Ruined by the Pirate

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Ruined by the Pirate Page 4

by Wendi Zwaduk

  Only one thing was missing. Killian.

  She glanced over to where she’d last seen him before she’d fallen asleep. Instead of a handsome man beside her, Killian leaned against the boat framing. His eyes were closed and his clothes rumpled. Had he been there all night? She slipped from the covers and crept over to him.

  Sarah placed her hand on his forearm. “Killian?”

  The pirate jerked and opened his eyes. His lips parted and his eyebrows rose. “Love? You’re nude.”

  “I didn’t need clothes for sleeping last night.” She grabbed his hand. “Come to bed. Your back must be sore from sitting here.” She placed his palm on her breast. “Please?”

  “You make turning you down almost impossible.” He stood, his hand still on her chest and allowed her to walk him to the bed. “I didn’t sleep.”

  “I’m sure.” She slipped her hands inside his open shirt and shoved the garment off his shoulders.

  He said he wanted to teach her how to please a man. Time for her to be schooled. She kissed his chest, making her way to his flat nipple. When he groaned, she raked her teeth over the tight bead.

  “Sarah, that’s dangerous.” He cupped her head, not allowing her to pull away.

  She eased one hand down his belly to the waistband of his pants. He hadn’t buttoned the trousers. What if she touched his dick? Would he cry out? She snaked her fingers into his pants and smoothed her hand over his growing erection in her palm.

  “Jesus,” he bit out. His grip on her hair tightened. “Sarah.”

  “Yes?” She didn’t wait for an answer. Instead, she licked across his chest to his other nipple. His musky taste—part sweat and part man, filled her mouth. “I want to please you.”

  “You are.”

  Sarah dropped to her knees. She’d seen pornographic images of women kneeling before men and wondered what it would be like. She opened his trousers. His dick bobbed before her and clear fluid leaked from the tip.

  “Go ahead, Sarah. Taste me.” Blush spread from his cheeks down his neck to his chest.

  Sarah flicked her tongue across the tip of his cock. Wild excitement ran through her veins. She liked the way he groaned when she wrapped her lips around him. She rubbed his erection on the inside of her cheeks and sucked him into her mouth.

  Killian groaned again. “Damnation.” He withdrew from her and sat on the edge of the bed. “You make me weak in the knees.”

  “I do?” She batted her eyelashes. She focused her gaze on his. She shuffled across the room, needing more of her pirate. She licked along the underside of his shaft.

  “More, love. You’re doing fine. I love it.” He threaded his fingers into her hair and guided her as to what he wanted her to do. Killian massaged her scalp.

  A shiver ran through her. She loved her independent streak, but she rather enjoyed giving over control to Killian. Pleasuring him wasn’t demeaning like she’d heard when she’d whispered with her friends. The freedom to be herself, no matter how sexual, propelled her forward.

  Sarah wrapped her hand around his cock and licked the head. She felt so bold and enlightened. She took him to the back of her throat. This time he tasted different, but not bad. The fullness took her by surprise. She liked the way they fit together.

  “Sarah.” Killian guided her, bobbing her head over his erection. “Darling.”

  She shivered and shuddered. Seeing him so excited pleased her. She continued to pump her mouth around his cock, mimicking the way he’d plundered her pussy.

  “Wait, love.” Killian let go of her hair and withdrew from between her lips. “Up.” He hoisted her on top of him, so she was straddling his hips. He hadn’t even dropped his pants the rest of the way. “I need to be inside you. Your mouth on me is good—the best. This will be, too.”

  He grasped her hips and seated himself deep within her in one thrust. He arched his back. His teeth gnashed and he groaned. The animalistic aspect of his lovemaking intrigued her. He tipped her forward and kissed her while he guided her up and down on his erection.

  The mattress squeaked and sweat beaded on his brow. This was what giving oneself over to another felt like. She welcomed the unique euphoric high with open arms. The zaps in her body centered between her legs. She clawed at his chest and shoulders.

  “Sarah,” he cried.

