Carrie: Dr. Richards' Littles 3

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Carrie: Dr. Richards' Littles 3 Page 4

by Pepper North

  “Of course, Mr. Covington. I’ll be tickled to help our Little girl get ready for her bath. Here Carrie, you hold Mr. Snuggles.” She handed Carrie a large, stuffed bunny that was squeezable soft.

  Carrie was forced to move her hands from her breasts to take it. Carrie pulled it up to her face and covered her red face with the toy as she lay stretched out in front of the older woman.

  “That’s right, Carrie. You give Mr. Snuggles some kisses. He likes those. Okay, Mr. Covington. I’ll take over here.” Gladys took the trimmer in began to slowly remove the fluff of curls at the apex of Carrie’s thighs. She took her time and used both hands to pull the sides of Carrie’s outer labia apart and together brushing repeatedly against Carrie’s clitoris until Carrie began to move her hips involuntarily. “Just hide your eyes, Little one. I know you’re excited. Can I make you feel better?” Gladys began scooped a white creamy mixture out of a jar and began to smooth it over the shaved area. She moved her fingers to caress Carrie’s inner labia. “You look all red and inflamed here, sweetie. Let’s see if this cream helps.” Gladys continued to stroke Carrie until Carrie exploded with a very strong orgasm. Watching Carrie shudder with an indulgent smile, Gladys thrust two fingers into Carrie’s vagina and held them in deeply until Carrie’s body calmed.

  Carrie became gradually became aware of her surroundings. Did Gladys have her fingers inside her? Mortified, Carrie tried to close her legs but Gladys held her in place with a very strong grip.

  “Just settle down young lady. I don’t want to tell your daddy that you didn’t cooperate with me. He told you to keep your knees apart, didn’t he? I would hate for you to get a spanking because you’re naughty.” Gladys lectured sternly. Gladys wiggled her fingers deep in Carrie’s vagina. “I can see we’ll have to check your temperature often either manually or with a thermometer, Carrie. You feel a little warm to me now.”

  Carrie moaned aloud. She couldn’t believe she was laying her with a nanny’s fingers in her vagina. She sighed with relief as Gladys finally slid her fingers out. With Gladys’ help, Carrie sat up and climbed down from the changing table. Standing there nude, Carrie felt Gladys cup her bottom and urge her over to the tub.

  “Up you go, Little one. Let’s get you in the tub.” Gladys chirped to Carrie. “Oh, look! Your daddy’s back. Mr. Covington, I think Carrie might be running a temperature. Her vagina felt very warm to me. You may wish to take her temperature when she’s out of the bath.”

  “Thanks, Gladys. I’ll be sure to check Carrie’s temperature. We don’t want her getting ill. Good thing the doctor will be here tomorrow. All right, Little one. Let’s get you clean. Get up on your knees so I can see how you look with your new trim. Perfect, you look just like a sweet Little girl! No, don’t sit down yet. I need to wash your bottom before you sit down. Turn around, Carrie and stretch out across the end of the tub on the long extension.” Thomas instructed soaping his hands.

  Gladys waited until Carrie was kneeling in the tub with her breasts against the tiled, long surface. “You’re a sweetie. I’ll go finish dinner.” With a fond pat on Carrie’s bottom, Gladys bustled out of the room.

  Carrie felt Thomas hands next on her bottom. His soapy hands spread the cleanser all over her bottom and moved between her clenched cheeks.

  “Relax, Carrie. I’m just getting you clean.” Thomas pulled apart her cheeks and lathered the entire area. “We need to be sure to get this spot,” he muttered to himself as he pressed a finger on Carrie’s anal opening.

  Squealing, Carrie tried to lift her torso up but stopped immediately when she felt and heard a sharp slap to her wet bottom. She froze in place and felt five more spanks alternating on her cheeks.

  “Carrie, I’m going to clean your bottom several times each day. You need to learn to relax and stop struggling. Now, I’m going to resoap my hands. Don’t move. I’m going to clean around your rectum and then I need to clean inside. The soap may sting a little but you are my brave girl, aren’t you?” Thomas did not wait for her response but repeatedly caressed her opening spreading the slippery soap around the nerve-rich area until he was able to easily slide a large finger into her rectum moving it around constantly to clean every surface inside and out. Thrusting his finger in deeply, Thomas held it in place and questioned, “Have you ever been cleaned so well before, Little girl?” When she shook her head “no,” Thomas continued, “We’ll always make sure you are clean in this area especially. Okay, Carrie, you can sit back down now and we’ll clean up the front side of you as well.”

