Lost In Mr. Parks (Park #3)

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Lost In Mr. Parks (Park #3) Page 25

by Lilly James

  Parks pushed into me, moaning, telling me how sexy I looked. All I could do was lie there and take it. “I think you’re about to come, Princess. Do you agree?”

  I wanted to nod, but my head thrashed back and forth instead. My legs were dying to latch themselves around his waist to crush the overpowering sense of coming undone. I was squirming, my back arching off the bed, and my feet came up off the floor, crushing his sides.

  “Mmmmm.” I bit down into the ball as sweat beaded across my forehead and my body tightened, gearing up for a climax. And when it came, it poured. My body went off on its own accord. My legs tightened around Parks, and my hips churned against him.

  “So…fucking…sexy.” Parks pushed through my climax, but his drives were less precise. His hold on me tightened, and he starting cursing. I seized the moment and sat up, threw my arms around his head. My hands, even though cuffed, still found his hair, and I yanked with mighty force as I brought him into me. Needing him close.

  “Oh fuck.” Parks was building, his thrusts become short and quick, his breaths shallow. “Evelyn,” he moaned, then buried his head into my hair, rocketing his hips and driving into me until he was done for.

  He collapsed on top of me, and our sweaty bodies stuck to each other’s, our heavy breathing matching as it slowed. Parks reached up and swiftly let my hands go, then took off my gag. I was too spent to move, but Parks kissed my heated face, over and over.

  “You’re amazing.”

  My mind told me to tell him he was the amazing one, but physically, all I could muster up was a smile. He kissed my forehead, then looked down between us again as he slipped out of me. Oddly, Parks cleared his throat, then looked back up at me and kissed me on the forehead. “Stay here, baby. I’m going to run you a bath.” He kissed me again, about to move, but I pulled him back by his arm.

  “Lie with me.”

  The way he looked at me was strange, almost sympathetic. “Let me run you a bath, then I will stay with you until the water goes cold.” He kissed my nose, wrapped the blanket around my naked body, and disappeared. I frowned up at the ceiling and suddenly got hit with a jab of pain inside my stomach. The pain was so sharp, it made me sit up to try and ease it. Then I saw what he was acting so sympathetic about. Blood. I clenched my eyes closed and buried my head in my palms. Fuck. I’d come on my period! I was mortified that he’d seen. No wonder I had been eating so much lately. I normally did at the time of month.

  I scooted carefully out of bed and tried to gather the bedsheets.

  “Baby,” Parks said, but I couldn’t look him in the eye.

  “I’m sorry,” I apologized for the mess and ruffled the sheets into a ball, ready to take them to be washed. “I’ll get them clean.”

  “Hey.” Parks was by my side, taking the sheets from my hands. “Don’t you dare apologise. I will get them clean. It’s my fault.” He wiped my hair from my face. “I shouldn’t have pushed so deep. I’m sorry.”

  I bowed my head between us, shame building by the second. “No, it’s my period. Not your fault.”

  He tipped my chin up with his index finger. “Don’t feel embarrassed, Princess. I just want you to be comfortable. Let me bath you, clean you up. I’ll get you a hot water bottle and something to eat. What do you want? Name it and it’s yours.”

  My shame had disappeared, and I glanced up through my lashes at him, my heart constricting once again because of how loving, kind, and thoughtful he was. “You.”

  He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in close. “You have me.”

  “And chocolate?”

  His laughter made me smile. “I will get you chocolate.”

  Parks was true to his word and bathed me, then got me into clean pyjamas. He had changed all the sheets, so I waited on the clean bed while he had a shower himself, munching my way through a large bar of Galaxy and holding the hot water bottle Parks had given me on my stomach. I was smiling like a loon. Smiling because I was going to marry the best human being on the planet.

  The door opened, and in strode magnificence with a towel wrapped around his waist. Water drops still scattered across his shoulder blades, and his hair was beautifully messy and damp.

  “Is there anything else I can get you?” He sat down on to edge of the bed, watching me adoringly as I ate my last piece of chocolate.

