Werewolves of New York: Dontae

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Werewolves of New York: Dontae Page 7

by Faleena Hopkins

  Dressed in a navy blue trench, charcoal grey slacks and a white sweater, he took the stairs two at a time. Mr. Willoughby stood vigil at the small, antique reception desk and he turned his head as Dontae appeared.

  “Good luck, Mr. Sheppard!”

  “Thank you.” He turned to the stained glass door, looking through the clear slices. “The storm is over?”

  “It is.”

  “Good, good. Okay then. I’ll be back in an hour.”

  “You know where you’re going?”

  “I drove by the main cafes last night. I’ll find what I’m looking for there.”

  Outside, the ground was still wet in the shadows, partly dry on the sunny parts of cement and sidewalk. The air was crisp and felt good for his rapid stroll to the waterfront.

  Two hours later, he came back for his car and searched further. She was nowhere to be found. This he had not expected.

  What the hell did I think, she’d just be sitting in some little hole in the wall sucking on a lobster tail? Angrily he headed back to the Bed and Breakfast at just after six o’clock to devise a new plan.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Oh, I love your sitting room,” Catherine smiled. “Is this the original wallpaper?”

  The kind old man beamed, reaching over to touch the faded colors nearest him. “Yes, indeedy! I make sure the cleaning lady uses only damp towels for her. Just a little dusting is all she needs.” He received a big smile from the newest arrival, because Catherine had slept more soundly than expected. She’d embarked on her journey a little after ten that morning, stopping for a good lunch along the way. Now it was 5:45 P.M. and all she wanted to do was relax a bit and then go find that tasty crustacean she’d been dreaming about.

  “Well, it’s just perfect. I saw the sign and couldn’t believe it. You have no idea, sir, but this place is exactly what I need. So charming!”

  “How long are you staying, Ms…?”

  “Zenith. And I think I’ll stay a few days. Is that okay? I didn’t make a reservation. Do you have a room available for that long?”

  He made a sweet noise and waved his hand. “This close to winter means we have room! I only have one other guest at the moment and he’s leaving tonight.”

  “Well, it’s my lucky day,” Catherine smiled as she handed him her credit card and took the extended key. “Are the rooms numbered?”

  “They are.” He swiped the charge. “You’ll be in number three. It’s just up the stairs. Sign here. Oh…” He read her card. “Catherine. That’s a pretty name. My wife’s name was Eleanor.”

  “That’s a pretty name, too,” Catherine smiled. He had a very soothing way about him, and she continued to feel more and more like she was about to get all the rest she sorely needed.

  With nostalgia in his eyes, he said, “She and I bought this place in the fifties. Turned it into a B&B after the kids went away to college. She loved making pancakes for strangers. My wife was the best hostess in all of Maine, no lie!”

  Admiring the love, she respectfully asked, “When did you lose her?”

  He handed her back her card. “Eight very long years ago. But she’s with me still. I hear her on the steps sometimes. She’s waiting for me to join her. I just know it.”

  Catherine smiled, her heart aching a little. “I’m sure she is.”

  “You want me to carry your suitcase?” He looked to be around seventy-five and while he wasn’t bent over with age, he certainly didn’t look stronger than she.

  “I’ve got it, thank you.”

  “Nonsense!” He came out from behind the desk and wrapped wrinkled, spotted hands around the rolling bar, shoving it down like a man who’s done it zillions of times. Lifting the case with more ease than she gave him credit for, he threw her a huge grin. “I’m Thomas Willoughby. You need anything, just ask. And there are towels and extra blankets in the hall closet. Help yourself like this was your own home.”

  “You’re so sweet, Thomas, thank you.” She followed him up the stairs. “Oh, is this your wife?” There were twenty or so framed black and white photographs adorning the stair walls, of many sizes and frame-styles. He glanced to the one she was pointing at.

  “That’s her right after she told me Edward was coming. Our son. Look how happy she was. We’d been trying for a year and finally, eureka!”

  Catherine laughed and followed him up to Room 3. He tucked her suitcase just inside the door. “Here you are.”

