Rissa’s Men (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

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Rissa’s Men (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Page 6

by Marla Monroe

  “Hey, Deacon. I can’t wait to see the bathroom. Jethro was telling me it’s nearly finished.” Rissa walked over and clasped his forearm. “Show me, will you?”

  “Yeah, it’s nearly finished. The tilers will be back to finish up the floor and such in the morning, but other than the accessories it’s pretty much done.” Deacon allowed her to lead him into the bathroom.

  “Oh, wow! It’s even better than I imagined it would be. Look at the size of that shower. I think I nearly overdid it. The architect told me it was large enough for an orgy, but I didn’t believe him.”

  Deacon groaned at the sound of that dirty little word coming from her mouth. Orgy. Fuck, he and Jethro would fit in with her perfectly.

  “It’s pretty damn big, but you’ll enjoy it. It’s got a nice-sized bench and plenty of handholds, um, shelves to put shampoo and soap and stuff like that.” He pressed his lips together at his slip up.

  “You’ve put everything in here perfectly. I love the wood cabinets. I wasn’t sure what color to make them with the stone and glass. I’m glad I went with what you suggested. It works perfectly in here with the granite countertop.” She smiled up at him.

  It took everything inside of him not to pick her up and sit her on that granite countertop and press his engorged dick against her pussy while he plundered her mouth. He had to grind his teeth at the thought of doing just that.

  “Um, Deacon? Is everything okay?”

  “Everything’s fine. I’m glad you like the wood we went with,” he finally got out. “Let me show you the closets. Not all of the specifics are finished, but you should be able to see what they’re going to look like.”

  He led her to the men’s closet first. “Don’t know what half this shit is for, but it looks pretty decked out to me. There’s everything except a TV and a fridge.”

  “Wow. Definitely a man’s closet. The person I had add the details really knew what she was doing. I can’t wait to see what my closet will look like.”

  “Now there is a TV in your closet. Not sure why, but there’s the frame for it ready to install. There’s also several plugs and USB ports so you can charge your phone or whatever while you get dressed.” He led her into the other walk-in closet that was the size of some bedrooms in houses they’d worked on.

  “Oh, my gosh!” She walked around the room looking at each section. “It’s perfect. There’s so much space even once I fill it up with my clothes and shoes and purses there’s plenty of room to dress.”

  He nearly took a step back when she threw herself at him, wrapping her arms around his waist. Deacon was afraid she’d notice his cock poking out, but she was more excited about the closet than anything else.

  “I can’t believe how wonderful this is turning out. Thank you,” she said.

  “We’re just building it like the plans show, Rissa. Can’t take any credit for the details other than making sure they match.”

  “I don’t care. You’re the ones making my dreams come true. That’s all that matters to me.” She grinned up at him then her eyes darkened and she slowly released her hold on him.

  Yep. She’d just figured out he was hard as shit down there. Pink blossomed over her cheeks in a cute, ball-swelling hue. She licked her lips, making him groan out loud as he followed the tiny pink tip around her mouth. She was fucking killing him.

  “Maybe we should look at the rest now,” she said in a husky voice.

  “Yeah. That’s probably a good idea, Rissa.”

  * * * *

  Oh, good Lord. He was built big and hard all over. She realized as she held on tight to Deacon that he was aroused. His massive cock was huge against her belly. Heat had burnt up her throat to settle in her cheeks. She couldn’t help but lick her lips at the thought of what she’d find if she knelt and unfastened his jeans right then. She bet he’d be big and thick enough it would take two hands to encircle him. At least he felt like that.

  His soft groan told her that he wasn’t immune to her touch after all. She’d begun to think he wasn’t interested in her that way, but this proved otherwise. Now she knew both men were interested, what was she going to do? She couldn’t date both of them. Neither could she pick between them.

  I can’t date either one of them until the building is finished. Anything can happen between now and then.

  “Maybe we should look at the rest now.”

  “Yeah. That’s probably a good idea, Rissa.”

  She stepped back and followed him out of the closet through the bedroom and out into the hallway that housed the other two bedrooms and shared bathroom. They met Jethro there.

  “What did you think of the master suite?” he asked, looking from her to Deacon with something that she was sure a smirk on his face.

  “It’s perfect. You’ve more than hit the nail on the head with what you’ve done so far.” She smiled. She’d wanted a reason to say that line ever since they’d started the project.

  Jethro burst out laughing. “Thanks. Here, let me show you the guest rooms and their bathroom.” Rissa watched as Deacon walked down the hall toward the front of the building. She hated to see him go, but with Jethro right in front of her, she didn’t feel a bit alone. Jethro was a walking dream boat himself. Though he wasn’t quite as big or muscular as Deacon, he still had a hard, well-toned body made that way from good, honest, hard work.

  “Both bedrooms are the same size with nice-sized walk-in closets and the shared bathroom. What do you think of the size now?” Jethro asked.

  “Much larger than I originally thought. It’s funny how when they were open and just, um, framed up, they looked so much smaller than they do with walls in place,” she said.

  “Yeah. See what you think about the closets. They are decked out like the ones in the master suite, but they’re better than most guest rooms get.”

