Kasadya Hellhound Twisted

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Kasadya Hellhound Twisted Page 3

by Swart, Karen

  “Is she going to be okay?” Nanini asked, walking up to me.

  “Yes, she is a tough cookie, remember?” I replied, trying to boost my own doubt; she has to be. I need her; she is my sanity when I go all “world disaster”.

  I walked over to an open spot and planted myself on the couch, my head leaning back on the cushions. Closing my eyes, I went through the night’s events, first the club, then the bridge, and what the hell did Ballen mean by “We still need her service,” he is so dreaming on that. I’ll service him all right, by helping his head off his body.

  “Okay, so since we are waiting, why don’t you guys fill us in on what the hell is going on?” Nanini said from next to me. I lifted my head to look at her, and then looked at the rest. Yes, it would seem that we had some time to talk. Well, until someone did something stupid like shift in and try to attack us.

  “The first day of my punishment, I left Chax’s house early and wanted to go see Maia about the nightmares I was having about a demon.” My eyes stayed on Chax, remembering what happened that day between us. “So, on my way outside I ran into Kali, who was in a trance. She didn’t register who I was or anything. She walked out the front door of the Hellhouse, so I did the noble thing and followed her outside to try and stop her.

  “The moment I touched her she shifted, taking me with her. We ended up in the home of the demon from my dreams. From there it was pretty straight forward; I was forced to fight other demons in death matches, or Kali would have died. We gained more access in Hell and were allowed to visit some of their Earth bound clubs. That is where Max and Adian found, and saved, us. From there we tried to shift back to Exsilium, but couldn’t. So we joined Amon’s team and kicked demon butt until we ran into you guys,” I finished, all of them as quiet as mice during the whole thing.

  “Talk about a crappy vacation! That one freaking sucks,” Nanini finally said. I started to laugh, she always had a way with words.

  “Yes, I agree, it really freaking sucked.”

  “Was Kali the reason why you didn’t turn away from the demons?” Chax asked, so I looked up at him. I remember that night, a step away from freedom, yet I chose Kali above it. I looked into the same green eyes I looked at that night, a weird feeling passed over me, a dreadful feeling to be more specific.

  “Yes. Regardless of what I had to deal with down there, I would never have left her. If I did, I would be nothing more than a demon. My father always said, ‘It is the action of one that defines the character’,” I replied. He nodded and looked at Caim, who was smiling at me.

  “You missed the best part, Kas; you also saved me after centuries of captivity. You offered your freedom not just once, but twice. You are a remarkable fallen, and your parents should be very proud of you,” he said, his dimples showing with his smile.

  “Yeah, here’s hoping. Are my parents well?” I asked, looking back at Chax.

  “Yes, they have not taken your disappearance well, but they are still alive. They will be relieved to see you are safe.”

  I felt tears starting to form in my eyes, and quickly pushed the feeling away. The relief his answer brought was overwhelming. When Maia told me about the attacks I was worried that something would have happen to them.

  “Okay, so how did Godzilla come into the picture?” Nanini asked, pointing at Max who was leaning on the wall next to me. I looked at him, and then at Nanini, confused about the Godzilla comment.

  “She tried to stop him from coming here, didn’t go that well,” Lada explained. I can just imagine that fight, little Nanini against huge Max. She lifted her head and pushed out her tongue, and when I looked at him again he was pissed off.

  “The little girl needs to stay out of grown up business,” Max said. At those words, Nanini jumped up and was in his face before I knew she was moving. It was all just a blur of pink, and wham, she was on him.

  “I’ll show you little girl. You so don’t want to go there. FYI, I’m a Custos,” she said to him. Her head only reached his chest, so she had to look up and he in return had to look down at her. I started laughing and everyone joined in. The picture of the two of them sizing each other up was comical.

  “Okay, you two. That’s enough,” Don said. Nanini took a final look before returning to her seat. Max, on the other hand, was fuming. Oh yeah, if he thought I was a pain in the butt he just got a huge new one.

  “Back to the conversation. Max was badly injured in a fight, and Melissa asked me to try the blood move you see on the movies. So I fed him my blood and it changed him into a half-breed,” I finished, the fallen looking at me and then the other half-breeds they saw tonight.

  “So, can they do the stuff we can do?” Lotan asked.

  “Yeah, pretty much. They just needed a spark to hit transformation,” I finished and smiled at my half-breed friends. They all rolled their eyes. Their transformation was pretty bad, the pain double what a fallen would feel, so they weren’t impressed at first. But the moment they started doing fallen stuff, they changed their minds.

  “Dude, that’s wicked,” Nanini said, leaning back into the couch. I could see her adrenalin was all drained out and that she was very near the point of crashing. Talk about crashing ...

  “Chax, what will Jules do?” I asked. I needed to be prepared, again.

  He looked at me for a while without answering, and in the process, I started to fidget in my seat. I hate it when he does that, looks like he’s about to go all demon on me.

