Werewolves of New York: Dontae

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Werewolves of New York: Dontae Page 11

by Faleena Hopkins

  “Well, I don’t want to do that with you. Not anymore.”

  “We’re going to have a baby,” she whispered, tears threatening to fall. “I’m trying not to cry!”

  He smirked and touched her belly. “This time I’d understand if you were a wuss.”

  She grabbed his face and kissed him again, but this time it grew more passionate, that is until he pulled away with a start. “Shit! The steak!”

  It was fine.

  And to drink…there was no wine.

  Chapter Twenty

  Seven Months Later

  With the phone tucked to her ear, Catherine hurried around their bedroom, packing for their trip. “Mother, I don’t know when he’s going to meet you, but I know he said he would, so please just calm down!”

  Usually there was the sound of ice clinking through the phone, but not today. “Cate, you’re having the man’s child. He’s not met your parents. He’s not married you. WHAT ARE YOU DOING???!!!”

  Her father in the background, echoed, “What are you doing, Cate??!!”

  Shoving more clothes than she probably needed into the largest suitcase they owned, Catherine said, “I told you already! I’m the reason we’re not married. He tried to get me to City Hall the same week I split from Jon. I told him—and you know this because I keep having to repeat it—that I wanted to spend time getting to know each other again before we jumped into forever.”

  “Well, I think it’s—”

  “—Stupid. Yes, You’ve told me.” Catherine called out to Dontae, “Babe! I’m all set!”

  From the living room, he boomed, “Good! Let’s go!”

  “Mother, I have to go.”

  “Where are you going now?”

  “Maine. We’re going to spend the weekend there and relax. Enjoy ourselves without any drama this time.” It sounded like absolute heaven, so why was she talking to her mother who had the amazing talent of ruining any wonderful moment. “I have to go.” She hung up.

  He appeared in the doorway. “I’ll meet them when we get back.”

  Catherine spun around as fast one can with a belly the size of Montana. She saw him standing there in dark jeans and a black t-shirt, his new tribal, wolf tattoo peeking out from the left sleeve. His blonde hair was a little longer than normal. Scruffy. She melted a little and at his smirk, began to laugh.

  “You know what? Most of the time I don’t care if you ever meet them!”

  He walked over and pulled her to him, looking down at her belly. “Hello Ember. How’s my little she-wolfling?” He was a proud papa.

  Catherine rolled her eyes. “She’s kick-boxing is how she’s doing.”

  “Oh, so she’s got your violent streak?”


  He chuckled, zipped up the suitcase and lifted it with ease. “Let’s get out of here.” She loved watching him do that. She might have packed too much just to watch him carry it like it was a feather.

  “How strong are you?” she smiled, leading the way out of the room.

  He followed her with a snort. “Does this impress you? This is nothing!”

  Walking toward the front door, she picked up her purse from the shiny black table there. “So, then, how strong?”

  He picked up the keys and turned off the light switch. “Very.”

  “Is Hank driving us?” They walked out into the hall and she waited while he locked up. Heading for the elevator, they held hands.

  “No. We’re taking the Mustang. I got it out of storage earlier today. Hank is joyriding the Audi. I told him to take his wife on a trip.” He led her in as soon as the doors slid silently open.

  She pushed the button for the lobby. “Deana will love that. She told me it’s the smoothest ride she’s ever been in.”

  “Did she?” He watched the buttons light up. “I like your dress.”

  Catherine flushed and glanced down to her black toga-like summer dress. “Yeah? Thank you. I knew you’d like the color.”

  He chuckled as the doors opened. “Hello Richard. Having a good day?”

  From behind the desk, the security guard nodded with a wide grin. “Yes, Mr. Sheppard. Hello Ms. Zenith. You’re looking very beautiful today.”

  She shook her head. “Please. I look like a whale going to a funeral.”

  The hard-working man laughed. “Never could, ma’am. Never could.” He looked at Dontae. “Your car’s waiting out front, Mr. Sheppard.”


  Outside, Dontae helped her in, and she laughed at the pad he’d put on her side of the bench seat. “You make me feel like an old lady with this thing!”