  Rissa walked in and agreed. They were a good size and had shelves in case the guest was going to be there for more than a couple of nights they could unpack. She turned to look up into Jethro’s dazzling hazel eyes. She felt herself lean into him before coming to her senses and pulling back.

  “The bathroom?”

  “Right,” she said and followed him out of the tight confines of the closet.

  She had to admit, it was perfect. The shower-tub combination was oversized, and the vanity with twin sinks complemented the color of the walls and tile floor. It all fit together to form a really nice guest bathroom.

  “What about the powder room off the living room?” she asked.

  “It’s not finished yet. We were working on the bedroom part first. We’ll work on the living room next then finish up with the kitchen and dining room. Have to say I love the kitchen layout you went with.” Jethro took her elbow and led her toward the front of the building where the living room would be. “Do you cook?”

  “I love to cook. I don’t get to much for just myself, but when I have dinner parties, I do most of my own cooking,” she said.

  It was the truth. Rissa had learned to cook from the lady that had done all of their cooking while her mom had been alive. She’d found that she really enjoyed it and had even taken some lessons from time to time when she wanted to learn something new. Cook had taught her how to make the basics as well as a few nice dishes that her parents had enjoyed. When they’d had parties, Cook had merely directed the caterers since she didn’t do fancy food as she’d called it.

  “I guess I can’t see you spending a lot of time in the kitchen,” Jethro said.

  For some reason that bothered Rissa. She narrowed her eyes at him. “I’m not some senseless girl who doesn’t have an original thought of her own. I can do a lot of things.”

  He looked stricken. “I never meant that you were. I just can’t see you in the kitchen with what you usually wear here. You’re always dressed up when you stop by.”

  She sighed. “Sorry. I get so tired of people thinking I can’t do things for myself. No, I couldn’t change that tire, but why should I when I have a service to do that?
I’ve got a business degree and can manage a store just fine.”

  “I’m sure you can. Do people try to talk you out of opening a store?” Jethro asked.

  “All the time. They think it’s some dream that will never see the light of day.” She grimaced. “I’m going to show them though. I’m going to open it and make a success out of it. I bought just at the edge of the new district. Several of the buildings around me are already being refurbished with a bakery on one side of me and a restaurant across the road. I looked into this very closely before I chose this building.”

  “You did an amazing job of thinking it through, Rissa. I never meant to insinuate that I didn’t think you could do something.”

  “Thanks. I’m a little touchy on the subject. Daddy supports me, but deep down I know he figures it will all go belly up inside a few months. I wish he believed in me.” Rissa sighed.

  “I believe in you, Rissa. You’ve done your homework. You picked out the perfect building with good bones and researched the area around you. You’re going to open that store and make a success of it.” Jethro smiled down at her.

  “Of course she is.” Deacon walked over. “Who says she isn’t?”

  “Just people. They don’t matter.” Rissa smiled at the other man. “All that matters is that I believe it.”

  “So, what are you going to open up downstairs?” Deacon asked.

  “Rissa’s Intimates.”

  She lifted her brows as both men groaned then choked. “What?”

  “Nothing. Just wasn’t expecting that.”

  “I think it will be perfect for the area. There isn’t another store like it in the Renascence District. The closest to it is a Victoria’s Secret in the mall,” she said.

  “I have no doubt,” Jethro said. “You’ll get a lot of business with that dress shop a block up. Once these other businesses open, you’ll stay busy. Right, Deacon?”

  Deacon swallowed visibly. Rissa wasn’t sure what the other man was thinking about, but she could tell it was naughty from the way his eyes had darkened.

  “Yeah. It’ll be real busy. Bet you get a lot of men in to buy for their girlfriends and wives, too,” he said.

  Rissa smiled. “I’m counting on it. I’m counting on the two of you to shop there for your girlfriends as well.”

  Chapter Seven

  Tony picked Rissa up right at seven on Friday night. His whistle of appreciation at her outfit was satisfying. She’d put in an extra bit of effort to be sure she looked her best for him. While she really didn’t think anything would come of their date, she wanted to enjoy herself, and that meant feeling her best.

  “You look amazing, sweetheart,” Tony said.

  “Thank you.”

  Rissa didn’t like that he’d already attached an endearment to her when they hadn’t even been out yet. It bespoke of a sense of possession that she didn’t appreciate. She shrugged it off. It didn’t matter. She didn’t have to go out with him ever again if she didn’t want to. It would all depend on how the night went.

  He opened the car door for her, then once they’d arrived he’d repeated the performance, taking her elbow and guiding her up to the front door of the house. He’d escorted her in and remained with her for most of the night, only stepping away when several of the women had made it clear they wanted some alone time.

  “What do you think about him, Rissa? Is he as delicious as he looks?” one woman asked.

  “This is our first date. I’m not even sure I like him yet.”

  “What do you think about Brad and Sarah going out?” another woman asked.

  “I think she’s liked Brad for a long time. They make a nice-looking couple,” Rissa answered.

  She hated it when she was the center of the girl talk. She tried to shift it to one of the other women, but they kept coming back to her.