  “I just want to sleep. With you next to me. Naked.” I smiled. Within seconds, he whipped his towel off and jumped into bed with me. He pulled me into his chest, cocooning me, squeezing me so hard I gasped from loss of breath.

  “Good night, my princess.”

  “Good night.” I smiled contently, settling down against him.

  “I love you.” He kissed me on the top of my head.

  I smiled again and closed my eyes. “I love you more.”

  “Impossible,” he said.

  Chapter Twenty

  Parks’s alarm woke us both up the next morning. It was strange actually waking up with him, because he normally woke up before his alarm and had been to the gym and cooked breakfast by the time I was awake. Maybe he was so worried about me that he just wanted to remain by my side. He was forever the cutest. And I was becoming a sap.

  As I stretched out, it suddenly hit me that it was a bloody Saturday and I had no need to be up that early. A scolding was on the tip of my tongue, but when Parks rose from the bed, my heartbeat rose along with him. He was still naked and stretching out his body just in front of me.

  “Good morning, America.” I laughed, watching his unpurposeful show.

  “Good morning, Britain.” He winked at me. I rolled my eyes and scooted to the end of the bed. Parks was about to come towards me, but his phone rang. I sighed when he turned and picked it up. My annoyance soon turned to curiosity, though, when I watched his lips turn into a huge grin.

  “Camille. We have just got up.” Camille? Who the hell was this person? He spoke in French then and was on the phone for so long I got almost got fed up of trying to work out what he was talking about.

  “Who the hell is Camille?” I asked when he finally hung up. He threw his phone on the bed and crawled towards me.

  “Our wedding planner.”

  “Wedding planner?” Wrinkling my nose in disgust, I scooted away from him. “You’re letting a woman plan our wedding? I thought you were; that’s why I haven’t interfered.”

  His frown was confused. “I am, Evelyn, but she’s making my plans come to life.”

  Scoffing, I said, “Honestly, did she take the job because she wants to fuck you?”

  Parks rolled his eyes. He was used to me. “She is happily engaged, Evelyn.”

  I crossed my arms defensively. “That’s what they all say.”

  “And do they all say they are engaged to a woman?”

  I gulped. Oh God. I hated that I had to swallow down a huge dose of pride. “Sorry.” I also hated apologising. “I’m on my period, and I’m emotional and angry and hungry, all at once.”

  Parks tipped up my chin playfully. “That’s just a normal mood for you, Evelyn.”

  I glared and hated what he said. And hated the grin he was wearing. “So you think I’m moody?”

  “No.” He shook his head, rubbing my arm in reassurance. “I’m kidding.”

  I yanked it from his hold. Reassurance was not what I wanted. “You wouldn’t have said it if you didn’t mean it.”

  “I was joking.” Parks glared at me, his eyes hard and jaw set firm. “Drop it.”

  I flapped away his warning. “What’s the point in marrying me if you think I’m moody?”

  Parks dropped his head on a frustrated sigh. “Evelyn, seriously?”

  I was being ridiculous and I knew it, so I apologised again. Damn it. “Sorry.”

  “See what I mean. Hard work.” Parks winked at me, and I was sold. I didn’t mind being hard work. Parks was also hard work, but I cherished that work. That’s what we loved about each other. We challenged each other, igniting sparks every time we were together. When we
were struggling to breathe, we were each others supply of oxygen. Only we knew how we affected each other so strongly, and only we needed to know. I was hooked on the high he gave me. He was so good for me and always by my side when I thought I was losing my mind. When I thought I couldn’t deal with the situations life had thrown at me, he would be the reason I needed to fight. The reason for me to get up each morning and live my life.

  “What I wanted to tell you is that we are getting married in one of the most sought-after and prestigious wedding venues on the French Riviera. And we have it all to ourselves.” He grinned from ear to ear, showing me his perfect teeth.

  “We’re getting married in France?” He didn’t seem to spot my astonishment at all. I’d never seen this side of him.

  “That’s right, baby. I proposed to you in Sydney, now I want to marry you in France. Honeymoon in Paris. Do you have any objections?” He smirked, bringing me into his arms and planting a kiss on my nose. I didn’t embrace him because my mind was still trying to catch on to what was happening. Parks noticed my body language that time and held me out at arm’s length. “Princess?” His question was swimming in concern. “Tell me what you’re thinking.”