  He kissed her hand, helped her in and gave her a sexy smirk. “This ride isn’t nearly as smooth as the Audi. You’ll thank me in about an hour.” He shut the door and put the suitcase in the trunk while she waited, looking out onto the busy Manhattan traffic. If I hadn’t made that call, I would have been unhappily married to the wrong man right now. She made a quiet sound of relieved disbelief and glanced to the left as Dontae sat down beside her, leaned over for a kiss, closed his door and started the car.


  “So ready.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “Well, well, well. Look at you two!” Thomas Willoughby gave them a wide, welcoming smile. “And there’s a little one on the way!”

  Holding her large stomach, Catherine beamed. “It’s good to see you again, Thomas.”

  Dontae shook the older man’s hand. “Some fights end in a beginning.”

  “That’s where the honesty is! In the fights!” the widower chuckled. “Well, it’s a good thing you called ahead, Mr. Sheppard. We’ve got your old room for you, and we’re fully booked this weekend!” Catherine smiled at his saying ‘we’re’ because she knew he meant he and the ghost of his wife Eleanor. “Here’s the key. I’ve got your card on file so you’ll just sign out on Monday when you leave.”

  “Oh, you got time off?” she asked. She’d regretted them having to leave early, but hadn’t pushed the point since he loved his work so much. She was taking classes, too, in a number of things. She wanted to find something she was passionate about so that, even with raising the baby, she could occupy her talents, when she discovered what they were. This weekend was chosen because she’d just completed a set of courses and it was a week before the next began.

  Taking the key, Dontae shrugged. “I wanted to spend a whole two days. Not just tomorrow and then have to drive back on Sunday.” He lifted the suitcase and held his arm out for her to lead the way. “After you, Gorgeous. Good to see you again Thomas. Don’t disturb us for a bit.”

  The older man laughed and Catherine blushed, swatting Dontae as she passed him. “Oh my God. Shut UP.”

  He laughed. “So violent.”

  In Room 4, he laid the suitcase on the bed at her request, so she could reach it. She put their clothes into the dresser and hung some in the closet, while he sat in the antique chair and watched her move. She was very aware of his appraisal so she made sure to be as fluid as possible—not an easy feat. “I like to feel like I’ve really moved in when I go somewhere,” she explained. “Feels more solid than a vacation somehow. Not as temporary.”

  “Do whatever makes you happy.”

  She glanced over. “Then I’d like to do you.”

  His eyes flashed and he rose up. “Oh really?”

  She gave a little laugh and backed away. “I’m still a little sore from last night.”

  “I’ll go slow.” He lifted up the dress bit by bit, his fingers tugging up the fabric slowly as he leaned down to kiss her neck. Nibbling on her ear, he breathed into it and sent shivers up her left side. “You smell so good, Catherine.”

  “I’m not wearing anything. I can’t wear perfumes since I got pregnant. Everything’s too strong.”

  “It’s you. You smell good. Come here.”

  He led her to the bed and, holding her sore lower back, gently laid her down, kissing her. He unbuttoned his jeans and kicked off his shoes
while she threw her arms over her head and waited. She laughed as he pulled her to the edge of the bed and strummed his fingers up her legs, underneath her long dress. Slipping off her panties, he kneeled down and lapped her tender folds. She moaned softly as he opened her with his tongue, lifting her thighs onto his shoulders and holding them there. Abandoning herself to the pleasure he gave her, she allowed herself to open to him, become wetter and more alive. All of her insecurities about her current size went out the antique, leaded glass window as she moaned at every rapid flick of his tongue against her tender clit. Just as she was about to cum, he rose up, positioned his cock just outside her, and entered her ever so slowly. “Take off your shirt,” she told him. He smirked and let go of one of her legs to yank off the cotton fabric from back to front, his chest and abs tightening with the quick action. “So much better,” she smiled.

