table. “You’re getting an advance? Mr. Mertz never does that.”

  Beth was surprised by the news, too, but she also knew Aidan’s talents were worth such distinction.

  He shrugged in complete disregard. “I’ve gotten an advance for both of my films.”

  If Connie’s jaw dropped any further, her chin would’ve touched the table. “Both films?”

  “It’s rare for the studio to sanction advances, but Aidan’s the hottest actor right now,” Nathan explained. “He said he wouldn’t do the film without an advance, and Elia Kazan said he wouldn’t do the film without Aidan. Since Kazan and Bud Shultz own the rights to the screenplay and Luther wants to make the picture so badly, he had no choice but to agree.”

  “I see.” Connie glared at Aidan.

  Tensions at the table escalated as he continued eating without paying her any bother.

  Beth swooped in to add some levity. “When do you move in, Aidan?”

  He picked up a healthy serving of potatoes with his fork. “It’s already empty ’cause the producer I bought it from is based out of New York and hasn’t used it in ages. So I’m thinking I should be settled in by next week. I told the landlord of my current place I’d pay the rent until he finds another tenant.”

  “If you want help moving, give me a call,” Nathan said.

  “Me, too,” Matthew chimed in. “I’m sure you could use my herculean strength.” He flexed his biceps and everyone at the table laughed, apart from Connie. Again.

  Beth was grateful when Matthew changed the subject.

  “So, Aidan, Nathan and I have decided to attend your race in December.”

  “You’re attending what?” Olivia’s eyes darted between the men curiously.

  “Aidan entered a car race in Santa Barbara, and Nate and I are going,” Matthew replied. “It’s taking place on a Saturday, which works with our schedules. We can use one of RCA Victor’s private planes to get there. That way Nate doesn’t have to go through Luther to get a studio plane.”

  Olivia bounced in her seat like an overzealous toddler.

  “I want to go, too.” She clasped her hands and looked at her beau. “Nathan, may I go?”

  “I don’t see why not.” Nathan’s eyes shifted to Aidan. “Is that okay with you?”

  He nodded. “Sure, I don’t mind.”

  Olivia met Beth’s gaze across the table. “You have to come as well.”

  Beth took a moment to mull over the offer. Aidan seemed like a very competent driver, but she was still as worried for him as she’d been when he first told her that racing was a possibility. Seeing the race firsthand would most likely add to her anxiousness. She wouldn’t share her true feelings with him, though, and risk raining on his parade.

  “Are you sure you don’t mind?” she said. “I wouldn’t want to intrude.”

  “Of course not.” Aidan gave her hand a squeeze under the table. “The only reason I didn’t ask you before is because I didn’t think racing interested you.”

  “It’s not that I’m uninterested in car racing. I just don’t know anything about it.” Beth squeezed his hand back. “I want to learn, though, since it’s something you’re passionate about.”

  Aidan’s eyes crinkled with his megawatt grin. “The race starts at four o’clock. I’ll be driving up there the day before with a mechanic I met a few months ago at Competition Motors when I was getting my motorcycle tuned up. He said he’d help me with modifications and stuff like that, and also pit for me during the race. Plus, I need to sign in and log some final practice hours. You’re not working, right?”

  Beth smiled over how easily their plans were falling into place. “The remainder of my Venus Rising schedule doesn’t include weekends, so it won’t be a problem for me to attend.”

  “Oh, goody!” Olivia clapped her hands. “But we shouldn’t fly. I think a road trip is in order.”

  A proud grin overtook Nathan’s face. “Good idea, love.”

  “Well, you five have fun,” Connie muttered over the rim of her wine glass. She took a sip and set the glass back down next to her plate, avoiding eye contact with everyone at the table.

  Matthew frowned. “Come on, honey, you have to come. There’s no way I could enjoy the race without you.”

  Connie rolled her eyes. “Oh, please. You were going without me a few minutes ago.”

  “Yes, but that’s before I knew Olivia and Beth were coming along. I thought it was a guys-only trip. Now I realize my mistake.” As Matthew gave Connie the twenty-two-year-old man’s equivalent of puppy dog eyes, Beth had no idea how her friend could say no to him.

  Connie shrugged. “I don’t like car races, and I don’t like dust and dirt.”

  Matthew leaned into her ear. “We can stay at the Fisco Gardens Hotel. You remember that place, don’t you, baby?” His velvety voice suggested the hotel held fond memories for the couple of the intimate variety.

  Connie’s blush confirmed Beth’s hunch. “Well, I suppose I could try to make room in my schedule.” She attempted to act nonchalant, but Beth could tell she’d already made up her mind to attend the race.

  It was clear Matthew knew this, too, when he pulled Connie in for a sideways hug and kissed her cheek, nearly spilling her wine in the process. Judging from her flirty smile, she didn’t mind.

  “So, Aidan will check into one room on Friday,” Olivia said. “Beth, Connie, and I will check into another room on Saturday, and Nathan and Matthew will check into a third room. You know, to keep up appearances, since none of us are married. Then after the race on Saturday, we’ll sneak into our proper rooms.” Her eyes brightened. “It’ll work out perfectly.”

  Beth blanched. They would be staying overnight in Santa Barbara—as couples.

  Olivia’s eyes skipped to hers, widening with recognition of her apprehension. “Um, Beth, isn’t it time for us to heat the pie?”

  Beth conjured up her best smile. “You’re right.” She placed her napkin next to her plate and nodded to their guests. “Please excuse us for a moment.”

  The men rose from their chairs when Beth and Olivia did. The loss of Aidan’s touch impacted Beth more than she thought it would, and she found herself wanting to return to him as soon as possible.

  Olivia practically dragged her into the kitchen.

  “I’m so sorry, Beth,” she said quietly. “I should’ve spoken to you before I opened my
big mouth about the hotel.”

  “It’s all right.” Beth wrung her hands. “I’m just nervous about spending the night with Aidan.”

  “You don’t have to have sex with him. There are other things you can do.” Olivia’s eyes flashed wildly. “I’ll give you some tips before we leave.”

  Beth gulped.

  Olivia frowned. “If you want, I’ll tell Nathan he has to share a room with Aidan and I’ll stay with you.”

  “No!” Beth’s response was hastier than she intended. As much as she worried about spending the night with Aidan, there was no way she would pass up the opportunity.

  “Elizabeth Sutton, you vixen! I must say, I like this new side of you.” Olivia winked. “And I bet Aidan will, too.”

  While Olivia grabbed another bottle of wine, Beth took the apple pie out of the icebox and placed it on low heat in the oven to warm it up. She set the timer and they returned to the living room.

  Aidan, Nathan, and Matthew stood upon their reentry. Aidan helped seat Beth. Nathan did the same for Olivia. During the remainder of the main course, Beth drank water only and Aidan did, too, while everyone else was conservative with their alcohol intake.

  When the timer on the oven dinged fifteen minutes later, Beth dropped her knife and fork. “I’ll be right back.”

  The men didn’t even have time to stand up before she was out of her chair and in the kitchen. She was excited for Aidan to taste her recipe, which she had amended to include what he’d told her he liked most about his mother’s pie.

  She reentered the dining area with a large smile on her face. Aidan’s eyes widened when he saw what she brought with her.

  “Extra thick crust and a sprinkle of cinnamon,” she said, directing her attention solely on him.

  She set the pie down on the table and allowed Aidan to help her with her chair. He sat beside her and leaned in close.

  “Beth, this is…” His eyes filled with wonder. “Thank you.”

  She giggled. “You haven’t even tasted it yet.”

  The smile he gave her was like a child’s on Christmas morning. “I don’t have to. It’s perfect because you made it.”


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