  “If I were her, I would go straight for the other council members. I think we are in for a long day,” he answered at last. Oh, just freaking great, can’t this nightmare end?

  Vulcan shifted in at that thought, scaring the hell out of me. He looked around at everyone until his eyes finally landed on me “Salve, Kas. Glad to see you’re okay.”

  “Salve, Vulcan,” I answered, knowing full well why he dropped in.

  He looked at Chax. “Mind telling me why the other two council members are going insane, calling every fallen back from the field for an emergency? Apparently Jules is talking about a rogue hellhound, fae, and demon?”

  Oh for crying out loud, the woman has no imagination, demon my ass. She is just freaking scared about us kicking her butt. I folded my arms in front of me, irritated with her.

  “Yes, of course. We found Kasadya and Amon, and with them these half-breed fallen. Kasadya and Amon used their blood to transform humans to half-breeds. Jules saw Amon’s half-breed fallen mate and the rest you know,” Chax answered, giving me the eyes again. I rolled mine at him. Please, it wasn’t like we had a lot of options out there.

  “I see. Well, I always love new challenges. May I see what she is so afraid of?” Vulcan asked, looking at me. I nodded to Max, who transformed into fallen. Vulcan stared at him for a while, looking him over, and then turned around to me. “How did you know your blood would change them?”

  “I didn’t, we took a chance and it worked. Apparently not all the things in the movies are a lie,” I answered.

  He started to laugh. “Well, Kas, you have definitely been a first for many. So, Chax, what do we do?” he asked, turning to look at Chax again, who was still trying to kill me with his eyes.

  After a few seconds, Chax looked up at him. “Handle the situation. If Jules or Thonyn disagree, we will have to make them change their minds. I just hope that we can do that without a fight.”

  “Then let’s get this over with, my petunias have been waiting for me all week,” Vulcan said, shifting out.

  I looked at Chax and he looked at me. Oh crap, this is not going to be good. His eyes told me everything. I looked at my friends. I don’t want them in danger. “I will deal with this, and you all go back to the compound,” I said, getting up.

  “There is no way I’m letting you go alone,” Max fired back.

  “The same here, Kas. Your first lesson was that we stand as a team, we are not going to fail today,” Ben pitched in.

  “It’s not about us doing something as a team, it is
a question of the danger you are all in. Go back to the compound and wait there,” I said to them; pissed, and honoured at the same time. I turned around to look at Chax and found Amon in my face.

  “A team, Kas. We are, and will always be, one.” He turned to look at Chax. “Let’s get this over with; I believe like always the council will only see their reason and no other. I am prepared today to fight my own kin, for my own family.”

  “No, you’re not going to go!” I yelled at him, stomping around to stand off against him.

  “We are going, whether you like it or not!” Max snapped.

  “This is not negotiable. I’m telling all of you to step down and get your butts back to the compound!” I bellowed, transforming on the spot. Max was in my face now, still in his fallen body. We spread our wings out, the others ducking away from them. We were in each others faces, and I wasn’t backing down.

  “And I’m telling you that we will not!” he yelled at me, totally pissing me off.

  “Umm guys, I think you all need to calm down,” Lada said from behind me, but Max and I were on a roll, screaming and pushing each other. My wings were vibrating from my fury, and from the corner of my eyes, I could see everyone tensing up.

  “Enough!” Chax yelled, and at that, we both stopped and looked at him.

  “What is done is done. Trying to hide them wouldn’t be possible. They will search for them and have them destroyed. The best chance we have of saving them is trying to explain their nature,” Chax finished and walked over to Don. “I will need Astin on this.”

  “Agreed. I will fetch them and we will meet you at the gathering,” Don answered and shifted out. Chax then returned to me. “Take your friends to the park. The old arena has been closed down, we now meet in a new one.” After he finished, he shifted out, and one by one the other fallen followed.

  I turned to my friends and held out my hands. “Okay, you morons, you wanted a fight, now you officially have one.” Max just huffed and grabbed my arm, the others locking in for the shift. We all shifted as a group to the park I used to end up in when I needed a time out, and yip, we shifted into the middle of every freaking fallen still alive. We all stood back to back, in a defence formation.

  Chapter 3

  As we backed up to each other, the other fallen noticed us and looked confused. Before we shifted we changed back to normal, but I’m sure the moment we need to go fallen, it will be game on.

  A few gasps sounded in the crowd. They had probably noticed Amon and I, yip this was going to be fun. Chax and the rest of his gang came walking up to us; he nodded at me and stopped in front of us.

  “Try and stay calm, if you show aggression the other fallen will counter it. Come, the council is in front,” he said and started walking in the other direction.

  We stepped out of our defence formation and followed them. A few feet in front of us, the other three council members were sitting on another bench. Jules and Thonyn were having a huge fight with Vulcan, who was just sitting there smiling at them. He looked quite pleased with the whole thing, and I must say he was enjoying this.

