Martine, Missy - Denying His Wolfen Heritage [A Wolfen Heritage 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Martine, Missy - Denying His Wolfen Heritage [A Wolfen Heritage 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 1

by Denying His Wolfen Heritage

  A Wolfen Heritage 2

  Denying His Wolfen Heritage

  Michael spent his adulthood taking care of his baby sister, pretty much putting his own desires on hold. Then Maddie fell in love and married, freeing Michael to have a life of his own.

  He doesn’t think things can get any better. He’s a single, successful architect with his own firm, living and playing in downtown Houston. What more could he want out of life?

  Just when he believes everything is perfect, Maddie shatters his illusions by revealing their family’s furry secret. Now his sister is growling and running around on four legs while trying to convince him he has an inner wolf of his own. And if that’s not bad enough, he’s falling in love with a woman who occasionally has more hair on her legs than he does.

  So, what’s Michael’s response to all the changes in his life? He denies everything!

  Genre: Paranormal, Shape-shifter

  Length: 80,742 words


  A Wolfen Heritage 2

  Missy Martine


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Erotic Romance


  Copyright © 2010 by Missy Martine

  E-book ISBN: 1-60601-877-9

  First E-book Publication: September 2010

  Cover design by Jinger Heaston

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2010 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

  Letter from Missy Martine

  Regarding E-book Piracy

  Dear Readers,

  Reading romantic fiction has brought joy and romance back into my life for many years. Each story different, yet the same. Books filled with passion, romance and happily ever after endings. These are the things that fueled my fantasies for years.

  Now, I write to bring the same kinds of romantic feelings to you. It makes me happy to think that I can bring a little romance and fantasy into people’s lives.

  I’m really lucky because I can earn a living writing my stories for you. I don’t have another job. Selling my books is my only income. When I recently discovered that my books were being pirated, I was devastated.

  Pirating books is the same as stealing. Don’t share this book with your friends. Don’t post copies anywhere on the internet. Don’t sell or auction it to anyone. Please respect my right to earn a living from my hard work.

  With deep gratitude,

  Missy Martine


  This book is dedicated to all my loyal readers who have written and asked for me to hurry and get the next installment of this series written. And special thanks to my friend Sandy who read it to help me find my errors, and my husband, who continues to support and encourage me in my efforts.


  A Wolfen Heritage 2


  Copyright © 2010


  Maddie stood at the riverbank, staring back at the remains of her grandfather’s cabin. Before she could stop it, a single tear slipped down her cheek. She couldn’t believe that everything was gone.

  She and her mate, Remus, had been at the pack house enjoying a group dinner, when the smell of smoke had drifted toward the gathering. The men had all shifted and raced to investigate, but it had been too late. When they’d reached the small cabin, they’d found it in flames. There hadn’t been anything anyone could do. The volunteer fire department had been called, but the cabin burned so quickly all they could do was contain the flames until it burned out. At least it hadn’t spread to the surrounding forest.

  As she glanced around, she focused her gaze on Remus and Michael as they walked around the property. It made her happy to see her brother and mate developing a closer relationship. Michael had his notebook out and was writing away as Remus talked.

  She’d finally broken down and called Michael a few weeks ago. Remus hadn’t really been in agreement with her decision to forgive him, but he’d respected it. Michael had been against her marrying anyone, and he’d done everything he could to break them apart. Her brother was the only blood family she had left. She wanted him in her life, and she needed to tell him about the wolves at some point. It hadn’t been very long ago she’d discovered her grandfather’s journal which told all about her family’s Wolfen Heritage. The secret had been kept from Maddie and Michael their entire lives. Mating with Remus had brought forth Maddie’s hidden inner beast. If she could find her own wolf and shift, then maybe so could he.

  Michael had been very surprised by the olive branch she was offering. They’d made arrangements to get together soon, and then the cabin had burned down. He’d been so upset over her losing her cabin he’d decided to design them a new home as a belated wedding present. Neither of them had even thought of turning him down. He’d been talking with both Maddie and Remus all weekend, getting ideas of what they wanted this new home to look like.

  Although happy at her brother’s seeming acceptance of her mating with Remus, she was still on edge with him being here. She’d never found the right time to tell him about their grandfather’s journal, and now it was lost forever in the fire. She knew that sooner or later she’d have to tell him about the wolf shape shifters, but it wasn’t something she was looking forward to. It’d be hard for him to accept. He was so much like their father. Having him visit, even for a short time, caused a lot of anxiety for her since she constantly had to be on the alert that he might accidentally find out about the wolves.