  He laughed, abs rippling, his buried cock moving, too. He lost the smile and gripped both her soft thighs again. He used them to manipulate her, thrusting his slender hips. She loved how his lips parted, the masculine sounds he made as he fucked her. She felt him harden and lengthen against her compact walls, stretching her in such a delicious way. He groaned that wonderful man-groan that ripples through your body when you hear it, knowing it’s all for you. She closed her eyes for just a moment as the ache grew too strong for her bear. Her breath hitched as she saw his eyes begin to glow. She knew it meant he was so turned on that he could barely control himself. She cried out as the longing spread from her pussy to her inner thighs and all the way to her toes. She crossed her ankles around his tight, round ass and moaned. He moved deeply inside her with long, slow strokes. He growled, “I love you,” and she whispered the same. He clenched his eyes shut as the first wave hit him. She could feel him pulsing, unable to stop himself. It turned her on and ripped her apart with quakes of her own, the walls vibrating and so wet. The world totally and completely disappeared.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  With mid-day sunlight streaming on his face, Dontae rolled over and grabbed his phone. He hadn’t meant to have the ringer on that loud, and the alarm was going nuts. “Okay, okay!” he muttered, shutting it off. Catherine didn’t move, her back to him, her breathing still cloaked in dreams. He kissed one of her shoulder blades and got out of bed, walking to the bathroom with the phone in his hand, cock half-hard and swinging. He gave his eyes a good rubbing and went inside, closing the door before he sent a text to Darik: We got here fine. I’ve got my phone this time.

  It was less than a minute before the response came back: I should fucking hope so.

  Dontae grinned, did his business, put down the lid and headed out. “Babe?” He walked to her and kissed her cheek a couple times. “Time to wake up. We can sleep in New York.”

  She smiled and opened groggy eyes. “Good point,” she whispered, covering her mouth with her hands.

  “Your breath smells fine,” he chuckled.


  He laughed and jumped off the bed, heading for the closet. “It’s twelve o’clock.”

  Sitting up, she exclaimed, “It’s what??!”

  He took out his suit. “You heard me.”

  “How’d we sleep in so long?”

  “You’re pregnant and I’m nocturnal.”

  She made a noise that he was ridiculous. “Well, I’m glad you woke me.” Climbing off the bed, she headed for the bathroom. “I’m going to shower.”

  He watched her naked backside. It made him get all kinds of sordid ideas, but they could wait. “Make it quick.”

  Flaxen hair shifted like feathers on her shoulder as she glanced over. Their baby girl was definitely going to be a toe-head. “Why?”

  “We have a reservation for lunch at one.”

  She blinked sleepily. “Is it nearby?”

  He had to think about that. “Um…yeah.”

  She shrugged, “Okay, then stop rushing me,” and disappeared, locking the door.


  Her laugh came muffled through the walls. “I don’t want you to get any ideas if we’re running on a tight schedule.”

  “I could break it down if I wanted to!”

  Forty-five minutes later, they were dressed for a nice restaurant. He, in his favorite black suit, white button up, black tie. She, in a floor-length white sundress that had large yellow roses that brought out her pale eyes and hair. They wished Mr. Willoughby a nice day as they headed into the bright sunshine of a Saturday afternoon.

  “You look beautiful, Ms. Zenith,” the widower called.

  She glanced over. “Thank you, Thomas!” Outside, she inhaled deeply and reached to take Dontae’s hand. “It smells so great here! No pollution.”

  He followed her lead, breathing in the fresh air. “You’re right. Very clean. Let’s take the car.”

  “Good idea,” she grinned, glancing to her stomach.

  When they drove up to the coastline and parked in a full lot not meant for a restaurant, she looked around. “Where are we eating?”

  “I wanted to make a quick stop first.” He hopped out and went to the other side of the car, opening the door quickly and offering his hand. “Don’t look so worried. I called while you were in the shower and extended our reservation by an extra half hour.”

  “Oh!” She smiled and took his hand, using the back of the seat to push off with, too. As they walked toward the water, the view of it was obstructed by a small hill. As the other side became visible, Dontae watched her reaction closely. Her eyes got wider and wider and she whispered, “Oh my God!” as she gripped his hand harder with each passing step.