  Thomas soaped his hands and cleaned her face and arms before starting on her torso. Repeatedly, each breast was lifted and soaped until Carrie lay back against the tub wall wiggling with pleasure. When his soapy hands moved between her thighs, Thomas did not have to caress her pink folds long before she orgasmed. When Carrie had regained her breath, Thomas lifted the slippery Little girl to the floor and briskly rubbed her skin dry. He led her back over the rocker and instructed that she stay there for a moment and he would be right back.

  Carrie watched him open the drawer under the changing table. He removed a very large thermometer and dipped it into a large jar of Vaseline. She watched with huge eyes as he approached her and sat in the chair.

  “Lay over my lap, Carrie. No, the other way, look down at the floor. I’m going to take your temperature, Little one. No, don’t clench your bottom. The thermometer is going in,” Thomas lectured as he pulled apart her nether cheeks exposing her dusky, puckered opening. Pressing the cold, slippery end against her rectum, Thomas slid the thermometer deeply into her bottom while Carrie wiggled her bottom and tried to push the instrument out. “Ten minutes, young lady. Stop struggling, Carrie. You need to relax.”

  Ten minutes went very slowly for Carrie. Thomas rotated the thermometer in her bottom as if looking for the perfect placement. Carrie wiggled now and then trying to push out the large invader but Thomas held it firmly in place. Finally, Carrie felt the thermometer slid out of her rectum and Thomas allowed her to stand up. Carrie watched Thomas twist the thermometer to read the lines etched on the big tube.

  “No fever, Carrie. That’s great news. Let’s get your pjs on and go have some dinner.” Thomas scooped up Carrie into his muscular arms and stretched her out on the changing table. Carrie’s hips were wrapped into the padded diaper and she was lifted down to stand next to the table while Thomas selected a cute pair of green pjs for her. Helping her step into the pants and pull the top over her naked breasts, Thomas kissed Carrie’s belly and nipped at her clenched nipples repeatedly in the process. “Okay, you play with Mr. Snuggles again and I’ll clean up the thermometer and put it away for later.”

  Carrie blushed as Thomas soaped and rinsed the large tube. She hoped that the thermometer would be used much, much later. Carrie jumped when the intercom buzzed and she heard Gladys announce that dinner was ready whenever they wished to eat.

  Chapter Eight

  Thomas took Carrie by the hand and led her back through the master bedroom to the hall. “Do you think you can remember how to find the kitchen, Carrie? You lead me. We’ll play follow the leader.” Thomas smiled as confusion played across Carrie’s face.

  Carrie thought to herself, “Doesn’t follow the leader mean he has to do everything just like I, do it? Let’s try it out.” Carrie said to Thomas, “Hop like Mr. Snuggles.” She took off bouncing up and down as she hopped down the hall. At the end of the hall, she turned and giggled to see Thomas trying to bunny hop in dress shoes after her.

  Thomas paused next to her and began to laugh as well. “I don’t think I hop half as well as Mr. Snuggles. Lead on, silly girl. I can’t wait to see what you have in store for me next.”

  “Daddy, you have to do exactly what I do, right?” Carrie questioned mischievously.

  “That’s right, Carrie.” Thomas nodded his head to agree.

  Carrie puckered up her rosy lips and leaned toward her daddy. He leaned toward her and pressed his lips to hers. Instantly, the game was o

  Thomas picked her up and Carrie wrapped her legs around his waist. Thomas thrust his tongue into Carrie’s mouth demanding her response. Pressing her against the wall, he continued to kiss her until Carrie was focused only on his mouth and how good she felt.

  “You all look much hungrier for each other than for my delicious pot roast but Mr. Covington, you need to feed that Little girl,” Gladys laughed at their guilty faces. She picked the green pj top off the ground and handed it to Thomas.

  Carrie looked down and turned many shades of red to see that somehow her top had magically been removed from her without her even being aware of Thomas taking it off. How could he make her so oblivious to everything around her? She raised her arms as Thomas draped it back over her head and threaded her arms into the appropriate holes.

  Thomas reached under the top and squeezed a firm breast until Carrie squeaked. “I’d rather you go without this all the time, Little one. We’ll take it back off later tonight.”