  Maddie smiled as the men came to join her by the flowing river.

  “Well, Michael, do you have a better idea of what we want now?”

  “You bet, baby sister, I have all of your ideas written down, and I have the specs of the property. It shouldn’t take me long at all to h
ave a preliminary set of plans for you to take a look at.”

  “Just make sure the wiring is completely checked and double checked, if you don’t mind.”

  She watched Remus grimace at her words. She knew it was upsetting to him to see her grieving over everything that they’d lost. I just can’t believe we lost everything due to faulty wiring. I should have known the wiring was bad. I should have had it checked out when I first moved in. Michael’s voice brought her away from her thoughts.

  “So I’m guessing that means that they definitely know what caused the fire?”

  Before Maddie could jump in, Remus answered for her.

  “Yes, they did a thorough investigation and said that the wiring was old, and it was never brought up to code when the new bathroom was added to the cabin. They were surprised that it hadn’t burned down before it did.”

  “Well, you can bet that this house’s wiring will be top notch, and checked and double checked just for you, baby sister. I want you to have the home of your dreams, and it pleases me greatly that you and Remus agreed to let me do this for you. I’m really sorry that I took so long to come around Maddie, but I’m totally behind you now, and I want you and Remus to be happy together.”

  Michael’s sincere words moved Maddie, and she crossed over to him and flung her arms around his neck, squeezing him in a hard hug.

  “Thank you, Michael. You can’t know what it means to us to have you accept us.”

  Giving a long look at Remus, Maddie continued.

  “I never got around to showing you Grandfather’s journal, Michael, and there were definitely some things in it that would’ve interested you. I think, no I’m sure, that we probably need to find some time to sit down and talk. I’d like to tell you about the things he wrote about.”

  “Okay, sis, we can do that, but it’ll have to wait until I come back with your plans. I have one project down in Georgia I have to finish this week, and then I can devote my time fully to your new home. I’ve managed to re-arrange my schedule and put a few things off, so I can be here to handle things during the construction.”

  Maddie looked at Remus, and then Michael continued.

  “I know that Remus’s family’s construction company will be doing the building, but it’s always good to be on-site to be able to change the design when needed, for emergencies. It’ll just be better if I’m close by. I’ll be in the area for a few weeks, so we can definitely find time to talk then. Is that okay?”

  Maddie breathed a sigh of relief. She was getting a reprieve for a little longer.

  “Of course it’s okay, Michael. I’m looking forward to you spending some time with us and getting to know what’s going on in your life now.”

  “Boy, that’ll be a two-minute conversation. All my life consists of is work, work, and more work. But, I have to admit, that’s the way I like it.”

  “Well forgive me ahead of time, but I’m gonna do my best to introduce you to something besides work.”

  “No matchmaking efforts if you please. I’m happy being carefree and single.”

  Maddie studied him thoughtfully, thinking he was crazy, and she was just about to suggest as much when Remus folded his arms around her and pulled her close.

  “I’ll try to rein in my wife’s matchmaking efforts while you’re here, Michael. That’s a promise.”

  Maddie started to say something, when she caught movement out of the corner of her eye. She could see a female coming down the path through the forest.

  “Oh, look, here comes Ariane. She made me promise to go shopping with her today, kind of a mercy trip, to replace some of my lost clothing. You’d like her, Michael.”

  Looking horrified, Michael stared down at his sister, then off in the distance toward the woman walking toward them.

  “I’ll pass for now, Maddie. I have to get back this afternoon to make my flight back to Atlanta.”

  Giving her a huge hug, even lifting her off her feet, Michael gave his sister a big kiss on the cheek, then turned and shook Remus’s hand.

  “Gotta get moving now. I’ll call you when I know the date I’ll be coming back. In the meantime, be happy, sis. Everything will work out.”

  * * * *

  Michael crossed over to where he’d parked his rental car, got in, and drove off down the hill, pausing to look at the attractive woman coming up the drive. He nodded to her as she smiled at him.

  “Now that’s one distraction I definitely don’t need.”

  He stepped on the gas harder, and sped away.

