Carrie: Dr. Richards' Littles 3

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Carrie: Dr. Richards' Littles 3 Page 9

by Pepper North

  Thomas pulled Carrie in front of him and pulled her arms down by her sides when she tried to shield her breasts and shaved public area from their view. “Stand tall, Carrie,” he instructed. “Joe’s a Daddy and this is his son, Steven. They’ve seen Little girls without their clothes. You don’t need to hide.”

  He directed his attention to Joe. “I’m going to just leave you to fix the toilet if that’s okay? I’ve got a very naughty daughter that is going to have all the bad decisions inside her cleaned out,” he said with a wink at the plumber.

  Steven reached automatically behind his body to cover his bottom. “I don’t like enemas,” he said sadly.

  Carrie sobbed, “Me, either.” This punishment was sounding worse by the moment. She stopped crying in shock when Steven clomped over in his big plumbers’ boots and wrapped his arms around her.

  “I’m sorry,” he comforted her.

  Strangely, that seemed to help Carrie. It was almost as if she had a comrade at arms. Steven was another Little that could understand her.

  Carrie glanced up at her Daddy and he nodded to her. Then, he added, “Okay, naughty one. It’s time for your spanking. We’ll let these men get started.”

  He pulled Carrie over to the chair where the paddle was waiting on the side table. Grasping her waist firmly, he lifted her over his lap and picked up the paddle. “Thirty spanks, Carrie. You can count if you want.” Without any pause, he began to swat the raised bottom in front of him. He could see pink patches popping up as he spread the spanks across her white cheeks and down her thighs. It was hard for him to ignore Carrie’s pleas to stop and heart-wrenching sobs but he knew it was important for his Little girl to be punished.

  Finally, the spanking was done. He turned her over and held her gently against his chest. Thomas rubbed her smooth, white skin on her back until he felt her sobs began to weaken. Finally, he heard his Little girl speak, “I’m so sorry, Daddy. I’ll never use the potty again without your permission.”

  “Good girl,” he praised. “I’m glad to hear that. Now, just one more punishment and we’ll be able to put this behind us and forget about your misbehavior that caused so much trouble.”

  “Could we wait until tomorrow?” Carrie pleaded.

  Her tear-streaked face almost convinced her Daddy but he knew Little girls needed to be punished immediately or they would forget what they had done to get in trouble. Thomas set Carrie on her feet. Immediately, she began to rub her red bottom to try to soothe the sting. Chuckling to himself about her precious actions, Thomas directed Carrie out of the nursery. They stopped at the door to the bathroom. “We’re going down to my medical room for the second half of Carrie’s punishment. Are you all doing okay? Anything you need?” he asked.

  While the adults were talking, Steven whispered, “Sorry!” to Carrie. She nodded back tearfully.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The trip to the medical office seemed like it took 10 minutes. Once they got there, Carrie was instructed to lay on her tummy on the table with her legs tucked underneath her so her tummy could expand down between them. Her Daddy helped her get in position and then turned to a cabinet to extract a large enema bag. Carrie was horrified to see that it was yellow and mostly see-through. He hung it on a medical stand and attached a hose to the bottom of the bag. Carrie couldn’t see how long the hose was. Thomas deliberately stood in the way of her vision as he placed the loops of tubing on the shelf below Carrie’s bottom.

  With all the equipment prepared, Thomas began to mix the cleansing liquid. They would need several pitchers of warm water dosed with a cleanser that smelled like peppermint. He poured the first three pitchers into the big bag. Carrie watched in horror.

  “Not all that, Thomas,” she begged.

  “Carrie, call me Daddy. Thomas is the name you use when you are being a big girl. Now, you’re just a naughty Little girl getting an enema. We’ll need more liquid before we’re done,” he warned.