  Taking her hand, Thomas led Carrie into the kitchen. “We’ll eat informally today, sweetheart. I don’t use the dining room unless we have company to entertain. Since it’s just us bunnies and Gladys, we’ll eat in here together. Jump up in your high chair.”

  Carrie was amazed to see an adult-size high chair. She scrambled up to sit in the high seat. Her hands were raised above her head by Gladys while Thomas slid the tray into place next to her. Carrie heard it click. When Gladys released her hands, Carrie tried to slide the tray back but it was solidly in place. She’d have to wait until someone released her.

  Thomas filled a plate in front of him with pot roast, mashed potatoes and gravy, and broccoli. He put a small bite of pot roast on his fork and held it to Carrie’s mouth. Bite by bite, Thomas alternated feeding himself and feeding Carrie. Carrie refused to eat the broccoli sealing her mouth shut when he lifted the fork to her mouth. “You need to eat your broccoli, Carrie. All Little girls need vegetables to grow strong.”

  “I don’t like broccoli, Daddy. You eat it for me,” Carrie demanded.

  “The broccoli will go in you one way or another, Carrie. You’d prefer it went in your mouth,” Thomas warned.

  Carrie didn’t have an idea what he was implying but she wasn’t going to eat it. Nothing could be worse than that awful tasting stuff in her mouth. “I won’t eat it!” Carrie stated stubbornly.

  Thomas let it go and kept feeding Carrie what she would eat until nothing was left on the plate but her share of the broccoli. “Okay, Carrie, time to eat your broccoli.” Thomas looked at her seriously, “Are you going to be a good girl and eat this? Look it’s only 5 bites,” Thomas said encouragingly.

  “No, I don’t like it. I won’t eat it!” Carrie shouted defiantly.

  “Okay, Gladys. She wants to take her broccoli the hard way. Could you blend this up finely with about a cup of broth?” Thomas asked handing Gladys the plate. “Add a little more broccoli if you need some more fiber for the correct consistency.”

  Carrie was really puzzled as she watched Gladys liquify the broccoli in the broth. Why was she getting out that plastic tube? Carrie watched as Gladys filled the tube with the green mixture and then fit a rubber tipped plunger into the tube. It looked like a big shot except there was no needle at the end just a rounded tip about an inch wide. Carrie saw Gladys open a drawer and pull out a jar of Vaseline and bring both the liquid filled tube and the Vaseline over to the table.

  Thomas left it there while Gladys cleared the table and wiped off the crumbs before he unfastened the high chair tray and scooped Carrie out to sit on his lap. “It’s not a good idea to be so stubborn when you’re a Little girl, Carrie. I promised that you would have to take the broccoli inside you. Since you wouldn’t eat it, we’ll have to put it in your bottom so you can absorb all the nutrients that way.” Thomas quickly flipped Carrie over on his lap and Gladys helped pull off her pj pants and pull down her diaper. Gladys held Carrie’s legs as she started to kick and shout, “No, I don’t want the broccoli. You can’t put it in my bottom.”

  Thomas dipped the inch wide nozzle into the Vaseline and slid it deep into Carrie’s rectum. He quickly pressed the plunger into place pushing the green mixture deep into her intestines. “I’ll need a plug, Gladys. Carrie’s not going to cooperate with us. We’ll have to make sure this stays inside her for at least a couple of hours so she can absorb the vitamins.”

  Gladys nodded and opened another drawer pulling out a thick blue plug and dipping it also into the jar of Vaseline. She handed it to Thomas and reached over to pull apart Carrie’s bottom cheeks and hold them open so Thomas could pull the tube out with one hand and quickly press into place the plug sealing the mixture into Carrie’s bottom. Gladys pulled back into place Carrie’s diaper and pjs before patting her on the back and saying, “Little girl, you need to learn that your daddy always means what he says. Wouldn’t it have been better to eat a few bites of broccoli?”

  Thomas turned a sobbing Carrie over on his lap to cuddle in his arms. He took a wet towel from Gladys and wiped her tear streaked face. “You need to follow directions, Carrie. I’m very disappointed in you. One more act of defiance tonight and you will go to bed before we get to have play time. Now, off the corner with you, Little girl while I have a piece of apple pie since I ate my broccoli tonight,” Thomas instructed sternly. He turned Carrie to a corner in the kitchen without any decorations and gave her a pat on her padded bottom to start her walking. “That’s right, Carrie. Face the wall and put your nose against the paint. I’ll tell you when it is time to come out of the corner.”