  “Thank you, Thomas.”

  He tipped his chin and headed off.

  She closed the door and looked around the room. It was extremely lovable with its baby blue walls, cream-colored rug with birds strewn into the intricate design, leaded glass windows, and antique furniture, save for one lamp that was modern but of the same style. It must have replaced a broken one in a recent year.

  Not one to enjoy living out of suitcases, she hummed and unpacked her clothes into the empty antique dresser. There was a small round mirror above it and she caught her reflection, noting a warm, happy light in her eyes.

  Until she heard him.

  “Why do I smell you?!!”

  She dropped the neatly folded stack of sweaters on the floor. “Oh shit,” she muttered, turning around in total shock.

  “’Oh shit is right.” He grumbled, knocking hard on her door.

  How did he hear me?

  Mortified, she walked over and slowly opened it. “What are you doing here?”

  “Looking for you.”

  She blinked, “You can’t have followed me. It’s not possible!” then raked a quick glance down his body. Hot damn, a sweater and a trench coat. I mean, no! Get away!

  Glowering, he pushed inside and closed the door behind him, his eyes anywhere but on her. “I didn’t follow you. I got here this morning and you’ve just arrived so don’t get any ideas that I did. I was here first and I…” he trailed off, buttoning and unbuttoning his coat.

  She watched him fidget. It was very odd to see him looking so unsure of what to say or do. “Then how are you here? Is this where you were headed, too? I mean, is this just a coincidence? I’m very confused, Dontae!” She backed up and leaned against the dresser, quickly glancing down at the dropped sweaters. She picked them up, demanding, “Well? Don’t go all speechless on me!”

  Hazel eyes rose quickly and he raked a hand through his blonde locks, frowning deeply. “You said Lobster. You said Maine. So here I am.”

  They stared at each other for a very long time until she whispered, “You came here to have lobster with me?”

  “As if,” he snorted. “Don’t get any ideas. I came here for closure.”

  “Everything alright, Ms. Zenith?” called Mr. Willoughby through the door.

  Catherine walked over quickly, darting a confused look to her ex as he paced in anxious circles. Opening the door, she forced a polite smile. “Yes. I’m fine. It seems your other guest is my ex-boyfriend. We’re about to have a fight. Don’t be alarmed. It won’t get physical. He’s not that stupid.”

  “Catherine!” Dontae muttered.

  She threw him an impatient glance. “I just want to make sure he knows that if he hears yelling, it’s okay.”

  The experienced old man threw up his hands. “Enough said. I’ll leave you to it.” He began to head away but then turned. “Did you know he would be here?”

  “She had no idea,” Dontae called out. “And I didn’t know she’d be rooming here, either. The devil has a sense of humor.”

  Thomas Willoughby headed for the stairs, muttering, “That he does.”

  Catherine shut the door on a smirk. “I thought I was the devil.”

  “You are.”

  Rebelliously, she crossed her arms. “Oh really? I’m the devil. And why is that?”

  “You know why.”

  “Because I left you for another man? What did you expect me to do? You never really let me in, Dontae! Do you know what it’s like to love a man whose heart is hidden behind a CEMENT WALL? Do you have any idea how
many ways I TRIED to break that wall down and get you to open up to me? But you never did! For all those years we were together, I gave you EVERYTHING. You gave me only what you wanted to.”

  He looked stunned, the anger hovering as he grated, “I…loved…you.”

  “No. You didn’t! That’s not love. Love isn’t holding a piece of you away from someone. Love isn’t holding someone at arm’s length and keeping them on the edge wondering where they stand! Love isn’t lying about saying you’ll meet a woman’s family just so she’ll shut up!”

  Grinding his teeth, he turned away. “I meant to meet them. I would have…at some point. And what difference does it make? You were unfaithful!”

  “Unfaithful to what, half a man? Half a heart? It was a cry for help. I wanted you so badly but you were never totally there with me! I needed more than that. More than you gave me! I needed more than what you were offering, in order to be happy. I shouldn’t have done it that way. I know. I have wished again and again that I could go back in time, but I can’t! I’m human, Dontae. I made the worst mistake of my life handling our breakup by running to him the way that I did. I should have ended things with you first. I know that. And I’m sorry.”

