by Pepper North
“Gladys, would you bring me a glass of red wine?” Carrie asked with a sigh stripping off her jacket and collapsing on the sofa to take off her shoes.
The housekeeper shook her head and suggested, “How about some hot cocoa instead? I’ll bring it in your favorite sippy cup and you won’t have to worry about spilling it.”
“I don’t want cocoa. After the day I’ve had, I need some wine,” Carrie said definitively.
Gladys sighed. “You’re Daddy isn’t going to be happy to come home and have you drinking wine, young lady.”
“He’ll have to deal with it. I’ll explain. He’ll understand,” Carrie replied with conviction.
Gladys brought her a glass of wine with a reproachful look. Handing it to her, Gladys felt Carrie’s forehead to see if she had a fever. This attitude wasn’t like the Little girl.
Carrie waved her off. “I’m fine, Gladys. Just give me a little while to relax and I’ll be good.”
Gladys patted her shoulder and left the room. She was concerned about Carrie. Gladys knew she had a tough job and was often under a lot of stress. Coming home for Carrie to be with her Daddy and be taken care of as his Little was usually a way to disconnect from the pressures of her job. “I think her Daddy needs to know what’s going on,” Gladys thought to herself.
She picked up the phone in the kitchen and called Mr. Covington.
Thomas picked up after several rings and spoke distractedly into the phone, “What’s up, Gladys? Do you need me to pick up some milk on my way home?” he joked.
“I’m sorry to bother you at work, Mr. Covington. I’m concerned about Carrie. She’s home now and has obviously had a bad day at work. She’s refused to change into her Little clothes and she’s drinking wine despite all my efforts to convince her to drink something more appropriate. I don’t think she’s ill, just stressed. Will you be home soon or is there something you’d like me to do?” she asked worried.
Immediately, Thomas began to close his computer. “I’m on my way now, Gladys. Just check in on Carrie every once in a while. I’ll be there soon,” he promised.
Luckily the traffic was relatively light on his journey home and soon he was at the garage doors where he shook his head at Carrie’s parked car. It was almost diagonal in its parking bay. Carrie was usually a cautious driver. “This is concerning,” he thought as he repositioned her car before he pulled his into the parking space next to hers. Gathering his briefcase from the back seat, Thomas walked into the house entering through the kitchen to check in with Gladys before going to see Carrie.
“She’s on her second glass of wine. She seems okay but she’s just sitting there. I’m worried,” Gladys shared with her boss.
Thomas nodded and handed her his briefcase, “Would you put this in my office, please? I’ll go in to talk to our girl.”
Running a tired hand through his hair, Thomas walked into the living room. Carrie was tucked into a corner of the sofa. She’s swung her feet up onto the upholstery and had dropped her head back to rest on the cushions. Thomas walked over to kiss her before sitting next to her and sweeping her feet up on to his lap. He swiped her glass of wine ignoring her “Hey, that’s mine!” protest and taking a large swallow of the deep red liquid before handing it back to her.
“Am I in trouble?” Carrie asked quietly.
“No,” he replied pleasantly as he started to rub her tired feet.
“That feels heavenly,” Carrie moaned. Minutes passed as she enjoyed his strong hands soothing away the ache from standing on her feet all day in court. “I had a really tough day today.” she admitted before asking, “How about you?”
“I’ve had better days,” he responded with a wink. “How about we do something outside our normal evening? Let me take you out for a sinful dinner? What do you say Italian or French?”
“Really? You want to go out?” she asked perking up.
“Yes. Just you and me, out on the town. What do you say? Italian sounds good to me,” he replied pleasantly.
“Italian sounds wonderful. Do I need to change?” she asked indicating her suit. “Don’t I need to wear a diaper?” she asked
“Carrie, I think you need an evening out as an adult. You look beautiful. I’ll call for the car and we can both have a glass of wine on our way to the restaurant,” he stood pulling her to her feet and wrapping her in his arms. “Go brush your hair or whatever women do to get ready and I’ll have Bill pull the car around to the front.” He patted her firmly on her bottom and sent her out of the room.
He made two calls. The first one was to Bill about the car. His second was to Gladys. “I’m taking Carrie out for an adult evening tonight. We’ll miss dinner at home. I hope that doesn’t cause you extra work, Gladys. Could I ask you one additional favor? Would you put the emergency bag in the backseat for me? Just stash it under the seat out of sight, if you would. I think I may need it before the night is over,” he smiled to himself.
“I’m on my way with the bag. What a great idea to take her out! This could be just what she needs,” Gladys said reassured. She’d been worried about Carrie.
Chapter Twenty-four
A few minutes later, they were ensconced in the back of the black limousine. Thomas pulled Carrie close and kissed her passionately before lifting her fully into his lap. “Have I told you how hot you look in your ‘I’m a successful trial lawyer’ outfit,” he asked turning her to straddle his hips. Taking advantage of her skirt rising to reveal her creamy, white thighs, Thomas reached under the prim skirt to grasp Carrie’s bottom.
Carrie gasped. “My bottom is still smarting from my spanking last night,” she revealed looking at him from half shuttered eyes. “Are you sure you want to go out like this? With just me as myself not as your Little girl.”
Thomas could hear the worry in her voice. “Your Daddy has done a bad job of taking care of you, Carrie. I should have made sure that you knew that regardless of how you are dressed, eat, drink, or go to the bathroom, I’ve fallen head over heels with you. You are the one that I’ve been trying to find for many years. Whether you are dressed in a diaper or thong underwear, I want to peel them off you – slowly. Is that what you’re worrying about? Have you decided you don’t like living as a Little when you’re at home with me?”