  Thomas and Gladys both chatted amicably while Carrie sniffled woefully in the corner. After about fifteen minutes, Carrie knew that they were finished with the delicious smelling pie as their forks landed back on the table. She couldn’t believe that they had put broccoli in her bottom. It felt awful. She should have just eaten it. Now, she had this inside of her for who knows how long and a big plug stretching her bottom uncomfortably as well. She’d even missed Gladys’ special welcome dessert of apple pie. Carrie sniffled. She felt miserable. She was really a very bad girl. Why couldn’t she be a good girl?

  Thomas called Carrie to emerge from her corner. He wiped the tears from her face and sat her on his lap. She gasped as her weight settled on the anal plug pressing it firmly inside her. “Carrie, do you have anything you want to apologize for now?”

  “I’m so sorry, Daddy. I should have eaten my broccoli. Now, I missed the pie. You’re going to send me home because I’m so bad. And, I have green stuff in my bottom. And, I have a big tube in my bottom. I’m sorry, Gladys,” Carrie sniffled and looked at her feet dangling toward the kitchen floor. She was so ashamed of how she had acted and what the punishment had been.

  Thomas raised Carrie’s chin up so she had to look at him. “I’m not going to send you home, Carrie. Little girls make bad decisions and their daddies have to punish them. Now, are you going to eat vegetables at dinner?” Thomas questioned quietly.

  “I’m always going to eat my vegetables because my daddy wants me to be healthy. Except for brussels sprouts. I really hate brussels sprouts. Maybe Gladys doesn’t know any recipes with brussels sprouts?” Carrie peeked at her hopefully.

  Gladys laughed and covered her mouth to hide her smile. “Come over here and give me a hug and I just might forget all the brussels sprout recipes I ever knew,” Gladys said cheerfully.

  Carrie was glad Gladys wasn’t mad that she’d had to help Carrie’s daddy put the broccoli in her bottom. She was very embarrassed still and walked slowly over to where Gladys was standing. Standing forlornly in front of Gladys, Carrie felt soft, warm arms surround her and draw her into a big hug.

  “If you’ll be a good girl for the rest of the evening, I’ll even save you a piece of my special apple pie. Can you be good for me, Carrie?” Gladys questioned softly into her ear.

  Carrie nodded her head vigorously. “I’ll be especially good, Gladys. Your pie smells wonderful.”

kay, you little imp. Tell Gladys good night and we’ll go back up to our room. You’ll have to keep the mixture in your bottom for a while yet, Carrie, so that all the vitamins will absorb. We’ll go watch a movie and relax while we wait.” Thomas took Carrie’s hand and led her back to their rooms.

  Chapter Nine

  Carrie walked very slowly feeling every ounce of the liquid inside her and every inch of the rubber plug sealing her bottom closed. “How long do I have to have this inside me, Daddy? I’ll really eat my vegetable next time. I’ll get lots of vitamins,” Carrie promised with a persuasive smile on her face.

  “You’re not getting off that easily, Carrie. You’ve been a bad girl and there are consequences for not following directions. I’ll let you know when it’s time to take the plug out. You let Daddy worry about that,” Thomas said definitely.

  When they finally reached the master bedroom, Thomas lifted Carrie up on the bed and placed her lying down on her tummy. He selected an animated DVD and slid the disc into the machine. He stretched out next to Carrie. As Thomas had expected, Carrie was exhausted. Two spankings and the emotional upheaval of starting her new life had zapped Carrie almost from the moment her head touched the pillow. He watched the movie and his sleeping Little girl until the last scene. Carefully, Thomas lifted Carrie back in his arms and carried her through to her own bed. Placing her into the crib, he removed her diaper long enough to slide the anal plug out of her rectum before swiftly pulling the diaper back into place and covering her with a blanket. Thomas pulled up the special drop-down railing of the crib and fastened it into place. His Little girl would be safely restrained until he or Gladys tripped the special lever accessible only from outside the crib and released the railing to slide back down into place. He checked the baby monitor to see that it was on and working. Thomas switched the dim lamp on by the changing table and exited the room shutting the door behind him.


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