  He whipped around so fast, she gasped. His eyes looked lighter. Suddenly he seemed ferocious. She stepped back as he advanced on her, his voice low and menacing. “And did you get more? Did he give you what you wanted?”

  Her right hand subconsciously went to touch her finger that until two nights ago displayed an engagement ring. “Yes.” She paused, her heart breaking at the memory. She spoke fast, scared of the look on his face. “And no. I broke off our engagement. That’s why I’m here. To get away. He’s packing up his things.” She choked, “Stop looking at me like that! You’re scaring me.”

  The air seemed to shift. Dontae stared at her like he was looking at a perplexing stranger who’d just told him the sun was flat. With intense disbelief, he demanded, “The same man? You’ve been with the same man this whole time?”

  Her chin lifted. “Yes.”

  Dontae walked to sit on the bed, elbows on his thighs, staring into the distance. “You were engaged to this man?”

  “Well, what did you think I was doing? Fucking all of Manhattan?” Off his quick glance, she exploded, “Oh great! Just great! That’s what you’ve been thinking?” Shaking her head in disgust, she paced and glared at him.

  But his eyes were cast away from her. After a long pause, he muttered, “Are you saying it’s my fault?” It seemed to be the first time this idea had ever occurred to him. He looked over to her, pain and shock behind his searching gaze.

  She stopped walking, her lips parting to answer. But he shot off the bed, walked past her and out of the room before she had the chance. Gaping at his unexpected exit, she stood frozen. Then she charged after him into his room, slamming the door behind her. He spun around.

  “How dare you leave me in the middle of this fight, Dontae Sheppard! I have never known a more selfish, egotistical bastard as you in my entire life! And the worst part is, I’m still in love with you! Can you believe what an idiot I am?” She held her head in her hands. “I’m so stupid!”

  Suddenly he was on her, grabbing her face hard with both hands and crushing her lips with a deep kiss. She gasped for air, shocked, but he wouldn’t let up, kissing her until he moved down her neck.

  “Stop!” she begged, pushing him away. “Please stop!”

  He leapt backward as though bitten by a snake. Struggling for air, he stared at the floor, gripping a wall. “I didn’t know I was doing that until I was…I’m sorry.” The room disappeared and time with it as his eyes were locked with hers. “Catherine. FUCK! I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS.” He quieted again, panting. “You’re right. I was keeping a secret. I have a secret. And it’s bigger than you can imagine.” He saw her expression. “No. It not a wife or a secret child. Nothing like that.”

  “Then what? What was it? For God’s sake, please tell me. I have to know.”

  He pulled off his trench coat and whispered, “Whatever you do, don’t scream.”

  Her eyes went wide. “What?”

  “I mean it. He’ll come running.” Dontae pointed to the first floor.

  “Are you serious? You are serious.”

  “Very.” He stripped naked.

  She backed up. “Are you going to try something, because right now, I’m not in the mood!”

  Turning toward her, his voice was so low she could barely hear him. “I won’t hurt you. Know that.” Without pause, he shifted into a white-haired wolf right before her very eyes.

  Chapter Fifteen

  When he’d returned to the Bed and Breakfast, his nostrils had flared instantly, picking up her scent. With just a nod to the widower, he’d barreled up the stairs, following the intoxicating trail. His wolf thrashed about just under the surface, and he’d mistaken that reaction for rage.

  Now he knew it was much more.

  He made the transition as quiet as possible and soon stood on four paws. Catherine backed against the wall, hand fluttering to shocked, parted lips. Her eyes raced over all of him and she breathed, “Oh my God. You’re a...”

  He had never shown his wolf to a human he hadn’t meant to terrorize. He’d been waiting until this moment. His brethren knew this. His heart ached with longing for her to understand and accept him, but he felt suddenly he should have warned her. That hadn’t been an option. The idea had come to him to do this with such fierce passion and need that he hadn’t given it a second of thought. He laid his white muzzle between his front paws, his chin on the antique rug.