  I couldn’t look at him. I didn’t want to come across as ungrateful because that wasn’t it.

  “It’s just…so sudden. So big. So…” I felt I was sounding extremely ungrateful. Jesus. Who in their right mind wouldn’t want to get married in France? I didn’t want to moan. I didn’t want to make a fuss and put a dampener on our big day. Parks was clearly in his element. Planning our wedding gave him something to focus on that involved making me happy. Hell if I wanted to break his happiness.

  “Are you not happy?” Shit. He sensed my mind ticking. The way I bit my lip to hold in any words that would expose my thoughts told him as much.

  I swallowed, treading carefully. “I would just rather have an intimate wedding. Small church, only close friends and family.” I shrugged a shoulder. “You know, just me and you.”

  “Evelyn.” He scooted closer and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. “I want you to have a fairy-tale wedding. You’re my princess, and that’s exactly what I want to make you feel like. I want to show the whole goddamn world who I’m marrying.”

  Thinking about it for a moment, I realized I was being stupid. If he wanted to show me off to the world, then I wasn’t going to object. I shook myself out of the daze and kissed his lips. “Then I’m more than happy to do what you wish.”

  The sag his body gave made a sob catch in my throat, but I didn’t cry, because the joyous laugh Parks gave as he picked me up and turned me around in his arms had me laughing, happily and dreamily. “Then it’s settled. We’re getting married France.” He beamed.

  On Sunday, we didn’t get up. Instead, we lay in bed, only moving to eat, wee, and pleasure each other. My head was on my pillow, Parks’s on his, and we stared at each other, smiling affectionately. Parks’s hand drew endless pictures and words on my cheeks, and I had to guess what they were, or said. It was extremely refreshing just to relax, forget the outside world, and play silly games with a man I was hopelessly in love with as we listened to the rain thrashing against the windows. It was utter bliss, but an ache that was making itself know inside my heart reminded me that whenever I felt at peace, something ugly was lurking around the corner, patiently waiting to pounce and ruin it. I hated feeling that way. Hated the feeling of never being truly satisfied because I was always holding back just slightly, preparing myself for the punch in the face from bad luck. From fate never wanting me to be happy.

  Pushing that thought to the back of my mind, I focused on what was in front of me, mentally begging that dark shadow to leave me the hell alone. I wanted nothing and no one to spoil what we had accomplished so far. How far we had both come to get where we were at that point.

  “I love every beautiful inch of you.” He kissed me on my nose, and the goose bumps that never left pricked up even higher. “Thank you for letting me in, Princess. You have shown me that love can heal. Thank you for making me a better person than I was yesterday. Every day you make me better, so don’t ever stop being my personal therapist.” He chuckled, only to cover up the fact his words were breaking. Pursing my lips, I begged myself not to cry. I felt the pain in my chest and the stinging in my eyes, but I flapped my hand to appear like it didn’t affect me at all.

  “My turn.” I smiled, propping up on an elbow and shifting the bedsheets off his naked chest. I placed my finger on the hard ridges of his muscles and traced letters.

  “Thank you?” Parks rightly guessed, adorably arching his brow. “Thank you for what? For going down on you just now for thirty minutes?” He beamed. Oh, it was delectable. I didn’t realize I could come so many times.

  Bowing my head, I laughed and watched my chocolate hair cascade in front of me. “Not only that,” I teased, then I remained quiet. Parks gently tugged on a piece of my hair to get me to look at him. When I did look up, I saw the most extraordinary green eyes staring back at me. Eyes I yearned for the moment I woke up. “I want to thank you for everything, Wade. You remind me to never forget what life is really about. You remind me to enjoy it, to embrace the now, and forget the past. But more importantly, you have given me something to live for. Us. Me and you. And our future together.”

  He blinked, and I held my breath, anticipating his reaction. “Oh, Evelyn.” He pulled me into him, snaking his arms around my neck. “That’s the best thing you have ever said to me.” He kissed my forehead, leaned back, and studied my heated face. “I love you so fucking much.”