Carrie was quiet for several minutes as she looked down at his hands on her thighs. “I love you, Thomas. I love being with you out in public. But, I think . . . It’s scary how much I look forward to coming home and being your baby. I’m a grown woman. Why do I get so turned on when you feed me or punish my bottom? Is there something wrong with me?” she asked quietly.
It was obvious to Thomas that she had been worrying about this for a long time. He cupped her chin in his hand and raised it until her beautiful blue eyes met his. “We love each other, Carrie. I just want to make you happy and you want me to be happy too, right?” he questioned the beautiful woman in front of him. “Does it really matter what the world says is normal or abnormal? It’s most important that we enjoy each other’s company. How amazing is it that we found our other half? We can be our professional selves out in the world and do what makes us happy at home. Do you want to continue our time as Daddy and Little?”
She violently nodded her head. “I love you, Daddy. I love how you care for me every day. Even though your hand spanks hard and enemas are embarrassing, I actually feel better physically and mentally since we’ve been together. Today is the end of our six-month trial period. I’ve been worried all day long. What if you didn’t want me to stay?” A single tear drop slid down her cheek.
“Sweetheart! You’re killing me here,” he comforted her wiping away that tear. “I didn’t realize that we’d been together for six months. I decided on day two that I was keeping you. I’d already discarded our agreement for a six month trial. I’ve moved you in permanently.” He smiled as her eyes brightened and the shadow of doubt began to disperse from her expression. “I should, however, have been more romantic. Thank goodness, we’re going
out to dinner. We need to celebrate,” he bounced her on his lap.
Groaning as her pelvis rubbed against his manhood, Carrie threw her arms around him and squeezed. I didn’t want a six-month trial after that first week either.” Pulling back slightly, she pressed her lips against Thomas’ and he immediately too control of the kiss. His tongue swept into her mouth and devoured her. Carrie hummed with pleasure as Thomas took advantage of her widely spread legs and moved his hands to her core. Brushing his fingers to her soaked folds, Thomas stimulated all the sensitive areas that he had discovered over their six months together.
Carrie quickly orgasmed strongly against his caressing hand. “God, she loved this beautiful man!” only realizing that she’d said that aloud when he answered warmly, “And I love you too, sweetheart.”
As they pulled up to the famous Italian restaurant, he helped her slide back into a seat and rearrange her clothes before giving Bill the signal to open the door. Exiting first, he extended his hand to help her out of the limo. Whispering so that her ears along would hear as they walked to the entrance, “Just remember, you can drink all you would like tonight while you’re an adult. Tonight, when we get home, I have the Dr. Richards approved hangover remedy. It worked so well last time!” He laughed at her distraught face and added, “I’m planning on ordering at least one bottle of wine.”
One year later, he pulled the hand of a very, reluctant Little girl up the walkway. Ahead of the were the looming doors to Dr. Richards’ medical office in his home. “Come on, Carrie. You need to stop dawdling. Your appointment is in five minutes. I will have to spank your already sore bottom again if you make us late,” he warned ominously. As she still resisted moving faster than a snail’s pace, he gave her a sound spank on her bottom and picked her up in his strong arms to carry her to the door.
Paul opened the door with a smile. “Another patient that doesn’t want to come see Dr. Richards? I don’t know how he lives with himself. No one seems to like him,” Paul observed sarcastically.
A small voice came from behind Paul. “He doesn’t live with himself, silly. He lives with me!” explained Zoey. “He loves me.”
“That he does, Zoey,” the doctor appeared and gave his Little a big hug. “Carrie, are you afraid to come see me?” he questioned with care in his voice. “Your Daddy tells me you aren’t feeling well. Do you trust me to make you feel better?” he asked searching her face.
Carrie thought and then sighed deeply. “Yes, Dr. Richards. You always make me feel better it’s just the embarrassing beginning and uncomfortable middle that worries me. I’m sure my tummy will get better on its own.”
“Let Dr. Richards take a look at you, Carrie,” her Daddy instructed firmly. “He’ll know how to make you feel better. Then, I bet he’d let us stay for lunch and you could play with Zoey.”
“Hooray!” cheered Zoey as she danced around. “I’ll go tell Jillian,” she shouted as she dashed at full speed out of the room.
“No running, young lady. How many spankings do you need to learn to follow the rules?” They all heard her footsteps immediately slow down as she heard her Daddy’s voice.
“Sorry, Daddy,” came the cheerful voice without a hint of remorse.
“Zoey might actually be out of her punishment corner by lunch,” Dr. Richards shook his head as the two men commiserated silently about the struggles of raising a Little. “Enough delay, young lady. Let’s get you in the exam room and out of those clothes so I can help you feel better.”
Carrie’s Daddy carried her into the exam room and soon she was stretched out on her tummy with a large thermometer deep in her bottom. “It’s going to be a long time until lunch,” she thought with an inner smile. She really did love being a Little even at the doctor’s office.
If you’ve enjoyed this story, please take a moment to review it on Amazon. I always love to hear from my readers about their suggestions for future stories and what they enjoy and dislike when reading an alternate love story featuring age-play. You can contact me at
For your reading enjoyment, the other age-play stories previously published in this series are:
Zoey: Dr. Richards’ Littles 1
Amy: Dr. Richards’ Littles 2
The next two stories in the Dr. Richards series will tell the stories of Coming soon will be the stories of Jake and his Mommy and Paul’s Little, Angelina.