  A group of their friends and family cheered as they came into view, rising up to stand in front of chairs on the beach, the waves lapping at the sand behind the New York City Clerk who’d married Dontae’s packmates. He grinned with his hands clasped in front of him just like any normal minister. To his right stood Catherine’s mother, Michelle, Rose and Talia. Darik, Eli and Nathaniel were on his left. Henry Zenith waited by the end of the chairs to walk his daughter down the aisle. Dontae heard Catherine’s heart skipping with each new face she saw. Everyone from their life was there. Catherine’s friends from college who she saw once a year when they went on a girl’s trip. Her aunt, uncle and strange cousin, Lou. Hank and Deana. Nathaniel’s driver, Nigel, too. Talia’s best friend Jonas who Dontae knew Catherine thought was the funniest man ever. And there were many of Catherine’s family’s society friends, men and women who always attended every party the Zeniths ever had. Her mother had insisted they be there, especially when he denied her the reporters.

  “What did you do,” she whispered, turning to him.

  “Will you marry me, Catherine?” His heart hurt as he waited. He’d never wanted anything more than this.

  She looked into his eyes and touched his chest. “Yes!”

  He went to kiss her, but his packmates shouted very, very loudly, “NOT YET DAMMIT!!!”

  He laughed and pulled away. “Okay, let’s do this the right way. Oh, and I met your parents already.”

  “You jerk,” she muttered under her breath. He laughed as he passed her off to her father.

  “Henry, I believe for the next two or three minutes, this belongs to you.”

  Mr. Zenith puffed up his chest just a little. “Thanks. I’ll take good care of it…I mean, her.”

  Dontae strolled over to join his friends. He shook the hand of Mr. City Clerk and turned to mutter to Darik, “You had to do it.”

  Darik replied with a conspiratorial smirk, “Why mess with tradition?”

  Meeting Eli’s and Nathaniel’s amused glances, Dontae dryly said, “You guys are hilarious.”

  “We try,” Eli smiled, his dimple deep.

  As Catherine paused at the end of the aisle and looped her hand through her father’s arm, she gazed at Dontae. He inhaled the fresh, salty air and braced himself. He’d never thought he would marry. And he certainly never thought he’d marry her. But for the last eight months, he’d tried and
tried to get her to become his wife and her answer was always, “Not yet.” He was taking a big chance today. He knew it. But he wanted Ember born to them as a committed family unit. It was very important to him.

  “Wait! Wait!!! I’m here!” Thomas Willoughby ran over the dune, arms flailing. For being so advanced in years, he sure was quick. Catherine’s mouth fell open then she grinned to Dontae. He shrugged at her shaking her head that he was so sly.

  As soon as the man who’d been instrumental in their getting back together joined the audience, the crowd got quiet. Catherine and Henry walked the aisle with agonizing slowness.

  “She’s all yours now,” her father said to Dontae. He turned and whispered to his daughter, “I love you, kiddo.”

  “I love you, too, Daddy.” She kissed his cheek and he went to the front row. Everyone sat down as Catherine turned to her mother. “Well hello.”

  Her mother wiped a tear as it fell, her voice tight. “I fooled you.”

  “You sure did, mom.”

  Margot Zenith smiled, her eyes very red. “Mom, is it? Well. Proof I did something right.”

  “We are gathered together today to join these two people in holy matrimony,” began Mr. City Clerk. “You may join hands.”

  Dontae faced her and entwined his fingers with hers. “You’ve never been more beautiful.”

  “I can’t believe you did this,” she whispered. “But I’m so happy, Dontae.” He blinked away the emotion that threatened to take him down. Darik heard his racing heartbeat and patted him on the shoulder for support.

  “I’m fine,” Dontae mumbled.

  The clerk continued with a long version of the ceremony, even asking if anyone objected. The rings were produced and Catherine glanced to her mother with love. “Grandma’s ring!” Her mother smiled with a look that she wished her own mother was there with them.

  “I assume you have your own vows,” said Mr. City Clerk with a knowing smile.

  Dontae nodded, but Catherine looked stricken. “It’s okay. I wrote some for you.”


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