  Carrie felt his warm hand on her bottom. He parted her buttocks and she heard a squirt sound and then the cold lubricant was applied to her clenched anus. She shivered as her Daddy pressed two fingers into her bottom and spread the slippery lubricant around. Withdrawing his fingers, he repeated this application again before Carrie felt him begin to push the flexible tubing inside her. He reached a barrier and Carrie felt him rotate the tubing around while pushing steadily until it popped through and could continue its way inside.

  “Click,” Carrie heard the stop gap on the enema open and immediately a gush of warm water and cleanser streamed into her bottom. She tried to stop it by clamping down with her muscles but she did not have any success. Carrie felt the tubing snaking deeper and deeper into her. Thomas would stop advancing the tube and massage her tummy from time to time as she had cramps or he ran into a tricky curve in her intestines to negotiate around. Carrie laid her forehead down on the table’s surface so she couldn’t watch as the enema bag relentlessly drained into her. Thomas added extra fluid as it got low until finally he reached the end of the enema tubing.

  Quietly, he closed the stop gap on the tubing trapping the fluid inside her. Immediately, Carrie’s head popped up off the table and she turned to look at him. “Is it done? Can I go to the bathroom?”

  “No, sweetheart. Remember, you have to hold the fluid until Joe and Steven have fixed the toilet. We’ll just have to hope that they can finish soon,” Thomas rubbed along her back. “You’ve done a good job taking your enema, Carrie. I’m very proud of you.” He reached underneath her tummy and began to massage her swollen abdomen. His Little girl groaned to feel the liquid moving around inside of her. Thomas moved his hands between her legs. He began to move the tubing, just slightly, so it pulled in and out of her. The tubing simulated her tender anus and Thomas began to see her move toward the tubing instead of away from it. His other hand swept through her drenched folds and brushed across her swollen labia and clitoris. “She may say she hates everything about an enema, but her body loves them!” he noted to himself.

  Carrie began groaning as the caresses began feel really good. “Oh, Daddy,” she moaned. “Oh, please,” she begged as her orgasm loomed in front of her.

  Knock, knock, knock, came at the open door to the medical room. Joe and Steven walked in behind her to see her bottom spread open in front of them with the tubing implanted in her rectum. Carrie couldn’t move without unsettling the fluid in her tummy so she was stuck in this embarrassing position. Then, she realized that her Daddy was still caressing her and had fingers implanted in her vagina to stimulate her. She tried to close her legs but Thomas’ hand that was agitating the enema tubing in her bottom released it to spank her sore bottom sharply.

  “Don’t move, Carrie. You are to stay right there. Remember, this is punishment,” he said loudly so that everyone would hear. Carrie felt him turn to the men asking, “Did you get everything fixed, Joe? Are you going to need to order any parts?” he winked at Joe so he would know he was kidding. Then he added quickly, I’m just kidding, Carrie.” And he explained to the Daddy and son, that Carrie’s punishment was to hold the enema until the toilet that she had broken was fixed.

  “Carrie, sweetheart, I think you’ve have a hard-enough day. I’m not even going to joke around,” Joe answered kindly. “The toilet is all fixed and everything is back to normal. I’ll just collect a check or credit card and Carrie will be able to go potty. This time, she’ll have earned permission.”

  Joe chuckled as he heard a soft, heartfelt, “Thank you,” from Carrie. As Joe and Thomas dealt with the paperwork, Steven walked over and laid his head down next to Carrie. “Want to borrow my teddy?” he offered sweetly patting Carrie’s hand on the tabletop.

  “Thanks, Steven. I’ll be okay. Hopefully, next time I won’t be naked when I see you,” she whispered.

  “It’s nothing,” Steven said. “I think everyone’s seen my bare butt.”

  His Daddy heard that last statement and commented as he put away his folder with all his paperwork
. “Now that I see Carrie’s Daddy taking such good care of her with an enema, I’m reminded that you haven’t had your enema yet this week. I think we’ll take care of that when we get home tonight.” Joe winked at Thomas as Steven’s face fell. “Come on, Little one. That bare bottom of yours needs some attention, too.” He ushered Steven out of the room and Thomas showed them to the door.