  This seemed to calm her. Her heart rate stopped speeding up to a dangerous pace.

  With her back against the far wall, she whispered, “Dontae?” He lifted his head. “Can you understand me?” He nodded. “Oh my God, you’re in there?” He nodded again. Her hand hovered between them as she took a few tentative steps toward him. He saw it shaking, so to soothe her, he lowered his muzzle again, just like a dog when it’s being cute. She knelt down. “Is that really you in there?” He blinked and bounced his head a little. “Your eyes. They’re glowing! And they’re gorgeous! Green and gold! Can I touch you?” He scooted closer to her and bowed his head. “I’m sorry. I’m trying not to tremble. I’m trying so hard!” Finally she ran three fingers up the slope of his nose until she touched his left ear, stroking the fur. “You’re so breathtakingly beautiful. I can’t believe this is what you’ve been hiding. How lonely you must have been.”

  His chest ached at the words and he shifted back to his human form, kneeling on the floor with her. He wanted to pull her to him, but he didn’t dare after she’d begged him to stop kissing her. He needed her to trust him now that he’d trusted her.

  She reached out and touched his face. “Why did you just show me that? I think I know, but I need to hear it from you.”

  “Can I touch you?”

  She laughed. “Of course you can!”

  Relieved, he sat on the rug and pulled her into his arms. “Is this okay?” She nodded, but her eyes were still dumbstruck. “My packmates have come out of the supernatural closet, so to speak. They paved the way.”

  “Packmates? You mean…?”

  “Yes. Darik, Nathaniel, Eli.”

  “They are?” He could see she was searching the memories, her mind opened to who his friends, once so familiar to her, really were. “I can’t believe it. And I have to admit, I’m jealous I was never part of the secret…you guys always knew something I didn’t.”

  He frowned. “Understandable.”

  “Dontae,” she said on a whisper. “Why did you just show me?”

  “Maybe you’re right. Maybe I do have a wall, because this is harder for me to say than I’d like.” He paused and looked away, gathering determination. “Okay. Here goes. I still love you, Catherine.”

  “Oh my God,” she whispered, tears falling freely now. She came up for a kiss, which he gladly gave her. Crushing her, he kissed her deeply. Rising u
p, cradling her in his arms, he laid her on the bed and began to undress her. She was sobbing, so beautiful and soft. He kissed the inside of her ankles and worked his way up, taking tender time. She was his. “I will not disappoint you again,” he murmured into her flesh. Her legs opened for him and he groaned at the sight of her moist, secret lips. They were his now, too. He buried his face there and licked her slowly. She spread her legs wider and moaned so quietly. The decision and commitment changed him. It was an aphrodisiac that made him throb. He flicked her sensitive bean with the tip of his hot tongue. She held back her cries, but that made Dontae want to make her scream. He slipped a couple fingers in and increased and decreased his rhythm taking his sweet time, working her slowly and listening to her lingering moans to guide him. He felt her tighten. She cried out, her pussy contracting again and again. She covered her mouth with her hands and cried out into them. He smirked and rose up, kneeling before her.

  Catherine’s eyes went wide as they slipped down his chest and landed on his cock. He followed her gaze and saw that he looked massive. “Guess I like you.” She laughed into her hands and then opened her arms wide. He fell into them, pulled them over her head and maneuvered his hips to press his blunt tip against her drenched opening. Kissing her nose, he entered the wet heat of her in one long, skilled thrust. He did circles, stretching her as she moaned. Slamming his mouth onto hers, he kissed her with all the passion he’d mistaken for hatred. When she began to whimper and cum again, he went for her neck and bit down on it hard, without breaking skin. She gasped as he held her there. The only part of her able to move her pulsing walls around him, her climax enduring and so, so good. He groaned and released her as his juices spilled inside, searching for the egg he knew was waiting there. “Gotcha,” he whispered into her ear. “You really love me?” She nodded, unable to voice the yes. He met her eyes and kissed her lips once before saying with a sneaky smirk. “I hope so.”


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