  “You sure are spending a lot of time at that building you bought,” Taylor, the queen of the little hen party, said.

  “It’s where I’m going to be living soon. I want to be sure everything is perfect,” Rissa said.

  “It wouldn’t have anything to do with those hunks working there now would it?” Taylor asked.

  “Which ones?” Rissa asked. “There are quite a few of them working there. Men who actually do hard work tend to have hunky bodies.”

  “Have you tried one of them out yet?” another of Taylor’s close friends asked.

  “No. They essentially work for me. I’m not about to mess around with someone who is working on the place I’m going to be living in. Now once they’re finished? Who knows?” She gave them a cat-with-the-canary smile and sauntered off.


  She located Tony and wrapped one arm around the crook of his. He acknowledged her with a smile and continued to talk. After a few minutes, he excused them and walked with her around the room to refill her wine glass.

  “Having a good time?” he asked.

  “Yes, what about you?”

  “It’s a nice party, but tell me when you’re ready to go. I don’t want to keep you if you’re tired,” he said.

  Rissa’s opinion of Tony went up a notch or two at that. He’d easily extracted them from his conversation and made sure she had wine as well as offered to cut their evening short if she was tired. Of course, he might still prove to be a typical male and try to get her in bed on the first date.

  When had she become so cynical? Probably at some point when she’d been dating Brad. He’d cheated on her, she was sure. In fact, she was pretty sure it had been with Sarah, but hadn’t cared enough for their relationship to call him on it. No doubt he’d thought he’d gotten away with it. If they’d actually gotten married, she was sure he’d have kept someone on the side their entire marriage. It was the kind of man he was. In fact, most men in the circles they moved in cheated on their wives and girlfriends.

  Rissa had hoped her brother wouldn’t be that way, but she knew he was seeing someone in addition to his fiancée. She’d made sure never to look too deeply into her father’s affairs in case she’d found out that he’d cheated on her mother. It would have ruined their friendship had she found out. But looking at Brad now with Sarah on his arm like some trophy, she knew that she didn’t want anyone like them as a husband.

  So, who did she want as a husband? What kind of man could she count on to always be honest, loyal, and attentive? Jethro and Deacon popped into her head. She shook that thought away. They were hard-working men. They wouldn’t want a piece of fluff like her as a girlfriend. Maybe they’d go for a few fucks, but she’d bore them in no time. No, she’d have to think about what she was really looking for in a man before she got serious again.

  Thirty minutes later she told Tony she was ready to leave. He nodded, and they made their excuses to their hosts. He made sure she was buckled in then drove to her condo. She didn’t ask him up, but was pleasantly surprised when he didn’t hint at wanting to come up. Instead he saw her to the door of the building and kissed her on the cheek.

  “I’ll call you later if that’s okay,” he said.

  “Sure. I’d like that. Good night, Tony.”

  “Night, Rissa.”

  She took the elevator to her fifth-floor condo and let herself in. Tony had been a perfect gentleman the entire night. It made her wonder if he was someone she could trust or if this was all a big ruse to get in good with her. She shook her head.

  I’ve got to quit thinking like this. Tony seems like a nice guy. He isn’t trying to get in good with my father. He works for a medical company. I should give him the benefit of a doubt and see where this takes me.

  Rissa undressed and put away her clothes before walking into her shower. She couldn’t wait for her new home to be ready. That shower was amazing. This one was nice enough. It had two showerheads and a detachable shower nozzle as well. She bathed, paying particular attention to her nipples and breasts as she thought about Jethro and Deacon playing with them, sucking on them. Then she reached between her legs to run her finger over her
trimmed pubic hair to delve inside her pussy. She was wet just thinking about the two men.

  What was it about them that just a single thought had her pussy gushing juices as if they were about to fuck her? Her breasts were aching to be touched by their rough, callused hands. She pinched first one nipple then the other as she thrust two fingers into her pussy before running them around her engorged clit. God, she was already so close. It wouldn’t take much, but she wanted it to last longer. Instead of continuing to use her fingers, Rissa took the detachable showerhead down and set it to pulsing jets. Then she imagined Jethro standing behind her, playing with her breasts while Deacon knelt in front of her, putting one of her feet on his thighs while he held her hips steady so that he could lick her.

  Rissa lifted one leg to rest on the little ledge of the shower then spread her pussy lips open as she focused the water jet from the wand on her sensitive pussy. Holy hell, it felt good. She moved the wand back and forth over her slit and clit so that she was right there. Just the right amount of pressure would send her over the edge. She backed off then started all over again. She knew from experience that she could make it all the hotter by teasing herself.

  She could almost feel Jethro’s hard cock against the crack of her ass with Deacon’s mouth on her pussy. The idea of two men at one time had her so hyped up she could hardly catch her breath. When she finally focused all the water stream’s pulsing against her clit, Rissa pole-vaulted over the top, thrusting one hand into her mouth so that she didn’t scream aloud.

  She nearly fell in the shower as she let her leg drop from the ledge and allowed the shower wand to drop to the floor as well. She leaned against the tiled wall and panted. Moving her thighs together, she nearly came again just from that little pressure. She was so sensitive now.


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