  When he returned, he stopped Carrie from jumping off the table. “Slow down, Carrie. I need to pull the enema tubing from you. This should feel good.” He waited for her to relax back down to the table top and he started slowly pulling the tubing out. “I think we were interrupted just when you were having some fun with this enema,” he reminded Carrie as he again began to caress her clitoris.

  Carrie felt the last of the tubing exit from her bottom. She felt poised on the brink of a huge orgasm. She felt her Daddy thrust three fingers in to her rectum to keep her bottom plugged and that last simulation pushed her over into a very strong orgasm. She laid there panting until she regained her breath and realized that she was still holding the enema. “Can I use the potty, now,” she begged.

  “Yes, Carrie. Her Daddy kept his fingers deep inside her as she gingerly got off the exam table. He walked her over to the toilet door and opened it. He pulled his fingers out of her bottom and Carrie ran to the potty.

  Chapter Eighteen

  By the time, Carrie had expelled her enema and Thomas cleaned up the enema supplies, Carrie was starving. She’d missed breakfast and now that the enema had cleaned her intestines, her tummy began growling. Thomas wiped his Little girl’s bottom and wrapped her in a diaper. He carried her down the hallway back to her nursery stopping to lock the bathroom door in the master bedroom. He pulled a warm sweatshirt over her head and left her diaper uncovered.

  “Can’t I wear some pants, Daddy?” she begged.

  “We’re going to be changing your diaper often, Carrie. You’ve still got a lot of enema inside of you that will be coming out as you move around. Pants will just get in the way,” he patted her on her sore bottom. Taking her by the hand, he led Carrie to the kitchen.

  “Oooh! What is that awful smell?” Carrie said without thinking.

  “Oh, you’re good,” Thomas laughed smiling at Gladys. “I think that is your punishment for talking disrespectfully to Gladys, Carrie. It smells amazingly like she’s made you some brussels sprouts.”

  Carrie swallowed heavily, “I’m sure I will love them.” Carrie knew that she would have to eat the brussels sprouts. She’d earned this punishment by speaking rudely to Gladys. Her face turned red with embarrassment.

  Carrie shuffled her feet slowly toward Gladys. Raising her head to look the older woman in the eyes, Carrie apologized, “I’m really sorry, Gladys. I shouldn’t ever talk to you with that tone. I was panicking about the water overflowing but that’s not an excuse – just an explanation. Can you forgive me?” she asked sincerely.

  There was a long pause as Gladys seemed to consider Carrie’s apology. “Little girl, I was very disappointed in you today. I thought you and I were friends,” Gladys began in a low voice. “I will accept your apology when you finish eating the brussels sprouts as your punishment.”

  Carrie nodded sadly and walked over to her high chair. She’d really messed up today. Her Daddy had spanked her and put a big tube way up in her tummy. Gladys was the one that always made her treats and gave great big hugs that warmed Carrie’s heart. Carrie stopped and turned to look at both adults in the kitchen. “I’m going to do better. I promise,” she said solemnly. She turned around and scrambled up in to her highchair.

  Both adults looked at each other and smiled. The Little girl had learned a lot today. It had been a tough lesson but she’d behave much better next time. They hoped.

  Carrie’s Daddy pulled a towel bib over her head messing up her hair. He smoothed it down with a gentle hand and leaned over to kiss the top of her head. Carrie looked up at him with tear-filled eyes. He reassured her with a compassionate tone, “I know you’ll do better in the future. That’s all any Daddy would ask of his daughter. Once, your punishments are done, we forget them and move on.” He slid the tray onto her high chair and Gladys served him a plate of roast beef, mashed potatoes, and those dreaded brussels sprouts.

  He picked up his fork and cut a piece of roast beef to feed to Carrie. Just like any normal meal, he alternated feeding bites to Carrie and to himself. The first brussels sprout bite was awful. Carrie gagged as she tried to chew the vegetable. Gladys was right there with a big sippy cup of water. Carrie gulped down the water to swallow the sprout and to wash the taste out of her mouth.