  Killian filled her to the hilt and his seed spilled inside her. She shuddered and embraced her orgasm. The crazy, floating feeling came back. For a moment, she forgot where she was.

  “Oh, wow.” Killian kept his wilting erection inside her. “Did you enjoy that?”

  Sarah grabbed a blanket and covered their bodies. The chill in the room wrapped around her and she shivered again. “I did.”

  “Good.” He pulled out of her and rolled to face her. “Sex with you is better than fine whiskey and ten times stronger.”

  She smiled and snuggled up close to him. He’d unleashed something within her. The wild spirit she’d kept under wraps and lace burst forward. She liked the sexual being she’d repressed. She’d completely enjoyed being ruined by the pirate. He’d helped her see and experience what she hadn’t known she’d been missing. Her body ached in so many delicious ways. She closed her eyes. Yes, she wanted to be ruined by him over and over.

  “Oh my, love. You’re going to kill me.” He tugged her on top of him, beneath the covers. “That wasn’t your plan of attack, now was it?”

  “No.” She straddled him, basking in her nudity. The skin on skin contact sent fresh sizzles through her body. “I wanted to please you and I have.”

  “Indeed.” Killian smiled, then the grin faded. He averted his gaze and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Our fantasy is about to end.”

  “How?” She covered her breasts with her forearms. “What happened?” She had an inkling, but needed to hear him say the words. Her father had found them. Either that or Frederick had finally caught up with them. Whichever had happened, she didn’t want her time with Killian to end.

  “Andrews called for me because we’d received a message from your father. He’s demanding I bring you home. If not, he’ll send men to capture you. I can’t allow you to be hurt.” He sat up with her in his arms and tucked the blankets around them. “I don’t want to risk you.”

  His words made sense and his logic was sound, but she didn’t want to leave him or their nautical paradise. She wanted to cover herself. They shouldn’t have been having this conversation with her in the nude. Tears pricked behind her eyes, but she forced a brave face. A lady didn’t show her emotions. She kept the hurt inside until she could weep in private. Despite her upset, her resolve came back tenfold.

  “You said you believed I had the right to make my own decisions.” She’d bared her body and soul to Killian. Now she needed his trust. She tugged the sheet around her chest. “Do you still believe that?”

  “I do.” He smoothed her hair from her face. “What are you thinking? You have my full attention.”

  She wanted more than his attention, but she’d make do. “This—what happens to me—is something I should be deciding for myself. Not my father, not Isaiah and not you. This is my life. I don’t want to go home. I never really wanted to leave England.” She slipped off his lap and gathered her dress from the floor. She didn’t have much choice. The men in her life wanted to change her fate. Then she’d put up a fight. She’d do this her way. “I’ll go to Norfolk, but you’re coming with me. I’m not going without a bodyguard.”

  “I am? I mean, I do want to help you and I’ll guard you with my life, but are you sure this will work? I’m no good on dry land. Give me water and I’m dangerous.” He stood, then eased his pants up over his hips. “What’s your plan?”

  She understood where he was coming from. The rumors told of his exploits. The man spent most of his time on the water. The papers called him slippery like an eel. Still, his brute strength would help and ease her mind. “I’m ruined.” She stepped into her drawers. “Isaiah wants a pure wife. The blood on the shee
ts definitely proves I’m no longer pure.”

  “He won’t believe you.” Killian threaded his fingers into her hair. He massaged the back of her head and stared into her eyes. “He’ll probably claim you’re bearing false witness because he knows he can’t keep you.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “You’re more woman than a man like him can handle and he’s scared of the challenge. I’m not.”

  He wasn’t afraid of her challenge? A streak of excitement flowed through her veins. Maybe her plan could work.

  “You’re quite right. Isaiah wants a statue. A prim and perfect wife to make him look like he belongs with the upper class. The lure of my father’s money is too great for him to accept my lies. My father wants me to stay pure as well. Think of how he’d appear if the rumor mill found out I wasn’t a virgin any longer? He’d be ruined, too. I don’t care. By being here with you, I’ve effectively given up my claim to father’s money.” She climbed out of bed, then pulled her dress down past her head. “He’ll disown me, but I’ll be free to do as I please.”