  * * * *

  Ariane watched the man in the car as she smiled at him. He looked positively horrified. Well, she didn’t think she looked that bad, and she was only trying to be friendly. She wouldn’t even have been that friendly, but he was obviously a friend of Maddie and Remus. She’d seen the way he’d hugged Maddie. They must be pretty close, and she’d never want to do anything to offend her Alpha or his wife.

  Looking up, she smiled at Maddie as she joined them near the river.

  “Hi, Ariane, I guess you’ve been looking for me. Something about a shopping trip?”

  Laughing at her woeful expression, Ariane walked up to her Alpha Femm and hugged her in greeting. Immediately her body stiffened, and she began to sniff Maddie’s clothing and arms.

  Maddie jumped and tried to step back, but Ariane wouldn’t release her. She was surprised when Remus stepped up and pulled her away from his mate.

  “What is it, Ariane? What’s wrong?” Maddie asked.

  “His scent, it’s all over you. Who was that man who was here, hugging you just now?”

  Maddie frowned, looking puzzled. “That was Michael, my brother. He was here to take some notes about the house he’s designing for us. Are you all right? You’ve gone rather pale.”

  Ariane saw the same confusion in Remus’s eyes. “That man is my mate. I’m sure of it.”

  Maddie and Remus gazed at each other in amazement, and they both spoke the same word at the same time.


  Chapter 1

  Innovative Lifestyle Designs by Michael Barrows & Peter Caulder. Michael took just a moment to gaze at the writing on the door leading to the offices of the architectural firm he’d started with Peter five years ago. It had been rough getting it off the ground, but they’d stuck it out, and now they were reaping the rewards. The firm was in such demand they had hired an associate to work with them a little over a year ago. She’d helped to ease the load on the partners, freeing them up to pick and choose the jobs that interested them the most.

  Michael sighed deeply and wondered how much of a fuss Peter was going to make about his taking the next month off. Not being a family man himself, Peter wouldn’t understand his need to go to Wyoming to help out his sister. He would have to accept his decision though. Nothing would prevent him from designing Maddie and Remus’s new home.

  Bringing his thoughts back to the present, Michael took a deep breath, then opened the door and walked into their offices. He smiled at the woman who had been with them from the very beginning. “Hey, Melissa, how are you this bright and cheerful morning?”

  “Well, I’m just fine, Michael. You seem particularly cheerful today. Did you run over someone’s pet on the way to work?” Melissa gave him a wicked smile as she glanced up at him. She had worked for Michael and Peter since they started the company five years ago. Although Peter had always treated her like a secretary, Michael had given her his friendship, and he felt comfortable trading friendly morning banter with her.

  Doing his best to hide his smile, Michael gave her a stern look. “Ha, ha, very funny. Don’t you have papers to file, contracts to type, potions to brew in your cauldron?”

  He smiled at the woman who’d single-handedly kept the office running smoothly. She’d proved herself invaluable over the years, always a step ahead of them, smoothing ruffled feathers of clients, keeping track of their busy schedules, and turning herself into the best firm representative he and Peter could have asked for.
Last year he had approached Peter about making her a partner, but he’d objected saying that it was too early in the business to be splitting things three ways. Michael had accepted his decision at the time, but planned to put it back on the table later this year.

  “Were you able to make all the schedule changes I faxed you?”

  “You bet, boss man. Everyone accepted the changes with no complaints. You are now the proud recipient of four weeks of vacation time.” She peered up at him with a curious expression. “Whatever are you going to do with that much time off?”

  Michael spent several minutes telling her about the fire and his plans for Maddie’s new home.

  “Oh no, was anybody hurt?”

  “No, they were very lucky. They were off at some business function at the time.”

  Melissa sighed. “Well, that’s a relief. So, you’re off to Wyoming to design a dream house for her?”

  “Actually, it’s already designed. I shipped the final draft off to them last week so they would have plenty of time to decide what changes they want. Remus’s construction company is going do the work, but I want to be available in case any problems come up during the project. I want this to be perfect for her, something she can be proud of. Maddie’s had so little happiness in her life. She’s due for an overload, and I aim to see that she gets it.”

  “From what you’ve told me, her life is pretty full since she married Remus Wind River.” Melissa smiled at him. “She sent me a card for my birthday last month along with a nice, long, juicy letter telling me all about her new life. She sounded as happy as any woman can be. You don’t have to worry about her any more, Michael. She’s found her place in life, and now it’s time to get on with yours.”


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