  Finally, the meal was done. Carrie had eaten her share of the brussels sprouts. She had noticed thankfully that her Daddy had eaten the largest sprouts. She was very lucky that he was looking out for her. She looked up from her empty tray and said to Gladys. “Can you forgive me now?”

  Gladys removed the empty tray from the highchair and helped Carrie slide down to her feet. The housekeeper swept her arms around Carrie breath-taking hug. “Yes, Little one. I forgive you.” She set Carrie away from her gently and added with a smile, “Now, you and your Daddy get out of here and I’ll air out the kitchen so it doesn’t smell like brussels sprouts for the rest of the day.”

  Carrie heard herself giggle. She pinched her nose in disgust. “Yuck! They really stink!”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Their vacation sped past. On the final day, Carrie stuck close to her Daddy. She was going to miss having him around all day. She was torn between wanting this time together to never and her dedication to her law career. “Can I do it all?” she wondered to herself. She decided that other people were successful with a challenging career and a family. She was going to make it work. With that tough decision made, Carrie dropped her head down onto her Daddy’s shoulder and kissed his neck.

  Thomas cradled his Little girl in his arms. He sat at his desk finishing an urgent email to a client. Taking his hands from the keyboard, he ran his large hands down Carrie’s relaxed thighs. Reaching her diaper, he ran a finger into the leg opening to check if his Little girl needed changing. It was sopping wet. “You should have let me know you need a new diaper, Carrie,” he reproached her. “Let’s get you changed. He smiled at the red blush that emerged on her face. She was still struggling to think that using her diaper was something good.

  Moving his computer to the side, he stood lifting Carrie out of his lap and laying her down on the desk. He pulled her tee shirt up to reveal the bottoms of her breasts and he reached eager hands underneath to caress her tender flesh. Sliding his hands down her sides, he laughed as Carrie giggled as his fingers tickled her. Unfastening her diaper, he wrapped it up and dropped it in the trash. He wiped her carefully with the supplies stored in his desk just for this possibility.

  Carrie lay with her legs spread widely apart. She watched as her Daddy licked his index finger and ran the moistened tip down her vaginal opening. Carrie could feel herself getting slick with excitement as Thomas expertly caressed his Little girl. Moaning with pleasure, Carrie encouraged, “Please, please, Daddy.” Her eyes glazed over. His caressing fingers pressed inside of her and stroked the sensitive sides of her vagina stoking her level of excitement until she was writhing on the desk in front of him. Carrie watched him raise his drenched hand to his mouth and lick her moisture from his fingers.

  “Carrie, you are the sweetest candy ever made,” he declared enjoying the red blush that spread across her cheeks. He began unbuckling his belt and unfastened his pants so he could push his trousers and briefs down past his thighs. Grasping his large erect penis, Thomas began to stroke himself from root to tip as Carrie watched with fascinated eyes. Thomas groaned when he saw her lick her lips in reaction to the sight in front of her.

  “Little girl, I think you need a reward for using your diaper. Daddy’s going to put his penis inside you and make you feel good.” Thomas watched Carrie nod vigorously as he inserted his penis just at the entrance of her va
gina. Laughing as Carrie bucked forward trying to impale herself on his manhood, Thomas slowly glided his penis through her slick folds until he was pressed fully inside her. Watching his Little girl’s eyes roll back in her head, Thomas withdrew and slid back inside slowly and deliberately. He continued his slow motion until Carrie wrapped her legs behind his hips. She strained toward him and Thomas could feel her inner tissues shivering. He knew she was close to coming. Letting go, Thomas increased his deep thrusts and ground his pelvis against her clitoris.

  Carrie’s world exploded with the strong orgasm. She pulled Thomas tight against her and her body clenched down on his large penis. She heard Thomas shout as his semen jetted deep inside her. Carrie pulled his shoulders down to meet her body. She kissed him deeply. “I love you, Daddy,” she whispered. You make me feel so good.


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