  Playfully, I shoved his shoulder. “Had to get the ‘fucking’ in, didn’t you? And you say I swear too much?” I laughed as he narrowed his eyes at me, finding me amusing and annoying. He was too much. Too sexy. Too hot. Too gorgeous. Too adorable. Too serious. Too bossy. Too…bloody perfect.

  “I’ll show you how much I like fucking.” In a swift move he had me pinned beneath him and was thrusting into me. Definitely showing me how much he loved it.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  The week passed in a blissful daze, and the weekend came back around in no time. It was the day of my hen night, and my plan to get off early failed as a case overran in court.

  “I’m dreadfully sorry, Evey.” Clarke dabbed his forehead with a tissue as we made our way down the court steps. “That blasted Judge Davis really needs to consider retiring. He takes far too long stringing a bloody sentence together, never mind a verdict.”

  I spotted Cleaver waiting for me in the car and waved, and then turned back to Clarke, watching him fish his car keys out of his pocket. “Not your fault. I’ll see you Monday.”

  “Have a splendid evening, my girl,” he called to my back as I ran to Cleaver’s car. I waved good-bye to Clarke over my shoulder, then climbed in.

  I rode the elevator up to our apartment, wobbling a knee. I knew Parks was already home, and I knew the moment I told him about the hen night, there would be a war. I conveniently didn’t tell him Steph had been planning it since Australia, and conveniently didn’t tell him it was that day. I was running late, though. Arguing because I was going out and he didn’t like it was not on my to-do list.

  Rushing into the lobby, I thought it would be quicker if I was barefoot. After throwing off my heels haphazardly, I ran up the spiral stairs and into the kitchen. What I saw halted my quick steps. Parks was waiting for me with dinner by candlelight, on the dining table. Oh shit.

  “What’s all this?” I smiled awkwardly, glancing at the romantic setting as my heart pounded.

  “For Cleaver,” he said sarcastically and walked towards me, then slipped my jacket from my shoulders and massaged them. “How was work, baby?” He kissed the back of my neck, so I angled my head, giving him access to more.

  “Long. Could we eat?” I closed my eyes for the next part. “I have to run.”

  “For what?” Kissing my skin even more, he made it near impossible for me to tell him.

  I took a
deep breath. “My hen party.”

  His grip on my shoulders tightened, and his soft kisses paused. “I hope you’re messing with me.” As he moved away from me, his body language became as cold as his words. He pulled out the chair for me to sit, so I did, mentally telling myself to eat fast.

  “Shall we eat? The food will go cold.” I picked up my fork just as Parks sat next to me, avoiding eye contact. He didn’t pick up his fork, and I could see from the corner of my eye that he was watching me. Closely. Carefully.

  I was halfway through my food, and he was eating slowly. The tension in the air was so thick, I could have cut it. Deciding I really needed to get going, I pushed my chair back to leave. “That was delicious. Thank you. I’m going to get ready.”

  Parks moved his cheek away from me when I bent down to kiss him, so I straightened up and mumbled on my way out, “So childish.”

  I finished my makeup, singing along to Ella Henderson’s “Yours,” then walked into my walk-in wardrobe. How the hell could I choose what to wear when I had so much choice?

  I was just standing there staring for longer than normal, figuring it out, when a voice that scattered goose bumps along my skin made me freeze.

  “Evelyn.” He said my name like he owned it. I turned in my heels and witnessed his eyes consuming my body. I was in a red lace bralet and a matching thong. Most of my lingerie that Parks had bought me was red. He said he preferred the colour against my skin.

  He remained where he was, and now that his eyes had finished devouring me, they were cold.

  “Don’t,” I warned him. “I would like to decide what to wear in peace.”

  “You could wear my bedsheets.” It wasn’t meant to be amusing, but I laughed. The way he tilted his head and sharply narrowed his eyes proved he hated me going anywhere without him.

  “And why would I do that?” Sighing, I closed the space between us and starting playing with his collar. “It’s one night. I’m always with you.”


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