  A thought crossed her mind. Maybe Killian wouldn’t want her, either. Not when she wasn’t worth any money and couldn’t do anything for him financially. He said she was worth the challenge, but in the cold light of day, he could easily change his mind.

  “What?” Killian shrugged into his shirt. “You don’t appear to be convinced of your own plan? Talk to me, love.”

  “I’m fine.” Not really, but she’d wear a brave face. Now she understood what had to be his ulterior motive. The lure of her father’s money finally hooked him. She didn’t matter any more than the other ladies he must’ve romanced. Her head and heart ached. She never should’ve trusted him.

  Killian stood then crossed the room. He wrapped her in his embrace. “I don’t give in to very many people. I’d just as soon rob you blind, rather than return what I’ve taken.” He rested his forehead on hers. “You make me think otherwise. I’m never going to be a good man, but if I can prevent you from marrying some ass who doesn’t love you, I will.”

  Not the declaration of love she wanted, but he also wasn’t acting like a man in love with her father’s money. “Then take me home.” They’d sort things out there and she’d find out what kind of man Killian Thomas truly was.

  Chapter Six

  Killian bit back a growl. He was losing her. He could see the resignation in her eyes. “Come to the bridge with me.” Give me another chance. Give me anything to prove I care about you.

  “I’ve seen my share of yachts. You do remember you kidnapped me from one, correct?” She rested her fist on her shapely hip.

  Damn it. “Sarah.” He held her tighter, only to have her pound her fists on his chest.

  “Don’t do this.” She shook her head. Tears slipped from her eyes. “Just don’t.”

  “What have I done?” Besides fall in love with you? He kept those words at bay.

  “You’re a pirate. I’m a lady. Our worlds shouldn’t mix. I’m sorry I thought they might and misplaced my faith.” She picked up her slippers and scrambled out of the cabin. The door slammed in her wake.

  His shoulders slumped and he sat hard on the bed. This was why he didn’t keep women around. He didn’t understand them. One minute they seemed to be enjoying themselves and the next minute he was being told how he’d ruined their lives. What did she expect from him?

  Killian kicked out of his boots. He grabbed clean socks from the chest of drawers and pulled out a fresh shirt. If he were going to meet her bastard father, then he’d do so in the nicest clothes he had. Her heart had been broken because of greed. He refused to hurt her because he couldn’t tell her how he truly felt. He eased his arms into the sport coat and switched his work trousers for the suit pants, then grabbed his sole pair of oxford shoes. She wanted him to look like a man of means? Fine. He’d look like a chip off the old money block.

  He dressed in record time and hurried after her. Damned woman. Once he hit the main bridge he noticed the other ships around the Lady Meredith. They were close to Norfolk. Soon he’d lose his beloved ship, his friends and the woman he’d come to love.

  “Where is she?” Killian stood beside Andrews.

  “Out front. She’s been at the railing. Think she’s planning to jump?” Andrews scratched his chin. “I’m assuming you’ll jump after her.”

  “She won’t jump.” At least he hoped not. Killian made his way down to the bow of the yacht. He stayed behind her and cleared his throat. “Sarah?”

  “I knew you were back there.” She didn’t turn around. “Many people on land know what you look like, don’t they?”

  “Not in America, no.” He hadn’t been on dry land in the States in more than ten years. His hair was longer and he’d worn a beard before. He’d lost weight since he’d struck out as a pirate.

  “Despite the rumors of you, no one knows what you look like?” She whipped around. The wind caught the front of her coat and tugged at the hem. Her dress fluttered around her ankles.

  “No, love.” He wanted to embrace her and tell her things would be all right, but how could they be? “I was younger, then. My family is probably all dead and whoever is left is probably back in Boston. I’m sure they don’t care about me.”

  “That’s horrible. They can’t all be dead. Someone must be worried about you.” Sarah sighed. “But I know how heartless people can be.” She surged past him, her slippers clunking on the boards with each step. “Then this is what will happen. You’re going to take me in on one of the lifeboats. We’ll look disheveled. The Lady Meredith will sail down the coast to False Cape.”