  “Good morning,” Chax said when we reached them. At his words, they both stopped fussing and looked at us. The moment they registered we were there, they looked at the crowd and began their hissy fit.

  “Fallen, today we face a new threat. Dominus Chax has broken the trust and safety of all fallen, and has brought with him two rogue fallen and a demon. Today we must face this danger and not let it harm us,” Jules said to the crowd, her blue eyes flashing with fire. She was tall but had a curvy body, finishing off with blonde hair spilling around her with a curly wave.

  “Yes, the fallen have suffered enough at the hands of demons, and we will not stand by and watch our only place of safety be threatened by them,” Thonyn echoed. I remember him from my punishment; he was the one that so quickly laid it out. Dark eyes looked at the crowd, resting on me. He was a huge freaking guy, and could easily go for one of Astin’s fallen. His muscles were stretching his shirt to the max, and it was impressive I must add.

  With their hissy fit, the crowd first gasped and then started to talk amongst each other. Soft whispers sounded around us, followed by grunts. I could hear the disapproving tone in all of them.

  “Chax De Luca, what have you to say to these charges?” Vulcan asked, a devilish smile on his face.

  Chax looked at them and then turned to address the crowd. “Mankind’s greatest mistake is that they are unable to overcome differences. Because of this, mankind has invoked cruelty beyond words on each other; all because of a difference of mind. Is that to be a fallen’s fate as well?” When he finished, he looked around at everyone.

  “There is a big difference between a race, and religious disagreement, Dominus Chax. You brought traitors into Exsilium with a demon. Are your kin’s lives not of value to you?” Jules asked him. She stood straight and tall, holding her head high. From what I could see, she was used to standing out in a crowd and demanding attention.

  “Yes, and my actions in all these years have proven that over and over. Every fallen is in my heart every second of the day. It is because of them that I push so hard to ensure we win this war. Not one day has passed in my life that I did not offer myself to the cause, even after the loss of my brother and the death of my sister. I served all fallen and mankind with everything that I am, not once asking for something in return. But it saddens me to look at my fellow fallen and see them make the same mistakes mankind has made. You say that Amon’s mate is a demon, why? Did you come to that conclusion only because she is different from you?” Chax asked her.

  I was shocked at his words. Chax can be a real ass, and his training sucks big time, but his words made an impact on me. It’s nice to see that side of him once in a while. Makes me wonder who the real Chax is, the one he hides from everyone else.

  “What else can she be? She is no fallen!” Jules threw back at him. I looked at her, and was completely pissed off. Didn’t she listen to one word he just said?

  “She is no demon, she is a half-breed fae,” Chax answered. At that, the crowd went crazy, gasps and comments being thrown all over the place. I looked at them, ready for an attack. The noise was deafening, and the tension was building, too.

  “There is no such thing!” someone yelled from the crowd, and I moved to make a defensive stand, trying to protect my friends from this. If someone so much as stepped out of bounds, I am going hellhound on them.

  “An abomination!” another yelled.

  “He speaks the truth, I have seen a half-breed tonight with my own eyes, they exist,” Vulcan said over the crowd, silencing them.

  “Then you must agree with us, Dominus Vulcan, that this is a danger to all of us,” Thonyn said.

  “No, I don’t. If there is one lesson I have learned in the past few years, it is that life has a way of adapting itself to survive. You think of this as a bad thing, but what if this is the next step in evolution, what if this was the future?” Vulcan asked him, and Thonyn went blood red at that.

  “How did they come into existence?” someone from the crowd asked. Oh crap its slum dog time.

  Chax turned to look at me, and I picked up on the clue. I straightened myself and addressed the crowd, “One of my human friends was injured badly in a demon fight. In order to save his life, I fed him my blood and he changed into a half-breed fallen. The rest were the same; only when their lives were in danger did we give them our blood,” I stated. The crowd went quiet, you could drop a needle and hear it fall.

  “The deserter!” one yelled.

  “More, there is more than one!” Jules yelled behind me.

  “You have doomed us all!” another yelled. Okay, here we go, give me your best!

  “Humans don’t fight demons!” Thonyn yelled behind me and I turned to look at him.

  “Oh, they do. There are humans out there fighting just like all of you. Regardless of the fact that they don’t have our abilities, they are still trying to save this world. N
ot all humans tuck tail and run away. Mankind’s history is filled with people who went beyond the call of duty. They share the same cause as us!” I yelled at him. How dare he say that?

  “They are cowards, they run. We have seen it over and over!” Jules pitched in.

  “No they don’t! Tell me why do you serve?” I asked, looking at both of them.

  “It is our duty to serve, our penance for our betrayal,” she replied, her face full of disgust.

  “So, you do this to get a ticket into Heaven?” I asked, smiling at her. Her face was about to explode, but she didn’t answer me, so I turned to the crowd.


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