  “I’m not taking no for an answer. This is my life and I’m taking the helm.” She folded her arms. “You’re either with me or against me.”

  Well, if she put things that way… “What do you wish of me, your ladyship?” He couldn’t keep the condescending tone from his voice.

  “I’ll lash you to a pole in my bedroom and whip you for your insubordination.”

  He wanted to be upset with her, but no. Her fire stoked his. “Understood.” Maybe one day he would give in to his desire to lash her to the pole and ravish her delectable body.

  “You will play the part of…” She tapped her foot. “I need a good name. Something respectable, but not too peculiar.”

  “John?” he answered.

  “John Thomas.” She nodded. “You saw me stranded on the shore with the dingy lifeboat and helped me from the water. I spent the night with you because I was so very cold and you needed to bring my temperature up. Lots of blankets and such.”

  “You’re getting rather outlandish.” But he liked her plan. “It’ll be late day by the time we reach shore. You can say I simply found you and decided to return you.”

  “Good idea. You’ll need a proper hat and better shoes. I have a friend who might be able to help us out. He makes Father’s shirts.”

  “If he’s that dear a friend, then why hasn’t he made a play for you?” He needed to know where he stood in her life. “I’m sure plenty of men want your hand in marriage.” Including me. Now that was a bizarre thought—a pirate ending up with a wife and sailing the seven seas. Not likely.

  She sighed and straightened his coat. “You wouldn’t understand. My lovely friend, Tobias, doesn’t like women.”

  Now she wasn’t making sense. He opened his mouth to speak, but she stopped him. “Tobias is what others might call a sexual pervert. He likes other men.”

  Killian stared at her. He wanted to say something, but no sound came out.

  “I’ve never told anyone because I do like him as a person and feel he should he happy no matter what hole he sticks his manhood into.”

  Her frank talk shocked and amazed Killian. She continued to surprise him in so many wonderful ways.

  “Anyway, he’ll help you and he won’t make advances on you.” She shook her head and a tendril of her dark hair loosened from her sloppily created bun. “I even tried to tell father Tobias was interested in m
e in order to get out of marrying Isaiah. He refused.”

  “He’s really that bad? Landry?”

  “He is. Help me? Please? You don’t have to love me or even stay once the charade is over. We’ll go to False Cape and go our merry ways. You’ll be back to the seas and I’ll head to Southampton. Surely Felicia can find something for me to do.”

  “The hell you will.” Killian strode away from her to the bridge. He pointed to the crew members. “I need one of our lifeboats prepared. I’m taking Miss Moyer ashore.”

  Two of the crew members nodded. They sprang into action, readying the boat.

  Killian then headed to Andrews. “I’m taking her ashore. I want you to sail the Lady Meri down the coast to False Cape. Understood? You’ll pick me up there.”

  “Have you gone mad? We’ll be spotted.” Andrews toyed with his cigar. “I don’t fancy being arrested.”

  “If you do as I ask, we won’t be arrested—or rather, you won’t be. I’m trusting Sarah. Either she’ll have me led to the gallows or we’ll make our escape. You’re going to be safe.”

  “This is why I don’t like women on ships. Too much trouble.” Andrews shook his head and stomped away. “Too much trouble.”

  Killian went back to his cabin.

  He stepped into the shoes and groaned. Everything felt so constricting. Maybe because he wasn’t a proper gentleman. He was a pirate and a scoundrel. Killian returned to the main deck. “Sarah. We’re ready when you are.”

  Her eyes glittered. “This will be the adventure of a lifetime.” Without a kiss or even a touch, she hurried past him to the boat. “Thank you,” she said to the crew men. “You’ve all been so helpful.”

  Helpful? Killian met their bewildered gazes and shrugged. “I’ll see you again at False Cape. Obey Andrews, my boys. Lower us down.”

  Killian settled in the boat opposite Sarah. She sat erect with her head held high. She appeared as if she belonged on the water.

  “You do look handsome. The businessman attire suits you.”


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